Blood Money

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Blood Money Page 18

by Brian Springer

  “I’m sure you can handle it,” Jessica said. “And if you can’t, then I’ll just have to pick up the slack for you.”


  They walked into the medieval-themed reception room of the Round Table Hotel, approached the front desk, and checked in under the name Philip Crawford. The transaction went just as Nicholas had promised, with Kelton receiving the room keys with no hassle, no identification, and with assurances from the clerk that the room was already taken care of.

  “What do we do now?” Jessica said after they’d finished up.

  “Beats me,” Kelton said. “Do you see anyone that looks like they’re monitoring us?”

  She looked around and shook her head.

  “Me neither,” Kelton said.

  “Maybe they want to stay inconspicuous, just in case Walter is already here.”

  “Maybe,” Kelton said. “But I doubt it. He doesn’t even know where we’re staying yet.”

  Jessica shrugged. “Hey, I’m just guessing here. Do you have a good reason why there’s nobody around to tell us what to do next?”


  “When are you supposed to call Walter?”

  “About two hours from now.”

  “Well then, how about we go check out the room?” Jessica said. She put her hand on his butt and gave it a squeeze. “I’m sure we can figure out some way to pass the time.”

  They made their way through the lobby, towards the bank of elevators that led to the guest rooms.

  “Do you think they’re listening to us right now?” Jessica said once they’d boarded the elevator.

  Kelton pushed the button for the fourth floor and the doors closed in front of them. “I’m sure they’re watching us. But I don’t know if this whole place is wired for sound. I doubt it, but we have to assume they can hear us at all times. Why?”

  “There’s just some things I wanted to ask you about.”

  “Like what?”

  Whispering, Jessica said, “Like whether or not you think this operation is going to work.”

  “It should,” Kelton said. “As long as Nicholas and the boys don’t screw things up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just that Walter is a crafty old man, and if our new friends don’t have this thing planned out perfectly, he’s going to sniff out their little trap before he steps foot anywhere near it.”

  “And if that happens?”

  “Then Walter will know we were in on it, and he’ll disappear. Forever.”

  The elevator came to a stop.

  “And then what happens to us?” Jessica said.

  “Then our deal’s off, and the NDC gets to do whatever they want to us.”

  “Which would be what?”

  “Who knows,” Kelton said. “But I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t be doing it together.”

  “Even if it’s not our fault they didn’t get him?”

  Kelton nodded.

  The elevator door opened and they walked out into the hallway. Kelton looked at the sign telling them which batch of rooms were in which direction, saw theirs was to the right, and together they started heading down the hall towards it.

  “That sucks,” Jessica said.

  “Yeah, but those are the breaks. Groups like the NDC don’t look at fault. They only look at results. And if they don’t get Walter, the deal is off. Period.”

  Jessica looked at him. “Then I guess we better make sure it doesn’t get screwed up.”

  They came to their room. Kelton pulled out the plastic key and stuck it in the slot. There was a double beep and he turned the handle, pushed the door open, and walked in.

  Nicholas was waiting for them inside, seated at the desk in the far corner of the room. He stood up and crossed the room, stopping a few paces from them. “Glad to see you made it.”

  “And you as well,” Kelton replied. Jessica walked past Nicholas and plopped herself down in an oversized chair next to the wall opposite him. Kelton remained standing.

  “I trust the trip up was a pleasant one?”

  “Depends on how you define pleasant,” Kelton said. “But we made it all right. That’s what counts.”

  “Indeed,” Nicholas said. “Did you think of any additional questions during the trip?”

  Kelton pursed his lips and shook his head. “Nope. I think we covered everything.”

  “That is good,” Nicholas said. “If anything else comes to mind, do not hesitate to ask.”

  “We won’t,” Jessica said. “Now, if you don’t mind leaving us alone for a little while, Nick, we have a little business to take care of.”

  “Business?” Kelton said, flashing her a smile. “Is that what you call it? I thought it was supposed to be fun.”

  “It’s only fun if nobody’s watching,” Jessica said.

  Kelton raised his eyebrows. “I thought it was the other way around?”

  “Enough, you two,” Nicholas said. His face had grown pink, and was quickly rushing to red. “I will leave. You can do whatever you want, as long as you are ready to make that phone call at five o’clock.”

  Jessica looked at Kelton. “Five o’clock, huh? What’s that, two hours from now?”

  “About that,” Kelton replied.

  “You think you can last that long?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe. If we start at, say, four fifty-five.”

  Kelton could see Nicholas shaking his head as he walked quickly towards the door, and then out of the room.

  “Apparently our friend isn’t too fond of that sort of talk,” Kelton said after the door was closed.

  “That’s what makes it so much fun,” Jessica said. She turned towards Kelton, put her hands on his chest and gave him a light push towards the bed. “He probably hasn’t gotten laid in ten years.”

  Kelton took a couple of steps back. “Ten? I was thinking more like twenty.”

  Jessica gave him another push, this time a bit harder. The back of Kelton’s knees bumped into the bed, but he kept his balance and remained standing.

  “Hell,” Jessica said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still a virgin.”

  “Like me?” Kelton said.

  She shook her head, laughed under her breath. “That was a good one, I must admit. You had me fooled there for a little while.”

  Kelton smiled.

  “Of course,” Jessica said, “I still don’t know if you’re any good in the sack.”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Are you kidding me. You’re damn right it does.”

  “Good,” Kelton said, trying not to smile. “Because I’m a pro.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Jessica said. She snuck in close, pressed her body up against him. They kissed. She pulled back, looked at him. Their faces were inches apart. Both their grins had disappeared.

  “So what happens now?” she said, the light-hearted banter giving way to absolute seriousness.

  “That’s up to you,” Kelton said.

  “No, it’s not,” Jessica said. “It’s up to you.”

  He started to speak, but nothing came out. He paused, cleared his throat, and said, “I want to.”

  Jessica stared at him, her eyes probing his, searching for something. “Are you sure?”


  “Then prove it.”

  Kelton took her in his arms, picked her up, and tossed her onto the bed.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Jessica said. She sat up, pulled her shirt off, threw it at him. “Come on over here, big boy, show me what you got.”

  Thirty minutes later, Kelton and Jessica separated and fell apart, each taking one side of the bed, their naked bodies glistening with sweat.

  “You know,” Jessica said after she’d caught her breath, “You were pretty good, considering how long it had been since you’ve had any practice.”

  “I’m just glad I remembered where to put it,” Kelton said.

  Jessica laughed.

  “I’m s

  “Yeah right,” she said. “But I must admit, I didn’t expect you to last that long.”

  “Neither did I, to tell you the truth. And it will only get better from here.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that,” Jessica said.

  “In fact,” Kelton said, “I think I’m ready to go again.”


  “Yeah. Why? Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Hell no,” Jessica said. She took a deep breath, then rolled on top of him. “I’ve got no problem with that at all.”


  Kelton and Jessica were lying in bed naked, watching television, their head propped up by pillows. He had surprised himself by not over-thinking the ramifications of what they had just done. Instead, he was simply enjoying the moment, relishing the long-forgotten touch of a woman, his mind a long way away from his previous life. He’d worry about the rest later.

  Kelton turned, looked at her. Jessica returned his gaze, but something seemed to be amiss. Her eyes weren’t as unbound as usual, as though something was bothering her.

  He was just about to ask her what was wrong when someone started knocking on the door.

  “Who is it?” Kelton called out.

  “It is me, Nicholas.”

  “Well, come on in,” Kelton said. “You’ve got a key, right?”

  “Are you two decent?”

  “You should know,” Jessica said. “I’m sure you’ve been watching us for the last hour.”

  “Very funny,” Nicholas said. “At least pull the covers over you before I come in.”

  Kelton turned to Jessica and shrugged his shoulders. She shook her head and pulled the sheet up until it was covering her chest.

  Kelton slipped out of bed and into his boxers, threw on a t-shirt, and sat down on the chair in front of the desk. “Okay, Nick. You can come on in.”

  Nicholas opened the door. He took one look at Jessica then turned his gaze toward Kelton.

  “What do you want?” Kelton said.

  “Only to make sure you two knew what time it was,” Nicholas replied.

  Kelton looked at the clock, turned back towards Nicholas. “Four fifteen.”

  “Why?” Jessica said.

  “I just wanted to go over a few things before you made the call.”

  “Come back in thirty minutes and we can go over whatever you want,” Kelton said.

  Nicholas narrowed his eyes. “Why not now?”

  “Because I need to shower,” Jessica said.

  Kelton looked at her, then back towards Nicholas. “Yeah. I need to shower too.”

  Nicholas looked confused for a moment, then it clicked. “All right,” he said, his tone hinting at disgust. “I will come back at exactly four-forty-five. I trust you will be out of the shower and fully clothed by then?”

  “Trust all you want,” Jessica said. “We’re not guaranteeing anything though.”

  “Somehow, I did not think you would,” Nicholas said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Oh, by the way,” Kelton said. “This may be a stupid question, but you wouldn’t by chance be planning on giving me my gun back before I meet up with Walter, would you?”

  The rest of Nicholas’s face lit up, and suddenly his smile held quite a bit of humor. “Now that was funny.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so,” Kelton said.

  “Do not worry,” Nicholas said. “You will have no use for it. I promise you that.”

  Jessica scoffed. “You’re all about promise and trust, aren’t you, Nick?”

  Nicholas flashed her a half-grin that toed the line between ironic and sincere. “Where would the world be without it?”

  “Where indeed,” Jessica said under her breath. “Now, if you don’t mind leaving . . .”

  “I would be glad to,” Nicholas said. He left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

  “Well, that was fun,” Jessica said. She sat up and the sheet fell to her waist. “If I never see that guy again, it’ll be too soon.”

  “Don’t worry, Jess. It’ll all be over soon.”

  Jessica smiled. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Just a few minutes ago, if I remember correctly.” Laughing, she stood up, and started walking towards the bathroom.

  As Kelton rose to join her, he found himself wondering if he was making the right choice. Soon enough, they’d find out.

  Precisely thirty minutes later, Nicholas was back in the room. Despite their threats to the contrary, both Kelton and Jessica were fully clothed and waiting for him as he entered.

  Jessica was on the bed, Kelton at a chair behind the desk. Nicholas stood.

  “Are you ready to give our friend a call?”

  “Sure,” Kelton said. “But not from the room. We need to do it at a pay phone.”

  “Obviously,” Nicholas said. “We have already set up one of the phones in the lobby for you to use.”

  “Sounds good,” Kelton said. “What exactly do you want me to say to him?”

  “That you are in Las Vegas and that you are ready to hand him the girl.”

  “The girl has a name,” Jessica said from her chair.

  “You are right,” Nicholas said, turning towards her. “I am sorry, Jessica.”

  She flashed a humorless grin. “I’m sure you are.”

  Turning his attention back to Kelton, Nicholas said. “Tell him you want to meet him at the Round Table Hotel, near—”

  Kelton was shaking his head.

  “What is the problem?” Nicholas said.

  “That’s not going to work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because he always picks the places for us to meet,” Kelton said. “If I try and push a place on him now, he’ll know something’s fishy for sure.”

  “Then do not push,” Nicholas said after a brief pause. “Do what you normally do. Let him pick the place. But I must warn you, if we do not like the situation, we will call it off.”

  “You guys do what you have to,” Kelton said.

  “Do not worry,” Nicholas said. “You can be assured that we will.”

  “All right,” Kelton said with a sigh. “But no running around like maniacs after he tells us where to meet. We have to assume he’s already here, and watching the meeting place closely. So make sure your guys play it the right way. Keep things as low key as possible. You don’t know Walter like I do. He’ll sniff this ambush out if we’re not extremely careful.”

  “Do not worry about our part of the job,” Nicholas said. “You just worry about getting Walter to show up, and we will take care of the rest.”

  “Oh, he’ll show up,” Kelton said. “After all, the old man trusts me.”

  The phone on the far right side of the row was the only one the NDC had tapped, but it was currently in use. A man of middle-eastern descent was speaking an unfamiliar language into the receiver. His face was a dark shade of maroon and spittle flew from his lips as he spoke.

  They walked past the row of phones and stopped a few yards away, pretending to look at a menu framed on the wall, waiting.

  “I wonder if our friends are getting anything good out of that conversation,” Jessica said.

  Kelton laughed softly and snuck a glance at the man. The tone of the conversation had softened considerably. “If this thing doesn’t go the way we want it to, we’ll probably be in a cell next to him tomorrow.”

  “With these guys, I wouldn’t be at all surprised,” Jessica said through her teeth.

  The man hung up the phone and walked away. Kelton waited a moment, then approached the phone. Jessica was right behind him.

  Kelton picked up the receiver, wiped the mouthpiece on the front of his shirt, and dialed Walter’s cell.

  It was picked up on the second ring with a rough “Hello?”

  “It’s me, Kelton.”

  “How are you doing, my friend?”

  “Same as before,” Kelton said. “What about you?”

  “Hanging in
there,” Walter replied. “Did you get yourselves settled in?”

  “Yeah. We’re staying at a little place just off the strip called The Round Table Hotel.”

  “I know right where it is,” Walter said. “It’s a nice little hotel.”

  “It’s not half-bad,” Kelton said. “No casino, so it’s pretty quiet.”

  “Were you planning on doing any gambling?” Walter said.

  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “I think you should,” Walter said. “There’s a casino I’m partial to, pretty close to where you guys are staying. It’s called The Cleopatra. Have you ever been there?”

  “I can’t say that I have.”

  “You should go check it out, play a little cards, have a few drinks.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Kelton said. “What do you suggest we play?”

  “I’d stick to blackjack if I were you,” Walter said. “There’s a run of tables away from the main part of the floor, on the east end of the casino, over by the Sports Book. I’ve always had good luck there.”

  “I’ll check it out.”

  “Good,” Walter said. “And what about our friend?”

  “She’ll be sitting right next to me,” Kelton said. “I’ve still got enough of a bankroll for both of us.”

  “Sounds like a grand old time. I might even stop by, say hello.”

  “You should do that.”

  “I think I will,” Walter said. “What time is good for you?”

  “The sooner the better,” Kelton said. “I want to wrap this thing up as quickly as possible. I need some sleep. It’s been a pretty tiring couple of days.”

  “I hear you there my friend. Been a little stressful for me too.”

  “I’m sure it has,” Kelton said. “It’ll be good to get this whole thing over with.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” Walter said. “How does an hour from now sound. Six o’clock sharp?”

  “Perfect,” Kelton said. “We’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Well then, I guess I’ll see you soon. And don’t get yourself into too much trouble before I get there. I hear Vegas is a good town for that kind of thing.”


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