The Celestial Curse

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The Celestial Curse Page 7

by Marie Cameron

  “From what I can remember these words are the words of the curse that was placed upon me and the other eleven people by your ancestor Clarabelle River. It looks like someone recorded the words she used to curse us but I do not remember ever seeing the symbols at all.” He explains.

  “I will try to find out what the symbols are and what they mean. With me not having much luck with the covens they maybe just the break we needed to find out how to break the curse.” She says with an encouraging smile at Caleb. He returns her smile and looks to me.

  “Would you like me to drive you home?” He asks and since my car is at home I will have to accept the offer or get public transport, I decide to let Caleb drop me off.

  “I will go with you if you don’t mind; I do not like the idea of waiting for public transport. Plus it will be quicker in the car.” I reply.

  “Ok we will set off in about five minutes then.” He says. I murmur and agreement as I drowned in the deep pools of his eyes. It’s like a swirly vortex that sucks you in and tells all your other senses to take a hike. He is looking back just as intense so neither one of us are aware of Aunt Betsy taking a sly picture with her digital camera. She quickly puts her camera back in the draw behind her in the cabinet and stands up, pretending that she didn’t notice we were staring at the other. I start to feel embarrassed again that this seems to keep happening today and I am not really too sure on where it is going. I get the feeling he might like me in a romantic way but he hasn’t said anything yet so I don’t say anything and just let it progress if that’s the way it’s meant to. We say our goodbyes to Aunt Betsy and I pick up my bag of shopping and the sun carved box with the tarots inside. Caleb takes the box from me and goes out to the car while Aunt Betsy gives me some instructions on what to do with the crystals tonight. I walk to the car thinking I will probably just ask my guide for guidance with the crystals and the cards since she has helped out so much already today so she has kinda earned my trust. I thank Caleb for opening the door for me and slide into the front seat. He is a gentleman like that, will always hold doors and is always polite even when I am not, that shows he not only has a good temperament but he has been raised well by his parents too. He climbs in and starts the car, before I know it we are almost at my apartment. To say I have a lot on my mind would be an understatement so I will say I do have a lot on my mind and it kept me distracted for most of the journey. Caleb seems to understand my need to analyse the events of today and concentrate on the things I need to do tonight, so he doesn’t say a word, he just glances my way from time to time when he thinks I cannot see him through the window reflection. We pull up outside my apartment and Caleb insists on helping me to the door with my wooden box and bag.


  Standing in the shadows I watch as the pair disappears into the apartment complex. My attention immediately going back to the context of the box the woman was carrying. If I remember correctly, the Celestial cards were rumoured to be contained within a box with the exact same designs carved into the wood. I will have to keep an eye on the woman, this Amber, to see what her connection to Clarabelle is and possibly the cards. Her relationship with my old friend Caleb is intriguing me also and may play in my favour in the future. With plans circulating in my brilliant mind, I step back further into the shadows and disappear.


  We take the lift up to my floor and walk down the hall way. There are only two other apartments on this floor so the noise level is usually pretty low so it comes as a surprise to hear the commotion at the end of the hall. Caleb ushers me inside my door and goes to find out what the problem is. I stand in the door way with my head hanging out watching Caleb confront a man standing outside a woman’s door shouting at her. Caleb intervenes and advices the man to leave and get sober before probably coming back again in the morning. The man takes one look at Caleb’s tall frame and decides he has no change so mouths off some words his mother would wash his mouth out with soap for saying and disappears down the steps at that end of the hall. Caleb makes sure the woman is ok and that she is ok staying by herself tonight. She replies yes she will be fine but might call over a friend to keep her company. In front of my eyes she starts flirting with him not even caring that I could be his girlfriend and Caleb, the rotten piece of work is lapping it up and actually flirting back! I think I’ve seen enough to know I escaped something that could have turned potentially very bad for me. Sulking I close the door and head to my bedroom taking my bag and box with me. A couple minutes later I hear banging on the front door. I walk calmly to the door and open it slowly with a neutral expression. Caleb stands on the other side face slightly red from embarrassment I hope.

  “What?” I ask “I am safe and sound now so no need for you to stick around.” I say in my most bored voice I can muster. Caleb looks at me before smiling.

  “Why are you jealous? I was just helping that woman get rid of her abusive ex.” He says with a lightly amused look to him handsome features, which just makes me even moodier.

  “I am not jealous, there would have to be something between us for me to be jealous and there isn’t so how could I be jealous?” Making sure I keep my tone neutral. He watches me for a second before responding.

  “Your right there is nothing between us.” He says and walks away towards the lift, not once looking back. I close the door and decide today has been a long day and all I want to do at this moment in time is go to bed, so leaving the crystals until tomorrow I have a quick wash, then climb into bed.

  Chapter Nine

  I put my pen down after reading through my final exam and exhale in relieve. No more exams, no more studying and no more stress. Well university stress anyway. Since that day I went to Gail’s holistic centre, I have cleansed the crystals of protection and placed it with the Celestial tarot cards. I have not done a reading yet using the cards, I have been concentrating more on studying for my exams but I have left them with the crystal in the pouch under my pillow for the past seven days. Tonight I may try to do a reading on myself and see what happens. Aunt Betsy has stressed over and over again to be careful with the cards and make sure I record every single reading as she doesn’t know what could happen during a reading with me being the decedent that Clarabelle spoke about.

  Before long we are free to leave but as I pack up my things a piece of paper is tossed in front of me, landing on the table. I look around but everyone is busy getting their stuff together. I turn my focus to the paper and open it up. Inside is a request for a date. Again I look around in the direction the paper came from but do not see anyone paying attention to me. I decide it was probably passed to the wrong girl and hurry out the doors. Just as I make it outside and take a deep breathe.

  “Do you throw away all requests to take you out on a date or am I just special?” A voice in my ear whispers. I jump and almost trip over my own feet when an arm around my waist halls me back against a hard chest. My breath catches in my throat while I wait for whoever has me to release me. At first I thought it was Caleb but since this is university grounds and the voice was different, it had a huskier tone to it so I come to the conclusion that a stranger is taking liberties with my persona.

  “Do you take liberties with all the girls or am I just special?” I ask in condescending tone. He scoffs and comes back with,

  “I saved you from falling on your face and you’re talking to me like that? Ok now I am starting to understand a little bit more on why you’re single.” He says wryly.

  “I thank you for saving me from tripping and probably landing on my face.” I say all syrupy sweet but with a little more edge I continue. “Now take your hand off my boob.” It takes a moment for my words to register but when they do I almost end up on my face anyway since he practically throws me from him, as if my boob burned his hand or something. He stammers an apology and I turn around to see who my knight in shining armour is. It’s the guy with the green eyes that picked up my phone for me a while ago. This is the first time I have seen him since. Then it
registers that he is the one who sent that message to me back in the exam room. He wants to take me on a date?

  “You want to take me on a date?” I ask voicing my uncertainty. I watch his face and realise he is a little red around the cheeks. I have already forgiven him for touching without permission when I saw who he was but seeing him blush for it gives me a sense of satisfaction.

  “I would like to take you on a date if you will let me?” He asks a little unsure of himself. Do I want to goof off for a while? I answer my own question with a resounding “Yes!” And smile at the handsome young man.

  “Great.” He says looking at me through his messy hair. “My name is Duncan by the way.” He says with a smile “I will pick you up at seven this evening at your place then.” He says. We swap numbers and I text him my address, that way he has my address and mobile number. With a promise to make sure I have a good time he walks away backwards smiling at me until he turns the corner and vanishes out of sight. I didn’t even notice what he was wearing or if he had his lip ring in, all I see is those eyes and I melt. Oh well guess I will have to wait until this evening I think with a smile. For the first time in weeks I feel giddy. That is until I see who is stood outside university grounds looking as miserable as ever. He hasn’t seen me yet so I sneak around to the other side of the building and out the exit located in the opposite direction. I call Aunt Betsy while I walk to my car. She confirms we are still meeting tomorrow and that my training as a witch will start. I think we will be starting with Clairvoyance, which has actually nothing to do with witchcraft or anything to do with the power that resides deep inside me. After all that is what I need to learn if I am going to break the curse on Caleb. I make it to my car in record time and head home to get ready for tonight.

  Later that evening April is helping me pick out an outfit. Something date like but not slutty or trashy or will make him think he has a chance of getting lucky tonight. I never have intimate relations with a guy on the first second or third date. He would be lucky if he got to second base before the fifth date!

  We settle on black skinny jeans, a short sleeve sweetheart style cream jumper and black ankle boots. My cream coloured clutch bag completes the outfit, now for the make-up. Bronze smoky eyes complete with black eyeliner for the eyes makes the blue of my eyes stand out and since I do want to make an impression I put on some false lashes. On top of the foundation I use a little illuminate face pearls to highlight my cheekbones and give them some colour and for my lips I go with a deep scarlet. Lastly I put up my hair into a messy ponytail and leave some waves around my face to soften the look.

  April makes any tweaks that need to be done to my hair and then we go sit on the couch. She goes into her bedroom and you can hear her rummaging around and comes out two minutes later. She hands me some fancy earring and tells me to put them in. At five to seven there is a knock at the door. I open the door to find the last person I wanted to see standing in the hall way. He looks me up and down with appreciation but I am not falling for that this time. I have seen how freely he can show that sort of appreciation.

  “Are you girls going out?” He asks April and myself. April smiles but I just nod.

  “Amber has a date coming to pick her up. He should be here any minute.” Says April off handily. Caleb looks to me and if looks could freeze I would be a Popsicle right now. His eyes are so cold right now that I actually shiver in response and not in a good way. I pretend I do not care what he thinks and hold my head high while daring him with my eyes to say anything. Just at that moment Duncan walks out of the lift and straight towards us. Caleb looks at him with distaste and contempt in his eyes that I do not quite understand. Duncan calmly walks up the hall and as he gets closer Caleb turns in his direction. Caleb quickly schools his expression into to cool and calm. I say a quick by to April and meet Duncan before he actually reaches our door. I smile as I walk toward him and take his arm then lead him back down towards the lift. I can feel Caleb watching us as we walk away.

  We drive to the cinema talking about random things. Duncan can make me laugh, which I find highly attractive in a date and I have a funny sense of humour myself that not everyone tends to understand. Duncan heads to the car park located underground at the shopping centre the cinema is inside. We had already decided to eat after the movie so we get out tickets, popcorn and drinks and make our way to the screen showing our film. We settle in to enjoy the movie.

  Two hours and twenty minutes later, the film has finished and the reviews do not do it justice. We talk and laugh about the funny scenes as we head to a local restaurant inside the shopping centre. We talk some more as we eat and discover we have more in common for a lasting friendship than a relationship, so as the evening comes to an end we discuss this on the car ride back to the apartment. Duncan starts us off saying how he would really like to remain my friend and that a relationship could destroy the budding friendship we have going.

  “I agree, I mean you’re a great guy and all but I see you more as a friend than a boyfriend and I think if we did try to make it more serious, then we would end up making a huge mistake.” I look at him while telling him how I do not want to compromise our new friendship and see the relief in his eyes which I laugh at. We laugh and joke about the evening for the rest of the ride. As he stops outside I invite him up for a drink and to introduce him to April. Little do I know that we are being watched as we walk up to my building engrossed in what the other is saying. I guess to someone who did not know the nature of our new friendship could think it was more intimate than it actually was. And that is what Caleb sees just before he drives away.

  Chapter Ten

  April is sitting in the main room when Duncan and I walk in. She looks at me surprised knowing I have never brought a man home like this before and especially not on a first date. I tell Duncan to have a seat while I make drinks, knowing that April will follow me into the kitchen to ask the million or so questions running through her head. She dives right into interrogation mode as soon as the door closes.

  “Ok spill it sister! Bringing a guy home like this is not in your nature so what is going on?” She demands. I laugh at her expression and answer her question with a question.

  “Why does there have to be anything going on for me to bring a friend home for drinks? After all I live with you and you’re a friend.” I say knowing I am confusing her more by claiming to have a friend over for drinks. She narrows her eyes at me tells me in a deceptively calm voice to tell her what happened tonight on our date. So I tell her how our date went and that we had decided we make better friends than partners.

  “Hmm well I think you should tell Caleb that. You should have seen him when he left. He looked kinda hurt.” She says sympathetically, the traitor. Does she not remember how he was the one flirting with bimbo down the hall way?

  “Why would I want to tell Caleb anything? There is nothing going on between us. He is a friend of my aunt and that’s it.” I say dismissively. Catching on to my tone April shuts up about Caleb and helps me take the drinks into the main room. As the night progresses into the early hours of the morning, April accepts Duncan into our friendship circle. As those two swap stories about worse dates they have ever been on, I begin to feel like I am being pulled towards my bedroom. Any other time I would be freaking out a little, not because of the sensation which I am actually getting used to the energies when I handle the cards, but the fact that it is happening now while Duncan is here. This has never happened in front of anyone except Aunt Betsy, April, Caleb and now Duncan. Still I do not fight it; if the cards are calling me for a reason then they will not stop until I listen. I get up and go into my room and retrieve the box with the cards inside. I sit on my bed for a moment, just like my aunty taught me and centre myself. In my head I say the words asking for guidance and wisdom and with the last word spoken, I feel her next to me, ready to offer the support and guidance I asked for and I always feel kind of humbled at her presence. I close my eyes and take a moment to feel her energy mix
ing with my own and with the Celestial Tarots. When I feel we are ready I open my eyes and take a deep breath. I let it out slowly and centre my energy. Now I am ready to go back out and face April and Duncan.

  I walk into the room and straight away April knows what is about to happen and raises her eyebrows at me in silent question. I give a small smile back to reassure her I am ok and that I know what I am doing. Duncan on the other hand, looks abit confused and looks between me and the box I am carrying. Keeping silent he watches me sit down at the coffee table and place the box on top. I have done this plenty of times since Aunt Betsy gave me the cards full time but this is the first I have been drawn to them and my guide has been resent.

  As I take out the cards Duncan and April come closer.

  “Do you believe in tarot card readings Duncan?” April turns to ask him.

  “I don’t have any experience with tarot cards so cannot say either way.” He confesses.

  “I will go first then if you and Duncan do not mind Amber?” April asks me.

  “I do not mind, I would actually like to just watch first then decide if I want to have a go.” He says with a smile.

  Always smiling is that guy, he is like the most positive person I have ever met. I tell him I do not mind so April shuffles her bottom into place eagerly. She has always liked tarot readings but never had time spare to indulge her hobbies like I have through Aunt Betsy. In my head I ask my guide to help me with April’s question, I expect a caress against my cheek but instead I feel my hand being given a quick squeeze of reassurance. Confident that things are going the way they are meant to, I start the reading.


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