It All Started With a Lima Bean

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It All Started With a Lima Bean Page 11

by Kimi Flores

  “Okay, so Daddy, the parade is at 9:00. Miss Abby said we go first ‘cuz we are the little guys, and they don’t want the big guys steppin’ on us. So you have to be there right after we get there.” Oh my goodness! He was about to lose it.

  “I’m staying right now. I won’t go anywhere until after the parade is over.” Hopefully, that would satisfy her. He pulled up to the curb. Every parking spot was taken, and there weren’t too many areas left to park on the street. He got out, and then let Madison out. She’d insisted on this costume and now that he saw her in it, he didn’t mind the money he had to drop for the entire outfit.

  “Don’t forget my wings, Daddy.” After she was completely out of the backseat, he reached in and picked up the huge butterfly wings. He hoped she wouldn’t knock anyone out with them today.

  Approaching her from behind, he helped her slide her arms through the elastic bands that held the wings in place.

  “How do I look?” She smiled at him with one missing tooth. She’d lost one of her front teeth that week, and she was the most adorable thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “You look like the most beautiful butterfly fairy I’ve ever seen before. Let me get a picture of you in front of the school.” They were on the way when a group of cackling mothers passed them. Un-freaking-believable. The sparkly-behind moms were walking in as a group wearing revealing garments, each sporting large feathery angel wings and high heels as though they were about to strut their stuff down the catwalk. Why the hell were they even dressed up? This was a parade for the students.

  “Look at the pretty angel ladies.” Madison pointed out.

  He couldn’t even fake it. All she got out of him was an extremely unenthusiastic, “Uh huh.” He positioned her in front of the manmade banner that announced the parade information, turned her around, and took a couple of pictures. The bell rang and Madison ran toward the gate after giving him a peck on the cheek. Standing at the gate was the second most beautiful thing he’d seen today. Abby wore a large tutu, tights, short-sleeved leotard, and ballet slippers. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and she had a little more make up on than usual, including lipstick, which he had never seen her wear before. He stared at her for a good couple of minutes before she noticed him. She quickly turned away without a smile or the enticing blush she normally wore when she caught him staring. Crap.

  He shouldn’t have avoided her. He hadn’t thought about how she might be feeling. He was still too busy processing everything while trying to work his deadline. He would have to try to get her alone to talk for a moment and find out.

  Although she figured he would probably come today, Abby hoped he wouldn’t. She’d already made it her resolve to forget about him. She didn’t know what she’d been thinking about in the first place. She didn’t need a man clouding her judgment. Guys broke your heart and didn’t give a second thought about it. Just like her father and Peter did. No, she wouldn’t let this man do that to her too. No matter how good he looked in those jeans he was sporting. Abby bit her lip thinking about him. Dang it, why did he have to be so scrumptious looking?

  She regretted wearing this outfit Leah loaned her. When Leah first said ballerina, it sounded reasonable, but once she slipped this outfit on this morning, she realized that not only was the leotard going to ride up her butt giving her a wedgie all day, but also the top was super tight. She had to wear one of her smaller sport bras just to push her ladies in a bit. She did not want to resemble a porn ballerina.

  Gathering all of the kids so they could parade through the school in their costumes, she caught Madison’s outfit. It was gorgeous but looked like it probably cost a pretty penny. Caleb would probably do anything that little girl wanted him to. Another reason not to go out with him. He was spoiling her rotten, and she was probably going to grow up to be a spoiled brat. Yeah, that’s it; a strong motive not to pine for this little girl’s daddy, and a powerful incentive not to allow him to hold her heart any longer than he already had. Madison looked up with her sweet, one tooth missing smile. Well dang. She would probably give her anything she ever wanted too.

  After herding the kids out in a single line formation, they began to walk toward the start line. Something shiny caught her eye as she and the kids approached the line. You have got to be kidding me, she thought as her eyes took in the sight of the Power Moms all dressed like the popular lingerie models that put on a yearly show, wings, and all. What. The. Hell? How was it appropriate for these women to walk around the school like this? This was not okay. She spotted Principal Hanson who was not looking in her direction then saw Caleb. As much as she didn’t want to do it, she called him over.

  He came running like a happy little boy and almost looked relieved. “I’m sorry to bug you, but I need to go tell Principal Hanson something. I have to have someone stand here with the children. Do you mind?”

  “Of course I don’t. Please don’t ever feel like you are bugging me. You are never a bother.”

  “Thanks.” She strutted toward her boss and was a woman on a mission. She felt the tutu bounce up and down as she walked and the leotard started riding up but she was not about to pick her butt in front of this crowd. She got Principal Hansen’s attention and pulled him to the side. “Um, why are the Powers dressed like that at school?”

  “Dressed like what?” He turned when Abby looked in their direction. And of course, they noticed her talking to him. Damn. This was not going to be beneficial for her, but she certainly didn’t care right now. “That’s not okay. Let me go talk to them.”

  “Can you wait until I’m no longer standing here? It’s already going to look obvious, but let me step away first, okay?” She turned to face the crowd and, nonchalantly, pulled the piece of ridden material out of her behind. She didn’t get a good enough grip. It wasn’t as unpleasant as it had been, but it wasn’t where it belonged either.

  “Sure. Go join your kids.” She decided to walk back slowly, so it didn’t go up any further. Caleb watched her every step. She tried to ignore the flames in his eyes but how could she.

  As soon as she reached the kids Abby was about to tell Caleb he could go back in the audience if he wanted, when Madison said, “Miss Abby. Your tutu bounces like mine does for dance, and I could see your tushy.” Madison turned to her friend, “My daddy loves to see tushies under tutus.” If it was possible, she believed with all of her heart and soul that, at that exact moment, both she and Caleb could crawl under a rock, never to be seen again. She couldn’t look at him until she heard him laugh. He laughed, out loud. What nerve. This was not funny.

  He tried to contain himself. “I’m so sorry. That’s not funny.” He tried again. She could see him making the effort, but he was not successful. His smile wouldn’t fade. Then she noticed the circles under his eyes. When was the last time he slept? She moved in a little closer. “What?” He questioned, no longer laughing.

  “You just look tired.”

  “I am. That’s probably why I laughed. I’m delirious because of lack of sleep.” They started marching through the school, kids in tow. “I’m on a deadline, and trying to get everything done ahead of schedule.”

  “So nothing to worry about?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Nothing to worry about.” Satisfied with his answer, she continued to walk the kids around the school while she avoided making eye contact with the glaring Power Moms who’d just been kicked off the playground. She was sure they would end up being a bigger pain in her behind than the leotard currently riding up. Without warning, the underwire in Abby’s extremely constrictive bra snapped, stabbing her in the rib. Fantastic. Now she was going to walk around with lopsided boobs all day.

  Abby couldn’t wait to spend this beautiful early November day at the beach with her friends and family. She looked forward to spending time with her mom this three-day weekend since they hadn’t seen each other much lately. When her mom mentioned there was going to be a gathering at the beach, Abby was thrilled to join in. It didn’t hurt kn
owing Caleb was also going to be there. She pulled up to the curb, and stepped out of her car, immediately placing her palms on her thighs. She was afraid that the wind created by the cars zooming past her would send the cover-up she was wearing flying up. Although she was wearing a bathing suit underneath, she was not interested in giving everyone driving down Shoreline Drive a peek-see. After gathering her things and closing the door, she started toward the sidewalk when a car came out of nowhere and parked in front of hers. She knew who it was the second his head poked out of the open car door. Abby pulled her beach bag further up on her shoulder and quickly turned on her heels to sprint away. She only made it to the edge of the sand when she felt a hand gently grab her elbow. Seeing Caleb and the rest of her party from where she stood made her wish she were with them already. After closing then opening her eyes, a deep sigh escaped before she turned to face the guy intruding on her in enthusiasm.

  “Wait Abs. I saw you get out of your car while I was driving by and...”

  Almost irritated beyond words, she immediately interrupted him with an implored, “Peter, what do you want from me?”

  “Your forgiveness.” He moved his hand off her elbow and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I can’t do this with you right now. My friends are waiting for me.”

  He squinted his eyes toward the water to see the group she’d been looking at. “You keep saying that you are too busy Abs, but it isn’t healthy for you to carry around so much hate for someone. You need to forgive me for your own sake.”

  Abby leaned on one hip and placed her arms across her chest like she did every time she was in an uncomfortable situation. “That isn’t the most inspiring apology I’ve ever heard Peter. Get on with your life, and leave me alone.” She started to walk away then turned. She wanted to make her point clear. “Remember, my “problems” are no longer your concern,” she said, lifting her fingers to make quotation marks as she walked back toward him. “YOU left me when I needed you Peter. I cannot forgive you for that. I’ve never been so hurt in my life. Not even when my dad left us. I’m over you, and your so called apologies.”

  “Abby I was seventeen and didn’t know any better. I understand that it’s no excuse, but I KNOW what I did was wrong, and I really need you to forgive me.” He pleaded. “I don’t even know what happened to the baby. One minute you tell me that you are pregnant, and then the next minute you left school. Where is my child, Abs? Did you give it up for adoption, or did you–” He paused a moment. “–did you have an abortion?” Peter said this with a little bite to it. As if he even had the right to ask such a question.

  “Nice Peter. Way to make this all better.” She backed away, not able to stand there looking at him any longer. Her stomach clenched, and she thought she might be sick. “How dare you! Leave me alone, and NEVER contact me again, do you hear me?” She shouted, trying to fight back the tears but just couldn’t. She ran to the closest bathroom hoping to compose herself and to avoid throwing up.

  Caleb watched a heated discussion between Abby and the guy he now knew to be her ex-boyfriend. Not wanting to step over any lines, he held himself back from charging over and making his presence known. After seeing her dart off to the bathroom, he found his feet moving quickly in that direction before his mind had a chance to think about what he was doing. By the time he got to the restrooms, Peter was long gone. Caleb waited until Abby stepped out a few minutes later, and she looked up at him with bloodshot swollen eyes. Damn. She had been crying. Something inside of him rumbled and stirred. He felt so protective of her and wanted to pummel Peter. Who in the hell gave him the right to make Abby cry? His anger was really starting to come to a head. Caleb could easily leave, hunt that jackass down, and beat the crap out of him, but Abby needed him right here by her side.

  Grabbing her and pulling her into his chest, he asked, “Everything okay?” She placed her cheek on his bare pecs. Feeling the contact of her soft face on his chest did funny things to his heartbeat. He felt it speed up a bit and hoped she didn’t notice.

  “Yep, everything is fine now.” She sniffed then wiped under her eye.

  “I don’t mean to pry, but what happened?” He pulled her away, bent his knees trying to make eye contact with her, but she avoided looking back.

  She stared out toward the water. “I was just talking to Peter, you know, Tiffany and Blaine’s brother.” She moved her gaze toward the ground then took a quick peek at him before looking away again. “He wanted to rehash things, and I’m just not interested in doing that. He said just enough to get under my skin, but really, I’m okay now. Let’s join everyone and enjoy this gorgeous weather. I’m tired of letting other people ruin my day.” She started to walk toward the ocean, pulling on his arm.

  “If you are sure you are okay, then let’s go have a good time.” She finally looked at him and smiled sweetly as they walked through the sand.

  “Miss Abby, there you are.” Madison squealed as she ran up, wearing a little wetsuit. “I told Grammy that you were going to help me plant another seed today, and she told me lots of portant stuff to help.”

  “I brought everything with me so we can do it when we get back to your house later.” Caleb had offered to cook for their group at his place once they were ready to leave the beach. Abby couldn’t wait to see the home that he and Madison shared.

  “I’m so ascited. I can’t wait! I know why mine didn’t grow before, and I’m sure this one will.” Madison clapped her little hands together and offered a huge full smile, minus that one tooth.

  Abby thought that was a strange statement, so she had to ask, “You do? Why do you think it didn’t grow?”

  “I’ll show you later Miss Abby.” The little girl started to run away toward the direction Caleb had gone a moment ago.

  “Sounds good.” Abby called out to her. There was something so special about that little angel. Abby truly enjoyed all of her students, but this sweet girl genuinely tugged on her heartstrings. Her eyes and thoughts left Madison as she noticed the really hot guy by the oceanfront. Wait a minute, THAT’S the daddy Madison was running to. Caleb had his shirt off when he found her at the bathroom, but he was too close to her, and she didn’t want him to catch her ogling him. He was now walking, still shirtless and only wearing board shorts while carrying a surfboard out to the water. Her quick breath surprised her. He was a freaking gorgeous man, but she didn’t imagine he looked like that without a shirt on, cut muscles and all. It made sense if he surfed a lot. She just didn’t expect her reaction, and Holy Guacamole, he had an enormous tattoo of an angel covering his entire back. Yes, please and thank you. Abby would love to get a closer look and trace the design with her fingertip. It looked like the angel was bowing, and the wings that covered Caleb’s shoulder blades and ribs were hugging the angel. She’d never been interested in guys with tattoos before, but it just looked so yummy on him. She felt lightheaded as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Get a grip on yourself Abby.” She murmured to herself, looking away. After realizing that she had been drooling over him, she looked around and saw Grace turn her head away with a slight smile on her lips.

  “Busted.” She told herself while walking toward the rest of the group.

  “Caleb has had Madison on his board with him ever since she was a toddler.” Grace shared this while sitting in her beach chair and gazing out at the water.

  “Oh.” It was then that Abby noticed the little girl in front of Caleb as they came in on a small wave. Thank goodness Grace thought that’s what she was staring at. She made her way around to greet everyone. Her mom said, “I thought Leah was coming today.”

  “No, she couldn’t get out of being at the wedding that she was working. The bride insisted she come.” Abby didn’t hide her disappointment. The only part she didn’t like about Leah’s career was that she had to work a lot of weekends because weddings were a crucial part of her business.

  “That’s too bad. I haven’t seen her in a while. You girls need to come around mo
re often.” Abby would love to do this, but her mom wasn’t in town a lot lately, and when she was home, she spent most of her time with her husband, Dave.

  “You travel so much, mom. How can we see you? Is there a cruise you haven’t been on?” She sadly pointed out.

  “When you retire from teaching, you’ll see how wonderful it is to travel without a thought about having to go back to work.” Her mom had worked many years as a teacher, as well. Her mom loved her job but enjoyed her retirement even more.

  Abby put her things down on the grainy sand and started to remove her modest cover-up. She couldn’t believe that Leah talked her into buying this black Robin Piccone ‘Penelope’ crochet overlay, one-piece swimsuit. She fell in love with it when she saw it on the mannequin at the large department store, but feared that her wide hips, larger rear, and mountainous chest just didn’t look right in it. Oh well. She was here and wasn’t going to chicken out now. She grabbed all the courage she could muster, and threw the cover-up on top of her unfolded chair.

  “Oh my,” Her mom said, a bit shocked knowing how modest Abby’s swimsuits have always been.

  “That is such a darling suit Abby, and it looks stunning on you. I love the buttons on the hip area.” Abby could just kiss Grace for using her gift of turning awkward situations around.

  They were all facing the ocean when Madison yelled, “Daddy, are you ok?”

  Caleb was lying face down on the sand with his legs wrapped up in the leash of his surfboard. Sand flew from his mouth as he laughed out loud with his eyes closed. Madison joined in, covering her mouth as she giggled. He got up and headed toward their group while wiping the sand off his face and body. Once opened, Caleb didn’t take his eyes off Abby. Her heart pounded in her chest. She had to look away because, in this swimsuit, it was obvious that she was breathing heavily.


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