King of the Court

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King of the Court Page 25

by Melanie Munton

  “That’s why they’re not going to find out. You can wrap up my knee before I leave, and everyone will just think I came in here to get taped.”

  I pushed up her breasts in that damn sweater, memorizing the way they looked like an offering to me. Round, perky, with the smoothest, softest skin I’d ever felt. Her body was surrendering, but her pesky little mind was still infusing her brain with doubts.

  “I don’t know, Cam. I still…”

  She trailed off when I pulled her tit out of her too-sexy-to-be-legal bra and put my mouth over her nipple. Giving her a nice, wet tongue lashing was exactly what I’d needed and oddly, felt like coming home in a way. And amazingly, she was still pretending to resist.

  I pulled away and met her glazed eyes with my own. “Shut up and kiss me, Reese.”

  That did it. She grasped the back of my neck and pulled me to her lips without further protest. It was as if the realization that we only had minutes in here together hit us at exactly the same time and the electricity between us sparked. The moment turned frenzied.

  Our hands were frantic.

  Our mouths were hungry.

  Our noises were quiet.

  I would never have believed that having to restrain sounds during sex could be just as hot as screaming the ceiling down. But as we worked to shove my shorts down to my knees and her black pants completely off with all the silence of a church mouse, it couldn’t have been more erotic. I didn’t want to admit that some of the excitement was from the notion of getting caught, but it was. The majority, of course, was from how much we both wanted each other. But that added risk did intensify the urgency in the room.

  I shoved my knee between her legs and spread them wider. There was no time to appreciate her matching red satin panties or the mere sight of her poised right there to take me. I snapped a quick mental picture and pushed aside the red scrap of material.

  “Get my cock out,” I commanded in a soft whisper against her lips.

  She toed down my briefs and found my length dripping pre-cum. I pressed her opening with my fingers to make sure she was ready, but there was no need. She was as primed as I was. Guiding me to her, she scooted her ass forward on the counter.

  Her gaze shot to mine when I paused. “No condom?” she guessed.

  Idiot. I’d been so Reese-hungry I hadn’t even thought about a damn condom. Though in retrospect, it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea to try and sneak one in my shorts with all the guys around. It would have been so easy for someone to see.

  I shook my head, praying we wouldn’t stop. “No. I’m clean, though.”

  “Me, too. And I’m on birth control.”

  Thank fuck.

  I plunged into her without another word.

  Knowing this had to be quick, I drove into her with hard, deep thrusts and didn’t stop even for a second. We had to adjust when the slapping of our skin became too loud, but I never stopped pumping my hips, nor did she. Just like in her bedroom, she met me halfway, lifting her hips to meet mine.

  “Touch yourself,” I said. “I’m not going to last much longer, and I want you to come with me.”

  She immediately did as I said. I watched with lustful fascination as she rubbed her fingers over her glistening folds, concentrating right over her clit. She threw her head back and bit down on her lip to contain her moans of pleasure. The action brought her breasts to eye-level. I buried my face in them, licking over every inch of her flesh, until we both came in spectacular silence.

  Again, there was no time for tender kisses or hugs. With giddy expressions and fumbled movements, we righted her pants, pulled up my shorts, and tucked her breasts back into her bra. She hopped off the counter and quickly found some athletic tape to wrap around my knee. After that she helped me put my knee brace on, even though that was something I could do myself. Admittedly, though, I liked her taking care of me. Other than my mom, no woman had ever even acted like she cared enough to do stuff like that.

  She stood up and pushed her hair out of her face. “You better get back.”

  She was so fucking beautiful, I almost couldn’t stand it. I took her face in my hands and laid one last hard kiss on her plump pink lips.

  “Tell me I can see you after the game.”

  Her bright smile about stopped my goddamn heart. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

  Okay, that one was the last kiss.

  “I’ll meet you at your place,” I told her.

  With one final glance down at her cleavage, I left the room, tossing her a wink over my shoulder. I hustled over to the locker room and was about to open the door when a voice calling my name made me turn back around. It wasn’t Reese, coming out to wish me good luck one last time, though.

  It was Rachel. All decked out in her tiny cheerleading uniform.

  Ah, shit. Not this again.

  She stopped way too close to me. “Hey, Cam. Haven’t seen you in a while.”

  I kept my expression blank. “I’m a little busy right now, Rachel. Whatever you have to say can wait.”

  That’s when she took in my appearance. My hair was probably a little mussed from Reese’s fingers, and my lips were no doubt red. To some people, it might have been obvious that I’d just had sex, but Rachel was kind of dense. She could also be a conniving bitch, though. That was no secret. And the look on her face told me she may have seen more than I wanted her to see.

  At least I wasn’t still hard.

  “I was just going to invite you to a party the sorority’s having tomorrow night,” she said in a too-sweet voice. “Like a pre-Spring Break mixer. I’d love it if you were there.”

  This girl seriously couldn’t get a clue.

  “No, thanks,” I said tersely, turning for the locker room door again.

  I thought I heard a door down the hall open, but I didn’t hear footsteps behind us. Must have been my imagination.

  She stopped me with her fake fingernail claws on my arm. “You still playing hard to get? Come on, Cam. I’ve got exactly what you need, and I’m willing to give it to you without fuss or commitment. Isn’t that what you want? I know how to make you feel good.” Her claws inched toward my dick and got dangerously close to piercing it. Her mouth turned down in a fake pout. She must have noticed my non-reaction to her. “I guess I’m losing my touch.”

  I ripped her hand off me. Having anyone touch me but Reese just felt wrong.

  “Rachel, we fucked once last year and you automatically thought we were going to get married. I’m sorry you got the wrong impression, but let it go. There was never an ‘us’ and there never will be.”

  That fake pout instantly turned into a scowl, her signature conniving bitch face. “You know what? I think you must be the one losing his touch, not me. What’s the matter? Can’t get it up anymore or something?”

  I smirked. “Or maybe I just don’t want your tainted snatch getting anywhere near my dick. Have some fucking respect for yourself.”

  I slammed the locker room door in her face.

  Hopefully, for the last damn time.



  Another win down.

  Our loss to BelV a few weeks ago had been a tough pill to swallow, for the whole team. Losing to those schmucks always was. But we hadn’t lost a game since then, so everything seemed to be back on track.

  I noticed Boyd gazing intently down at the phone in his hand after I got out of the showers. “You got a girl you haven’t told us about, Newton?”

  It took him a second to register what I said, but he finally looked up with a confused expression. “What?”

  I fell down on the bench in front of my locker and tipped my head at his phone. “You’ve been on that thing a lot lately, way more than you usually are. Everything okay at the ranch?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he muttered, attention moving back to the phone.

  I caught Jesse’s and Colt’s eyes in my peripheral vision. “It’s definitely a chick, then,” Jesse stated.

p; As he had alluded to us many times before, Boyd was a monogamous relationship type of guy. He didn’t do the whole hookup scene, and certainly didn’t subscribe to the “love ‘em and leave ‘em” mantra. If he had a girlfriend, it was news to all of us.

  “Not a chick,” he said curtly.

  “So, it’s a dude?” Colt teased. “Huh. Didn’t see that one coming.”

  Boyd sighed like a father dealing with his petulant children. “It’s not a chick and it’s definitely not a dude, assholes. I’ve just got stuff going on that’s none of your business. Is that enough of an answer for you?”

  Colt let out a low whistle. “Touchy.”

  The three of us chuckled, but Boyd acted like he’d already tuned us back out. Come to think of it, he had been acting weird over the past month or so. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something had definitely been off with him. I’d just chalked it up to stress over classes or maybe there were some family issues, but now it felt like something more than that. But he was right. It wasn’t any of my business. If he wanted to keep secrets from his teammates, well, that was his prerogative.

  After all, I was keeping a pretty big secret from all of them.

  Speaking of which…

  “I’m off,” I announced as I stood up and flung my duffel bag strap over my shoulder. To Jesse I asked, “You think you can keep your boy out of trouble for once this weekend?”

  Jesse scoffed, shaking his head at his brother. “I stopped being his babysitter a long time ago. If he wants to get shit faced and wake up in women’s underwear the next morning with his face plastered all over the internet, that’s on him.”

  I laughed and headed for the door.

  “Whoa, whoa,” Colt exclaimed, shooting to his feet. “Are we not hitting up The Lair tonight? I thought that was the plan.”

  The Lair was a popular bar-slash-nightclub downtown that we used to frequent a lot together. It was a primo spot for hookups and cheap liquor, the perfect combination for poor college students who didn’t give a shit about anything but scoring.

  But things were different now. And it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why I would choose having sex with Reese over having some sloppy, drunken co-ed hang all over me at a packed club, then listening to her throw up in her bathroom, right after I just got done screwing her.

  Those days were gone.

  “Sorry, man,” I told Colt. “I never heard those plans. Besides, I’ve got physical therapy early tomorrow morning, so I’m hitting the sack early.”

  The first part of that was true. But there was no way in hell I was going to bed early. Not if I had Reese in my arms.

  Colt threw his arms up. “What the hell is happening here? Newton’s acting all weird, not giving us shit about going out and shopping for pussy—”

  “You’re literally devolving right before our eyes, Lancaster,” Boyd spoke up.

  “And now Donovan is bailing on us to go to bed early,” Colt finished. “Did I get hammered and wake up in another dimension or something?”

  “It’s called growing up,” I chided.

  He waved me off. “Fuck that. There’s only a few more months left before all of this ends and then we have to grow up. Until then, I’m going to take advantage as long as I possibly can. Anyway, you’re one to talk. You were the one dragging me out to bars last year.”

  I shrugged. “Thing’s change.” I walked out in the middle of another one of his rants, leaving a trail of laughter behind me.

  I was ensconced by a barrage of cameras and reporters as soon as I walked into the tunnel. Sucking back my frustration, I answered their questions about the game, the team’s prospects, and the championship tournament in a few weeks. I kept my responses short and to the point because I needed to get to my girl. With one last smile and wave, I left them to latch onto the next guy to leave the locker room and made my way out the stadium door to my Jeep. I was hoping Reese might have been waiting for me by her car, but it wasn’t there. Glancing down at my phone, I realized it had gotten later than I’d thought.

  I sent her a text as I started the ignition.

  Me: On my way to see you.

  Reese: I’ll be waiting.

  My dick twitched in my sweats. Hearing she was at her apartment waiting for me, that her gorgeous face would greet me the second I walked in the door, had warmth blooming inside my chest. And me sporting wood, as always.

  I reached her apartment in record time, bounding up the stairs like my ass was on fire.

  Expecting to find the door locked, I tried the doorknob just in case and was surprised to find it open. Alarm whirled through me at the thought that something could be wrong.


  “In the kitchen!”

  Both relieved and turned on to see her sitting on the kitchen counter with a bowl of ice cream in her hands, I relaxed. Or at least, the top portion of my body did. The lower portion, well… It was ready and raring to go.

  “Hey,” I said, leaning against the doorway. “Why wasn’t your door locked?”

  She looked at me like I’d just told her I thought I might be growing boobs. “I left it unlocked for you.”

  I decided to shelf the lecture on keeping it locked at all times, regardless of whether or not I was coming over. She looked tired and God knows I was tired. Not too tired for some things, though.

  I nodded down to her bowl. “Hungry?”

  She frowned at her giant spoonful. “Not really.”

  Ah, shit. In my experience, there was only one other reason girls ate ice cream if they weren’t just starving for some. She was either grumpy or on her period, neither of which bode well for me and my plans.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I saw you talking to the cheerleader,” she responded without hesitation.

  No subterfuge. That was one of the many things I could appreciate about her. Not only did she prefer truth and honesty to lying, she also never kept up pretense. I hated that passive-aggressive shit. I was a pretty straightforward guy, and I preferred to deal with problems head-on so they could be resolved in the quickest and smoothest way possible.

  Her words infiltrated my thought process.

  Cheerleader. Rachel.

  Damn it to hell. That girl was such a pain in my ass. I had to tread carefully here.

  “Yes, Rachel came up to talk to me before the game.”

  “What about?”

  That’s when I noticed her eyes didn’t have their usual glow when she looked at me. Not like how they’d been in the training room before the game. That would have to be fixed, pronto.

  “She was trying to invite me to a party.”

  I hated seeing the hurt on her face. She was trying to hide it, but I knew her better than she thought and it was hard to miss.

  “Have you slept with her?”

  This was a time when I really needed her to accept my honesty and not kick me out of her apartment.

  “Yes. Once, last year.”

  She flinched and dropped her gaze to her melting ice cream. “Do you have feelings for her?”

  Now, it was my turn to flinch. Feelings for Rachel?

  “Hell no. It was at a party and I was drunk. I barely even remember it. Afterwards, she thought we were going to start dating, so I had to set her straight. I’ve been trying to set her straight ever since.”

  She scrunched her eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”

  I walked further into the room to lean against the counter across from her. “I mean I’ve told her numerous times that nothing is going to happen between us, and she hasn’t taken the hint. I haven’t always been real nice about it, either. She has a reputation for being a manipulative shrew, so I’m trying to steer clear of her.”

  She was silent for a few beats. “That’s all? There’s nothing else going on there?”

  I laughed. She didn’t understand how ridiculous the implication was. “I promise, sweetheart.”

  I walked to her, placing myself between her spread
legs. Our position reminded me too much of what we did in the training room earlier, and I had to subtly adjust myself in my sweats.

  “I keep telling you, there’s no one I’m interested in but you. No other girl can even hold a candle to you. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

  She lowered her head before I could discern whether or not she truly believed me. “I don’t know why I even got this out,” she said, staring at the ice cream. “I don’t want it.”

  “Let me see if I can help you out.”

  I dipped my finger through one of the scoops of vanilla and raised it to her exposed neck. With wide eyes, she watched as I smeared it down the skin of her slender neck, sucking in a sharp breath at the cold sensation. She tipped her head back to keep it from running down into her sweater, giving me the perfect angle to savor my late-night snack.

  Leaning forward, I snaked my tongue out to catch the melting trail of creamy vanilla, licking it all up from collarbone to jaw, delighting as I saw goosebumps pop up all over her flesh. She sighed contentedly as I repeated the action on the other side of her neck. Those sighs were really having an effect on my dick, but I knew I had to hold off. This was about reassuring her that she was the only girl I wanted in my life.

  I grabbed the bowl from her hands and placed it on the counter. Guiding her to wrap her legs around my waist, I carried her over to the dining area table and laid her down gently on her back. Christ, she was like an all-you-can-eat buffet and I was the only customer. And damn, could I eat a lot of her.

  I felt a sense of déjà vu as I ripped open her black pants and shimmied them down her legs, followed closely by her panties.

  “Are your roommates coming home soon?” I asked, my gaze focused on her already glistening pussy.

  “No,” she said breathlessly. “Gemma is out with friends and won’t be back until late. And Sydney’s spending the weekend at her parents’ place.”


  Questions answered, I buried my face between her legs without another thought. She immediately arched her back like she was trying to get away from me, but I held her hips down and didn’t relent.


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