A Guardian's Loving Caress (Enigma, Maine)

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A Guardian's Loving Caress (Enigma, Maine) Page 1

by Iris Abbott


  Enigma, Maine Series

  Book 7

  Iris Abbott

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  Copyright © 2012 by Iris Abbott

  First E-book publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Iris Abbott

  Photos by Tatjana Pilate and Alejandro Duran

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters in this book are fictitious and exist only in the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.



  Books by Iris Abbott








  IRIS ABBOTT has always enjoyed reading. She especially enjoys romances. So it was no surprise she would eventually pursue a career as a romance writer. She grew up in North Carolina and has also lived in California and Georgia. She travels extensively throughout the United States and enjoys sharing the ambiance of some of her favorite places through her stories.

  When she’s not writing emotion packed romances with a happily-ever-after ending, this former high school science teacher is traveling with her husband, taking photos of any animal she can find, watching the birds in her backyard, riding her bike on the greenway, or taking care of one very spoiled and demanding cat. She loves to hear from readers and fans. She can be reached at [email protected]. Also please check out her website irisabbott.com and the Facebook page for Iris Abbott (author).

  Books by Iris Abbott

  Montgomery Family and Friends Series








  Enigma, Maine Series









  Rancher’s Bend Bride and Groom Series





  To Anna P. for her never-ending words of support and encouragement, you’re the best!

  To my wonderful husband Mike for his love, support, and unending faith in my abilities!


  Jessica eyed the black silk costume that was barely there and raised a brow. The owner and operator of the charming and unique store seemed confident in her choice. Jessica however had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “You think I’m going to wear that?”

  She was starting to question the woman’s judgment. She appeared to be genuinely nice and for some odd reason Jessica had felt a sense of home just as soon as she’d walked into the shop. The woman who had introduced herself as Brianna seemed familiar to Jessica. She couldn’t figure out why. She was certain she’d never met the woman before. Maybe Jessica had seen her around town in the short amount of time she’d been there. Anything was possible.

  Brianna smiled. “It is October thirty-first you know. I don’t have that much left, especially in an adult small. You have the petite and toned figure required to pull off this costume. At least try it on,” she encouraged.

  The second thoughts Jessica was having were turning into third and fourth thoughts now. She should be keeping a low profile. She didn’t know how safe she was in the small town of Enigma, Maine. She didn’t think she’d been followed from the safe house in Kansas, but a person could never be too sure, especially when everything was at stake.

  Jessica had been on the run for three weeks. She’d been hiding in Enigma for one of those weeks. She hadn’t planned on staying in this eerily quiet town near the Atlantic Ocean. In fact she’d wanted to slip to Boston, New York, or maybe even Chicago, anywhere populated enough for her to get lost in the crowd.

  Plans had changed when the bus she was riding on took a pit stop in Enigma. Jessica had immediately fallen in love with the town. She felt safe in Enigma for some reason. That was something she hadn’t had the luxury of feeling for a long time. For that reason alone, she was in no hurry to leave.

  She looked at the costume one more time. Why not, she decided with a delicate little shrug. She was tired of looking over her shoulder. And she was tired of living in fear every minute of the day.

  She had been elated to find the Halloween party invitation in her room. She still wasn’t sure where it had come from. For all she knew, everyone staying at the hotel had gotten one. She wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Before this moment she’d wanted as little attention as possible. Right now though she was thinking that for just one night she was going to throw caution to the wind and live like a normal person instead of a lady running for her life.

  “You know what,” she smiled at the lady. “I’ll take it.”

  “Excellent decision,” the woman a redhead just like Jessica voiced her approval. “I think that you are going to be very happy with your choice of costume. I’d even go so far as to say you are going to have a magical night tonight.”

  Jessica didn’t know about that. She just hoped she didn’t live to regret the spontaneous idea to show up at the costume party. It could be a trap to lure her into the clutches of the one person determined to permanently silence her. She had a good feeling about tonight though. Her intuition had always been spot on. As a matter of fact it was probably the one thing keeping her alive.

  The Witness Protection Program sure couldn’t take credit for that accomplishment. The house in Kansas where she’d been staying had been shot all to pieces. That was going to cost someone a bundle to fix and she was glad it wasn’t going to be her. The thought of how close she’d come to death had chilled her to the bone and put her on the run. Dodging bullets in a place where no one was supposed to know her true identity had made things crystal clear. This nightmare was far from over and she’d be better off on her own.

  Jessica still didn’t know if whoever was trying to kill her was that good or if there was a leak in the very law enforcement agency tasked with the job of keeping her alive. She didn’t really care. As soon as the first bullet embedded itself in the wall five inches above her head, she decided to go out on her own. After all no one had more of a vested interest in winning this chilling game of cat and mouse than Jessica herself.

  She’d already testified in the trial responsible for putting away a murdering drug lord. For all she knew she’d outlived her usefulness to the Department of Justice and the United States Marshals Service. Just because she’d been a top priority before and during the trial, didn’t mean she still was. Someone had gotten to her somehow.

  The woman behind the counter rang up Jessica’s purchase and told her how much she owed. Jessica counted out the exact amount from the money in her purse. Jessica continued thinking about her trouble while the woman finished the transaction.

  She’d felt like a black cloud was following her around for about two weeks before the attemp
t on her life. Luckily she’d listened to what her sixth sense was telling her. She’d gone to a different ATM machine every day after work and withdrawn her daily limit of five hundred dollars. Fortunately she’d built up quite the nest egg. It was definitely coming in handy now.

  She had enough money to get by for several months if she was careful. Yes, the costume and the party were unnecessary and frivolous, but deep down Jessica knew she needed this one night to let loose and in the process center herself. For one split second after touching the invitation she’d felt like she was being bathed in a golden light of soothing calmness. And she needed that feeling, because she’d been living on the edge for far too long. Sooner or later if she didn’t stay sharp, she’d burn out, make a mistake, and end up dead. She would blow off some steam tonight. Then depending on what her instincts were telling her, she’d decide whether she was going to stay in Enigma or move on.

  Brianna held out the bagged costume and receipt. “Have a charmed night and thank you for shopping at Witch’s Brew.”

  If only Jessica thought. She could use all the help she could get. A little magic sure wouldn’t hurt anything. “You’re welcome and Happy Halloween,” Jessica replied. She took the package and walked out of the shop. Her steps were lighter than they’d been in a long time. That had to count for something.

  Brianna Sheldon watched the newcomer walk by the large stained glass windows and then disappear down the sidewalk. She walked to the door and flipped the open sign over to read closed. She locked up and turned off all the lights. A big smile illuminated her face. She had work to do and not that much time if things were going to work out as she’d planned.

  She’d felt the presence of the stranger almost as soon as she’d set foot in Enigma. Brianna had been compelled to seek her out immediately. At first she thought another powerful witch had come to town. On closer inspection, Brianna had found something else. The woman was a descendent of a powerful family of witches. Brianna was sure of that. She didn’t think the stranger knew it however. She had the golden aura of all witches, but it was so faint that only one as powerful as Brianna would be able to detect it. Whoever she was, and no matter how much magic there might be centered inside her being, she wasn’t a practicing witch.

  Brianna had seen something else too, a gray brown aura which screamed danger and fear. And it was outlined with black. That woman was definitely in danger and her days on this Earth were numbered if she didn’t get help. More than likely she had been marked for death and someone or something was hunting her. Just the thought put Brianna’s nose out of joint. And Heaven help anyone that ticked off a witch as powerful as Brianna Sheldon.

  Brianna wasn’t going to let anything happen to the stranger. The woman spoke to Brianna’s inner witch, and she was going to make sure that the visitor was well protected. And she knew just the guardian for the job.

  Her old friend Lucian Petrakos was a born protector. It was the reason life had been breathed into his very body. And he was good at what he did. That’s why he was the oldest living cat shifter alive. He was also head of the guardian council. It was his duty to protect the woman while she was in Enigma.

  There were other motives behind her actions too. One of those was that Brianna figured Lucian would finally meet his match in the fiery redhead. In all the many centuries that Lucian had walked this Earth he hadn’t found his other half. That wore on a soul after a while. And Lucian had been mighty weary the past couple of decades. She had felt the underlying loneliness that seemed to surround him. Sometimes it was so thick it drowned out everything else. Well that was going to change tonight. And if she had to give them both a little push to make sure their paths crossed, well so be it!

  Brianna chuckled. Her much loved granddaughter and her two best friends had cast a mated souls spell last Halloween. It had worked and each one had found the love of her life. No one in the paranormal community thought that feat could be outdone. Well Brianna was about to do just that. She couldn’t wait to see the sparks fly. She rubbed her hands together in glee.

  Brianna walked to the backroom where no one could spy on her through the windows. She took out the delicate slither of black silk she’d cut from the hem of the Halloween costume. Then she wrapped a stray piece of medium length red hair she’d collected from the stranger around the material. She found an envelope that contained the snippet of Lucian’s hair she’d gotten a couple of days ago and placed it on top of the bundle.

  She was ready to cast the spell. She looked at the three items she’d collected. Then she crossed her fingers. “Take the parent gown of this material which is the height of fashion. Infuse its threads with strong compassion. I want a reaction on this Halloween that is fit for a queen. Create an attraction while though unforeseen demands a reaction. Help this lost one with fiery red hair and sapphire blue eyes capture the attention of the one who would be her bastion and put an end to unknown dangers and assassins.” Brianna blinked three times. She held up her arms to embrace the powers of the universe. Even though she was inside a room with no windows, her dress fluttered from a slight breeze. Brianna smiled. It was done.


  Lucien disconnected the call with a quick jab of his finger. Sometimes Brianna Sheldon was exasperating. Who else would have the nerve to call him out of the blue on Halloween and implore him to attend Alessandro Russo’s party? She wouldn’t take no for an answer and she didn’t give him an explanation for his required presence either. This had better be good! He checked the rearview mirror and whipped around the black, high performance, sports car he was driving. Rubber squealed as the car spun around, but the tires gripped the asphalt. And now he was headed in the opposite direction, because of course the Russo castle was on the other side of town.

  He wasn’t in costume. He was wearing his usual preferred outfit of tight black T-shirt, black jeans, and hiking boots. If Mitch Gannon was handling security he better not give him any crap. This wasn’t a social call nor was he in the mood for a party. This was a busy time of year for Lucian and the rest of the council. Rogues and other undesirables loved to cause trouble on and around Halloween.


  The cab driver dumped her out at the beginning of the drive. He refused to go any further. No matter how many times she asked, the man wouldn’t budge. Jessica talked until she was blue in the face, still nothing. Jessica finally gave up. She paid him, got out, and started walking.

  That was how she found herself in this current predicament. It had been several minutes and she was still walking. She had come too far to back out now. Jessica was determined to make it to the party and she was going to have a good time too.

  Jessica continued her slow walk up the long and curvy drive. Living off the grid was the pits! She couldn’t rent a car, because all the rental companies wanted to see some form of identification. She didn’t really know where or how to get a fake ID made. But she did know better than to use something that had her real name or her witness protection identity on it. The man who wanted her dead didn’t mess around. She had to assume he’d hired professionals to kill her. She was trying her best not to do anything stupid that might help them.

  She trudged up a very steep hill in pitch-black surroundings. The autumn night air had a crisp bite to it. The chill cut through the slinky outfit like it was nothing. The costume was just a midriff baring halter-top along with a floor-length skirt. Both were made of a very thin and delicate black silk. She hadn’t bothered with a jacket, because she had no idea she’d be taking a hike.

  The costume’s one saving grace was the skirt. It was so long it touched the floor and pooled around her feet. Jessica had decided to wear a comfortable pair of walking shoes and that was the only thing saving her right now. She’d never have attempted this walk in dress shoes, heels, or bare feet.

  The roar of an engine coming up behind her really fast startled Jessica. Headlights suddenly illuminated the path in front of her. She jumped to the side of the driveway just as the car breezed past. S
he managed to get out of the way of the speeding car, but an uneven spot in the drive sent her falling onto her backside. “Perfect, just perfect,” she managed to mumble while struggling to get back onto her feet.

  The shrieking of brakes and the soft ping of flying gravel assaulted her ears. Her heartbeat accelerated and she swallowed hard. Her first thought was that the hit man who had been chasing her was hot on her heels. And her life was going to end on this deserted drive that seemed to be miles from any house. Well she wasn’t going down without a fight.

  She stooped down and grabbed a hand full of pebbles. The car slowly drove past her and executed a perfect u-turn. Jessica got a good look at it this time. She didn’t think a hired killer would be driving an Italian sports car. It was too flashy, the kind of car someone would remember seeing. Despite what logic and that unnerving sixth sense of hers were saying, Jessica didn’t drop the pebbles. She didn’t leave her perch on the edge of the drive either. No need to get any closer to the man than she had to.

  Lucian jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut behind him. He thought his eyes had been playing tricks on him, but apparently not. The lovely apparition strolling down Russo’s driveway was real, very real. Not the smartest thing to do when the stars and moon were obscured by thick rolling clouds and the mist rolling off of the Atlantic Ocean.

  The cat shifter walked slowly toward the woman. His senses were on high alert, because he was always wary of traps. He was the head enforcer of the paranormal world. He’d made a few enemies along the way. Not to mention that evil beings randomly attacked members of the council in an effort to weaken it. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down, no matter how tempting the distraction.

  Jessica watched the man approach her and instinctively took a step back. Power seemed to roll off him in waves. It was unsettling to say the least. She slid the hand with the pebbles behind her back and lifted the other out in front of her. “Don’t come any closer,” she warned.


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