The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 11

by E A Price

  Patrick, the Beta, was gone. He managed to free himself and clearly decided not to hang around. Simone was annoyed about that – if anyone knew what was happening it was that slimy cat, and she really wanted to see him get his comeuppance.

  Simone’s mother was okay. The Beta had paid her a visit, but apart from being creepy, invading her personal space and making vague threats, he didn’t actually hurt her.

  The rest of the pride was feeling uncertain at that moment in time. They didn’t have an Alpha to lead them, and they were unsure of what to do. Even those who were relieved at Locke’s death were unnerved by the sudden sense of freedom. It was a strange sensation after being under the Alpha’s paw for so long.

  “Did you call your pack?”


  “What did they say?”

  Acksel shrugged. “Not much.”

  “Not much? They’re not shocked by what’s happened?”

  “I told my Alpha, and he told me to keep him posted.” The Alpha was pretty hard to ruffle. “I didn’t exactly go into details with my family; I just told them I was fine.” Although he did take the opportunity to ask them to clean his house. That was met with a firm ‘not a chance in hell’ from Gwen, and tears from Britt. He was sure Britt would do it.

  “Really? Don’t they even know about you technically being the Alpha here?”

  He chuckled, and his wolf snorted. “It is just a technicality. I’ll tell them eventually - when I’m standing in front of them. For now, I don’t want to worry them. Besides,” he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, “I am fine.”

  “Isn’t your Alpha concerned that you may leave him to become Alpha here?”

  “He thinks I’m coming back.”

  “You don’t want to stay here and be Alpha?”

  He didn’t have to think about that one. “No. I think your pride needs a good leader, one that didn’t kill their last Alpha. They need a fresh start. And while I’m all for mixed species matings,” he gave her a significant look, “and allowing other species to join packs and prides, trying to force a wolf down their throats isn’t what they need right now. They’re going through enough changes as it is.”

  “You’re going back to Rose,” she stated, softly.

  He hesitated. “I want to, but I don’t want to go without you.” His wolf was in full agreement about that. He wasn’t going anywhere without her. But he feared that now she was out of danger, she wouldn't wish to leave. If Simone really didn’t want to leave, he’d join the pride – but not as Alpha. He was clear about that. “If you did want to stay…”

  Simone smiled, and her eyes misted with a soft yellow color. “After everything, you still want me?”

  “I wanted you since I met you. No amount of crazy Alphas and death sentences will change my mind about that.”

  “If the offer’s still open, I’d like to come to Rose with you.”

  He grinned as his wolf yowled like a puppy. “Good, I didn’t drive all this way and fight my way through fifty tigers not to take you home with me.”

  “Ummm hmmm.” She pulled his lips to hers for a sweet kiss. He tried to deepen it, but as he pressed his body against hers, the pressure against his torso made him groan into her mouth. She pulled away and although he insisted it was worth the pain she wouldn’t be persuaded to continue. She did make a few promises about what they would do when he was better, and for the moment, that was enough to satisfy him. Well, sort of. A few cold showers would also be needed.

  “What about my mother?” she asked, with a certain amount of anxiousness.

  “Will be more than welcome in Rose.” He wouldn’t exactly put it like this, because it didn’t exactly sound flattering, but pretty much all waifs and strays were accepted by the pack.

  “Are you sure you want to leave here? I don’t want to force you out of your home because it’s what I want.” Those weren’t sentiments that he actually thought, and definitely not ones that his wolf agreed with, but he felt they had to be said. He actually wanted to haul her over his shoulder, run all the way back to Rose and lock her away in his den for the next fifty years. She probably wouldn’t go for that.

  Simone squeezed his hand. “I’ve wanted to leave here since I was six, ever since the fire.” She gave him a sad smile. “I’ve been trying to leave for the last four years. No matter what changes with the pride, I don’t think I can be happy here. Too many bad memories. I’ll stay for a couple of days, just until things are a little more settled, but I don’t want to be here any longer. There’s nothing keeping me here other than mom.”

  “You mean apart from your mate?”

  His wolf growled at him as she slid her eyes in his direction. “Ah yes, I explained about that – I swear we only did it to save our own hides. It was just a blessing from the Alpha, it’s not like we were legally married. And we never even…”

  “I know, baby, I know.” He understood, he did – it just smarted. “But I gotta get you out of this mating. I’m not sharing you with anyone. How do we sort this out?”

  “The Alpha has to get us both together, and all he has to do is say a few words about dissolving the mating.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Good job we have the technical Alpha to hand, then.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Acksel kissed Simone’s neck as he helped her off with her coat.

  She smiled at him and looked around at Acksel’s house – no, their house – with a sense of peace and satisfaction she had never felt while living with the pride.

  Yes, she had been welcomed into Acksel’s pack with open arms. It was kind of a dizzying experience. She had met pack mate after pack mate, none of who had regarded her suspiciously and all of whom seemed happy to meet her. Even the huge Alpha had seemed friendly, although he was a little distracted by his heavily pregnant mate. Simone suspected the small human had the Alpha whipped.

  There was such a difference between the pack and the pride. Anyone trying to join the pride soon found it was easier to break into a maximum-security prison.

  She actually had a fairly teary farewell with her pride, or at least with some members of her pride. Under Acksel’s watchful eyes, she had hugged Parker, and he had said he was sorry. She said they were both sorry, and then Acksel pulled them apart because he believed hugs should last five seconds as a minimum.

  Carrick had quickly extricated himself from the hug she gave him. He seemed even more uncomfortable and unhappy about it than Acksel. Instead, the enormous male grumbled something, patted Simone’s head like he would any cat, and ambled away to watch as Simone said goodbye to his mate.

  Lauren had cried and sniffled, and Simone had subtly tried to suggest that Lauren could leave the pride and that she didn’t need to stay mated to Carrick anymore. The young tigress just blinked at Simone and nodded, but Simone didn’t see anything in her eyes to suggest she was going to leave.

  Before she and Acksel left, they made it clear to all pride mates that they didn’t have to stick around, they weren’t forced to remain in the pride any longer – they were free cats. They could choose to stay or go anywhere they wanted. It was strange, none of them seemed inclined to go anywhere. Although, the realization was dawning on them that the stringent rules about mating within the pride may no longer apply. A lot of tigers were happy about that.

  The Beta still hadn’t been found, but then the SEA weren’t exactly sure what they could charge him with – if anything, so they weren’t actively looking for him. Nita had tried to push Asher into making a bid to become the next Alpha. But Asher wouldn't be persuaded. He had actually insisted that Acksel dissolve the mating between him and Nita - given that all Nita’s cubs were not his. He wasn’t completely heartless; he made sure the pride would provide for her and the cubs, but he didn’t want to pretend anymore.

  Simone’s life had changed so much in the space of a couple of weeks that she almost had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Her moth
er was a lot happier with the pack. She had started a new course of treatment for her burns and was working with the pack Omega, Carly to help manage her pain. Simone, with Acksel’s encouragement, had decided to go to college – something she hadn’t thought possible before. She was keen to become a nurse. Adam the Alpha agreed that the pack would pay for her education. He thought it would be a good thing to have a registered nurse nearby, particularly as an increasing number of pack mates were human.

  Acksel took off his jacket and beamed at her. They had just been to his mother’s house for the Sunday family meal.

  “Nice to see your sister not crying for once,” commented Simone. Britt actually managed to look happy in her presence for once.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, makes a change doesn’t it?”

  “Are you sure your family doesn’t mind my mom staying with them?”

  “Of course not, my mom’s very generous.”

  Simone ran her hands over his chest as her tiger purred. “Runs in the family.”

  “Well, most of my family. She could have stayed here, you know. I don’t mind.”

  No, she knew he didn’t – he was sweet like that. But her mom wanted to give them some space, and so did Ilse, so the two of them made the decision between them. “Mom thought it would be better to stay elsewhere. The words ‘loud’ and ‘energetic sex’ were mentioned, and then I almost blacked out from embarrassment. Mothers should not be allowed to talk about those things.”

  Acksel ran his hands up and down her back. “Tell me about it, I doubt I’ll ever get over the sex talk my mom gave me – she went into serious foreplay detail. I’ll never forget the way she said nipples.” He shuddered lightly.

  “Oh my god!” Simone laughed.

  “I know, it was mind numbing. I don’t think I’ll get over the trauma.”

  Simone started slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “So I have her to thank for how attentive you are?” She kissed his chest.

  “Please,” he groaned, “do not talk about my sexual prowess and my mother in the same sentence.”

  “You got it.”

  He pulled her sweater over her head and began peppering kisses, interspersed with small nips all over her neck.

  “None of your family thinks this is too fast, do they?” she breathed. “I mean me moving in, us being together. They don’t think we should wait?” Her tiger huffed at her to shut-up.

  “Wouldn’t matter if they did,” he rumbled against her flesh. “You’re my mate; I don’t want to wait to be with you.”

  “Me neither.”

  He pulled back and gave her a serious look. “Have you considered bonding with me?”

  Simone frowned. “Bonding?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin to try and hide the slight nervousness he felt. “Yeah.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t any of your pride mates bond after mating?”


  “But surely you must have…”

  She smiled, patiently. “The Alpha kept females away from other members of the supernatural community as much as possible. If it wasn’t on a TV show, then I don’t know about it.”

  Acksel cleared his throat. “Well, for us to bond, during sex, we would bite each other right here.” He ran his finger over her neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of goose pimples. “We taste each other’s blood and then we’re bonded to one another. We can sense one another and our feelings. It’s meant to join us forever. It means we’re committed to one another forever.” He paused, awkwardly. “I know it’s a big step, and it's not something you can take back. Pack mates who did it while drunk have tried.”

  “No wonder my pride mates didn’t do that,” she said, slowly, taking her time to consider what he’d told her. “I don’t expect the males wanted to feel their females' unhappiness. Plus I guess bonding would mean they wouldn’t be able to cheat on their mates.” Something that the males seemed to take as their right to do. “Do all of your pack mates bond?”

  “No, not all. It’s a choice, and…”

  “Let’s do it!” Her eyes flashed as her tiger let out a feverish roar.

  A slow sexy smile spread across his face. “Really?”

  “Really. I want to be with you and no one else. Plus, knowing each other’s feelings will make arguments easier.”

  Acksel chuckled. “Yeah, you’d think that, but if my pack mates are anything to go by, I don't think that’s true.”

  Simone giggled and nuzzled his neck. “I love you.” Her tiger roared in agreement. She did love him. She wanted him the moment she met him, but she knew she loved him when she realized what a kind, patient and strong male he was. He was unlike any male she’d ever met, and he was hers. All hers. She wanted him bonded to her before any other female realized how perfect he was. Damn females needed to keep the hell away from her man – rawr!

  “I love you, too,” he murmured into her hair.

  “Yeah, it’s the stripes, right?”

  “Might be the fur.”

  “Mmmm hmm.”

  Her beast mewled in happiness, while another part of her burned at feeling his arousal pressing against her body.

  Acksel grasped her buttocks and pulled her up his body; she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he ran through the house.

  “Eager?” she teased into his ear.

  “God yes.”

  “Well, it has been over two hours since we last did anything. I guess you’re having withdrawal symptoms.”

  “Eager to bond,” he growled and nipped her ear lobe.

  Simone shuddered at the need and desire in his tone. On reaching the bedroom, Acksel deftly juggled her as he tried to pull both their clothes and shoes off. She just giggled and let him get on with it.

  Finally satisfied he dropped to the bed and kissed her. He ran his hands all over his body as his mouth feverishly made its way down to her breasts. She reached between them and stroked his huge manhood. He grunted as he laved her nipple. She took that as a good sign and gripped him, enjoying the feel of his hard as steel yet silken sex. Acksel massaged her ass and a finger traced her tightest hole. She moaned at the surprisingly erotic sensation that wrung from her heated body. She hadn’t been experienced before she met him, but the last week had been incredibly informative. Not to mention fun. Simone tightened her hold on him, delighting as he throbbed and grew at her touch.

  “Take me inside you,” he murmured.

  She moaned her agreement. Straddling him, she rubbed the large, mushroom head over her nether lips. Electric tingles pulsed through her body.

  “Hurry, baby,” he begged around her breast.

  He was struggling not to jerk his hips up, to thrust inside her before she was ready. He didn’t have to worry; she wasn’t going to keep him waiting long.

  Her tiger growled in satisfaction as she pushed herself down his thick length. She panted with effort. She was wet with her own arousal, but he was so big. Simone took him a couple of inches at a time, allowing her body to stretch and accept him, and with his gentle ministrations, his sweet touches and kisses, she found her body opening to him, welcoming him inside.

  Finally filled, she let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. Acksel lay back on the bed, gazing at her with adoring but lustful eyes. He pulled her down on top of him. Her soft breasts crushed against his hard chest, and her hands braced on either side of him.

  She quivered around him as Acksel gently rolled his hips inside her. As she started making small mewls of pleasure, his hands slid to her hips and started lifting her up and down his length. Slowly, the passion ignited inside her, the flickering flame grew and grew into a roaring inferno.

  Simone pushed herself up, leaning on her hands. She found her hips moving against him, rising so she could sink back down again, over and over. With each downward thrust, she began grinding herself against him, enjoying the hot friction on her tender nub. As she worked herself into a rhythm, his hands moved to her breasts, massaging the so
ft orbs, squeezing her flesh and lightly pinching her dark nipples.

  “You feel so good, baby,” he crooned. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” she whimpered.

  Her need grew and grew. Simone arched her back as she started moving faster and faster, driving herself against him with a wild fury. Her body started tightening around him.

  Her tiger snarled at her to complete the bonding. Her teeth sharpened and grew. “Acksel,” she moaned.

  He bucked his hips against her. “Just let go, baby.”

  At those words, she exploded. Bliss poured through her body, and she felt Acksel swell inside her. He pulled her down to him and her teeth found into his shoulder as she felt the sharp pain of his fangs against her own shoulder.

  Feelings of ecstasy and love that matched her own washed through her, and their bond was complete. Her beast roared in completion as his sweet blood trickled down her throat.

  They lay joined so intimately together, licking and sealing one another's wounds, until the final blaze of release petered to a glowing ember.

  Simone gazed at her mate with glowing eyes and she whispered, “Mine.”

  The end


  Thanks for reading, if you have enjoyed this and are interested in reading more, please do sign up for my newsletter from my website:

  The site includes info on previous novellas already available and those planned for the future.

  Best wishes





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