The Celestial Curse

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The Celestial Curse Page 2

by Marie Cameron

  “Found it. Now do you mind telling me what it is and what’s inside it?” I look up into Aunt Betsy’s beaming face and I know I’m about to lose another cat life I didn’t know I had remaining, because of my curiosity in the world around me.

  “Take a seat Amber. I’m going to tell you the extended version of our family history that not many know about.” Aunt Betsy says as my curiosity pikes even more.

  “I was hoping it would choose you but I always had that spark of doubt in the back of my mind. Anyway, I will tell you the extended version of the story and we can take it from there. No doubt you will have plenty of questions afterwards.” She mumbles so low I can hardly hear her. Her mumbling does not put me off though as I am getting a little excited now as I always loved Aunt Betsy’s stories growing up.

  Tales about witches and hunters, magical spells and curses, but most of all, the twelve cursed souls, who were cursed back in the Salem days, for burning a witch. The tales say that those cursed are searching for a witch powerful enough to undo the curse and set them free. As the curse dictates, all are hoping they have earned the right to walk through the pearly gates when the time comes.

  Sitting down beside me and taking the box in her lap, while taking my hand in hers, Aunt Betsy began to tell me about the Salem witch trials, the burning at the stake and our ancestor Clarabelle River, who was convicted as a witch and burned at the stake. I had already heard all this but it seems there was a lot more to it than I was previously told. I could feel my heart flutter as Aunt Betsy told in detail what happened to the twelve people, whose souls were trapped in their bodies as punishment, never to feel any sense of peace. My heart went out to the people who were so misguided back then that it make them commit such horrible acts. Then Aunt Betsy said something that was about to turn my world upside down.

  “Amber, do you remember the tales I used to tell you as a child? About the Celestial Tarot Cards and the power they possessed? Tell me what you remember” Aunt Betsy said as she pressed the box into my hands.

  “I remember you telling me about a deck of cards that choose their keeper and have the power to make a positive reading come true. Sometimes in more subtle ways than others, and that they had been lost that night, until Clarabelle’s distant cousin Penny, who was the great granddaughter of her grandmother’s sister, found them when she bought the cottage at the town auction.” I said.

  I hear a click and looked at the box and noticed the lid has unlatched. Looking with wide eyes Aunt Betsy for guidance, who gives a nod of approval, I open the box. Inside lined with royal blue velvet padding, sat on top of a black cushion was a black draw string pouch. I reached in for the pouch and lift it out. It was quiet heavy so I gently placed it on my lap and pass the box to my aunt who takes it from me gently. I pick up the pouch again and take a moment to feel the energy pulsing from it. I never realised it upstairs in the attic but it actually feels like the energy is wrapping itself around me, cocooning me in its vibrant warmth and power. I close my eyes and sparks of colour explode on the backs of my lids. As I think of the sitting room and where im sat, I can see forms take shape as if my eyes were open. Surrounded by multi-coloured lights, the far wall comes into focus next, the coffee table, the carpet, the rug, Aunt Betsy laughing! And I realise I have a huge grin on my face too! I open my eyes and everything is normal but the power is still thrumming through the air. The hairs on the backs of my arms and neck are standing. My long red hair whips around my face, emulating the waves still echoing around the small room. I hear a gasp from beside me so I look to Aunt Betsy, who quietly hands me a compact mirror from my bag. I place the pouch back onto my lap and take the compact mirror and as directed, I hold it up to see my eyes. Reflected back at me are my eyes but from soft pale blue to electric ice blue with a hint of a shimmer.

  “It seems the Celestial Tarots have chosen you to be their next keeper” Aunt Betsy says as she takes back the compact and sits it on the coffee table. As she turns away, I pick up the pouch again, take the cards out and place the pouch in the box beside Aunt Betsy on the couch.

  “Understand though Amber that being a keeper of the cards comes with a great deal of responsibility, one that you will have to be trained in, so that you fully understand their capabilities. Your lessons will start this wekkend. The cards will stay here with me until I am secure in the knowledge that you know all you need to know to care for and use the cards. For now have a look through the cards and familiarise yourself with the names and pictures while I go get some booklets and notes for you to study.”

  I nod in agreement and lightly shuffle through the deck. The first thing I notice is that there are some cards which are numbered. I take these out and place them onto the coffee table separate from the non-numbered cards, seating myself on the floor beside it. I grab a cushion from the sofa and perch myself upon it. Refocusing my attention to the cards, I reach over and pick up the larger of the two decks and flick through them again. This time I note the different colours; red, blue, green and gold. Each colour or suit if you will has fourteen cards. Ace to ten, then page, knight, queen and king. As I handle the cards I can still feel a low thrum like static in the air. I look at the pictures as I continue to shuffle through, noting how each card progresses from the one before. I look up when I hear footsteps making their way towards me and see Aunt Betsy with a stack of books and paper binds in one hand and two cups of tea balanced in the other, headed towards me. Very efficient is Aunt Betsy.

  “Take this book and study the contents.” She says. “I have some other books and papers for you to take too. These were given to me by my great aunt Mary. She passed the Celestial Cards to me when I was about your age. Take them with you and read through them when you get a chance and we will start your lessons at the weekend.”

  Passing me a well-used book, Aunt Betsy said “Look through this book first, it has the meanings to each card and different spreads for you to practice as a beginner. Also take these practice cards and practice the Cross of Truth and the Celtic Card spreads. These two will be the easiest for you to learn from as a beginner.”

  Taking the books and papers from her I thank her and put them into my bag. With my mind full of this morning’s events I drink my coffee and make my excuses while walking to the front door. I think I’ll go back to my apartment and look through the books aunt Betsy just gave me. Class can wait till this afternoon. I head to my beautiful car that was a birthday present last year and is currently parked at the curb and pull out my sunglasses from my bag. My bag has practically everything in it, except a pen but only because I keep forgetting to put one in…you know you do too so stop judging! Digging out my keys I open my car door and climb inside. Starting the engine, I back out the drive and begin the long journey back home.

  Chapter Three


  I watch the red Ford Fiesta drive down the street and turn right at the traffic lights. I stand for a couple minutes watching the house across the road from me. I decide it’s been long enough and walk across the street and up the drive. As I reach the door it opens and a small petite looking woman with short curly hair stands in the doorway.

  “I thought I would see you today. I was expecting you sooner though private detective.” says Betsy.

  “I wanted to make certain she was the one before I made myself known Betsy. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Caleb?” I grumble at a smiling Betsy.

  “Come in Caleb, I have much to tell you and not much time to prepare for the journey ahead my old friend.”

  I follow Betsy into the house and close the door behind me. I walk into the sitting room and immediately feel the residue of power in the air. I’ve only felt power like that once before, the day I had unknowingly been cursed by a witch I, along with my fellow misguided village neighbours, had burned at the stake, at a cottage in the woods. I turn to Betsy and raise my eyebrows.

  “Yes, I know” says Betsy, chuckling as she walks past me and sits on the couch. I slowly walk over a
nd sit opposite the couch on a comfy looking chair and lean back.

  “My niece Amber is the Celestial Tarots new guardian. I sent her up to the attic to find the box, which was locked away in my old desk and she came waltzing down as if she had known it had been there for years. She sat down with it in her lap and it just clicked open.” Betsy says with a smile in her voice.

  I reach over and picked up the box from the floor to find it open and a pouch which contains the cards on display. I take the pouch out and remove the cards from within. Betsy watches me flick through the cards, lost in my own memories of the night they were created and the curse that was made. My life became hell from that moment on, never knowing fulfilment of any kind. The thing I miss the most is sleep. The feeling you get when your mind and body shuts down and you wake up refreshed, ready to take on the world the next day.

  “ really should have been here to see it Caleb!” Betsy says enthusiastically.

  “Sorry, I zoned out for a while there. What were you saying?” Forgetting about the past and coming back to the present I listen to Betsy talk about what happened with her niece Amber and the power that came alive from the cards and the girl. I look to Betsy and realise she is has stopped talking. She is watching me, probably waiting for me to say something about the vibrations in the air and what it could possible mean. I give voice to the thoughts in my head about the possibilities for the future before I say something I’ll regret about Amber. Since seeing the girl leave earlier, she has been in my thoughts and not in a, can she remove the spell kind of way, although that is there too. I keep thinking of her in a more personal way and it’s really starting to confuse me as to why since I’ve not thought of any girl like that since I gave up trying to make a relationship work about fifty odd years ago. I decide to keep my confusion to myself and just talk about the curse.

  “If she is the one and I am saying a big IF, then she may be able to break the curse placed upon us so long ago. Just because she is the new guardian doesn’t mean she is the one who will break the spell.”

  “Yes, but what happens if the curse can be lifted? What will happen to the others?” Asks Betsy, which is a good question. One I don’t have an answer too but a chance I am willing to take. And I have a feeling the others would be too.

  “When are you starting her training?” I ask.

  “This weekend” Betsy replies. “Amber has class during the week so I gave her a few books and notes to read through on an evening. I kept the Celestial Tarots here and will start her training with them on Saturday. I gave her one of my old decks to practice with for now, to get used to them.” I nod while thinking of the red headed young girl who left not too long ago. “Amber” …my heart skips a beat when I say or think of her name and I frown. Brushing of the confusing feelings a name provokes and realising I said it out loud; I stand up and walk towards the door. Betsy follows at a slower pace, lost in her own thoughts. As I reach the door my pager beeps. I unclip it from my belt to see who it could be from. My partner’s number pops up on screen. I’ll call him back in a moment. No need to have a noisy old woman demanding to know what’s going on in the work place.

  “I’ll check in again in a couple weeks to see what progress is being made. It was good seeing you again Betsy; you have my number if you need me for anything.” And with a last look at the lovely lady beside me, I grab my mobile to call the number on my pager while walking down the driveway.

  Aunt Betsy

  I watch Caleb walk away with his mobile to his ear. The way he said Amber’s name and his reaction earlier gives me a glimmer of hope for this poor man’s soul. Being condemned to a life of misery has really started to take its toll on him. The only good thing in his life is helping the police force track down criminals. I’ll have to introduce Caleb and Amber at some point and see what happens. I walk back into my house and close the door, all the while making plans for the future of both of these two people, who have no idea that I am about to turn their worlds upside down…

  Chapter Four

  I dig my keys out my bag while I walk down the corridor to my apartment. As I reach my door I hear my name being shouted from behind. I look over my shoulder while unlocking the door to see my roommate April rushing towards me with her arms full of bags. I open the door and place my own bag in front as a stopper to keep the door open and reach out to take some bags to help April before she ends up tripping over something!

  “Hey roomie!” she says in a breathless tone. “I got paid early so decided to go shopping.” She says explaining the bags. “I thought you were at college all day today?” she asks.

  “I was this morning but Aunt Betsy called me over for a visit and one thing led to another so ended up missing my afternoon classes, although now I have a different kind of studying to do.” I say, while thinking of the cards in my bag and the books I’ve to read through. I could even practice on April.

  “Ok, what do you have to study?” she asks while walking to her bedroom with her arms full of bags.

  “Tarot cards” I say. She sticks her head out her bedroom doorway and raises an eyebrow as if to say, why?

  “That’s what Aunt Betsy wanted to talk to me about. It’s a long story so I’ll tell you over dinner.” I say since I wasn’t told I couldn’t tell anyone and I don’t keep secrets from April. We’ve been friends for far too long to keep secrets from each other.

  I put my bags away in my room and then make my way towards the kitchen, April following close on my heels. We work together to make dinner, spicy chicken pasta and sit at the breakfast bar mounted on the far wall of the kitchen. We dig in to our food in silence. That’s one of the things I love about April, she doesn’t make you feel you need to talk about anything just to fill the empty silence. So we enjoy our food and then clean up after ourselves. Once everything is clean and tidy I follow April into my bedroom and sit next to her on my bed. Taking a sip of the ice tea I brought with me, I pick up my bag and take out everything my aunt gave to me. I take out the books and paper first and then the tarot cards I was given to practice with. I sit them beside each other so April can look at them without having to touch them. I want to read through them first before letting anyone else read through the notes.

  “As you know Aunt Betsy called this morning asking me to drop by at some point within the next couple hours. Since I didn’t have any more classes till 4pm this afternoon, I said I had time to drive over for a couple hours before heading back for my afternoon class. So I got there an hour later and she had been watching out for me through one of the windows. We got the pleasantries out of the way before going inside. Once inside she asked me to go to the attic and bring down a box with a hand carved sun on the top, so up I went while she made drinks and snacks and here is where things get interesting…”

  As I recount my visit this morning April sits totally captivated listening to every detail from, how I find the box to the pulsing energy, closing my eyes and seeing the room in vivid colours and my eyes changing colour and looking mystical. She makes the appropriate noises, nods her head a few times and smiles at others. I can tell that she is a little sceptical and to be honest I don’t blame her! If someone had told me all this I wouldn’t believe them either. When im finished she just sits and stares at me for a few minutes, blinking every few seconds. I can see her processing what I’ve told her and probably trying to think of the best possible way to tell me I’m a loon! Finally she takes a deep breath and lets it out.


  That’s it? After all I’ve said that’s all she has to say? I look at her a little in awe that she is not freaking out on me and calling the men with white coats. She picks up one of my aunts books, Tarot Reading for Beginners and flicks through the pages. I pick up the deck of cards and take them out the box. Standing up I place the cards on the bed and walk over to the CD player that’s on top of my Chester draws. I choose one of the CDs stacked next to the player. I put the CD into the player, adjust the volume and press play. I walk back to my be
d while Def Leppard sounds out Pour Some Sugar on Me and pick up the scattered cards.

  “Why don’t you practice your readings on me?” says April. “If your aunt Betsy told you to practice I don’t mind being your guinea-pig until you get the hang of it. It might be kinda fun” she says with a chuckle.

  I look at her and laugh. “I will thanks.” I say. “Although I may have to read through one of these books first and see how to do a tarot card reading. I will give you a shout though when I know what I am doing.”

  “Ok ill leave you alone to study. Don’t forget you have your course work to do too so don’t get too into this tarot card stuff ok?” April says while standing up and taking a step towards the door. She looks at me, waiting for an answer. I look up from the book I was reading and give her a smile and a nod. She walks out and shuts the door just as the song changes to If I lose myself by One Republic. How fitting to my current circumstances is this song? Ok maybe not all of it but some lyrics do have a ring of truth. For the next hour I read about different spreads, how to read the cards together and how to make my own interpretations of their meanings. I decided to put into practice using the diagrams in the book to try and do my first spread. I shuffled and split the cards into three small decks and numbered them one, two and three like it said in the book. I pick up deck three and put it on top of deck one, then put deck two on top of the now larger deck, which putts it at the very top. I then reshuffled all the cards together before stopping and putting the deck down to one side. I reach over and pick up the first card, placing it face down in position one. I repeated this process four more times until all the cards were in place. This particular spread was called the Cross of Truth. Taking a minute to make sure I have followed all the steps correctly, I take a deep breath and turn over the first card. I then move onto the next four in the same way, taking a moment to study the pictures before looking up their meanings in the book and notes made by my aunt. I decide to make a diary so I can write down the results for each card. I grab a note book and a pen from my draw next to my bed and open up at the first page. I put the date at the top and the words ‘first practice reading’. I record the reading as follows;


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