An Ordinary Me

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An Ordinary Me Page 18

by Brooklyn Taylor

  As she walked to me I thanked God for sending this woman to me and giving me the love I had never felt. My heart felt so heavy with gratitude. I started to tear up and fought it back. The guests were watching every move Reese made and were silent with awe.

  She reached me and her father let go of her arm lifting her veil and kissing her cheek.

  I turned to her and smiled blinking trying to fight the tears of happiness. I had the sudden panicked feeling in my gut hoping she didn’t change her mind.

  I took her hands and we turned to where we were standing right in front of the minister.

  “What took you so long?” I whispered to her and she laughed.

  “Dearly beloved, we are here to merge two lives into one. To join two people that are in love and are making the commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. This joining of lives is not to be taken lightly. There will be a lifetime of happy moment’s as well as struggles. You will work together facing every struggle head on. You will survive together. Believe in God that brought you together and the bond that has been formed. Believe in love and believe in each other for eternity.”

  “Reese, would you like to start?” She shook her head yes and paused for only a second to get my ring from Autumn standing behind her.

  “Garrison Davis, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. I give you my heart and my eternal self. I promise to walk with you, hand in hand, where ever our lives may lead, through the good and the bad, happy and the sad. You are the reason my heart beats. I love you.” She slid the ring on the only finger that is connected to my heart. I smiled after it was in place knowing I’d never remove it.

  “And Garrison…” Dylan handed him the ring.

  “Reese Owens, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. I give you my heart and my eternal self. I promise to walk with you hand and hand. Our lives may meet trials and tribulations but none will matter as long as I’m with you. You make me a better man. You complete me every day and make me whole. You’re the reason I breathe and I’m nothing without you. I love you.”

  The minister finished the service with the sentence I had been waiting for. “With the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  I leaned in sweetly and placed my hands on her face just as I did when I’m wanting Reese to know how much I love her as if she could feel the kiss not only from my lips but from my hands. I kissed her in front of all our friends and family and the invitees erupted in clapping.

  “Friends and family let me be the first to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Davis.”

  She smiled and mouthed “Finally!” and we started to head back down the very aisle we walked up as individuals and were now one.

  I looked up to see Reese’s parents waiting with eyes full of tears and smiles on their faces.

  Her mom hugged her, “You will have a lifetime of happiness with a man that worships you just like your dad does me and I him. I love you my Reese.”

  Reese responded, “I love you too mom.”

  We continued walking down the aisle stopping occasionally to smile and take congratulations from friends and family. We walk back towards the area of the venue that would hold our reception.

  Reese stopped abruptly and pulled me over to the side. All eyes were off of us for a brief minute and I bathed in it.

  We headed toward an iron bench sitting under a set of oak trees that had lights hung among the trees. Before taking a seat I took off my jacket to let her sit on it to not ruin her wedding dress. I pointed to the jacket and waved my hand towards the seat calling Reese- Mrs. Davis. I loved the feeling off my lips of her married name. I was positive I’d never get sick of saying it.

  I took a deep breath as we held hands letting it all sink in. I couldn’t take my eyes off her beauty and the happiness I felt that she was my wife.

  Reese leaned on my shoulder, “Garrison thank you for making me the happiest woman that has ever lived.”

  “I will sweetheart; as long as my heart is beating it will be for you. Or as long as you will have me.” I smirked but I really meant that remark. Here’s to hoping she will always have me, want me as I do her.

  She laughed and rubbed her finger over my wedding ring that she had engraved on the inside to say our date. Not the date we got married, or the first date. Nope. The very first time I saw her and knew she was going to be the one for me.

  I went in for a kiss and we kissed deeply knowing no eyes were on us for the first time today. I closed my eyes and took it all in and kept pulling her a little closer then closer.

  And then, the rain came down, hard. No thunder, or lightening, no warning just a warm rain that soaked us through the tree.

  Reese looked at me and we burst into laughter. It didn’t matter. Hell, I had weathered so many storms as a child, then the tragedy of when I was finally figuring things out and almost lost her. I know with full confidence there would be more but none of it amounted to anything. It was symbolic as if I was washed off all my bad memories and trials and I was starting fresh with my wife.

  We heard giggles and clapping and see our friends and family taking pictures of us in the rain soaking wet. With one final kiss we made a run for it to the covered area to be with our family and friends waiting for us.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies room to try and dry off a bit. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay baby. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  “Wait one sec… Reese… What did your dad say to you before you started down the aisle?” I questioned her curious.

  She smiled. “He said he knew I snuck out to see you. And then said he did the same thing to see mom. He told me not to worry about the bad luck. It was an old wives tale.”

  I smiled laughing to myself.


  I made my way over to the reception area and got myself bottled water. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around with a smile on my face. Nothing could ruin this good feeling I had finally marrying Reese. I was on cloud nine.

  I turn in total shock and was speechless with disbelief of what I was seeing right in front of my face.

  “Garrison.” A voice that I was so familiar with but hadn’t ached for as long as I could remember.

  “Mom.” I looked her up and down not really sure what to say. She looked better than I had ever seen, and she looked healthy. I didn’t ever recall her looking so good.

  “Can we talk?” She asked nicely.

  “Now? At my wedding?”

  “Please Garrison, can you give me five minutes?”

  With frustration I led her to the outside area to try to get her away from the rest of the guests.

  I stood there with my arm propped up on the wall waiting for her to start. I had heard it all from her.

  “Son….Please don’t be upset with me…”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I couldn’t stay away when my only child was getting married. I had to see you.

  See you happy. A happy I did a poor job at contributing to.”

  “You never tried.” I responded with thinking automatically.

  “I guess I deserve that.”

  “You deserve a lot more than that. Do you think showing up at my wedding uninvited was the time to talk to me?”

  “I’ve tried to call you. You never answer. I have mailed you letters, you had them all returned. When else was I going to show you and talk to you and prove I’m better… I’m sober…”

  “Why? Why does it matter?”

  “Because it does. I need you to know I’m sorry for everything. For being the shit of a mother I was. For letting my demons destroy me and your childhood, for not being what you deserved. I’m sorry for it all.”

  She started to cry but I paid no attention. I had a heart that felt so much emotion, I was always a guy that was sensitive even though I never showed it but this was too much. Today was a happy day for me damn it and she was not going to ruin it!

  “This is not the time for
this. This is one of the most important days of my life and…..”

  “I know. I needed to see you happy.”

  “So this was for you?”

  I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Ellen and Reese standing there waiting to see how I was going to respond.

  I rubbed my fingers through my hair and knew what I needed to do. I needed to do it for me more than her. I needed to let it go. Ellen was right I couldn’t harbor the hate any longer.

  I took a deep breath and say words I never fathomed saying to her. “Let’s just start fresh mom. If you are truly sober, I’m willing. But if you are drinking, doing dope or screwing up…. I’m done. I won’t have it in my life, and I won’t have it around my wife.” God I hoped I wouldn’t regret this.

  She hugged me tightly. “I love you son. I can’t make up the past to you but I can try to be better. You’re important to me and I’m sorry that I screwed it up your childhood. I needed help…. And I finally got it, thanks to Ellen. I have a lot to make up for… and I hope in time I can…”

  I look over my shoulder and see once again my aunt did what she could for me. She was relentless in trying to make sure my life came together as it should.

  “Reese….” I called her to me and motioned for her to join me.

  She came walking out in her dress lightly with wet spots from the rain with tears in her eyes and the biggest smile decorating her beautiful face.

  “Mom this is Reese Davis. My wife. My life.”

  “Nice to officially meet you Reese. And welcome to the family.”


  I was so bodily exhausted but completely refreshed in my soul. This night was the most amazing night I could have ever asked for. The wedding, the rain, the food, the family, the friends and the dancing. Every new memory brings out an old one with the man that I’ll be spending the rest of my life with. It was almost like a rolodex of photographs in my head that come rushing back to me; I could feel the exact feeling in my chest.

  Our first dance as a couple was to Thinking out Loud. I immediately flashed back to the memory of our first dance again for the second time tonight.

  It was Garrison that came up to me once again and asked me to dance just like he did that night at winter ball. This time, though all eyes were on us. He timed it perfectly having the music start as he took my hand and brought me on the dance floor. It was one of the only songs we both liked.

  “Do you remember the first time we danced?”

  I shook my head yes. “How could I forget it? It was the closest you had been to me. I could’ve stayed in your arms all night. It made me weak in the knees just like you do over and over again.”

  He smiled.

  “The only difference now as I know your mine now.”

  He winked at me. “I’ve always been yours sweetheart. I just didn’t let myself believe it.”

  Tonight we were as one, we were now married and I didn’t ever have to worry about wanting him and him not wanting me in return. We danced more tonight than we had ever danced before. Something so intimate even though you had a hundred eyes staring at your every move. Even when it was time to pull away to spend time with our guests, we declined the invitations and stayed in each other’s arms.

  Tomorrow we would be leaving for our honeymoon. We were going to Belize. I even packed a shirt that I had made for me that says Mrs. Davis. Hope Garrison gets a good laugh out of it. I hope to always put a smile on his face.


  Three months later

  It occurred to me back at home getting back into the swing of things, work, home and married life and countless hours of starring at my wedding ring, Garrison always talked about how much he wasn’t loved or afraid to love. Quite the contrary he gave me something I never thought I would ever have. I was the one winning the prize. He was capable of much more than he ever imagined. As I guess we all are.

  Alone I was ordinary, but together we are extraordinary. Garrison is all my firsts that are also my lasts and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Our story will always be my favorite love story because without going through the trials of life, would we appreciate the ones we may have taken for granted? Maybe, maybe not. No looking back now anyway and why would I want to?

  We the Davis’ have found our happy ever after.

  Good news….I’m pregnant.


  Two years later


  Christmas morning had never been a favorite morning of mine for obvious reasons. I was usually alone, sometimes I tried to wake my mother up from a bender but as I got older I realized she was going to be meaner from me interrupting her sleep so I sat alone. Sometimes I would watch The Christmas Story and eat whatever was in the kitchen, usually a sandwich.

  Aunt Ellen would come by later in the day and bring me the only presents I would get making my day brighter.

  This Christmas morning we were sitting in our home that we had just moved into three months ago. The house was decorated from head to toe in Christmas decorations, from Jesus, Mary to Rudolph and Santa. Our tree, the first one I had ever had that was not smaller than myself was lit up blinking brightly. The smells floating throughout our house was a mixture of cinnamon and turkey. Reese, her mom and sister along with my mom and aunt are in the kitchen working away, Mr. Owens just got sent out for a last minute egg run and I sat here exactly where I would want to be. This will be our second Christmas all together like a real family.

  I had just succeeded in getting the fireplace nice and hot before Reese handed me Peyton our little girl. Peyton Elise Davis. She blessed our world just over a year ago and has kept us on our toes ever since.

  It’s funny as I sat here rocking her I couldn’t remember our world without her. She had decorated it in so many ways.

  I looked down at her and whispered in her sweet little ear the thoughts I had promising never again to hold my feelings captive again. There was too much at risk.

  “Pey, I love you sweet girl. I love you and your mommy very much and will never stop. I promise to always make you happy. You know baby girl, you will always be cherished. No matter what you do, I’ll always be standing by your side supporting you and giving you the love that I have for you. I will always show you how much I love you.”

  I could feel the tears building in my eyes and I took her little hand as she was slumber in my arms I continued rocking her wishing she had understood the words I spoke. I said these same words to her all the time but I wanted her to hear them again and again.

  Reese’s hand touched my shoulder and then she gave me a sweet kiss before leaning down to kiss Peyton.

  “I will always show you too Garrison. I love you.”


  Always first and foremost is God. He put these voices in my head and pushed me to tell this story. He made me and knew what I was capable of even when I doubted myself.

  My loving husband and my inspiration for Garrison. You have seen so much and overcome every obstacle that was placed in your way. You never settled for a lesser life and always strived to become who you are, a loving husband, best friend and incredible father. You have never met a stranger and always see the good in people even when I am cautious. I love you dearly.

  Katie Poo, you are freaking awesome. You haven’t read An Ordinary Me yet but I hope you love it. You are a constant support for me and I can’t imagine my life without you. You live a million miles away although it feels like you are next door.

  For anyone that buys this book, thank you. I write to write, but I also write to get a message across. I want to have my voice heard. I hope this comes across loud and clear.

  For every girl that feels like you are “ordinary”, that you are nothing special, on the contrary my friend. You are beautiful and special in more ways than you know. If you don’t believe me look in the mirror.

  For any child that has gone through life like Garrison, know you can beat it, you can overcome anything. Believe in yourself and know you are w
orth it. You can be anything and lastly you deserve the stars. Aim and reach for it. It can be yours. Never let anyone tell you anything except this. I have living proof!

  Buy links for my other stories:

  Forever Series:

  Book 1 - Eternal Soulmate (Ashlynn’s story)

  Book 2- Endless Affinity (Grace’s story)


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