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December: A Calendar Gals series novella

Page 7

by Gallie, DL

  It's so nice to see Gage happy and content.

  “What up, Buttercup?” he says to me when he finally notices my presence.

  “What have a told you about calling me Buttercup?”

  He shrugs his shoulders at me then winks before placing a hand gently on my bump. “Hey, Peanut.” He’s done this every day since my belly exploded in size. He’s one of the many people who supported Branson and I being together. There were a few sly comments and sniggers, but all in all, everyone was very supportive of our budding relationship. Since we gave in to our desires, I’ve been much more relaxed and happy. I never realized I was putting pressure on myself, but as soon as Branson and I gave in and accepted what was between us, my blood pressure leveled out and life, in general, became much easier for me. For us.

  We round the corner into reception, and I smile when I see Branson standing at the front desk chatting to Stacey. He’s wearing a Santa hat on his head, jeans that hug his ass perfectly, and a navy blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He’s the definition of ‘smoking hot’ right now.

  He must sense my presence because he looks over to me and grins. His smile lights up his face and sets my panties on fire.

  Marlee turns to Gage and not so quietly whispers, “Holy shit, with that one look the temperature in here just rose a billion degrees.”

  “Even I can feel it, and I’m a dude,” Gage confirms.

  My eyes are locked on Branson; I didn’t even realize that Chelle is now standing next to me. It isn’t until she taps me on the arm that I register her presence. “Huh?”

  “I said, are you ready to go?”

  “What?” I ask again, completely confused right now. All I can think about is the throb between my thighs and how fucking sexy Branson looks right now.

  “Friggin’ hell,” Chelle scoffs, as she snaps her fingers in my face. ‘Focus. Toy drive day.”

  Nodding my head, I mumble, “Yep…Sex drive…I mean toy drive.”

  Chelle shakes her head and drags me toward the elevator. “Let’s go, whore.”

  “I’m not a whore, I’m just horny and pregnant.”

  “My apologies,” Chelle says, before adding, “you are a pregnant whore.”

  My eyes snap to hers and she’s staring at me with a ‘don’t-try-and-deny-it’ look on her face. Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “Yeah. I got nothing.”

  Branson walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me, gently caressing my belly. He kisses my ear. “Hey, sexy lady.”

  “Hey,” I say, turning my head to look at him before I sneak a quick kiss.

  “Get a room, you two,” Gage says, just as the elevator doors open.

  “How about an elevator instead?” Branson says.

  I giggle. Gage scoffs. Chelle says, “Hell no. Get the next one, Holmes.”

  We all laugh and step into the car. Before the doors even close, Chelle whips out her folder and as the elevator goes down, she reads thought her list, reminding everyone of our jobs when we get there. She looks at me, points, and snarls, “Don’t even think about lifting anything heavy or awkward or anything bigger than a pen. If I had it my way, we’d have left you behind, but I don’t want preg-zilla to rear her ugly head on what’s going to be a joyous afternoon. So do as your told, and I’ll be sure to put in a good word with the big man in red.”

  Without batting an eyelid, I raise my hand to my temple and salute her, “Sir, yes, sir.”

  Everyone laughs and as I look around the car, I know it’s going to be a great day.

  Just as I predicted, the afternoon was a success and the kids all had a wonderful time. Seeing the look of joy on all their faces makes this all worth it. And once again, Gage was a fabulous Santa.

  Overhearing a conversation between him and Marlee gave me an idea for tonight, and I cannot wait to surprise Branson when he gets home. Now I’m glad he was called into the bar for an emergency, because it gives me time to race home and set up my Christmas surprise.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After saying goodbye to everyone when we returned to the office, I made my way as fast as my fat ass would allow to my car and I drove home. Glancing in the back, when I place my handbag on the front seat, I smile when I see Peanut’s car seat already installed.

  Branson, the ever-awesome man that he is, has already installed one in my car, one in his car, and has one sitting in my garage for his mom’s car. My mom already has her own, I cannot believe how overboard everyone is going with baby stuff. The nursery at home is about to explode.

  Not that I’ve told anyone, but I’m going to donate some of the baby stuff to charity. There’s so much and Peanut doesn’t need all of this, and neither do I.

  Traffic is light and I make it home in record time. Racing inside, I head straight to the bedroom. I open my drawer, pull out what I’m looking for, and head into the bathroom. Stepping under the hot water, I moan when the droplets hit my skin. The pressure is amazing and I can feel the tension washing away.

  Quickly, I jump out and dry myself. Just as I step into the bedroom, my phone pings with a text.

  Branson: Just leaving now. Need anything?

  Kasey: Nope, just you home. I’m in bed reading. See you soon Xo

  Branson: Quiet nite snuggling sounds awesome Xo

  Grinning when I read his last message, I slip on my black G-sting and walk back into the bathroom to fix my hair. Once all the flyaways have been straightened, I slap on some lip gloss and head back into the bedroom.

  Grabbing my Santa hat, I lay across the bottom of the bed, with my ass to the door and lean my head on my hand. Just as I’ve gotten comfortable, I hear Branson pull into the driveway and I grin. “It’s showtime.”

  Picking up the hat, I place it on my hip, and hold it up, trying to get the hat to stand up but it keeps flopping down. I hear Branson coming toward the bedroom. My heart rate increases, I’m nervous. I’m excited and I’m scared. This is the first time I have ever done anything sexy like this, and I just hope that in my current state, I don’t look like a beached whale.

  Closing my eyes, I smile when I hear Branson gasp. Even though my back is to him, I can feel his gaze roaming over my body. Twisting my neck, I glance over my shoulder at him and wink. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas indeed.” He pauses. “Babe, you are the sexiest present I have ever received.”

  In two steps, he’s at the edge of the bed. He runs his finger up my calf—goosebumps appear on my skin—he traces his finger up my thigh and over my ass cheek. A giggle slips from my lip, so romantic, I think, but that thought soon disappears when I feel his lips kissing my bare shoulder. My head drops back and then his lips are on mine.

  Closing my eyes, my mouth opens slightly and his tongue slides in. Dropping the Santa hat, I run my fingers through his hair, pulling him into the kiss. Rolling over to face him, which I manage to do in a sexy…ish way. Branson pulls me into a sitting position, places his palms face down on the mattress, and kisses me again. This kiss is hungrier than the last.

  With our lips fused together, I lift my hands and unbuckle his belt, flick open the button, lower his fly, and slide my hands in, pulling his briefs and jeans down in one fluid motion. Without breaking our kiss, he kicks his pants to the side.

  Standing up, he cups my cheeks and stares down at me. Never have I felt more alive than I do in this moment. Sliding off the edge of the bed to my knees, I stare up at him as I grab his cock and bring it to my lips. Kissing the tip, I open my mouth and suck. Branson groans as I continue to slide his dick in and out of my mouth.

  He grabs under my shoulders and lifts me to my feet, slamming his lips against mine for a searing hot kiss. He gently lowers me to the mattress; normally he’d cocoon my body with his, but due to my belly that isn’t possible at the moment. He pulls his shirt over his head and lies on the bed next to me. We face each other and kiss like teenagers. My lips are raw from kissing, but I want more. I always want more when it comes to Branson.
  Shuffling to my knees, I carefully climb over Branson and lower myself onto him. We both moan as I rock back and forth. Resting my hands on his chest for balance, he covers my hands with his and we entwine our fingers together. He lifts our joined hands and together we massage and play with my breasts. My nipples are very tender and I flinch, a quiet, “Ouch,” slips from my lips, but I slide our hands down my body to my clit.

  Together we rub and circle my clit, that’s what I need to send me soaring, and I crash over the orgasmic edge, my body shudders as pleasure courses through my veins. My body tingles in the most delicious way from head to toe. My shudders have just stopped when I feel Branson’s body tense beneath me and his orgasm releases inside of me.

  Rolling off him, I lie down and stare at the ceiling. My breathing hurried from my super intense orgasm. Branson grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. Turning my head to face him, he murmurs, “I love you, Kasey Wellson.”

  Leaning over, I kiss his shoulder. “I love you, too.”

  With a smile on my face, and my hand laced with Branson’s on my bump, I happily drift off to sleep with the man I love soundly snoring beside me. I’m the happiest I’ve been in months, and nothing will change that.

  Chapter Seventeen

  …December 13th, 2019

  “We cannot wait to meet baby Wellson, and we wish you and Branson all the very best,” Gage says to everyone who’s squeezed into the conference room. Everyone claps and cheers and then goes back to their conversations and the food. Oh my God, the food, there’s sooo much. The conference table is full. There’s cake, sushi—totally mean to have this around a pregnant lady—hot and cold platters, and did I mention cake? And directly in front of me is the biggest plate of snow pea and salsa. This is the perfect send-off.

  Tomorrow is my first day of maternity leave. I’m excited but also a little sad. I’ve worked here for the past four years, it will be odd not coming in each day but the adventure ahead is pretty awesome. Peanut gives me a little—okay—massive kick, and I take that to mean she’s pretty excited too. I cannot wait to meet him, or hold her in my arms; gaze into her eyes that I hope are just like her daddy’s, and I'll be sure to tell her stories about Kody every day. My eyes well with tears when I think about him and all that he’ll miss.

  Walking to the side of the conference room, I take a seat and rest my hand on my belly; the emotion of everything catching up to me.

  “You okay?” Gage asks, as he sits next to me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

  Nodding my head, “Yes. No. I don’t know.” The first tear falls. “Gage, I miss Kody so much right now. He would have made the best father.”

  “And you’ll make the best mother,” he says, as he pulls me into a side hug. Resting my head on his shoulder, I let the tears fall. “Why did this have to happen?” I blubber.

  “So you and Branson could fall in love. Kismet is a bitch, Buttercup. At times she works in mysterious ways, but there’s always a reason for it. I think in this case, Kody’s passing is what bought you and Branson together. If you had hooked up with him instead of Kody, who knows what path your life would have taken?” He pauses. “Ask yourself this, are you happy with Branson?” I nod my head. “Then that’s all that matters. Sure, it sucks Kody isn’t here, but he still is,” he rests his hand on my belly, “in the form of this little munchkin.”

  Wiping my eyes, I look to Gage. “When did you get so wise and shit?”

  “Just over twelve months ago, when I crashed into the love of my life.”

  Smiling, I shake my head. “Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think Gage Grainger would fall in love.”

  “Kody knew.”

  “Yeah, he did, didn’t he? He was a pretty wise man, and I guess he knew he wasn’t going to be around forever either. His letters prove that.”

  “See, kismet.”

  “Yes, kismet.” I pause and subconsciously start rubbing my belly.

  Once again, Gage covers my hands. “Kase, you are going to be fine. Trust me.”

  “You once told me never to trust anyone who says ‘trust me,’ especially if it was you.”

  “I lied.”

  We both laugh.

  “Dude, I’m going to miss seeing your ugly face every day.”

  “And I’ll miss your bitchiness.”

  “I’m not a bitch,” I scoff, playfully whacking him in the arm.

  “I know, you are THE bitch.” He quickly jumps up before I can hit him again.

  He leans down and places a kiss on my head. “You’ve got this, Buttercup.” He walks off and leaves me sitting here smiling. I don’t know how Gage does it, but he always manages to put me and my mind at ease.

  The party wraps up and I head back to my office. Walking over to my desk, I sit down, lean back, and look around the room. Memories of the last four years come flooding back to me, and once again I tear up; damn freakin’ hormones.

  After my pity party, I close the door and walk over to my couch. I’ll lie down for ten minutes for a rest, and then I’ll tidy up my desk and head home. I’m pretty sure I’m asleep before I even lift my feet off the floor.

  When I wake up, I’m a little disorientated. Blinking a few times, I realize I’m in my office. Standing up, I walk over to my desk and flick on the lamp, but as soon as the light pops on, the bulb blows and the room is shrouded in darkness once again. Grabbing my phone, I turn on the flashlight and see that it’s 8:00 p.m. and I have three missed calls from Branson. “Damn, I must have really been out.”

  Pulling up my contacts, I dial Branson as I walk over toward the door and flick the overhead lights on. He picks up on the second ring as I’m squinting from the blinding light.

  “Kasey, babe, where are you? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I’m still at the office. I lay down for a quick nap but my quick nap turned into a five-hour sleep. Sorry to worry you.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”


  “Okay, I was a little worried, but I knew if something was wrong you’d call.”

  “I’m sorry. I think I’ll just come home now and come back tomorrow to finish up.”

  “Babe, it's a total whiteout at the moment. You’re better off staying there until it passes.”

  Just as he says this, the power goes out. “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong? Is it Peanut?”

  “You always think it’s Peanut. She is fine. It’s the power, it just went out.”

  Just as I say this, a sharp cramping pain shoots through my stomach, I lean forward, rest my hand on the desk, and breathe deeply. I’m still holding the phone to my ear but I’m not registering anything Branson is saying. The cramping in my stomach is getting stronger and stronger as the moments pass, then the worst possible thing happens, “Fuuuuuck!” I groan.

  “What’s wrong?” Branson says, his voice full of concern.

  “My water just broke.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “What do you mean your water broke? You aren’t due until the twenty-seventh?”

  “I mean, I’m standing in a puddle of water right now and my stomach is tight and…” Tears well in my eyes. “Branson, she’s coming. I can feel it.”

  “Don’t panic, I’m on my way.”

  “Branson, please don’t leave me. Stay on the…fuuuuuuuck…line.”

  “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” In the background I can hear the car start and the engine rumbles as he starts to drive. “Shit, it’s really coming down now.”

  “Branson, please be safe. I need you. I can’t do this alone,” I cry.

  “I’m coming, babe, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Another contraction tears through me, then another, each one stronger and stronger. “Branson, I need you.”

  “I’m coming. I’ll be there soon. You are the strongest person I know. You can do this. Just focus on your breathing.”

  Closing my eyes, I listen to Br
anson and concentrate on my breathing. The next contraction hits, but it’s not as bad as the previous ones when I focus on my breathing. My eyes pop open, “It’s worked. That one wasn’t half as bad.” Just as I finish saying that, another one tears through me. “Fuuuuuuuck.” Through the phone I can hear Branson repeating, ‘Breathe, just breathe,’ over and over.

  “Shut the fuck up with the breathing crap. I know how to fucking breathe!” I scream. Then I quickly add, “I’m sorry, I’m sooo sorry. How far away are you? I need you here, Branson. Please.”

  “Not far, I promise. Kase, I’m going to hang up, call the paramedics, and then I’ll call you right back.”

  “No, please don’t leave me,” I whine.

  “Babe, you need a paramedic. I’ll be back on the line as quick as I can. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I say, but all I hear is the beeping of him hanging up.

  Sliding to the floor, leaning against my bookshelf, I begin to cry, wondering if this is the punishment for falling in love with Branson. That thought evaporates as soon as my phone starts ringing again. When I answer, I put it on speaker this time. “Branson, I love you and I’m sorry I was a cow.”

  “Hello to you too.” We both laugh. “Kase, I love you more than you love snow peas and salsa.”

  “So lots then?”

  “Very much so. You’ll be pleased to know the paramedics are on their way, and I have just pulled up and I’m about to walk inside. Now since the power’s out, I’m going to have to take the stairs. Service will drop out, but I will be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay, hurry.”

  He hangs up and another contraction hits, this one was quicker and sharper than the last few. From what I’ve read, I’m pretty sure this baby is going to come any moment now. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and focus on my breathing—in though my nose, out through my mouth. I’m really hoping this will slow things down, but as with everything in my life, that isn’t the case. Another contraction, the strongest so far, hits and I groan out in pain.


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