Dear Mr Bigelow

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Dear Mr Bigelow Page 20

by Frances Woodsford

  Phyllis Murray and I came back from holiday a day earlier than arranged. On Phyl's part, she had run out of money. On mine, I didn't like to suggest staying longer and paying for us both, as she is most independent (I'd got away with twice filling the petrol tank) and the car wasn't going very well . . . By a mistaken interest in a place charmingly called 'Wellcome' we went down a 1 in 4 incline on our last day, and I was wondering who was going to push us up, but we managed it. We had a very fine day for the run home, and to my horror I discovered when I reached Bournemouth that I had driven 170 miles practically non-stop. Anyway, it was a good thing to do, for now I know that the maximum day (140-odd) planned for Rosalind's tour next June will be easy. Mother was desperately worried all day, for we were motoring over Dartmoor and a very dangerous criminal escaped from the Prison on the Moor and was at large all day. We came blissfully over, ignorant as anything, not having seen a newspaper for three days, and we couldn't imagine why the police stopped us in Honiton and looked in the car . . .

  Now back at work, and it's still pouring with rain but at least we can change wet clothes. Coming home from Devonshire, I wore my brother's ancient coat normally used to cover the car bonnet on cold nights, and Phyllis wore all the jumpers and skirts she had plus my plastic raincoat. Never mind, it was a pleasant change and we came home revived mentally and spiritually if not physically.

  Once again, thank you very much indeed for the lovely liqueurs, and for being so exceedingly clever over the date. Did you cheat and ask Rosalind, by any chance?

  Very sincerely,

  Frances W.


  Bournemouth Pleasure Gardens

  (copyright Daily Echo, Bournemouth)


  January 6th 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  . . . The first customer in the Baths this morning was a large gentleman accompanied by a small boy. They walked up to the pay-desk and the man said, 'One martyr and one enthusiast, please.' It quite made the cashier's morning! The enthusiast went scooting across the hall to the dressing room, followed by his father proceeding more on the lines of Shakespeare's schoolboy . . .

  I had thought, until I looked up your first letter to me, that we had been corresponding far longer than is actually the case. Your first letter, without either salutation or closing address, is undated, but in my own writing on the top is written 'April 1949'. In the spring, therefore, we shall celebrate our sixth anniversary, though what in, I do not know.

  I looked up this date because I remember so clearly how it was we started writing. I had sent Rosalind a newspaper cutting which I thought would amuse her, and she in turn, thinking it would tickle your fancy, had sent it on to you. That was the first time I had heard that Rosalind had a father. And then, one day this week, I could hardly believe my eyes because there, in the staid Daily Telegraph, was a long paragraph on the same subject as our opening topic – toads. True, the first cutting was about the use of frogs in some out-of-the-way village in Cornwall as units of money, and this is about toads, but I cut this one out and am sending it to you, to repeat history. Do you remember that first cutting? One man was suing another for the balance of payment for a motor-cycle, the second man having given him £10 and the rest in frogs, and he hadn't delivered the frogs. The poor creatures were gathered in sacks and sold to London hospitals, and I remember the judge in the case remarking that he'd never heard of quite such an awkward coinage in his life . . .

  How is your weather? Continuing fine, or have you had the rough edge of the tongue of ice which swept over the Middle States? Over here we have had blizzards and gales of ice and drifts on high ground in Devonshire up to twelve feet in depth. All the roads I went over in November on holiday were impassible. We had a little snow in Bournemouth, but missed the worst of everything, although judging by the cat's behaviour, it was sub-zero weather and we utter brutes to expect him to go out for penny-spending. We sit by the fire all evening and push for front place for our feet, and play Scrabble and eat nuts and enjoy ourselves. A real life of sloth . . .

  Now to do some filing, awful thought. I hope you are keeping well, warm and contented.

  Yours very sincerely,

  Frances Woodsford


  January 22nd 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  . . . Have you read Venture to the Interior by Laurens van der Post? It is the account of his three journeys into the heart of Africa during the last war; is exceedingly well done, I remember, and a most sensible and interesting book. If you have not read it and will let me know, I will send it across. We are almost at the point of instigating a Cross-Ocean Library Service to each other, aren't we!

  Whilst still on the subject of books: did the Giles books of cartoons arrive your end? You never mentioned it, which is so unusual I thought about it the other day and wondered whether it had gone astray or been in the mail on that 'plane which burnt out on Christmas Day. If you haven't had it, please let me know and I'll get you another copy before the printers run out.

  I daresay your newspapers reported the peculiar phenomenon in London the other day, when a sort of midday blackout passed slowly over the whole city. Some of the Italian newspapers, according to the Daily Telegraph, published vivid accounts of people panicking in the streets, and knocking on strangers' doors for refuge; streets thronged with hysterical people, and so on . . . Anyway, one odd result did occur – all the London sparrows put themselves to bed, in the Blackwall Tunnel! I can't make out whether they thought it had been a short day, or whether they eventually decided it had been a very short night. Which do you prefer?

  Blackwall Tunnel runs under the Thames, rather as your tunnels do between New York and the New Jersey shore. Incidentally, just a moment while I try something out, will you? Tunnel. Tunell. Tunnell. Tunnel. They all look a bit peculiar, don't you think so? The more alternatives, the worse they look . . .

  One evening this week Mac was, as usual, late in picking me up at my office, and his excuse was that he had a case of eviction and, as usual again, the children were not turned over to him until teatime, which makes an awful rush for everybody to get the children vetted by a doctor, and settled into some temporary home, before five o'clock. This time Mac took the three children to a Miss Ashby, who already looks after four. In England, I must explain, adoptions by unmarried women are either illegal or very, very rarely permitted, but this lady, who owns a many-bedroomed house, seems to be so fond of children she takes them in as a foster-parent. She can't do it for money, for the most the town ever pays a foster-parent is 35s.0d. a week, and out of that the child must be fed, housed, and clothed. Anyway, Mac turns up with these three infants, and Miss Ashby takes them in, saying, 'About time, too – I wondered when you were going to bring me some more.' 'She doesn't work,' said Mac calmly. I gulped for a few moments, and then asked indignantly whether my dear moronic brother considered looking after seven children single-handed came under the category of 'work' or not . . .

  He will shortly be going away, probably to London, to do his practical work in the studying he is now starting for a Diploma in Social Science through the London University. He will do field-work either in an old people's hostel, hospital almoner's office, or with the Red Cross. I suggested the second might have the most interesting and varied cases for him, but at the moment he is busily engaged going through the book of charities still working (you'd be surprised how many, from Society of Cat-Lovers and Tail-Wavers, to the Society for the Abrogation of Laws Penalising or Favouring Religious Bodies) to choose one he thinks best suited to his particular talents. I feel sorry for him; it must be hard starting studying a new line of work at the age of 37 or 38 or whatever he is, especially as it isn't long since he finished studying for his Associateship of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries. Wish I had the energy to do likewise, but I couldn't cope with C.I. of S. and you, and I think I prefer you!

  Very sincerely,

  Frances W.


  April 9th 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  History, common sense, and my own inclination insists that the first paragraph of this letter should be concerned with the news of the week – the resignation as Prime Minister of our very much beloved Sir Winston Churchill . . .

  I am quite without a really concrete idea as to the reason for this drastic step. Whether Sir Winston thought it time, and high time, to give Sir Anthony Eden a chance. Whether he just felt his health was failing and he could no longer enter into the strenuous days with his full vigour. Whether Lady Churchill put her foot finally down and insisted she had her husband to herself for a bit. Or whether the Daily Herald was right – which I greatly doubt, as disapproval from his own party has never worried Churchill in 80 years and I don't see why it should now. Or whether, perhaps, remembering his promise to remain at the head of the Government until he could give us a reasonably safe peace, and realising that this would take decades, if not miracles, he has decided to give up the struggle. I just do not know. I am very sad and forlorn at his going. Something dependable and stable and brilliant, all at the same time, seems suddenly to have gone, and I feel a little lonely and unprotected and frightened.

  This week I have been reading the second half of Lord David Cecil's biography of Lord Melbourne, and at the moment am just approaching the end of the part called 'The Queen, First Phase'. It seems to me that Queen Victoria must have felt rather as I feel now, when the change of Government first removed her beloved Lord Melbourne from her side, where he had given advice and help and knowledge and devotion and affection to such great result. Still, the world gets on, with or without its great men, and I would not begrudge Sir Winston a few quiet years with a seat on the back benches of the House of Commons, and a fresh supply of brilliant colours and new paintbrushes and canvasses . . .

  There was a letter this morning from Rosalind's travelling companion, Mrs Beall, in which she said both Bill Akin and her own husband had put their respective feet down in insisting that the planned trip to Europe this summer be cancelled if war breaks out in the Far East. Being without newspapers for over a fortnight now, I had no idea things were so serious. Or is it just the usual pessimistic thinking going around? . . .

  This morning Mother trotted over to the little half-shop our butcher maintains in R— Drive. It is seven houses away from our flats, and on the other side of the road. Some customers were in the shop as Mother arrived, and one was saying, 'I wonder who it is singing.' The butcher looked up and remarked, 'Oh, I can tell you that – it's Mr Woodsford.' My brother likes singing as he washes in the morning . . . . . . I leave you to imagine the volume of sound to us poor things in the same building!

  Bowls and baskets of daffodils from the garden, and primroses and blue periwinkles from the countryside, are in every room of the flat this weekend. Spring has suddenly burst out in every direction, bless it. Today it is warm and sunny and you can positively feel the delight of the crowds. I hope you are enjoying equally lovely holiday weather. I am determined not to take the car on the roads again this weekend, as they are a solid mass of motors and very uncomfortable. Instead, I will brave the wrath of the birds, and spend my spare time in the garden.

  Goodbye for this week, then, Mr Bigelow, and I hope you are well and happy.

  Yours very sincerely,

  Frances W.


  April 30th 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  Now that was a very kind gesture, to send me the New York Herald Tribune with the articles on Churchill's resignation, and I appreciate the gesture immensely, just as I enjoyed reading the paper. We did not get the text of Sir Winston's speech to the Queen at his farewell dinner, even when the English papers did get back into circulation, so I was particularly pleased to be able to read it in your paper. It started in true Churchillian style, and finished with an epithet to add to his collection of unusual, but beautifully tailored adjectives – 'the way of life of which Your Majesty is the young, gleaming champion'. Just perfect – not as cheap as 'glittering' would be, nor as ordinary as 'shining'.

  The newspaper arrived on rather an awkward day, for I had overnight painted the front stairs leading down to our hall. There was the paper, halfway through the letter box, and there was I, at the top of the stairs. However, it was done quite easily by temporarily dismissing my upright stance (to match my character, of course) and walking down on the unpainted sides of the stairs. Something like this.

  And in case you wondered, no, I was not drunk. Especially at that hour in the morning, 7.30 a.m.

  . . . It looks as if the end of this page is about due to arrive, so I will just wish you well until next Saturday, and say thank you again for the newspaper. I hope you are well, even if you aren't writing letters!!

  Very sincerely,

  Frances W.


  May 14th 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  . . . On Thursday of this week I was a Presiding Officer at a Polling Station – a nice little 15-hour day. It was in a rather poor district, but the people who came to vote were so very friendly it was quite pleasant. On another Station, not far away, but as you would possibly describe it, 'on the other side of the railroad tracks', it is like digging in cement to get a 'Good Day' out of the voters; but here, nearly everybody beamed when I greeted them . . .

  The policeman on duty at the election told me of his experiences on duty in London during the Coronation. They were on duty from 12 mid-night the night before, to 7 p.m. after the procession had passed, but from midnight until 2 p.m. the police were relieved every two hours and marched to canteens set up nearby, where they could buy whatever they wanted. It was very cold weather, you will remember, and the police all wore their capes. This copper told me that they never once went off for their 15-minute break without having at least a dozen thermos vacuum flasks under their cape, to be filled with hot coffee or tea for the crowds along their part of the route. When they got back, flasks clanking like so many medals, they would get back to their post, back to the crowd, and mutter over their shoulder, 'Here – take this; pass it back.' Then, from 2 p.m. onwards until the procession arrived, he said they were on duty non-stop, and during that period the crowds repaid their kindness. A small child would sidle up to the policeman and say 'Hey, Mister, put out your hand,' and in would come a ham sandwich, or a slightly melted chocolate biscuit.

  The reason I got all these tales from the policeman was that I asked innocently where I'd heard his name before – had it, perhaps, been in the newspapers? It had; he had rescued somebody from drowning and been awarded the Royal Society's medal, and he told me all about this with great gusto and obviously decided I was wonderful, to remember his name, and worthy of some more tales of How Wonderful he was . . .

  No doubt you have heard about Mr Beall's heart attack and Rosalind's altered plans. We are all most sad about it. Last night when I got home there were letters both from Rosalind and from Harriet Beall, and I knew that this morning I would have to write and offer to cancel the whole Tour because it was so silly and selfish to expect Rosalind to come all this way just for a week's car touring. But this morning she seems to have obtained a replacement travelling companion in the person of Mrs Florence Olsen who will, I daresay, not prove nearly as entertaining for Rosalind as Mrs Beall would have been. Poor Mrs Beall, she must be out of her mind with worry, and disappointment. Still, she has seen some part of Europe, and if she never manages to get back again, she can always conjure up the scenes she remembers, and enjoy them; just as I shall always be able to picture parts of America and thus enjoy, at second-hand, another trip around that continent.

  Thank you very much for your letters: I do not know what I should do without the stimulation of the Saturday Special in my mind all week; it spurs me on to doing things when my normal lazy way would be to stay at home and not keep my eyes and ears open for things that might interest you.

  Very sincerely,

ances W.


  June 4th 1955

  Dear Mr Bigelow,

  It seems to me that in one or two expurgated novels I have read, the word 'flaming' is used in place of another word, unidentified as yet, which is common in the Navy as a swear word. Perhaps that is the real use of the word in the expression 'Flaming June'. Today, anyway, what-ever it was yesterday or may be tomorrow, it is dull and wet and blustery and thoroughly disagreeable. I don't altogether mind, for if we get it nasty now, we may get it pleasanter from next Thursday. So thoroughly selfish I am being . . .

  Memo: get some 'anxiety-state' pills. I really cannot go on like this – every meal sickens me, so that I eat one slice of dry toast and four peppermints for my breakfast; one potato, one mouthful of greens, two mouthfuls of meat, and a cup of coffee and four peppermints, for lunch. And so on. It's getting so expensive in peppermints. I am so worried about staff; so worried something will happen to upset The Tour; just so worried generally it isn't funny. Wouldn't it be nice to be an irresponsible type, just letting things flow along as they wish. One evening this week, following a terrible day during which I burst into tears in front of my boss, he telephoned me at home to say he'd just engaged a new cashier and thought I'd like to know, so that I could go to bed and count sheep and sleep, instead of going to bed and counting cashiers and lying awake. What a life!

  . . . I don't think the rail strike will much affect Rosalind's holiday. I have a vague notion her Scotland trip is by motor-coach, which won't therefore be affected; and as our tour is by car, there will be very little difference there. Again, Rosalind is being met at the docks by a car to come to Bournemouth, so that will be alright. It is the most infuriating strike, with, as is so often the case, high tempers, heavy emotion, a disappearance of logic and so little responsibility to anybody else. For a leader of a trade union to say 'The country will break before we break' is sheer madness, and helps his men as little as it helps anybody else. My own opinion is that conditions for workers (I use the word the way the unions use it, in a restricted sense) gradually improve over the years by weight of public opinion, and economics. In other words, the firm that offers the best conditions gets the best workers and can compete favourably with other firms. So the other firms start offering better conditions to their workers, and so on, everybody starts getting a little better. People won't work for bad employers any more, that's all there is about it. But everybody expects far higher services from some people than from others – for instance, there would be utter horror if doctors withdrew their services, but they are just as much public servants as the railways' drivers are. More sense of responsibility, that's what it boils down to I suppose.


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