Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Celeste Prater


  “Yes, my sweet. Tell me,” he rumbled against her silken hair.

  “Use a contraction. You damn, Greek maniac.”

  Chuckling softly, he released one wrist and lightly cupped her jaw, bringing her closer to his mouth. “I’m going to kiss you, Cassie. I’m going to slip my tongue into your luscious mouth. I’ll draw your sweet breath into my lungs and lick the desire from your lips. I’ll give you a contraction you’ll never forget. So deep in that hot, sweet pussy you will dream of me tonight. Close your eyes, Cassie. Just feel me.” He pressed his lips softly to hers, angled her face and took what he wanted.

  At her gasp, he licked her full lower lip and then pushed his tongue into the moist, warm recesses of her delicious mouth. He growled in approval when her free hand sunk into his hair and latched on. Her tongue dueled with his, returning nipping bites when he retreated and softening when he returned. Her lips were excruciatingly soft and yielding. He could not get in her far enough. Could not lick enough of her offering, or stop the tingling sparks racing up his spine at each soft whimper. He vaguely registered that he had released her other hand and now cupped her lower back, pulling her against him as he pushed and rolled his hips in a move as instinctive and old as time. His mind screamed over and over, Mine, Mine, Mine—then the unbelievable happened. Her essence entered his body, swirled around and bounced against every barrier, effectively tearing them to shreds before retreating. His muscles locked tight as he pulled his mouth away from hers. He bared his teeth as he rode the shockwaves ricocheting throughout his body. His core sought out the essence that had departed, demanding its return, and angered at the loss.

  Prying his hands from her shaking body, he flung himself backward and slammed against the wall as he frantically tried to make sense of what he had just felt. He struggled to remain in solid form as his primary energy attempted to reform into mist to better locate the missing essence. Cassie’s surprised face brought him somewhat back to the present, yet he didn’t understand why she was looking past him. Turning his head to the side, he met the perplexed face of the concierge peering in at them while holding the elevator door open with one hand.

  “Sir, I am so sorry! Is everything okay? I just realized the elevator was stuck between floors and reengaged the descent. I apologize for the malfunction and will get service in first thing.”

  Severus shook his head to gather his wits. “No, not a problem. It was not for very long. It is not your fault. We are fine.” He glanced to Cassie, but she no longer stood where he had expected. He moved into the lobby but didn’t see her anywhere. Turning, he addressed the concierge. “Where did she go?”

  Severus immediately felt sorry for the man for he was sure he was wearing his deepest scowl. “Sir, uh, she left. Outside, she went outside.”

  Severus ran to the doors, reaching them in time to see her beat-to-shit Toyota whiz by. His first instinct was to pursue her, yet his brain called a halt to that immediately. He was in no shape to drive. Hell, he was in no shape to attempt a conversation with her even if he caught up with her. No, he needed to decompress and figure out what he was going to say. He had no clue where to start. Waving off the concierge, he took an elevator to his apartment, settled his trembling body onto his couch, and proceeded to replay the entire night over and over again until he slumped over in exhaustion.

  Chapter 10

  “Crap, crap, crap. Ah, hell!” Cassie felt as if she were having a heart attack. The runaway organ had been banging around her chest since Severus had punched the stop button. She couldn’t remember getting into her car or the trip back to her apartment. She had only gotten herself inside her house out of sheer habit. Back plastered against the inside of the door, she focused on stilling her breath. Ten counts out, inhale slowly for ten, then repeat. Gradually her heart resumed its natural rhythm, her breath slowing until the panic subsided.

  “Okay, better. Now sit down and quit acting like Attila the Hun is pounding on your door.” Moving over to the couch on shaky legs, she plopped down, grabbed a pillow, and hugged it close to her chest. Her mind tried to replay the events from the moment he had punched the button to her slipping past the concierge, but she couldn’t make it past that kiss. Oh, god…that kiss.

  She’d been kissed plenty of times, sucked face and moved on with the best of them. But, never had she fallen into someone. Those were the only words she could find to comprehend the sensation. Once his lips had touched hers, she was in the vortex she had previously dreaded. How quickly that sentiment had changed. She couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t press him close enough, couldn’t consume fast enough, and then it happened. She felt her outer shell give way and melt into him. Yes, it turned to liquid and simply melted. She remembered strange tingling sensations racing across her skin then a feeling of weightlessness. All too soon, her mind had taken control and wrenched her back to flesh and bone. When she opened her eyes, Severus was already across the elevator looking just as shell-shocked. Had he felt the same? Was this even possible?

  Now she knew what poets had been extolling for centuries when they spoke of losing oneself in another. That was what had happened. She had totally and completely lost herself to Severus and that scared the holy shit out of her. Flashes of her mother’s desperate eyes as she willed Mitchell to appear on her doorstep refused to give her peace. The frantic pacing as time moved slowly toward her mother’s inevitable end sat front and center in her mind. Was this what she had felt for Mitchell? Had Doreen experienced that excruciating bliss and despite the horrendous treatment, she would forever cling to the abuser to keep it close? Or was she confusing something beautifully unique with obsession?

  Jumping from the couch, Cassie paced the room until she willed the images from her mind. She would never know what had run through that woman’s head and even if she knew, it would change nothing. She would split her brain in two if she didn’t stop trying to associate every feeling she had with the template Doreen had left behind, but hell it wasn’t like she had another one to choose from now, did she?

  Her mind flashed to Severus’s face, carrying the same look that had ridden hers. If he had felt even a quarter of what she had felt, he was probably sitting on his couch playing the same brain ping-pong she was enjoying. She doubted he would have followed her or even attempt to call. Yep, he was probably opting for more clarity before facing their next conversation.

  Deciding she was just too tired to think straight anyway, Cassie headed for her bedroom. A hot shower and bed was all she wanted to contemplate at the moment. She stared in the mirror as the room filled with steam and watched her form slowly fade away into an unrecognizable blob. Now didn’t that just sum it up nicely? Stripping down, she jumped in the shower and moaned with relief as the hot jets pelted her tired muscles. Eventually, her shoulders began to relax and the low throb at the base of her neck dissipated. After scrubbing her hair, she lathered her body and enjoyed the soft vanilla scent of the body wash filling the stall. Inhaling deeply, her head lolled back on her shoulders, much the same way it had when Severus had taken command of her body.

  He had been breathtakingly powerful while towering over her and wrapping her in his arms. She had felt safe despite his intimidating size. His sculpted lips had been surprisingly soft, never hurting her, even when he had crushed them to hers and taken over her senses. Her core throbbed at the remembrance. Without hesitation, she leaned against the wall as her hand dove between her thighs. She was not surprised to feel the copious amount of slickness greeting her fingers. She needed this, needed something to turn her hard edges soft. Lifting her left leg to the edge of the tub, she opened her thighs wide. She didn’t want soft and sweet and she didn’t want to wait. Dipping two fingers inside and with a quick retreat to the top of her mound, she began swirling her fingers hard against her clit. The fiery edge of orgasm teased her unmercifully. She almost fell over the elusive lip, but was denied again and again.

  Grunting in frustration, she worked two f
ingers inside her channel as her other hand found the rhythm to get her up the plateau again. Still, she was denied. Not until a face with slashing brows, swirling, hazel eyes lined with thick lashes, perfectly straight nose, and the most beautiful mouth she had ever kissed drifted back into her thoughts. Suddenly, the warm water sliding across her tightened nipples became his sculpted chest. The warm jets pulsing against her throat became his mouth and teeth nipping at her flesh. The fine mist falling across her shoulders became his long, silken hair gliding along her quivering skin. Her fingers became his as her hips undulated frantically to find what she truly needed. The roar of the water echoing in the enclosed space became his husky voice demanding, “Close your eyes, Cassie. Just feel me.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she hissed out as she finally hurtled over the precipice. Her pussy squeezed down hard on her fingers before releasing, contracting, releasing, contracting and then finally to a soft throb of blissful contentment. All too soon it was over, her arms falling limply to her sides. Sated, yet not truly satisfied.

  Suddenly she started to laugh. She could do nothing but laugh as she turned the water off, poured herself out of the shower, dried off, and crawled naked between the sheets. “Damn you, Severus Faal. You said you’d give me a contraction and obviously you’re a man of your word.” She closed her eyes and dreamed of him as well.

  * * * *

  Severus opened his eyes and immediately squinted against the sun piercing his retinas. It was obviously morning, yet he was definitely not in his bed. Easing up from his couch, he scrubbed his face with both hands and tried to get his bearings. The night came back to him in an instant. Despite running the events over and over through his muddled brain, he was still having the same battle and coming to the same conclusion. It was not what it had appeared to be.

  Yes, he had felt that tremendous surge of energy sweep through his body and exit just as quickly. However, he had realized late last night that he had not been releasing his excess back to his home world as often as he should. Perhaps there had been too much present to absorb the additional desire radiating from Cassie, inevitably causing the phenomenon they both had experienced? This was the only explanation his mind would allow, for the alternative was ludicrous. Cassie could not be his Occasio, his potential mate. The odds were astronomical. Cato would be able to cite the exact figures if he so wished. Adding to that large number would be the additional odds that he would find his mate in the best friend of his Trejani’s mate. No, it was too ridiculous to consider.

  Looking around the expansive living area, his mind registered the luxurious furnishings with everything in its proper place. It had been purposefully designed for comfortable living and entertaining, yet exactly whom was he entertaining? The curved, leather sectional could hold up to five warriors laying head-to-toe flat atop the surface. The expansive floor, sporting a large, circular area rug, would easily hold twenty guests and six more if perched upon his other seating areas. He had the same floor-to-ceiling view as Drusus enjoyed, yet he was the only one peering out each and every day. A wave of loneliness washed over his body and seeped deep into his gut.

  Though he was surrounded every day by females more than willing to spend their time with him, he had never brought one back to his home. Flashes of hotel rooms, frilly bedrooms, back seats of cars, up against a wall in a dark parking lot, and one equally forgettable rushed exchange in an airport restroom made his stomach queasy. He couldn’t remember their faces and that just made his shoulders slump in regret for having allowed himself to mark his time with those that had seen him as just a conquest. He had known their intentions as clearly as if they had spoken the words aloud. Pure lust without pure emotion always carried a subtle scent of smoke. He hated the inevitable numbing of his emotions as soon as that scent reached his nose. In those moments, his hope of a different outcome retreated and stepped aside for his conquer, take, and exit routine. Heaving a long sigh, he spoke aloud to the empty room.

  “You are just a beautiful and organized place to harbor my self-doubt and pitiful existence.”

  Disgusted with himself, he surged up from the couch and headed for the shower. “Get the fuck out of your head, Severus. It leads to no place you wish to be.”

  Remembering his recent encounter with freezing water, he allowed the shower to steam before moving his body beneath the spray. Cursing, he failed in shutting down the unrelenting thoughts of Cassie. He easily recalled her prettily parted lips waiting for his kiss, the smell of orange blossoms mixing with her natural scent, and the soft moans releasing into his mouth. Groaning, he looked down at the raging hard-on giving him the one-eyed stare.

  “I think not, buddy. I am tired of being at your beck and call. If I could only shove my emotions into your sorry ass, you would not be looking in my eyes but down upon my toes.”

  Ramping up the hair and body scrub, he was successful at avoiding his groin area until his dick finally gave up the ghost and hung limp and dejected against his thigh. Satisfied, he toweled off, and wandered into his bedroom. Knowing he had hours before Drusus would check in with him, he sent a mind call to Maxim. You up?

  Hey, Severus. Yup. Trying to get Caelius’s sorry ass out of his room. He promised to go to the training center with me, but now he’s pouting because I won’t let him drive. He damned near backed into a pole yesterday and I’ve cut him off. He can buy his own damn car and wreck it all he wants.

  Severus chuckled to himself. Caelius had only been on Earth for five months and was rushing to acclimate. The only thing he wasn’t excelling in was driving. He was a damn menace. Well, whether you get him out or not, I will meet you there. I need to work off some damn steam.

  I hear you, brother. See you there.

  Yanking open a drawer, he grabbed a fresh pair of socks and squinted as a glint of light sparked to his left. Looking up, he realized a ray of sun had passed over the small, silver clasp of his Dulwich valet box. Smiling, he ran his hand along the fine leather until his fingers brushed over a deep groove along the side. That mark of imperfection brought a smile to his face as he remembered the day Drusus had presented the men’s jewelry box to him. He had been in a knife-sparring match with Maxim at the training center and had just stepped back after winning the third round. Drusus had approached him from behind and moved the box around his shoulders in a wide arc as a showy gesture of presentation. He had instinctively swiveled and stabbed the gift-wrapped box before realizing his Trejani was attached. He would never forget the baffled look on Drusus’s face as he held the box away from his rigid body. After a few moments of blinking disbelief, he erupted in laughter.

  Remind me to set appointments with you for gift giving, Severus. Surprises appear to be extremely unhealthy.

  To this day, the others had steadfastly refused to let him forget. All gifts were heralded by a phone call and a frontal approach accompanied by wildly flapping arms. Flipping the lid open, he regarded the stainless-steel Chopard L.U.C. MK II watch that had been nestled safely inside the gift box, saved from death by the sturdy valet walls. It was the first piece of jewelry he had owned since coming to Earth. He glanced at the titanium Polo Forty-Five Piaget watch he had gifted to himself, yet the MK would always be his favorite.

  His eyes moved on to the numerous cufflinks, pinky rings, and tie clips sporting glinting diamonds or his initials and thought of each warrior that had placed them in his hands—well, lobbed them in the air toward his hands being a more accurate description of delivery. Some of the emptiness he felt within his heart filled upon the realization he did have others that knew him and loved him anyway, effectively dulling the edge of his sorrow.

  Eventually his eyes focused on the one item he had purposefully skirted throughout his sappy memory foray. How appropriate that his newly mated friend had gifted the box that now housed his own mating necklace. He swore he could feel animosity emanating from the glinting tooth, accusing him of lack of faith. He should just leave the damn thing where it lay. Instead, he reached forward and
ran a finger along the chain, shaking his head at the insane urge to put it around his neck. Snapping his hand back, he flipped the lid down. Sure, he really wanted to lay that tooth upon his skin and feel the cold filter into his chest and effectively freeze his heart for eternity. Not happening. Yes, he had felt her arousal, but what female wouldn’t be pushing out hormones when you had your tongue shoved in her mouth? It was just instinct and he needed to get over it if they were to have any type of relationship that meshed around his Trejani and Filia.

  Severus grasped his nut sac and squeezed, just to assure himself they hadn’t sucked up into his gut and been replaced by a vagina. He wasn’t good at emotions and this wrestling match with his own had to stop. It would serve them both well that he be resolved in his thinking before he met with her tonight. He was to be her date, and that was the extent of that.

  Chapter 11

  “Uh, that would be a hell no! Now get the fuck off.”

  Severus chuckled as he watched Maxim shove Caelius from the leg-press machine. Those two had been going at it ever since his arrival. They usually got along well, but from Maxim’s scowl, he could tell something had changed.

  Struggling to his knees, Caelius flipped long strands of hair away from his turquoise eyes and glared daggers at his friend. “Gods damn it, Maxim. I said I would pay for the damage to your car. What more would you have from me?”

  Maxim’s face morphed into the twin brother of the hulk, his jaw working as if he were chewing gravel. “My car? You have the nerve to call my beast a car? That’s a gods damn Hummer H3 Alpha, you asshole, and now it’s got a gods damn scratch on the side. You can’t even begin to start paying me back for that, and I’m not talking cash, feel me?”

  Caelius surged to his feet, assuming a battle stance. “I will do no such thing. What in the name of Dii would it serve for me to feel you? How does that address the injury to your beast?”


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