The Suite Life (The Family Stone Book 1)

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The Suite Life (The Family Stone Book 1) Page 16

by Brooke St. James

  Oh, honey,

  Ah, sugar, sugar,

  You are my candy girl,

  And you got me wanting you.

  When I kissed you girl, I knew how sweet a kiss could be.

  (I knew how sweet a kiss could be.)

  Like the summer sunshine, Pour your sweetness over me.

  (Pour your sweetness over me.)

  Taylor went on singing, and the crowd went right on singing with him. All of them.

  Oh, sugar,

  (Pour a little sugar on it honey,

  Pour a little sugar on it, baby.

  She's gonna make your life so sweet.)

  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  I watched in absolute awe as everyone finished the song with Taylor. He could seriously sing. I couldn’t believe it. He sounded good. He left the microphone on the stage, and headed toward me as the band continued to play the outro and the crowd sang along….

  (Oh, honey, honey, sugar, sugar.

  Honey, honey, sugar, sugar.)

  I got out of my chair, and ran to Taylor, meeting him in front of our table on the dancefloor. I absolutely flung myself into his arms.

  I had tears in my eyes as I stared up at him. He was incredibly dashing—his grey-silver jacket unbuttoned showing the fitted vest.

  We smiled at each other as I tried to focus through the tears. I was vaguely aware of the people around us still singing, or even whistling as the band continued to play, but it seemed like that was all in the distant background. It may as well have been just the two of us standing there. Taylor smiled and bent to kiss me, and everyone went nuts. I could smell the faint smell of sweat from his exertion on the stage, and it made my insides melt.

  "I can't believe you can sing," I said, looking straight at him.

  "That was hard to keep from you," he said. "Not that I'm great or anything, but I do like to walk around singing in my own house when I feel like it, and I had to keep it in. Your dad told me too."

  I just stared at his handsome face, wondering how in the world they pulled all this off where everyone sang along. I was still shaking with nerves and adrenaline.

  "How'd you get everyone to sing with you?" I asked.

  "Your mom and dad set all that up."

  Taylor and I were just standing there, holding onto each other and talking when the band began playing a different song.

  It was the song we had chosen for our first dance, a song called You Are the Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne. Cameras flashed and I saw some movement from our periphery, but really, all I could see or think about was Taylor.

  The song was right.

  He really was the best thing.

  This was the best thing.

  There was nothing that could make it better.


  The next few hours passed in a blur.

  We shared some priceless time with our friends and family. We danced, laughed, made toasts, and showed everyone around the hotel (at least the first and sixth floors). It was a little taste of what our life would be like being the owners of this place, and I honestly couldn't wait.

  I was happy that there was a God who had perfect plans for me—plans that I couldn’t have even come up with myself. Not long ago, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, and just like that, it was now laid out in front of me. I was so thankful for a man who could bring me closer to who I was—closer to God.

  I knew running the hotel would be a lot of hard work. I knew life wasn't always easy.

  But, in this moment, everything was easy.

  In this moment, everything was perfect.

  Chapter 21

  Taylor and I had plans to spend a couple of weeks touring Europe for our honeymoon, but that wouldn't take place for a while—a year, to be more precise.

  For now, we would focus all of our efforts on making the hotel's grand opening a success. We would relax and enjoy our vacation in a year once we knew we were leaving the place in capable hands.

  To some, it might seem like a sacrifice, but I honestly didn't mind doing things differently than most couples. I wasn't sad that I wasn't going on a honeymoon right away… in fact, it was my idea. Taylor would have been willing to make time for a trip, but I just didn't think it was necessary right now.

  So, Europe would have to wait.

  We would, however, for the next three days, not leave our suite or allow interruptions of any kind.

  Progress would still be happening at the hotel, but Taylor's general contractor and designer had been notified that he would officially be unavailable. I knew he and I would go downstairs and roam around once the crews left every evening, but it was wonderful knowing that, for a specified amount of time, we would be able to give each other our full attention. No interruptions.

  That specified amount of time officially began tonight—right now—in just a few minutes.

  Aside from the wedding planner and clean-up crew, my sisters were the last people at the hotel when the wedding was over. Taylor's family had just gone home, leaving Violet, Indie, Kai, and Leo as our last guests.

  My dad had to pretend to be one of the first people to leave, otherwise no one would have gone home at all. It had always been that way. If my dad stuck around at an event, other people did too—even at things like this where it was family and friends. We were all used to it by now. When it was time for people to start leaving, Taylor gave Dad the keys to the guest penthouse, and Dad took refuge up there for about an hour while we sent everyone else on their way. Mom snuck away with him so he wouldn't be alone, and everyone assumed they had both gone home.

  Taylor went to have a word with the clean-up crew while I went upstairs with my sisters to retrieve our hiding parents. Leo was so exhausted that he was all-but passed out on Kai's shoulder.

  "Who's picking Dad up?" I asked on our way up the elevator.

  I hadn't concerned myself with any of those types of details today, but it dawned on me to ask since I knew none of his guys were downstairs waiting.

  "I'm giving him a ride home," Vi said. "He had a driver bring him to my house earlier, but I told him I'd just take him to his house afterward. We're parked down by that private entrance. Taylor told us where to go."

  "How'd you guys get here?" I asked Indie.

  "We rode with Mom," she said. "We parked right by Vi and Dad, so we'll walk out together. We're all gonna head home as soon as we go get Mom and Dad. I know you're probably anxious for some alone time, so we'll get out of your way."

  "It really was a great wedding," Vi said.

  I smiled tiredly. "Thank you. I feel so happy." My mind was so full that it was difficult to think of what else to say. I glanced at my sleepy nephew, rubbing his back.

  "Somebody's gonna sleep on the way home," Kai said, filling the silence.

  The elevator let us off on the penthouse level, and we walked to the guest suite instead of mine and Taylor's. I knew Taylor had given Dad access to that one. I had a universal keycard in my hand, and I used it to access the room. We all went inside with Indie leading the way.

  "Hello?" Indie yelled. "Party's over kids! We gotta hit the road, Jacks. Oh, snap. Oh, no. Oh, my gosh."

  Indie stopped walking, and we all basically bumped into her.

  "What?" Violet asked, trying to locate what Indie had seen. My first thought was that something had happened with one of our parents.

  Indie looked at us with her hands out like everything was fine and we shouldn't panic. "It's fine… it's just that I thought it was just Dad standing out there by himself because I didn't see Mom, but then I realized she was standing too close to…" she trailed off, turning and pointing to the windows that overlooked the pool area. We all looked that way, focusing on the patio.

  There they were.

  Mom and Dad.

  They were standing so close that it might as well have been one person. You had to really inspect them to tell she was there at all. They were at the edge of the patio, gazing over the rail. His arms were around her, and they were both f
acing out with her back to his chest.

  I felt happy and anxious all at the same time.

  My parents had obviously loved each other once upon a time, but that was so long ago that my brain couldn't quite comprehend seeing them embracing like they were. Dad had hurt mom in the past, and I felt instantly anxious for her.

  "Maybe she was cold," I said as we all stood there, staring at them through the window.

  Violet walked over to the sliding glass door, and opened it without hesitation. "We're ready!" she yelled, pretending not to notice their proximity to each other. "Blue's ready to get on with her evening."

  I expected them to jump and separate at the sudden interruption, but they didn't do that. My dad turned around slowly, but it was just his face not his whole body. I saw him smile casually and say something to Vi, but I couldn’t hear him from where I was standing.

  "Yes, we have to," Vi answered. "Everyone's gone. Taylor's wrapping things up downstairs, and then he's on his way up. Plus, Leo's falling asleep. Mom and Indie need to get on the road."

  I knew Dad heard Violet, because he gave her a little nod. We all stood in the living room, watching them, expecting them to hop to it and come in.

  Things didn't happen as we expected.

  Mom turned in Dad's arms. The two of them stood chest to chest as she stared up at him with her arms now wrapped around his back.

  "Oh, my gosh. Are you serious?" I heard Indie whisper from right next to me, but I didn't take my eyes off my parents.

  They said something to each other and then they smiled, staring at one another like they didn't have a care in the world, like they weren't being watched, like they hadn't been divorced for over twenty years.

  Then, just like that, right in front of God, and their children, and any passing helicopters, they kissed.

  It was several sweet kisses laced with smiles. We were all so stunned that we just stood there and watched them.

  Indie let out a little gasp, Vi moaned, and my fists curled into balls. Kai did his best to leave us alone during what might be an awkward family moment, and he had ventured off, toward the hall with a sleepy Leo resting on his shoulder.

  "All right," Violet said from the door. "You got us. We're all shocked. Good job. Enough with the jokes, though. It's your youngest daughter's wedding night."

  Dad kissed Mom again before they reluctantly headed inside. They crossed the patio, hand-in-hand. I didn't know how to feel. If I wasn't so scared of my mother getting hurt I would have been overjoyed for her. She had never stopped loving my father. Once they got close enough to see us all standing there, Dad smiled at all of us and nudged his chin confidently.

  Violet stepped to the side so that they could come inside.

  "What's going on?" Indie asked as soon as they stepped inside.

  "Your mother and I are two grown adults," Dad said. "And we happen to be fond of each other, that's all."

  "Yeah, we get that you're grown adults," Vi said. "But there are all kinds of things wrong with this scenario… starting with the fact that it's Blue's wedding night. We don't want to give the girl nightmares. Maybe we should just pretend none of us saw any of this."

  "No one's giving anyone nightmares," Mom said, smiling. She left Dad's side, and came to me with her arms outstretched. "You were such a beautiful bride, my baby girl. I am so, so proud of you. You and Taylor are truly meant for each other."

  "I agree," Indie added, putting her hand on my back.

  "Me too," Vi said.

  "Me three," Dad added.

  Mom pulled back, staring at me sweetly for a few seconds as if deciding what she wanted to say.

  "Please don't worry about me," she said. "I am overjoyed right now. I feel like my life is so full."

  "I love your mother," Dad said. "I truly do. I'm not going to hurt her again. Besides, she's being careful. She's making me prove myself. I've been begging her to take me back for a month now, and she just now let me get close enough to… well, you saw what she let me do."

  "I'm a big girl," Mom said, staring at me with tears welling in her eyes. "And I'm happy, baby. My heart is so very happy with all of you here—my family. My girls, and my grandbaby, and Kai and Taylor. And my man. You girls know how much I love your father."

  Dad let out a yell of approval, along with an excited clap. Mom laughed at his reaction, and I realized in that moment that she was really and truly happy.

  "I don't deserve your mother's forgiveness for what I did to her," Dad said. "Or yours for that matter," he added, speaking to us three girls. "I probably don't deserve a second chance with her, but I want one, and I’m just warning you… I'm gonna take it if she gives it to me. I love you girls with all my heart. And I'm glad you're protective of your mother, but it's not necessary. Not this time. I'm the one who wants to protect her now. Something I should have done years ago. I know now what I had, and if your mother decides to forgive me and be a part of my life again, I will not mess it up." Dad smiled and reached out to touch the side of my face with the side of his guitar-string-callused finger.

  "I guess we all need grace," I said.

  "Dad needs it more than most of us," Vi added, joking around and making us all laugh.

  Dad was still smiling at Vi's half-joke as he extended his tattooed arms, waving his hands and indicating that he wanted us all to bring it in for a group hug.

  "I love you girls," he said as we all moved closer to each other.

  "Love you," Indie said.

  "Love you too," Vi agreed.

  "Love you," I said.

  Mom smiled up at him. "We love you, too, Alec."

  Chapter 22

  Taylor still hadn't come up when my family was ready to leave, so I went downstairs with them. We took the big elevator since they wanted to go through the lobby and tell Taylor goodbye before heading out to their cars. It was already a lot quieter on the first floor than it had been when I went upstairs a few minutes before.

  I caught sight of Taylor from across the lobby. He was near the main entrance, talking to the wedding planner. I wanted to go to him, but Leo had begun to get fussy and restless on our way down, and I needed to show my family the way to the private exit where they would find their cars.

  Taylor saw us from the corner of his eye, and he focused on me. He could hear Leo crying. We communicated without words from across the room. I told him my family wanted to tell him 'goodbye', and he nodded and held up a finger, letting me know he would meet us outside. I nodded at him, pointing toward the back hallway to let him know we'd see him there.

  I headed that direction with my family, going down the hallway that led to their exit. We had to make a few turns, and choose the correct doors, but finally, we made it to the parking garage.

  "Pretty cool secret exit," Indie said when I opened the door and we found their cars parked right there in front of the door.

  "VIP parking, too," Kai added as he went around to the back door of Mom's SUV so that he could put Leo in his car seat. We could hear commotion in the parking garage from the crews who were still loading out, but we couldn’t see anyone nor could they see us.

  I was hugging my family one-by-one and thanking them all for being a part of our special evening when Taylor opened the door and came to stand out there with us.

  He was like a breath of fresh air to me. I felt speechless and smitten. He smiled at me, reaching out to touch the back of my arm with his hand.

  "They're almost done," he said, informing all of us. "They had a lot of hands, so it only took them a few minutes to load up." His gaze shifted to regard my dad. "Thanks again for everything," he said.

  My dad reached out to shake Taylor's hand. "It was absolutely my pleasure," he said, using the handshake to pull Taylor in for a hug.

  I watched as my man, my husband, bid my family farewell. They smiled, embraced, and sweet words to each other, and I watched the entire interaction, feeling like my heart might burst from happiness.

  Dad and Vi got into Vi's car. Kai
got in the driver's seat of Mom's SUV, and Indie sat in the back with Leo who had already passed out.

  Taylor and I waved at them as they took off, and just like that, we were left standing there, alone.

  I glanced up at him, both of us wearing little unreadable half-grins. The parking garage lighting wasn't the most glamorous, but Taylor's green eyes still devastated me. My heart beat like crazy just staring into them.

  He was the man of my dreams—the one who was meant for me, and there he was, looking at me like I was something delicious he was about to eat. I felt elated, and my smile broadened. I reached up and gently touched the side of his face. I was so enraptured that my hand shook slightly.

  "I'm your wife now," I said.

  I didn't mean for it to, but my voice came out timid and vulnerable. It must have been too much for Taylor to handle, because he didn't even respond—not with words, at least. He took me by the hand, pulling me through the door, and we walked the short distance to the small elevator that would take us directly up to the penthouse.

  As soon as the elevator door closed, he pulled me to him, forcing me to pin him against the wall. I had never in my life kissed with such passion. We were both desperate for it, and it showed. I had to feel his skin on my skin. Otherwise, I might burst into a thousand pieces.

  His coat came off, and I was relatively sure I heard my dress rip. He kissed me hungrily, but still I needed more. I wanted to get closer—to unbutton him and crawl underneath his skin.

  I wasn't sure how we made from the elevator to our suite—maybe Taylor picked me up, and maybe I walked. I couldn't even tell. I thought maybe some of each of those things happened. We did not stop kissing, and yet we still somehow managed to get down the hall and into our place.

  I really thought Taylor would take me straight to the bedroom, so I was somewhat surprised when he led me to the kitchen.

  "I have something for you," he said, pulling back from the kiss, but still holding me in his arms.

  "What is it?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off his.


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