It All Started With a Lima Bean

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It All Started With a Lima Bean Page 27

by Kimi Flores

  “Pig tails? Oh man, I wish I had seen that. You are sneaky my friend, I knew you had an ulterior motive for talking about him. If he was anything like Caleb I might have fallen head over heels in love, but he’s not. I will enjoy the view while he visits, but ain’t nobody got time for a playa.” Leah’s sassiness could bring Abby out of a slump any day.

  “I don’t know if I should be concerned by that statement about my fiancé or happy. Because it’s you, I’ll go for happy.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Caleb walked in the bedroom, stepped behind Abby, and gave her a kiss on the neck.

  “Boyfriend-less envious girl standing right here guys. Wait for me to leave before getting all touchy feely please.” Caleb always laughed at Leah’s comments, but Abby knew what she said wasn’t far from the truth. She’d been so wrapped up in him and the wedding that she hadn’t taken too much time for the two of them. She would have to be mindful of that after the honeymoon. “I need to head out now anyway. I’ll have Madison back tonight after dinner. She is going to be my dinner date at that new steakhouse since my vegetarian friend here would never go with me.”

  “Thanks again. I can’t wait to finish her gift and see her expression.” Abby was overjoyed about her present.

  Leah waved as she walked out of the room, down the stairs and by the sound of the front door opening then closing, out of the house.

  “I know you are busy working in here and all but do you mind keeping me company while I put my laundry away in the other room?” Caleb pulled on the bottom of her oversized button up shirt directing her out of the room. “By the way, I love my shirts on you.” He smirked.

  She tried to ignore his smile, but it was nearly impossible. “I’m sure I can tear myself away for a bit, but then I need to head to the backyard to finish up.”

  He walked behind her, and she knew exactly where his eyes were. They were burning a hole in her thin cotton pant-covered bottom. She wiggled her hips then said, “Mr. Hunter, please take your eyes off of my behind.” She twirled around as his eyes quickly flew up to meet hers. They both laughed.

  His left eyebrow cocked. “How did you know?”

  “A girl always knows when her butt is being stared at; it’s an instinct. Even if we don’t tell guys that we feel it, we totally do.”

  “I don’t expect you to feel it from anyone but me, and if you do, I suggest you tell me about it.” Where did that come from?

  “Caleb Hunter, I am not going to tell you about every guy that plants his eyes on my behind. They just can’t help but look. I don’t exactly have a tiny unnoticeable tush, you know.”

  “Believe me; I know your behind is noticeable.” He chuckled but in a sexy way. “It was one of the first things that drew me to you physically, on the first day of school.”

  “You were drawn to me way back then?”

  “Of course I was; just being in your presence was overwhelming to me. I hadn’t felt a pull to anyone like that ever before. I know this is totally girlie, but it was almost as though my soul just knew. It wanted to be with you way before my brain would accept that it was an okay thing to desire.”

  Her heart pulsated, and her belly fluttered. “You can’t say stuff like that Caleb; you make me want to break down and cry. You are my dream come true.” She had to bite her lip to keep it from trembling.

  “I don’t say those things to make you cry, love. I never want to be the cause of your tears.” Holding her close to his body, he placed a soft, tender kiss on her temple. Those had become her favorite kisses.

  “They would be happy tears, and I’m more than happy to shed those.” Returning the favor, she kissed him on his favorite spot, his lips.

  “Enough with the mushy, we’ve got work to do today.” He popped her on the behind. He’d never done that before.

  They entered one of the upstairs guest rooms located at the end of the hall. Caleb motioned for Abby to sit on the bed he’d slept in for a few months. Insistent, he moved out of the master bedroom right after their engagement so she could make it their space. He wanted them to share the new room from day one, as man and wife. She’d been working hard transforming it to a completely different style, their style. His manly somewhat modern and her shabby chic vintage styles were intertwined not only in their home but also their wedding that was around the corner.

  Caleb slid the heavy mirrored closet door to the side while Abby sat at the foot of the bed, watching his every move, confident that she could stare at him the rest of her life and be a happy woman.

  “Oh wow. I forgot these were in here.” Frozen, he stared into the closet.

  “What is it?” She questioned and got up to stand behind him. Peering over his shoulder, Abby noticed a few paintings leaning against the wall inside of the dark closet.

  “Rene painted those.” He still hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “Really? Can I see them?” Grace had told her about Rene’s passion for art but Abby didn’t realize she painted, as well.

  Peaking over his shoulder, Caleb spoke softly. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course! Stop being so silly.” Stepping around his tall frame, she wrapped her arms around his waist while looking up at him. “Your memories of her don’t bother me, Babe. I really wish you would understand that. At one time, she was an important part of your life. I want to celebrate with you my love.”

  His hesitation was replaced with an awe inspiring, heartwarming smile. The things she wanted to do to him when he looked at her like that. Instead, she turned so that her back pressed against his chest and she insisted. “Show me which one is your favorite.”

  Letting out a puff of air, he reached around and selected a captivating painting of a woman cradling a baby in her arms as she walked along the shore. “This one.” Moving to her side, he held the canvas in front of them. “She duplicated a photo that I’d taken of her carrying Madison at the beach, right before her chemo treatment started. Madison was only six weeks old there.”

  Abby ran her hand up and down his back. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It is, Rene loved art but didn’t get into painting her own work until she got sick. It was an outlet for her. She only painted a handful of pictures, but they are all right there.” Abby glanced back to the pile. It looked like there were about five unframed images propped against each other. “She said they were for Madison, so she would always have a piece of her mommy’s heart.” He started to choke up. “I should have these professionally framed and wrapped up for Madison.”

  “Would you allow me to do that for you Babe?” Abby wanted to do this for him. He was obviously struggling with having to deal with these pictures. “I would love to do that for Madison.” She figured it was better to say she was doing something for his daughter rather than pointing out that he was the one having a hard time with them.

  “What did I ever do to deserve you? You take such good care of me.” Feeling his lips on her neck, she shivered which rewarded her with a low sexy chuckle from Caleb. She knew how much he loved that her body instinctively reacted to his touch.

  “We are not in an appropriate room for you to be doing things like that to me.” Spinning to face him, she eyed the bed behind him. Using the sultry voice she’d only recently discovered, Abby added, “If you don’t stop, I’m going to show you everything I’m willing to do for you.”

  The stunned gaze on his face was almost comical. “Well then, I think I can work on putting my laundry away later. Let’s go work on some other project.” Leaning the picture against the wall, Caleb pulled her by the hand and added, “Time to leave this room.” Laughing internally, Abby loved being the fuel for Caleb’s flame.

  Heading down the stairs, Abby’s brain was going a hundred miles a minute. She couldn’t wait to execute the plan unfolding in her mind that had nothing to do with the warmth her body was fighting to cool.

  The last day of school was finally over, and although one of the most challenging years she’d had to date, Abby was sad to have to
leave her fifth-grade students. Plans were still up in the air for the following year as far as which grade she would be teaching, but she was confident that she’d love any grade she was placed with.

  Sitting on her couch, she looked around at her closest friends and couldn’t help but feel sentimental. Leah, Dani, and Bri had all stopped their lives for the next week so they could be at her disposal.

  “I’m so glad you guys are both in town already so we can do this girl’s night in before the madness starts this week. By the way, you guys are amazing for taking the time off to help out. I can’t thank you enough.” Abby spoke to Bri and Dani while Leah looked on. “And you know how crazy amazing you are, my friends. I don’t even need to tell you.” Abby patted her best friend’s thigh as she sat next to her on the couch.

  “Are you kidding, I’ve never seen my cousin happier than he is right now and I do mean never. I wouldn’t miss helping out for anything in the world.” Her new cousin said without missing a beat. Hmmm. What did she mean by never?

  “Okay enough of the sappy talking. Where is the vino?” Getting up from the sofa, Dani clapped her hands then rubbed them together.

  “Ah, a girl after my own heart.” Bri put her arm around Dani’s shoulder and led her to the kitchen.

  Abby yelled after them, “Not too much though, we have to meet the guys tomorrow for breakfast to finalize a few things.” Not wanting to sound like a stick in the mud, Abby just didn’t need them all getting drunk and unable to function the next day.

  “When have you known me to go overboard?” Dani questioned as they returned with four glasses, two bottles and a wine bottle opener Abby had never seen before.

  “Don’t answer that Abby. She knows you have almost as many stories in your file cabinet as I do and look, she even brings her own bottle opener with her.” Leah teased her older sister.

  “I just know how to have a good time, that’s all. Like Marilyn Monroe said, ‘Well behaved women rarely make history’ and I plan on everyone remembering me.” Dani winked and slapped her voluptuous behind. “Let’s get the pretty part of this party done first.” Dani grabbed a large suitcase looking thing out and brought out an arsenal of nail care products as she plopped off her shoes and sat on the floor by the table. “Everyone, pick out your color first.”

  “Do you sell these?” Bri asked while searching for her color within the crapload laid out on the coffee table.

  “No, I just love nail products, and this happens to be my favorite right now. I mean what’s not to love. Look at how cute the little bottles are? I love it. I used to go to the nail salon but now I just do them at home.” She picked up one of the small black bottles and showed everyone. “Orange, this is my color.”

  “Red here.” Leah wiggled her bottle in the air, as well.

  “I can’t decide between the pink, or this shimmery glitter looking one.” Abby held the two bottles in her hands looking down at them.

  “It will still be on for the wedding next week unless you decide to change it so pick the one that you want for that.”

  “Okay then the sparkly glittery one it is. I’ll try pink next time.”

  “Purple for me as usual.” Bri motioned to her purple halter-top, matching purple jewelry and finally purple-heeled sandals.

  “I’ll show you how to apply it, but I only have two lamps so we’ll have to take turns with them.” Dani held up two devices that looked like cell phones.

  “Why do you have two?” Abby questioned.

  “I normally do my toenails at the same time.” She placed them on the table and they popped open like little transformers.

  “So you stick your funky toes in one of those? I’ll pass. I know what your feet smell like Sista.” Leah and Dani always had something funny to say about each other.

  “Be quiet. I clean them afterward.” Everything was on the coffee table and ready to go by the time they were all sitting on the floor with their glasses of wine.

  “So Leah, you know Stefen is here already right?” Abby asked her bestie who did not appear thrilled with the question, especially in front of other people.

  “Why does she care if my brother is here or not?” Bri raised her eyebrows.

  “I don’t. There is nothing to tell, right Abby.” Leah gave Abby her best evil eye.

  “Hello, Hermana, you haven’t told me anything about a Stefen. What’s up with that?” Dani chimed in before taking a sip of the Cabernet Sauvignon in her glass.

  “Nothing, I said. There is nothing up with that.” Leah grabbed her sangria and took a mouthful.

  She looked a little upset. Abby didn’t mean to embarrass her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I was just giving her a hard time. They were a little flirty when he was here for the engagement, but Caleb kept stepping between them, and he won’t tell me why.”

  Leah’s face glowed the same color as the polish she’d picked out. “Yeah that sounds about right.” Bri commented.

  “Which part?” Dani asked

  “All of it. My brother is, well let’s just say that he enjoys the ladies and Caleb will protect anyone he cares about from it.” Bri proclaimed sadly.

  “Why did Caleb invite him then?” Dani asked while applying the gel to Bri’s fingernails.

  “Surprisingly, they are still best friends. We all grew up together and were inseparable until Caleb met Rene and Stefen started working at my uncle and dad’s firm. I love my brother, but I would protect you from him too unless you are into that sort of thing of course.”

  “Not sure what sort of thing you are talking about, but I know he’s a player. No guy looks like that and isn’t one. I’m not interested in that though.” Leah took a smaller sip this time.

  “So he’s hot huh?” Dani was suddenly more interested in the conversation.

  Leah’s eye widened just as her smile did. “Yeah, he’s pretty much the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in person.”

  “Eww, that’s my brother you’re talking about, Leah.” Bri pretended to be grossed out. At least Abby thought she was pretending.

  “Hey every hot guy is someone’s son, brother, or cousin, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is HAWT.” Dani added, making them all laugh loudly.

  Abby couldn’t help but notice the look on Leah’s face, almost as if she was lost a little. She’d have to ask her about it when they were alone.

  There was a knock at the door, and it took all of Abby’s energy to get out of bed. What time was it? Her head was throbbing. She grabbed her robe, threw it on, and headed for the door. She passed a completely knocked out Bri on the couch who wore only one shoe and had smeared mascara on her face.

  The loudest knock she’d ever heard in her life came from her door again. It seemed like the more steps she took towards the door, the further away it was. She finally got to it and threw it open. The most beautiful man with a worried look on his face stood there staring at her.

  “Oh Baby, are you okay? I tried calling you, then Bri and Leah. None of you answered.” He pulled her into his arms and held her.

  “I’m fine, just sleepy, and my head is pounding.” She felt someone walk past them, so she slowly turned her throbbing head to see who it was.

  “Hey sleepyhead, time to get up.” Stefen laughed at his sister who was starting to stir.

  “Be quiet asshat, the room is spinning. Ugh, I think I might be sick.” She jumped up and ran into the bathroom wearing only one of her high-heeled sandals.

  “Damn, how much did you girls drink last night?” Stefen asked as he plopped himself onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

  Abby saw Leah coming out of the guest room and down the hall toward them but couldn’t do anything to stop her. Everything hurt. Caleb was the only thing keeping her upright.

  “What’s going on?” Abby’s best friend stood directly in front of Stefen only wearing a pair of fire red panties and a small white tank top rubbing her eyes. Abby was horrified for Leah who was still clueless. “I feel like a tru
ck ran me over.”

  “Well you look absolutely mouth-watering.” Stefen’s deep voice slapped Leah into consciousness before he chuckled.

  Leah’s eyes popped open and blinked a few times. “Shit.” She turned and ran for it. Abby heard Caleb start to scold Stefen as she tried to catch up to her bionic woman friend darting back down the hallway to her room.

  The door slammed in her face, which made her head throb even more. Reaching for the knob, she opened the door slowly, stuck her head in just to have a pillow slam into her pounding temple.

  “Ouch!” Abby entered as Leah was freaking out.

  “Oh my gosh Abby! I just walked into the living room half naked ready for a wet t-shirt contest in front of Stefen and Caleb, and now I’m gonna throw up.” She ran into the bathroom and began to hurl. Yeah, there was a lot of that going on this morning. Abby crawled back into bed and curled up with her pillow just as she heard a knock on the door.

  “Can I come in?” Caleb spoke from the other side.

  “Hold on...Leah, are you staying in the bathroom?” Abby regretted yelling as soon as she did it.

  “Yes I’m going to jump in the shower.” Poor Leah, it sounded like she was crying, but Abby just couldn’t get back up to go comfort her.

  “Okay, come in Caleb.” She whispered hoping he would hear.

  Thank goodness he did. Opening the door, he stepped in then closed it behind him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think we all over did it last night though.” She could only imagine what she looked like peering up at him with one eye.

  “You think?” He chuckled.

  “Stop teasing and lay here with me.” She reached up gesturing for him to join her.


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