Verdani — organic-based sentience, manifested as the Theron worldforest.
Voracious Curiosity — Rlinda Kett’s merchant ship.
warglobe — hydrogue spherical attack vessel.
warliner — largest class of Ildiran battleship.
Wenceslas, Basil — Chairman of the Terran Hanseatic League.
wentals — sentient water-based creatures.
Whisper Palace — magnificent seat of the Hansa government.
Willis, Admiral Sheila — one of only four remaining grid admirals to survive the battle of Earth; she defected to the Confederation after refusing to slaughter colonists on Rhejak.
worldforest — the interconnected, semi-sentient forest based on Theroc.
worldtree — a separate tree in the interconnected, semi-sentient forest based on Theroc.
Yarrod — green priest, younger brother of Mother Alexa, a devotee of Kolker’s telink/thism philosophy. He was killed by the faeros on Theroc.
Yazra’h — oldest daughter of Jora’h; his official guard.
Zan’nh — Adar of the Ildiran Solar Navy; eldest son of Mage-Imperator Jora’h.
I’ve worked on the Saga of Seven Suns for nearly eight years, and even though I originally envisioned a vast epic spanning many volumes, the story has still grown and changed, thanks to the advice and expertise of many people. Among those who have helped me enormously over the course of these novels are Jaime Levine, Louis Moesta, Diane Jones, Catherine Sidor, Tim Holman, Kate Lyall-Grant, John Silbersack, and Robert Gottlieb.
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