Spanish Nights

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Spanish Nights Page 9

by Anna Vaughn

  “Okay. I’ll see you later.”

  Emma showed herself out and walked down the hall, past her old office before she stopped to talk to a few people. She wanted to see how everyone else was doing, how morale was.

  Chapter 39

  Emma’s back ached after cleaning her entire apartment that afternoon. She’d boxed up all her things that she’d left behind and made two piles, one for storage and one for charity.

  She’d cooked dinner for Damien and herself after she’d had a shower. Now they were relaxing, reminiscing about old times. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d spent an evening together like this where the conversation had nothing to do with business.

  Emma brought her tumbler to her lips and finished the last of the whiskey that was in it. She was getting tired now, her eyelids growing heavier by the minute.

  A few times tonight, she found herself wondering if she could pull it off: splitting her time. She didn’t want to but she could see how stressed out Damien was and she had brought in a lot of the company’s current clients. Hiring someone else to replace her might not be the answer.

  She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to do what was best for her brother, for the company but she was pretty sure that whatever that was, it wouldn’t be best for her.

  Chapter 40

  Laura’s feet pounded the sand as she jogged back towards the port, the water lapping gently into the shore beside her.

  Running wasn’t necessarily something that she liked but she loved the way it made her feel. It gave her time to think, to clear her head, to mull over something that was bothering her.

  The sun was setting and she couldn’t wait to get back to her apartment and jump in the shower. This was her favorite time of day to run, when the sky was a hazy mixture of purples and pinks and the air was that bit cooler.

  She jogged back to her building and took the elevator up to her floor. When she turned the key in the door, she could see the light on her phone flashing from the coffee table.

  She crossed the room to see what she’d missed while she was gone. It was a call from Emma.

  I need a shower first… Then I’ll call her back.

  Laura went into their bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed to take off her sneakers and then went into the bathroom to have a nice, hot shower.

  She ran a little harder today that she normally would and she was already feeling it. The hot water was soothing though and she took her time, letting the warm spray relax her.

  Twenty minutes later, she was sitting down on the couch in the living room in her pajamas dialling Emma’s number. She answered straight away.

  “Hey babe,” Laura said as she got comfortable. “Sorry I missed you. How’s Dublin?”

  Laura took her phone away from her ear when she didn’t get an immediate response. They were still connected though.

  “You there, Emma?”


  Laura thought she heard sniffles. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I need to spend a few extra days here. I feel so bad for Damien… I can’t leave him like this.”

  “That’s okay. What’s going on? How is he?”

  “Ugh… He’s on the verge of a breakdown. He’s drinking more and he’s given up on getting back with Catherine.”


  “And he’s not coping with the work load here either. He doesn’t want to hire someone to replace me… It’s just a mess.”

  Laura took a deep breath. She was worried about what Emma might say next.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to help him… I just can’t leave right now. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay… Is there anything I can do?”

  “No… I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “I’m glad you called.”

  “I better get back inside. I told Damien I wouldn’t be long…”

  “Sleep well. Call me if you need to talk, okay? It doesn’t matter what time.”

  “Thanks Laura. Night.”

  Laura hung up and blinked back the tears that appeared out of nowhere. She wasn’t going to cry about something that wasn’t happening. She wasn’t really losing Emma, although it felt like it sometimes.

  Chapter 41

  Emma hung up and wiped away the tear that raced down her cheek. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she went back inside.

  There were boxes everywhere. Hers that she was getting ready to move and his that would be unpacked in the next few days.

  Damien was in the kitchen pouring himself another whiskey. He brought out another glass for her too. She didn’t know if she’d bother but she took it anyway. She had no idea how he was going to get up for work tomorrow.

  “I’m going to have these boxes out of here by tomorrow night,” Emma said as she sat down on the couch.

  “There’s no rush.”

  “I’d like to get it done… I’ve lined up a few meetings for tomorrow too, with some of the clients that are considering leaving.”

  “Do you want me to join you?” Damien asked.

  “It’s up to you…”

  “Are you going to tell them that you’ll still be working in Dublin for a few months out of the year?”

  Emma sighed. “No… I haven’t made any decisions about that yet and I don’t want them staying or going based on me.”


  Emma reached for her tumbler and took another sip.

  “How did I end up here?” Damien asked softly after they’d fallen into an easy silence.

  Emma moved closer to him and put her arm around him.

  “I was so focused on work,” he said, “On Mum and Dad… My wife came last… How did I let this happen?”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Emma said as she squeezed his shoulder.

  Emma let out the breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

  I miss Laura. I wish I could fall asleep in her arms tonight.

  I can’t let what’s happened to Damien happen to me.

  Chapter 42

  Emma couldn’t help smiling when she wheeled her suitcase out into the warm Malaga air. The sun was setting but it was still lovely and mild as she got in the back seat of a taxi.

  She couldn’t wait to see Laura. She should already be home unless it was really busy at Murray’s or something came up.

  Emma was both physically and mentally exhausted. Her back and shoulders ached and she felt like she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since she’d left.

  All she wanted to do was get home, open a bottle of wine and relax on the couch with Laura.

  She’d forget about Dublin for a little while. Damien was doing much better. He’d moved into her apartment and she’d convinced him to hire someone to replace her.

  She’d met with more than a dozen clients while she was there and assured them all that, even though she wasn’t physically there in Dublin, she was still the co-founder of the company and they could be trusted to continue the work that they’d been doing for them.

  She paid the driver when he parked outside her building in Malagueta and wheeled her suitcase inside, glad to finally be home. Emma smiled to herself as she took the elevator up to their floor.

  Home. I wonder when I started considering this home.

  She stepped out of the elevator and wheeled her suitcase down the white tiled hallway until she reached their apartment and turned the key in the door.

  “Laura, are you home?” Emma called as she left her suitcase down inside the door and closed it behind her. The lights were on so she assumed Laura was in the bedroom.

  When Emma turned she nearly fell back into the door, knocking her suitcase over with a loud bang as she tried to compose herself.

  A woman she’d never seen before was sitting on her couch. Emma’s hand was on her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.

  “Jesus Christ! Who are you?” Emma asked, her back leaning up against the door.

  “Alicia,” the w
oman said simply as she stood up. She was stunning with black hair that fell well below her shoulders, her green eyes bright yet haunting. She looked like she was in her early forties, about the same age as Emma.

  Emma broke their eye contact to bend down and pick up her suitcase. When she stood up again Alicia was standing in front of her with her hand outstretched.

  Emma reluctantly shook it. “Emma,” she said as she dropped her hand. “So, you’re looking for Laura?”

  “Yes. She never changed the lock,” Alicia said, holding up a set up keys.

  “I’m sure she didn’t think that there was any need to…”

  “So… I take it you’re my replacement?”

  Emma’s eyebrows rose. “If you mean I’m Laura’s girlfriend… Then yes. What brings you to Malaga?”

  “I’m interviewing for a job at the college… Although I don’t think that I should have to sit an interview for my old job, but anyway…”

  Emma wiped her sweaty palms down the sides of her jeans discreetly. So much for a quiet, lazy evening with Laura. Her handbag was still slung across her shoulder. Maybe she should just leave.

  “I uh… I have to go,” Emma said quickly as she opened the door. “I’m sure you can show yourself out…”

  “Bye Emma,” Alicia called after her.

  Emma sped down the hall, anxious to get out of there. She’d get the train to her parents’ apartment. She couldn’t stay there any longer. Even though Alicia was an unwanted guest in her apartment, Alicia had somehow turned the tables, making Emma feel awkward in her own home.

  Laura hadn’t told her much about her most recent ex-girlfriend. All Emma knew was that they were together for four years and that they’d broken up about a year before Emma had met Laura.

  Laura had said that she’d thought they were happy but that Alicia took a job in New York and that it ended things.

  That was three years ago. Surely Emma had nothing to be worried about.

  The cheek of her to show up like that! Letting herself into our apartment… Unless Laura knew she was in town….

  Chapter 43

  Laura glanced up at their apartment as she got closer and noticed that their light was on. Emma must be home.

  She couldn’t wait to see her, picking up her pace as she got closer to the building’s front door.

  When she got upstairs she turned the key in their door. “Hey babe,” she called. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s been a while since you called me that.”

  Laura’s eyes met Alicia’s and she blinked just to make sure that she wasn’t seeing things. Alicia was sitting on her couch… Where was Emma?

  “Fucking hell, Alicia,” Laura said as she took a deep breath. “You scared the shit out of me… What are you doing here?”

  “I might be taking a job at the college again… And I wanted to see you.”

  Laura nodded. “Okay… Where’s Emma?” Laura asked, glancing down at the suitcase that was left beside the door.

  “She said that she had to go.”

  “I’m surprised she let you in,” Laura said with a soft laugh.

  “She didn’t. I let myself in.”

  “What?” Laura asked, staring at her. “So, you were just… Here when she got home? Shit… Alicia, you need to go. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Alright,” Alicia said as she stood up and reached for her bag.

  “And give me my key back, please.”

  Alicia pushed the key into Laura’s hand as she opened the door and left without saying another word.

  Laura pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Emma but she didn’t answer. She took a deep breath and left, knowing there were only three or four places that she could be.

  Chapter 44

  Emma sat on a concrete bench, overlooking the port and all the lights of the ships and yachts that gently rocked on the calm water.

  She trusted Laura but seeing Alicia sitting in their apartment unsettled her. She couldn’t pretend that it didn’t.

  She had dinner with her parents but didn’t want to stay too late. At the same time, she couldn’t go back to her apartment in case Alicia was still there and Laura wasn’t back yet.

  And if Laura was back?

  Would Emma be walking in on something? She didn’t think so but… Alicia was so confident. It drove her mad.

  Is what I was worried about already happening? I’m spending more time with my parents, going to Dublin to see Damien, and Laura’s busy running two pubs.

  Emma ran a shaky hand through her hair. They had been spending less time together but that didn’t mean that Laura was cheating on her. They were both just busy.

  Emma pushed those thoughts aside. She didn’t want to keep analysing the situation. Laura would have an explanation.

  Emma glanced to her right when someone sat down next to her. She met Laura’s golden brown eyes.

  “Hey,” Laura said softly.

  “Hi… How did you find me?”

  “I’ve seen you sitting here before,” Laura said, looking out over the water. “Especially when you’ve got something on your mind.”

  “Ah… Well, I came home to a stranger sitting on our couch.”

  “I know,” Laura said with a sigh. “I got a shock too. I haven’t seen her since I met you and I had no idea that she was back. I can’t believe she let herself in.”

  “She’s back for you.”

  “What? No… She’s not. She’s just interviewing for her old job,” Laura said, pushing a stray lock of her chestnut hair behind her ear.

  “I don’t know… She seemed… Possessive almost.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Laura said as she put her arm around Emma. “She’s gone and I’m changing the locks tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Emma said softly.

  Laura stood up and held out her hand. “Come on. Let’s go home. I’ve missed you.”

  Chapter 45

  Emma hadn’t heard from or seen Alicia in the last two weeks. Maybe she didn’t get the job and went back to New York.

  Emma spoke to Damien three or four times a week and he seemed to be doing well so she was finally starting to feel better, like she could relax again.

  Life finally felt like it was back to normal. Laura was in the kitchen cooking seabass and Emma was admiring the view from the breakfast bar.

  “Do you want a hand, babe?” Emma asked her.

  “No. This should be ready in ten minutes. But thanks though.”


  “Yes, please.”

  Emma got up and found a bottle of red from the wine rack on top of the counter and poured out two glasses of Rioja.

  Emma handed Laura her glass but before she could sit down again, her phone vibrated on the counter. Damien’s name popped up on her screen and she picked up the phone to answer it.

  “Hey… How’s it going?” Emma asked as she padded over to the balcony door and slid it open, closing it behind her.


  “What’s wrong?”

  Emma could hear the emotion in his words, like he was struggling to speak.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Emma thought that he was slurring his words.

  “I went to see Catherine earlier… She doesn’t want me back. We’re done… Officially.”

  “I’m so sorry, Damien.”

  She could hear him crying and tears came to her eyes as she tried to think of something reassuring she could say.

  “I’m going to come home tomorrow,” Emma offered. “Okay?”

  “I’m so sorry Emma… I’m supposed to be looking after you.”

  “Shhh… Just take care of yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay. See you then.”

  Emma hung up and rested her arms on the balcony, taking in the view out over the ocean. She took a drink and tried to start thinking ahead, about what she’d pack, how long she’d stay for.

  She really didn’t want to be going back
. Not right now anyway. Things were just settling down here.


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