The Celestial Curse

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The Celestial Curse Page 11

by Marie Cameron

  I think it is relatively safe to say the rest of my day went better than anticipated. The moment I saw Gail she took me into the office and showed me all the booking I had from clients starting from the next day. Happy that things were starting to look up for me spent the rest of the day shadowing Gail and her sessions, taking in as much as her technique as possible. After each session Gail would talk through with me all the to do an not to do things in a session, I mentally take notes and assure her as well as myself that things will be fine and that after the first client is out of the way, I will no longer be nervous. The rest of the day passes by quickly and before I know it I am pulling up outside my apartment.

  As I am locking my car I notice the car parked across the street. I notice Caleb at the same time he exits his car and walks across the road towards me. Standing on the side waiting for him, I remember what Lilith said to me about letting him make the first move now and to just go with the flow until he lets me know one way or another whether or not he is interested in in pursuing something more than friendship.


  I see Amber pull up outside her building and park the car. Yesterday she had her first lesson with Lilith and although I trust Lilith to teach Amber magic, I do not trust her to keep her affairs out of personal matters that do not concern her. I exit my car and walk over to Amber, who has by now noticed me walking towards her and waits just outside the door way to the apartment complex. Without saying a word she opens the door and invites me in.

  “It’s been a long day so I hope you don’t mind if we talk about whatever you came to say upstairs?” She asks while walking ahead.

  “No I do not mind.” I say walking behind her and watching as her red hair sways with her movements. She carries on, oblivious to the reactions she causes in me. Every time I see her i want to ask her to dinner or a movie but then I talk myself into waiting until this curse has been removed before starting something I might not be able to continue if the curse doesn’t end the way I am hoping.

  Lost in my own thoughts I do not realize we are at Ambers apartment until she opens the door and ushers me inside.

  “Let’s go into the kitchen, I would like a drink and maybe something to eat.” She says while walking through the hallway to the living room and into the kitchen.

  “Sure.” I say as I follow her lead.

  I walk into the kitchen as she opens the fridge and takes out some left over pasta. She takes out two plates and divides the food between the two places.

  “Here, I don’t like to eat alone.” Amber says while passing me a plate and sitting down at the table.

  “I missed dinner today so was going to get a take away or something after, but this is better so thanks.” I reply, which is true I had missed dinner so I chow down as Amber does the same. We finish eating in silence and I watch Amber from the corner of my eye as she gathers the dishes together and takes them to the sink. I grab a tea towel and dry the dishes she has already washed. I decide to stop stalling and ask Amber how the lessons have gone with Lilith.

  “How was your first lesson with Lilith?”

  “Ok I guess Lilith wants me to practice meditating before we start with any of the serious stuff.” Amber replies while drying her hands. We walk into the living room with a couple cans of soda I got from the fridge. After taking a long drink from mine I sit it on the floor and turn to face Amber while I ask my next question.

  “Was meditation and practice all Lilith spoke about then?”

  Amber looks at me and fidgets slightly with the arm of the couch. A tell-tale sign of nervous tension which tells me that no, Lilith did not respect my privacy and keep her infuriatingly nosy self out of my affairs, like I had previously warned her too. Looks like I will be making an unexpected visit to the wicked witch of the nearby forest.

  “Well she did ask some questions about you and I but I didn’t tell her anything she didn’t already know. And there isn’t anything really to tell about you and me anyway is there?” She replies.

  I think it over before replying.

  “I guess not although it doesn’t mean there couldn’t be at some point.” I say, slyly watching her out the corner of my eye. She looks at me in open mouthed shock as a blush creeps up her cheeks and remains at a loss for words. I decide not to wind her up, no matter how tempting the thought may be and let out a sigh.

  “Ok, well I guess I should be going since you have to be up early tomorrow for work.” I say as I stand up and stretch the kinks out of my arms and shoulders. Amber quickly stands, eager to have me leave the apartment and I laugh to myself at how jumpy she has been tonight. I collect my coat from the kitchen table where I left it earlier and re-join Amber in the hallway. Again I walk behind Amber so that I can watch her hips sway as she walks to the door. I ask one more question as I leave the apartment, effectively preventing her from closing the door in my face like she probably just spent the last couple of minutes imagining.

  “How are the tarot card readings coming along and your job at the holistic centre?” I lean against the door jamb as I wait for her to reply. She tells me things are looking good and that she will have her very own clients starting from this week. I can tell she is excited by the way she perks up, becoming more animated while talking and the way her eyes begin to sparkle. Gone is the blush from earlier and in its place a rosy glow that transforms her whole face to one of immense beauty.

  My eyes gravitate to her lips as I pretend I am listening to her but to be honest I haven’t heard a word since she started talking. All my thoughts are currently on imagining if her lips would taste as sweet as they look and so with parted lips, I find myself leaning in. As I do she stops talking, not really sure of my intentions she asks me what I am doing. When I just lean closer instead of answering, her breathing becomes choppy and little puffs of air fan my lips, making them tingle. Her eyes become drowsy but she stands her ground waiting for me to make the move we both have wanted since we basically met.


  My heart pounds as I wait for Caleb to make the final move. His lips are inches from my own at this point and I am tempted to close the distance between us myself but Lilith’s warning rings loud and clear in my head, to allow Caleb to be the one to make take that final step.

  Just when I think I can’t stand the waiting any longer, Caleb quietly moans and closes the distance between us. His lips crush against mine gently but insistently and I give no hesitation in giving back every kiss, lick, stroke and nip that he does. His hands are now either in my hair or on my waist as he backs me up to the wall behind me, never breaking lip contact. I run my hands up over his chest and down his back, feeling the muscles contract under my fingers. I moan into his mouth as I press myself against him and he moans back. Finally just as the tension was becoming too much to satisfy with just a kiss, Caleb breaks away for some much needed oxygen and rests his forehead against my own, keeping his eyes tightly shut.

  He is the first to recover and severs all contact from me. Standing back he looks over my dishevelled state and smirks. I narrow my eyes at him but he just laughs, which makes me grin.

  “I think I should go and leave you to get some sleep since you have a long week ahead.” He says as he takes my hand and entwines his fingers with mine. I nod my head, suddenly a little shy and run my free hand up and down his arm. He lifts both my hands to his lips and kisses the back of each before kissing my cheek.

  “Goodnight Amber.” He whispers in to my ear, sending chills rushing over my face and neck.

  “Goodnight Caleb.” I return throatily and take delight in watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows his wish to kiss me again. Seeing his struggle I give a smirk of my own as he backs away from me and put his hands in his pockets. He softly smiles and murmurs another good night before turning around and walking away. I watch him walk to the end of the hall way before closing the door and turning around with the intent of going to bed.

  Since I was so wrapped up in the events that just happened with Cal
eb, I did not see or hear April come into the hallway so when I turn around and see her stood inches away from me, leaning against the wall with a raised eyebrow and smirk curving her lips, I know my thoughts of going to bed will be put on hold, while April interrogates me on what she hopefully did not actually see but just suspects.

  We spend the next hour going over every tiny detail of what happened from when Caleb walked up to me outside to him saying good night and walking away. Since I haven’t spent much time with April over the past few months, we take this time to catch up on all the stuff we missed out on gossiping about. I tell her about my lessons with Lilith and the advice she gave me on letting Caleb be the one to initiate anything between us that has the potential to grow into a relationship.

  April agrees with the advice given by the older woman and since we are on the subject of our love lives, I decide this is the perfect time to bring up Duncan and what is blossoming between the two of them and demand some answers. Blushing at the realization that her secret relationship is out, April admits that she has been dating Duncan, but says that they have only been out a few times but she does think it could actually grow serious between them.

  “Aww congratulations on not growing to be an old crazy cat lady.” I say laughingly.

  “Thanks although I will probably still be a crazy cat lady whether I grow old alone or not.” April says as we both laugh and make jokes about the different ways we could grow old and crazy together. We soon part ways promising to spend more quality time together no matter how busy we both get and head to our bedrooms for some much needed sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I pace back and forth while waiting for my first client in the consultation room. My heart is beating fanatically while sweat beads on my forehead. I use the back of my hand to wipe away as much sweat as possible just as the door swings open and in the door way stands Miss Fletcher, a middle aged lady with medium length hair twisted into a bun high on her head and dressed in warm casual clothing. Over all she looks like a kind woman who immediately puts me at ease.

  She smiles as she sees me and comes fully into the room. I walk over to her and introduce myself while inviting her to take a seat at the table as I compose myself for the next thirty minutes. I take a deep breath and release it slowly. Just as I settle myself opposite Miss Newman, the door opens again and in walks Gail with a smile on her face.

  “Hi I am sorry to interrupt, but would it be ok if I sat in a corner and watched?” She asks.

  “Sure I do not mind as long as Miss Newman says it is ok.” I say questioningly at my client, who shakes her head when she answers.

  “No I do not mind either and please call me Sophie, Mrs Newman sounds so formal.” She says with a grimace.

  “Ok great, well I will sit over here so that I won’t be in anyone’s way.” Gail says as she places a chair in the far corner of the room and sits herself on it. The next twenty minutes fly by as I answer two questions about finance and relationship. I try to give as much information as possible without confusing either one of us and by the end of the reading I have found my confidence to give Sophie all the advice I can. A large part of that is down to the fact that Sophie is an easy client to read too and is receptive to anything I can tell her.

  So as my first session comes to an end I stand as Sophie rounds the table to embrace me. I return the hug and repeat my advice from throughout the reading.

  “Remember to listen to your intuition, instincts and have patience in your dealings and all will turn out as you hope it will. The High Priestess and Temperance are both high cards and have major qualities that you should take advantage of. I hope I have been of some help this morning Sophie and that I haven’t just confused you.” I say with a smile in my voice.

  “Of course not, your advice was spot on. I tend to rush things, which doesn’t always help matters, so I will definitely follow the advice you have given me today and try to be more patient.” Sophie says as she once again briefly hugs both myself and Gail, before Gail shows her back through to the front of the shop and allows me to take a second to gather my things together and thank the guardians for their help during the reading and as usual when I say my thanks, a hand whispers against my cheek before disappearing and leaving me feeling strangely alone.

  I put my cards away in my bag and wonder why I always feel that way after my guardian leaves. I put it down to not being able to feel her presence anymore and decide to start making a diary so that I can hopefully at some point in the future be able to sense when she appears and not just when she disappears. Deciding to not think about the supernatural at the moment, I make my way to the office to see when my next session is booked for and this is where Gail finds me five minutes later. Although I soon wish she hadn’t found me as she has questions that I am not sure I can fully answer to her satisfaction.

  Gail closes the door behind her and locks it. This should have alerted me that something wasn’t right but as usual I take no notice of such screaming warnings to run as far and fast as possible, instead I say.


  “Hey.” She replies while walking towards me sitting behind the desk, with not a care in the world, or so that’s how it seems.

  “My next client isn’t until Thursday.” I say as Gail sits by me on the desk.

  “Ok.” She says off-handily while looking at the art work on the wall behind the desk.

  “So, does that always happen during one of your readings?” She asks. Deciding to play dumb I ask her what she is referring to, which shell replies.

  “You know the whole guardian thing, whispering in your ear to which you sometimes nod your head to or smile at a comment that has been passed.” She says so off handily that all I am capable of doing is staring at her dumb founded for a moment before schooling my expression to one of mild curiosity.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about Gail but it sounds a little far-fetched to me.” I say trying to make my expression as innocently curious as possible. Gail just narrows her eyes at me and turns more fully in my direction before asking a more direct question, one that I cannot reflect entirely.

  “So you weren’t communicating with your spiritual guardian then?” She asks and since she isn’t going to let this go I decide telling her a little of the truth couldn’t hurt, I just won’t tell her about the Celestial Tarots or the magic that I am supposed to possess. Well according to Caleb anyway.

  “Ok I admit I can hear my guardian but only during a reading. She helps interpretates the cards and makes their meaning so much clearer than I could ever do on my own and from my experiences so far, they are pretty accurate. Of course I have only done readings on myself and a couple of friends, until just now with Miss Newman.” I rush my words, hoping to wrap up this conversation quickly so I can escape before she starts asking questions. Unfortunately luck does not seem to be on my side at the moment.

  “She? How do you know your guardian is female?” Gail askes after a moment’s hesitation, so I take a second to think of the best way I can phrase my answer, so that she doesn’t think my brain cells have taken a leave of absence!

  “Um it’s just a feeling, like the energy I feel when she is around me just feels feminine.” I try to explain the best I can but it isn’t really easy to explain to someone who has never felt the sensation before themselves. It’s like trying to describe a journey across the ocean, of how the waves rock the boat, but for someone to really understand they would have to have the experience themselves, otherwise they won’t really understand.

  “Ok well that is interesting even if it does sound a little on the creepy side.” She says which confuses me since I have seen her communicating with her own guide.

  “Can you not hear your guide or feel them? I have watched you during a reading session and it always looks like you are communicating with them the same way I do?” I ask definitely confused now and hoping I do not sound like a nutter and that I still have a job to come to tomorrow.

  Gail shak
es her head and says that she can feel their presence and understand their interpretations of a reading, since they seem to project it into her mind like a picture clip, but she has never experienced what I said I do during a reading. I can see it baffles her to think about it, so I just stand still, hoping she doesn’t ask more questions.

  “I had better go help Kate in the shop.” I say and make a dash for the door. Surprisingly Gail lets me get away from the conversation…for now anyway. I make my way to the main part of the building and sigh in relief when I see the time. An hour left until closing time, I help Kate with re stocking the shelves and generally cleaning the shop and all the rooms within the building. With ten minutes to spare Gail, Kate and I head back to the office where our coats and bags are stored and make small talk while getting ourselves ready to close up shop.

  “Amber we can finish our conversation another time since I think there is a lot more to what you told me and I am very interested in what that maybe.” Gail says quietly in my ear so as Kate opens the door again to leave. I turn around and make my expression as serious as possible.

  “I understand you may have questions Gail, but there are a lot of things that I cannot tell you simply because it is not my right to say and I am not the only person it concerns so I am asking you to drop it for now and if there becomes a time when I am free to discuss more in detail then I will answer any questions you may have. But right now, anything I tell you will only end up confusing you more that you probably already are.” I say as matter of fact as I can and hope I haven’t just insulted her in some way. But I should have known Gail would take it in stride and not find me offensive.

  “Ok I understand. But I would like you to feel that you trust me enough to confide in me one day, so I won’t ask you anymore questions that relate to your ability to communicate with your guardian.” Gail says with a small smile. I know she is a little disappointed in my refusal so I thank her before saying good night. We walk in silence to the main area of the shop and see Kate by the front door to the shop waiting for us to exit before she can set the alarm and lock the doors.


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