Seventh Mark (Part 1 +2)

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Seventh Mark (Part 1 +2) Page 10

by W. J. May

  “Michael’s expected to continue Caleb’s work with the Elders. I’m expected to be mated with someone from the Higher Coven.” She straightened, then shrugged with one shoulder.

  “I thought –”

  Grace continued, ignoring me. “The Higher Coven is the oldest group of descendents from the girl in the story you just read. They are the original and most powerful. Caleb’s one of them; actually he is the oldest. He was one of the offspring of the Red Maiden, her firstborn. She bore sons to create soldiers in her war against the Grollics.”

  Wide-eyed I stared, her words completely foreign.

  “There were eight of them who survived the war that killed her. She bore ten sons, two died in the first war. Three of the remaining eight have been destroyed. Now only five remain and they are the Higher Coven.” She touched my shoulder. “I know this sounds confusing but there’s something you need to understand. Each of the five have an understudy that’s expected to take their place should anything happen.”

  She paused, waiting for me to pick up on something. I had no clue what. It seemed to be on the edges of my mind but I couldn’t grasp what.

  “Michael is Caleb’s understudy,” she said slowly.

  No wonder Caleb appeared to be royalty and didn’t want me, some nobody, around Michael.

  Grace continued talking, “I’m expected to be mated with one of the other four understudies. This’ll strengthen our power should anyone try to step out on their own or go against the Higher Coven.”

  “Wait a minute, back up. How can you be expected to be mated with one of them? I’m confused. What about the whole Siorghra-thing?”

  “Caleb’s quite sure one of the four understudies will be my match. I’ve never met any of them, yet. Caleb wants to keep them away for now.”

  “Huh? What happens if you meet someone you want to give your Siorghra to?” Maybe the same is planned for Michael. A stab of jealousy burned inside me. I reached for his Siorghra.

  She laughed. “I’ve been around this long and haven’t met my mate. It seems I’m still waiting to find him.”

  “Does he have to be one of you? Can you pass your Siorghra to a…a living human?”

  She appeared unphased. “Usually no, but it does happen. For me, I don’t think Caleb would allow it. He’d eliminate the problem.”

  I gulped. It sounded like I was pretty much screwed.

  “I don’t mean – shoot, I meant for me, not you. Things are different with Michael and you. Caleb sees this, and he knows how Michael feels. It’s Michael’s choice. If Caleb tried to force him with a decision, Michael would step down as his understudy.” Grace’s eyes shone with pride. “Michael’s very special. He’s stronger than Caleb in ways. Caleb would never go against him and try to eliminate you. The risk would be too great.”

  And being the kid who can read Grollic can’t hurt. “So you’ve never fallen in love?”

  “No, but believe me, I’ve tried.” Grace giggled.

  ‘Me, either…I’ve never been in love before that is.”

  “Before… Michael?” She smiled. A big, happy, irritating one. “One of these days you’re going to have to tell me what it’s like. You an’ Michael. It’s –”

  “What time do you expect Caleb and Michael back?” I interrupted, my face burning. How could I explain something I wasn’t sure of myself?

  “Should be around ten or eleven, barring no complications, of course.”


  “Yeah, you put five males—who each think they’re the most powerful—in one room and things sometimes get messy. Understudies usually keep things calm, but something always comes up and ruins the mood for everyone. I think tonight was more of an emergency meeting, and Caleb has the journal. Won’t be much fighting when they see it and hear Caleb’s got someone who can read it.”

  Lucky me… always at the right place at the wrong time. “How often do they meet?”

  “Like four time a year.”

  Sounded like a school board. “Does everyone live here, in North America?”

  “No, but it isn’t a problem.”

  I nodded, but I didn’t understand. How could I even begin to fathom it? My fingers tapped against the wood of the desk. The rest of the books on the desk and none of the ones I looked through on the shelves seemed to offer anything. I had no clue what I was looking for.

  The secret seemed to lie within the Grollic book of mine.

  Chapter 12

  The door to the office swung hard against the wall, making me jump in my seat. Caleb burst in and then stood by the doorframe with his arms crossed tight against his chest. Waiting for something. He glared in my direction.

  Oh crap! I’m in his seat. Cheeks burning for the fifteenth time that day, I leapt off and hurried to the other side of the desk. Caleb said nothing, just stomped over and sat down. Michael rushed in, faster than humanly possible. His arms slipped under me, and had me in his lap as he dropped into the red seat before I even exhaled a breath. He gave me a quick squeeze before setting his hands lightly on my hips.

  Sarah came in and stood behind Grace. “How’d the meeting go?”

  Caleb began stacking and organizing the books around him. My little pile all scuffled in the mix. “The Higher Coven is interested in meeting Rouge. Seems no one is able to transcribe the book, and they are wondering what she may be. A few left wingers think she may be the key to winning the war.” The last line carried a note of disgust.

  Underneath me, Michael stiffened.

  Caleb glanced up, as if sensing Michael’s reaction. “Seth, of course, is quite excited to meet Rouge. He thinks she could be a traitor. Or have Grollic blood.” He held his hand up to stop Grace and Sarah from speaking. “You needn’t worry. Michael was very adamant she’s not. He believes Rouge’s pure.” He loosened his tie. “Seth suggested we test her with our blood. If she dies and stays dead, she’s Grollic. If she dies and lives, she’s one of us. If nothing, she’s human.”

  “Never!” Michael’s voice stayed controlled as he replied to Caleb, but under me, his entire body was tense.

  I didn’t know what to think. A tiny part of me hoped they’d test, and I’d turn out to be like them. Why else would I have this gift? The other ninety-five percent screamed it didn’t want to freakin’ die.

  Caleb continued, “I disagreed. If Rouge lives, she may lose the ability to translate the book. Michael also told the elders about Damon and the misunderstanding on Halloween.”

  Misunderstanding? Wait a minute, back up. Caleb thinks I’m one of them? My heart raced with sudden excitement. Were they able to figure out if someone was one of them before they died? Now I had a million questions I wanted to ask. Can it, Rouge. Now is not the time.

  Sarah pulled on her sleeve. “None of the elders know of the journal? Is it safe to assume the Grollics aren’t aware we have it?”

  “Yes,” Caleb said. “Thus we need to get all the information from it as soon as we can.”

  In comes the Grollic whisperer.

  “We still haven’t seen a single beast since September, and even then, it wasn’t by us.” Michael’s tone matched Caleb’s.

  “How do you know? Maybe it became distracted by her.” Caleb pointed at me then stood. “Do you not think it’s too silent? Those damn beasts don’t sit quiet.” He punched a fist into his palm. “They attack, and they move on. Those fools do not know how to blend into the human world without leaving a messy trail.”

  “It is very quiet.” Michael sighed and pulled me closer. “Something is up. They’ll make a mistake. They always do.”

  I stretched against Michael, my left shoulder blade burned and my neck was sore for my head turning back and forth with the conversation.

  Caleb checked his phone. “Seth and Tatiana will be here in a couple of days. They’ll do their scouting. Until then, it is business as usual. We cannot give away anything. We must let them think we assume nothing.”

  “Who’s Seth?” I asked.

  Grace leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “Seth’s one of the Elders. Tatiana wears his Siorghra.” She straightened. “Speaking of guests, Rouge got kicked out of her house this afternoon.”

  “What?!” Michael looked at me and then glared at his twin. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Everything’s taken care of.” Grace rolled her eyes. “I am capable of handling a situation. I’m not useless.” Lips pursed and face tight, she pushed her shoulders back.

  I wondered if she’d actually physically fight with her brother. Probably not a good idea to find out. I think Caleb and Michael underestimated Grace. I slipped off Michael’s lap and stood beside the chair. “I’m eighteen next week –”

  “So they kicked her out,” Grace finished.

  “Technically Jim kicked me out. Sally left,” I joked, trying to make the situation not sound so bad.

  Grace smiled. “It’s better Rouge’s here. If the Grollics find out about the book or her ability…she’s safe with us.”

  I stared at the journal Caleb had set on top of the pile. “I don’t want another war to start because of me or this book.”

  Caleb snorted. “This war has nothing to do with you.”

  “Stop!” Michael roared.

  Everyone turned, surprised. More had obviously gone on at the meeting they weren’t saying. I’d never seen him on edge before.

  “I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t you dare apologize!” Michael’s voice softened, “You’ve done nothing wrong. This war started long before you were alive and will continue long after you’re gone.” His eyes narrowed when he turned to Caleb. “Watch it.”

  “Don’t you dare threaten me!” Caleb’s voice turned to ice.

  “Enough!” Sarah, who’d been virtually quiet until this point, spoke sharply. One word and both men set their lips into tight lines but neither said another word. Arguing sounded like a regular thing in this house. She pointed at both boys. “Let Rouge go over what she knows with Michael. They need a chance to talk. We can discuss whatever we need to in the morning. Rouge’s going to stay in the pool house, so Seth and Tatianna are going to need the cabin by the lake. We need to do groceries and get things organized. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day.” She walked over to the office door and motioned to Caleb and Grace. “They need a bit of space.”

  Michael and Caleb or Michael and me? I made a conscious effort to close my mouth after Caleb and Grace followed Sarah’s order.

  The sudden silence in the room made me conscious of how I probably needed a powder room break. If I looked as tired as I suddenly felt, a break wouldn’t be enough, I’d need a vacation. I leaned over the desk and ran my finger over the leather of the journal. Warm and comforting. I almost wanted to hug it. “After watching Caleb and Grace follow Sarah like puppies, I have no intention of not doing what she says.” I grinned. “Shall we get started then?”

  “Touché.” He picked up a red chair, and set it down beside Caleb’s. He waited for me to sit and then settled in the red leather with a pen and blank notepad in hand. Reaching across, his arm brushed against mine and sending goose bumps on my skin, he set the Grollic book in front of me.

  I watched his face and smiled when a single eyebrow rose.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Did Caleb choose you to be his understudy or did you ask?”

  Michael leaned back. “Grace been filling you in on our history and boring politics?”

  “Yes and no. Not boring.” I lightly poked his hard chest. “Now answer the question.”

  He grinned, and then turned serious. “He didn’t ask me nor did I offer. It was just kind of assumed. Caleb was the last to take an understudy – the others chose who they wanted and he said he just waited till the right one showed up.” He shrugged.

  Now came the tricky part. I had to ask about something I wasn’t sure I really wanted the answer to. “Grace said she's expected to be matched with one of the understudies. I thought you were allowed to choose who you gave your Siorghra to?” I touched the necklace on my neck, knowing I’d eventually have to give it back. I pushed the heavy feelings away.

  “We are. Caleb’s just certain one of the understudies will be a match.”

  “Are the other understudies nice like you? Is there one you think’ll be good for her? They’re not old like Caleb, right?”

  Michael sniggered. “We’re talking immortality and you’re worried Grace might be too young?”

  “I don’t want her stuck with some miserable, old, bitter guy.” I swallowed, my eyes darting around the office reminding me whose room, and house, I sat in. “Not saying Caleb’s like that.”

  Michael didn’t reply—too busy laughing.

  I picked up a piece of paper, crumpled it, and threw it at him.

  He ducked before I’d even released it, tried to look serious for a moment, and then laughed again. He straightened. “I’d never let anything or anyone hurt Grace, and trust me, she’ll be with who she wants to be with. She’s a big girl and can make her own decisions. Nothing Caleb or I think will deter her from what she wants, no matter how powerful the opponent.”


  “Good.” He smiled.

  “What about you?” I stared at my fingers. “Are there any sisters or family from the other understudies Caleb wants you set up with?”

  “Are you jealous?” He had a huge smile on his face, like he’d just hit the ball out of the park.

  “No! Well… maybe a little.” I closed my eyes, wishing the burning on my cheeks would cool. I blinked, looking right into his beautiful ocean blue depths. “I just want to know what kind of competition I'm up against.” There, I said it. I admitted I’d be willing to fight for the guy completely out of my league.

  His huge smile got even bigger. “You’re one of kind! You’ve no need to worry about anyone. They can get in line for someone else.”

  “You know you’re crazy.” I had absolutely nothing to offer. Just a silly girl with no past and not much of a future.

  Michael put his hand on my chin. He leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the nose. “I’m crazy for saying we should probably get some work done. I’d rather not…but you know Caleb.”

  I scrunched my nose. “Okay, let’s get the homework done.”

  He picked up the pen. “You talk, I’ll write.”

  “Should I run and grab my laptop? I can type pretty fast.”

  “We’ll be fine. Caleb’ll prefer a handwritten copy, and we can add drawings or notes as needed.”

  I held the book open for a few moments, trying to decide what to do. “Let’s compare their Riding Hood story to yours.”

  “Red Riding Hood?” A sexy eyebrow rose again.

  I shrugged. “The Grollics aren’t wolves but the story seems pretty similar. You’ve never made the comparison?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never heard anyone make the comparison.”

  “Maybe you will after I read you the book’s analogue of what happened.” I read him the story in the journal, amazed Michael could write so fast.

  “Caleb’s going to want to hear their side.” He tapped the end of the pen against the notepad.

  “History’s complicated, don’t you think? One incident can be seen completely different by ten people watching it unfold.” I wondered how Caleb pictured the start of this feud. “Does each of the Higher Covens have, like, a special task or job?”

  “Caleb is acting head. His temper is short but he’s a brilliant leader, always three-four steps ahead of everyone. Seth, the one coming this week, is similar. He’s lethal, cunning, and is very passionate.” Michael chuckled. “He’s an excellent scout and has a unique talent for hunting Grollics…and ladies.”

  In that order? “He hunts women?”

  “He’d never step outside the boundaries of our laws.” He grinned.

  “You have laws?” I couldn’t believe in today’s society no one had any idea of Grollics or the ones who tried to find them. Sur
real, freakin’ surreal. “He’s allowed to hunt women?”

  “I’m teasing. Women tend to like him and he has no problem with the attention. He’s got a special talent with the female population.” Michael waved his hand. “But we do have laws. We’re no different than human society. Politics is politics. Without laws, there would be chaos and disorder. Caleb is very serious about following the rules. He has no tolerance for those who do not.”

  If Caleb was scary, what would more of the Coven be like? “Will it bother Seth I’m here?”

  “Nah…He knows his place is behind Caleb and wouldn’t jeopardize anything to make Caleb angry.”

  “Caleb’s pretty powerful, isn’t he?”

  “Most would never cross him unless forced to, and, honestly, he’s seldom wrong.”

  “Does he always make everyone…so uncomfortable?” I tried hiding a yawn behind my hand.

  Michael grinned, running his thumb gently along my jaw. “He doesn’t try. You’ll see him differently one day. Fear and respect can sometimes be interchangeable.” He brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I think it’s time we called it a night. Shall I tuck you in, read a fairytale, and put you to sleep?”

  I yawned, unable to hide it this time. “No fairytales! My favorite’s just been turned into a horror film. I’m scared what might happen to Cinderella if you tell me the truth on that one.”

  Chapter 13

  Lying alone on Grace’s bed, I tried to relax. She’d insisted on giving me some privacy, and the amount of winking and nudging she’d given me before leaving the room had me in jitters. I pulled the covers tightly around me and forced my eyes shut, every muscle tight. So what if Michael came in? It’s not like you have to sleep with him. I never gone down that road and knew I wasn’t ready.

  At the sound of a knock, I jumped. Michael poked his head in and smiled when he saw me. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He wore only a pair of cotton pajama bottoms, and those seemed to show off his sleek build even more. Shirtless, the tanned muscles from his abs, his chest, and his shoulders, belonged on the cover of a magazine.


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