An Ordinary Me

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An Ordinary Me Page 4

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “Nah, I can’t do that. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “What does feeling right have to do with it? You only live once.”

  “Garrison had really made an impact on me. I think of him all the time! And I mean all the time! He has an aura about him that I can’t put my finger on.”

  We are interrupted suddenly by someone coming up behind me covering my eyes. I could hear Autumn giggle.

  “Guess who?”

  I ran my fingers over his hands but I already knew who it was. I could feel his presence when we were in the same room. I could smell his scent.

  “Garrison.” He uncovered my eyes.

  “Hey, Reese, whatcha doing?”

  “Just hanging out for a while. Autumn got her driver’s license and we thought the best place we could go would be the mall to celebrate.”

  He smiled and then looked at his phone.

  “Sounds like girls day to me. I gotta get going. See ya later.”

  We both said, “Bye, Garrison.” Except my smile didn’t go away as quickly as Autumn’s did.

  I yell out to him, “Call me later,” and when I say later, my body is screaming now! He turns back and winks at me. Damn he is too gorgeous.

  Chapter 3

  Two weeks later


  I decided to ask Mom and Dad if they would allow me to go to the party that Cannon asked me to go to. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go to it anymore especially if I don’t make the dance team but I wanted to know if they would allow it. I dropped the bomb over breakfast.

  I had only gone on two “dates” last year and both times it was with a group of people. Mainly Autumn and a couple of other girls in our circle. We went to a movie and the other time to a teen night. My parents were really strict and for good reason. I tried to accept their rules but it was getting harder and harder the older I became. They were so overboard it was bordering on paranoia.

  Autumn’s mom was the total opposite. She was a single mother and works a lot. She was far more lenient on Autumn. If we want to do something my parents won’t allow we would stay at her house. Up to now, there really were only a few times we had done that but it wasn’t to the magnitude this was. Like, sometimes we would want to rent a movie that was rated R, so we would stay at her house to watch it.

  Mom and Dad are laughing so I figured this was my chance to move in.

  “Mom, Dad, I wanted to ask ya’ll something real quick?”

  “Yes, hon,” Mom answered after taking a sip of her coffee and smiling at Dad.

  “Cannon asked me if I wanted to go to a party. It’s to celebrate who made the Pantherettes and the lacrosse team. The tryouts for both of them are the same day. Autumn will be with me.”

  “Where is it?” Dad asks.

  “It’s at a friend’s house.”

  “Are there parents going to be home?” Dad asks.

  “I’m not sure. Cannon asked me. I know there will be a lot of people there.”

  Mom speaks up. “We would have to take you. There is no way I will allow you to ride with a teenager. We are letting you ride with Autumn to school or the mall but a party is quite a different thing.”

  “What about with Cannon? He used to live right next door.”

  “I don’t know, sweetie. You know how we feel about that.”

  “Yes, I do. I just want to prove you can trust me. I would never do anything wrong.”

  “I believe you, Reese, it’s not that you will do something wrong. You have people around you that will push you into making choices you may not want to make.”

  “Or not ready to make…” Mom stumbles out after a deep breath.

  Dad looks at Mom then takes the lead. “Reese, we are just not comfortable with you getting in the car with him or any teenager at night right now. One day you will understand… we have our reasons. With your uncle…”

  “I know what happened with Uncle Ted but I’m not him. I make my own decisions.”

  I didn’t say anything else but I continued eating my breakfast. Looks like we are going to plan B, and I will be deceiving my parents for the first time in life. There wasn’t a bone in my body that felt right about it. Most importantly, I was regretting it before even doing it.

  ~ ~ ~

  Nervously I made my way into Comal High to the main hall to see if my name was on the list. Being on the dance team and an official Pantherette was the one thing I had wanted for as long as I could remember. Before I make it to the list, several girls from the dance team come up and start hugging me telling me congratulations while some of the girls were crying. I still had to see. I had to see my name on the list with my own eyes.

  There it was in black and white: Reese Owens. I did it! I was smiling from ear to ear. All my hard work had paid off.

  Autumn came up behind me squealing and jumped on me to hug me.

  “I’m so proud of you, Reese. I knew you could do it.”

  “Thanks! I can’t believe it. It still seems unreal to me. I can definitely feel all the aching in my legs from all the torture.”

  “It’s such a huge accomplishment! Your legs look great too! Let’s go out to the party tonight and celebrate!”

  “I don’t know. I’m having second thoughts. I know we made our plans for what we are going to do but I am so nervous. I’ve never lied to my parents.”

  “Don’t be such a baby. Shit, we are in high school now. We have everything already planned for you to stay at my house and we will tell your parents we are going to a movie and my mom is taking us.”

  “I know but…”

  “But nothing. Cannon is going to be there along with most of the hot guys in all of Comal High. We won’t get caught. We’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it. Trust me.”

  “I haven’t even seen Cannon since the night he and Garrison were acting like I was something to argue over at the game.”

  “Well, I talked to Ryan and he said Cannon and most of the senior class are going to be there. It is going to be the party of the year.”

  “Autumn, you know I have never lied to my parents. I’m not feeling right about it. I already feel guilty and I haven’t even done anything yet.”

  “Stop stressing over it, we aren’t lying. We are just stretching the truth is all.” Yeah that’s not how my parents will see it.

  I smirked and went to first period. There was a huge part of me that wanted to go and see what it is all about. And Cannon was going to be there. And most of the senior class. I wonder if that included Garrison Davis.

  ~ ~ ~

  I came in the door from school and went straight to my room hoping to get to it without coming face to face with Mom. I am a horrible liar. I have never been able to lie to her since I couldn’t look her in the eyes with a straight face. I would turn myself in and admit I was doing wrong before she even had to ask. My mom would be able to sense something was up. I wanted to get my bag together and go to Autumn’s before she got home from work. I had only lied to my mom a couple of times when I was younger. It was over small things, had I brushed my teeth, had I had that extra soda or done something minute. Obviously, this was an entirely different situation.

  I got my bag ready moving faster than I ever had in my life, fed the dog and called Mom letting her know I was going to Autumn’s, staying the night, and we were going to a movie later that night. Luckily, Natalie was at a friend’s house. I had told Mom that Autumn’s mom wasn’t letting her go to the party either so we were going to do something else. Autumn’s mother would be taking us to the movie and I would text her as soon as we got home. She seemed fine with it and said she trusted me and would wait for my text. When she told me to make good choices, I could feel the knots in my stomach forming, and not in a good way. I was lying to my mom and she was telling me she trusted me laying the guilt on thick. I knew I was deliberately being deceitful and yes it bothered me.

  When I got to Autumn’s house, she was waiting for me by her front door and was already starting to get ready for the ni
ght out. Her mom was going to be gone most the night. Since she was a single mom, she worked various shifts. She didn’t see anything wrong or harm being done with us going to a party. She would even lie for me if she needed to. She thought my parents were too overprotective and her philosophy was kids will be kids and only live once. She allowed Autumn much more freedom than my mom did.

  Granted my mom was an entirely different person than Autumn’s mom. Just as Autumn and I were. We were alike as much as we were different.

  Autumn and I got ready with loud music vibrating the walls of her house. She did our makeup and our hair. I was wearing my skinny jeans with my chucks and a graphic shirt. She was wearing her leggings with a short shirt that showed her stomach and flats. She had her belly button pierced and loved to show it off. Again, something my parents would never allow.

  Ryan, Autumn’s now boyfriend, was picking us up. He was going to have us home by the time the movie was supposed to be ending so I can text my mom.

  Arriving at the house where the party was, it had already apparently kicked off and was in full gear. The music was blaring. I didn’t really know what to expect at my first party with no adults. I was just as nervous as I was excited. There were at least ten cars and more people were arriving. Everyone was in the backyard in a separate garage where they had a pool table, a pool and foosball. I scanned my surroundings and saw people kissing and making out completely unaware of who was watching. Hell, show some self respect would ya?

  I was there just a few minutes when Cannon came up to me and picked me up swinging me around thrilled to see me.

  “You’re finally here, Reese!”

  He placed me down and lifted my chin up for me to look at him.

  “I didn’t think you would show up. I know how your parents are! I’m impressed you were able to make it.” If he knew how my parents were why did he invite me?

  “It wasn’t a big deal, Cannon.” Play it cool, Reese. Wasn’t a big deal? Yeah, it was a HUGE deal.

  Ryan came up and handed me a beer.

  “Thanks.” Gross! I wanted to gag from just the smell.

  Autumn came up behind me whispering, “Just take a few sips and then you will get used to it.”

  I nodded. I was starting to get agitated already. Not only did I lie but now I am around people that are drinking and being offered it. I could hear my mom’s voice. ‘Sometimes people will influence you to do things you normally wouldn’t do.’ Yeah, I’m getting it…

  Cannon put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. “I’m glad you’re in my world now, Reese. I’ll show it to you if you let me.”

  He leaned down as if he was going to kiss me but pulled back. Why would he try to kiss me when he could kiss the girl he was with at the football game?

  “Come sit in the living room with me. We are fixing to play a game.” He took my hand and led me into the house. It was a huge home with tall ceilings. It looked much larger inside than it looked outside.

  He asked me, “Aren’t you going to try some of your beer?”

  I shook my head yes. Oh God. I drank a few sips of my beer and felt it rising in my throat as I was forcing it down. Horse pee? The smell, the nasty smell like a stinky armpit. Please let me hold it down and not puke it up.

  Autumn comes and sits next to me on my other side and whispers, “Stop thinking about it so much. One beer is not going to hurt you. Just relax.”

  I smiled at her trusting her but knowing it was going to hurt me. I was doing something I didn’t want to do.

  “We are going to play the alphabet game,” Cannon announces. People in the room hollered excitedly. Those same people came and sat around the living room taking their spots next to their dates.

  I look to Autumn and squint my eyes and fight my urge to stand up to run from the room. What did I get myself into?

  “We need more beer in here, Ryan! It’s about to get crazy up in here,” Cannon yelled.

  Ryan entered with another guy I didn’t know with their hands full passing beers to everyone.

  Cannon starts to explain the game, “You have to name a city of the letter you get and if you don’t get it, you have to take a drink for twenty seconds. Ready?” He turned to me and winked.

  I most certainly am not but I can’t very well say that out loud can I?

  Autumn speaks up excited to be first. “I'll start. Atlanta.” Ahhh… She has played this before and didn’t warn me?

  Crapolo. Then it’s me… B----- Seriously? I couldn’t think of anything?

  Everyone starts laughing and clapping.

  “Take a drink, Reese. A twenty second drink. ”

  “Wait! Birmingham… Boston… Baltimore…”

  “TOO LATE! Bottoms up! Bottoms up…” Everyone starting chanting with him and people are pounding on the coffee table to make it sound like rumbling thunder. And here was the peer pressure my parents were telling me about. Peer pressure at its finest.

  So I did the only thing I could think of. I drank the nasty bubbly drink for the twenty seconds and was already starting to feel the effects in my head. Nasty! Gag! Why would anyone decide or want to drink this funky… I think I would rather drink rotten milk. No, I know I would.

  And on the game went, on and on. Before I knew it, I had drunk three beers not by choice and was getting more and more nauseous by the minute. I needed to find a bathroom, and I needed to find one quick.

  I stood up and tripped barely able to keep standing. The room was spinning and I was going to get sick. Uncontrollably sick. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t find my center. I tried to find something to lean against to help stabilize me with no such luck. I was going to be humiliated again just like the first day of school.

  I did make it to the bathroom but not to the toilet. I threw up in the sink and felt the urgency to get home not only because I was about to blow chunks all over the place but also to prevent another mortifying event that everyone will see.

  Autumn came into the bathroom and tried to wipe my face seeing how truly sick I was.

  “I’ll go find Ryan and get him to take us home.”

  “Okay, hurry, I feel really bad.”


  My head hurt so badly, and I was so dizzy. I couldn’t stand up anymore so I slid on the floor. I sat for what seems like forever and then laid down knowing fully aware I was lying on a bathroom floor. Disgusting. I already smelled like vomit and didn’t know how much worse it could get. I hoped that no one would see me, especially Cannon. Not that he would do anything to help me, just like the first day of school. He probably would laugh or ignore me just like he did that day.

  Autumn came back into the bathroom and helped me up to take me to the car. Her “official boyfriend” was getting the car and was going to meet us out front. She put her arm around my waist and had to drag me to the car. I could barely stand on my own two feet much less walk.

  We passed everyone still playing the drinking game and not a single person seemed to be concerned of my condition. In fact, Cannon was already sitting next to another girl. The girl I saw him with at the game. Scavenger much? He probably has an endless supply of girls with one in reserves ready to step in.

  The house was so full, and I was claustrophobic. It felt like no air was circulating and I was standing in a sauna. After we got out of the living room where we were sitting playing the game, I saw tons of students crowding the front yard and porch now.

  “Reese, I forgot my purse. I’ll be right back. Wait right here.” It sounded like she was getting frustrated in her voice as if I planned to get sick. It’s more her fault than mine. She told me to drink it, it would be okay. One drink wouldn’t hurt me. I wanted to snap back at her but felt too sick to. She leaned me against the porch brick.

  My head started pounding again like a jack hammer trying to cut through my skull. I felt the vomit rise in my throat again. Oh God, not again.

  I leaned over and vomited all over my feet right where I was standing. Great, just grea
t, as if I hadn’t been mortified enough.

  My hair was falling over my face as I was heaving and I felt someone pull it back. At this point, I wasn’t even concerned about puking in my hair. That should tell you how bad I feel.

  “Autumn, I am so mad at myself. I can’t believe I drank… that stupid game… Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “It’s okay, Reese.” That was definitely not Autumn. I lifted my head up to see… Garrison…

  The same Garrison that warned me to be careful. That same Garrison that would have never pressured me to drink. I don’t know maybe he would have but by the way he comforts me I would guess he wouldn’t. The same Garrison I had been dreaming about. I had dreamt that we were walking and holding hands. Of course, in reality, it was him helping me up when I face planted on the first day of school. The very same Garrison that was the only person to help me the first day of school and is now here helping hold my hair back while I vomit. He is my knight in shining armor. The ones you read about, the ones you see in the movies and only hope that you will meet someone who will even pale in comparison.


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