The Celestial Curse

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The Celestial Curse Page 15

by Marie Cameron

  Caleb talks all the way back to the apartment but I don’t hear a word he says as my head is filled with thoughts of Jaxon. I don’t really understand why I had such a strong reaction from him but I have listened to my instincts enough times now to know when someone means trouble and Jaxon is double the trouble of a king cobra coiled in your bed!

  We pull up outside my apartment and I jump out just seconds after the vehicle stops, surprising Caleb. He follows me up to my door in silence, where I turn around and thank him for a nice evening. I leave him confused as I enter, then shut the door in his face.


  I watch from a distance as the pair emerge from the restaurant and walk over to them. A surprised Caleb embraces me as a long lost friend and introduces me to his date Amber. At first I can tell she is weary of me but the fun starts when she shakes my hand. As a jolt of power passes between us, her eyes widen in surprise. Usually this is a normal greeting when two mystical beings shake hands but the amount of energy that passed between us makes my body shiver with pleasure! Never have I felt something so powerful from such a simple, short but sweet handshake. Amber must have sensed or seen something in my expression as she takes a step back, effectively placing Caleb between her and myself. Caleb not paying attention misses the interaction as he tells me about Amber and her link to Clarabelle, the witch I had Caleb and his village neighbours burn at the stake.

  He continues to talk as I watch Amber size me up before turning around, just as Caleb’s car pulls up behind her and she takes the opportunity to escape. She sits in the car and pulls out her mobile phone and makes a call. Of course she does not know that I can hear every word she says which makes me grin.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The next morning I went early to meet Aunt Betsy as planned. We sat at the kitchen table while I told her about meeting Caleb’s friend and the reaction I got when we shaked hands. Aunt Betsy remained quiet until I had finished explaining my “bad vibe” of Jaxon, before advising me to listen to my instincts and to let her know the next time I see him.

  That was two hours ago. Now we are headed to Clarabelle’s cottage. Caleb is meeting us there so it is just Aunt Betsy and myself making the journey in my car, which doesn’t take as long as I imagined. Three hours later we exit off the highway and into the city. Deciding to head straight to Clarabelle’s cottage, within the surrounding woods of where the old village has been swallowed up by the modern city of the twenty first century. Caleb is already there, waiting at the cottage when we pull up beside his car. He walks over to Aunt Betsy to hug and kiss her cheek while looking at me questioningly; I glance at him as I walk towards the cottage. I am still not happy with how he behaved the night before with his friend Jaxon and Aunt Betsy had convinced me to discuss with him my unease and growing mistrust at his friend. I will probably wait until we have some privacy though so I put it to the back of my mind and concentrate on why I drove all this way and hopefully Caleb will do the same.

  “So this is where it happened?” I ask Caleb who nods his head while slowly walking up to me with his hands in his pockets and Aunt Betsy following behind him. He looks out across the property, lost deep in though and probably noticing the modern changes that have been made over years. I try to see things from his point of view and what it must have looked like in the olden days. I let out a sigh as Caleb turns to me and says.

  “The owners are away camping and won’t be back until tomorrow, so feel free to look around inside.” Given the green light, I head to the front door and turn the handle to find it locked. Aunt Betsy walks up behind me followed by Caleb.

  “You didn’t expect it to be open did you dear?” She says from behind me.

  “No but it was worth a try.” I reply. Caleb walks up beside me and looks at the lock.

  “Why don’t you try unlocking it, by using the magic you have spent the last few weeks learning?” He asks. I mentally kicking my own ass for not thinking of it first and close my eyes, blocking out everything around me. Picturing the wooden door and the lock in my mind, I imagine it clicking open and the door slightly swinging open. I open my eyes to see the door open as I had imagined and matching smiles on Caleb and Aunt Betsy’s faces. I grin at my own success and follow Caleb who enters the house first and Aunt Betsy following behind, close on my heels.

  Walking into the front room I look at my surroundings. I don’t exactly know what I was expecting to see but everything is set the same as any other house I have been in. The room is a little dark, with the curtains being drawn closed, so I walk over and open them, letting in early afternoon sunlight. Caleb glances at me as he is bathed in light from the window before returning to his search.

  “I don’t think we are going to find anything on display Amber. I am going to see if there is a cellar or something that may have a hidden door, maybe even a clue on where to look next.” Caleb says and heads to the kitchen. Aunt Betsy agrees with him and wanders off in search of an attic. Left to my own devices I continue to look around down stairs before heading upstairs to the bedrooms. Aunt Betsy comes down from the attic just as I enter the hallway from the bedroom I was checking.

  “I did not find anything helpful up there dear.” She says as she walks up to me.

  “I have searched through the house too and haven’t seen anything out of normal.” I say back as we make our way to the kitchen, which is where Caleb headed earlier. We walk into the kitchen and see a doorway ajar in the far corner. I walk over to the doorway and see steps leading down to the cellar. I start to walk down the first few steps before I see Caleb making his way back up them. I back track quickly to avoid him bumping into me as he runs up the stairs two at a time. I stand next to Aunt Betsy and we wait for Caleb, who closes the door and stands in front of us.

  “I couldn’t find anything down stairs.” Caleb says looking thoughtful. As Aunt Betsy and Caleb think about what to do next, I see a shimmer out of the corner of my eye. I redirect my attention to the doorway leading back to the sitting room and see my guardian in the doorway, motioning for me to follow her as she walks out of the room. Ignoring the other two, I walk towards the doorway. I continue to walk, almost in a trance as Aunt Betsy and Caleb call out my name and follow me when it becomes obvious that I am not listening to them.

  I follow my guardian through the house, out of the front door, and into the back garden, continuing to follow her as she enters the surrounding forest. Since I walked out of the house, everything seems to have taken on vibrant colours, like in a HD nature programme. The detail of everything around me, from the birds flickering through the trees and rabbits foraging in the under bush, to the sway of the leaves on the branches above me has me mesmerised. Even the twigs on the ground have some allure to them as I step over them.

  Turning my attention back to my wispy guide I find her hovering over a huge boulder. I stop in my tracks as the sound of Aunt Betsy and Caleb following behind me, remind me that they probably have no idea why we are standing in front of a huge rock, so I thank my guide who smiles and gives a little nod of her head, to acknowledge my gratitude and I turn to find them both looking at me with expressive faces. Aunt Betsy with expectation and Caleb with Impatience, I guess someone does not like hiking!

  “I think what we’re looking for is somewhere around here, possibly under that big boulder since this is where she lead me to.” Aunt Betsy gets an excited sparkle in her eyes, while Caleb looks around thoughtfully. Always the serious one I have come to realize, I liked him better on our date night, before his friend Jaxon turned up.

  “Let’s have a look around and see what we can find. I don’t think your guide would have led you here on a wild goose chase if there wasn’t something worth looking for.” Says Caleb as he heads over to the boulder. Aunt Betsy and I search the surrounding area but with no luck and I decide to search the boulder while Caleb researches the surrounding area again. I walk up to the boulder and that’s when I feel it. That pulling sensation I felt that helped me lo
cate the Celestial Tarots cards in Aunt Betsy’s attic is now pulling me towards the boulder. I walk around the boulder as the pulling gets stronger and stop at the back, where I feel like I am trying to be pulled through to the other side. Aunt Betsy and Caleb stand beside me and look over the sides. I run my hands over the surface of the boulder, not noticing anything that initially stands out. Deciding to search a little lower, I hunch down in front and search the bottom.

  Anyone else would have missed it but because I can feel the small pulses of energy coming from one spot, I manage to find a small button like latch. I push it inwards and hear a zap like noise a split second before the bottom half of the boulder disappears and a staircase leads underground. Caleb being the man that he is insists going first but I point out to him that I would be the only one who is able to sense if there are any traps. After a little convincing Caleb agrees to let me go first but stays close on my heels as we navigate down the narrow passage.

  The excitement in the air is palpable now as we near what seems to be an exit. I slow down my pace until I come to a complete stop. Stretching out my right arm, I try to feel for a sign that a trap is imminent, but not feeling anything I take baby steps forward until I am stood inches away from the heavy wooden door. As my hand gets closer, a golden vibration shimmers up the door, making a barrier. I turn to Aunt Betsy and Caleb who are looking past me to the door. The look on their faces tells me they are able to see the barrier too.

  “Anyone have any ideas on how to get past?” I ask. Aunt Betsy comes forward and reaches out a hesitant hand. She lets her fingers brush across the golden shimmer and nods her head when nothing happens.

  “It’s a simple protection spell Amber, you should be able to remove it using your magic.” She says as she stands next to Caleb again, effectively giving me more room to move.

  “Ok I’ll try.” I say as I walk up to the barrier again. I place both my palms against the shimmering light and close my eyes. And just like all the other times before, I picture a golden shimmer in my mind and push my energy into it. Nothing happens so I try again. After a third fail I decide to picture the shimmer as an actual wall, something solid that will shatter with enough force thrown into it. Or that’s what I am hoping will happen anyway, I think briefly to myself before concentrating on the task at hand. Again I picture the shimmer but as a real wall underneath my hands, which begin to tingle. I feel the power build up somewhere in my solar plexus and move up to my shoulders, down my arms and into my hands. I concentrate as much as possible to let the power flow though my veins without tensing up my muscles. I have been practicing magic with Lilith for a while now and I have never felt as much power as I am this very minute. Sweat is beading on my forehead as my hands start to vibrate and the palms caste a small glow of their own. Cracks start to appear in the wall and expand until finally the wall shatters, leaving a golden mist in its wake. I open my eyes to find Aunt Betsy inches from my face, laughing while praising me on a job well done.

  Caleb smiles and pats me on the back before opening the door and walking through. Its dark inside the room but as Caleb walks further in, old fashioned lamps lining the walls light up to dispel the shadows lurking in every corner. I take a step forward and slightly stumble. I lean against the door frame as my legs turn to jelly and all my energy disappears.

  Ahead of me Aunt Betsy gasps in surprise, as Caleb grins at her before turning his attention to me. I stand up straight and smile back, not letting on how drained removing the barrier has made me. I look past both of them to the room beyond. Lining the walls and old style cabinets, are items covered in dust. A few of them glimmer in the light caste by the lanterns so I pull myself together and step into the room. I keep walking until I reach the centre and slowly turn in a circle, taking it all in. Caleb has found a bag and has started loading things into it. I watch as Aunt Betsy joins him in loading up everything she can get her hands on.

  “I think it’s best to take as much as possible with us Amber. You don’t know what might end up being useful at some point.” Caleb says when he sees the amused look on my face.

  “Plus all this does technically belong to you now anyway; your only taking what is rightfully yours.” Caleb says standing up straighter.

  “Good points.” I reply laughing at his enthusiasm while helping them clear out the room. Ten minutes later I walk over to a desk, reach out a hand to open the draw and jump back in surprise. A spider scuttles across the handle of the draw before disappearing around the other side of the desk.

  Again I reach out to open the draw to find it locked. Using the same technique as earlier, when I unlocked the front door to the cottage, I unlock the draw and pull it open. Empty…disappointment courses through my veins as I go to close the draw again. Some niggling doubt has me pulling the draw open and running my fingers over the smooth oak. Excitement courses through me as a hidden compartment opens up and an old leather bound book sits in the centre. Picking up the book I realize it actually looks more like a journal or something personal. I try to open the front cover but it won’t move. Clarabelle probably put a protection spell on it if my hunches are correct and it holds valuable information. Caleb and Aunt Betsy walk up to me just as I turn around.

  “I found this old book in the desk behind me. Some form of magic is keeping me from being able to open it so hopefully there will be an answer to releasing you from the curse Caleb.” I say. Deciding to hold onto the book I make my way to the door leading back to the outside.

  Coming out was a lot quicker than going in and within minutes, we were breathing in lungful’s of fresh air. We watch as the bottom part of the boulder reappears and everything goes back to the undisturbed peace and tranquillity it was before we came. The sun has long since set and the moon is high in the midnight sky above. Nocturnal creatures scurry out of our way as we make our through the woods. Caleb walks in front, holding my hand leading the way and Aunt Betsy clings to my arm holding the book, almost joint to my hip. I try to reassure her that everything will be ok with a smile, but I don’t think she would have seen in the darkness surrounding us.

  Finally the trees start to thin and Caleb picks up his pace a little more as we near the edge of the tree line.

  We walk back to the cottage before heading for our cars to make sure everything is back to the way it was, including the locked front door, before getting into our cars and driving away. Caleb follows me all the way back to Aunt Betsy’s house, which is where we agreed to store all of the wonderful things we acquired on our trip.

  In the early hours of Monday morning, we pull into Aunt Betsy’s driveway. It has taken half the time to drive back thankfully, since I almost fell asleep a couple of times, which would have been a major hazard to not only my health but Aunt Betsy’s too! I look over at Aunt Betsy to find her snoozing against the window. Caleb opens my door and startles me making him smile. Fatigue weighs upon his features too as he helps me from my car.

  “You open the door and put these inside while I bring in Betsy.” Caleb says, handing me Aunt Betsy’s keys and the bag of goodies. Heavier than I imagined I brace myself and stagger to the door, I unlock the door and stumble to the closet underneath the stairs. I place my burden inside and close the door as Caleb comes in carrying a snoring Aunt Betsy. Closing the front door I follow Caleb up the stairs.

  “Which room?” Caleb asks.

  “This first one will do Caleb. I think it is a guess room but it will do for tonight.” I reply. I do not like going into someone else’s bedroom without their permission, feels like a violation of their privacy. Plus you never know what you may find!

  Caleb stands back as I open the door. He places her onto the bed, to which she immediately starts snoring again. Caleb and I laugh quietly as not to wake her and cover her with the fleece blanket that was draped over the end of the bed. We silently make our way out of the room and close the door behind us and make our way for the front door.

  “Why don’t you stay here tonight Amber? You have to come bac
k early in the morning anyway to get April’s surprise party ready.” Caleb says. It only takes a second for me to think it over, deciding I am too tired to drive back to my apartment.

  “I think I will actually. I am shattered!” I say yawning.

  “You should actually stay too since your just as tired as I am and you can help me set everything up. If you want to that is?” I ask Caleb just as he went to open the door. He looks at me for a moment before answering.

  “Yeah I will help you in the morning but first let’s get some sleep.” He takes my elbow lightly in his hand and steers my back upstairs to another bedroom. Caleb kisses me gently on the lips and wishes me good night before closing the door behind him and going to one of the last spare bedroom. As I climb into bed I can hear his footsteps in the other room through the connecting wall. That’s how quiet the house is as I fall asleep with a warm smile on my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I wake up the next morning to sounds coming from down stairs and the smell of bacon cooking. Jumping out of bed I go for the fastest shower of my life and dress in record time, almost falling flat on my face in the process. Hair and make-up take minimal effort so I head down to the kitchen.

  Aunt Betsy is stood over the cooker, making an early breakfast. Disappointment courses through me for a split second before I mentally shrug it off. Not that I was expecting someone else to be cooking in Aunt Betsy’s kitchen like…that’s wishful thinking!

  “Good morning Aunty, did you sleep well?” I ask, making my presence known. No need to scare the woman by sneaking up on her, startled she turns around.

  “I did dear thank you for asking. Although the last thing I remember was falling asleep in your car last night.” She says with a laugh.

  “Yeah Caleb carried you in and put you in the first bedroom available. We both stayed here last night too since it was late, we were too tired to drive and had to be here early anyway.” I say, sitting at the table. Aunt Betsy dishes up breakfast onto two plates and places one in front of me. The other plate she puts across from me for Caleb, who then walks through the door.


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