Society Girls: Rose

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Society Girls: Rose Page 4

by Crystal Perkins

The shower is as magnificent as I knew it would be, and is well worth arriving a little late to the garage. Most of the guys rib me about a long night out, but Jerome just glares, reminding me that race season starts next week, and I need to have my head firmly in the game. I tell him I’m where I need to be, because I am. Shit’s going down with me and Rose, but it won’t affect me on the track. Putting myself and others in jeopardy is something I’ll never do.

  To prove my point, I stay away from Rose all morning. I know exactly when she arrived, and I know she came in to place her lunch order, but I don’t move from my office for the rest of the morning, and she doesn’t seek me out. There are boundaries in place, and right now I need to respect them, because I want the guys to respect her.


  I don’t see Ares until lunch, which is good, because I noticed something out of the ordinary on one of his Mustangs. I needed all of my brain focused on figuring out what I found, which would not have happened if I’d seen him. Even not seeing him, I had to push thoughts of him out of my head, because he’s honestly all I want to think about.

  “Hey, Rose,” Jerome says when I walk in. Of all the guys, he’s warmed up to me the most.


  “I’m glad you joined us today. I wanted to talk to you about the race next week,” Ares tells me.

  “Did you need my help with something?”

  “Yes. I’d like you to be in the pit with the crew.”

  “You want me to pit for you? Um, I’m not sure I’m on that level.”

  “You’re not,” Paulie says.

  “I want you there to help me analyze the field, and the track.”

  “That’s my job,” Jerome reminds him.

  “Yeah, but Rose looks at things in a different way, and I’d like her there.”

  “I’d love to do it, thanks,” I tell him.

  “I don’t like it,” Alec says.

  “You don’t have to.”

  Ares effectively shuts them down, but the rest of lunch is awkward, with no one speaking. I just keep my head down, and finish my sandwich and chips, because if I look at Ares, I might just jump up and hug him. After what just went down, I’m sure that would go over real well.

  “I’m going to get back to work,” I say, gathering my trash.

  “Have fun playing around,” Paulie mumbles, loud enough for all of us to hear.

  Ares opens his mouth, but I beat him to it, because I will not allow him to fight all my battles for me. “Playing? I’m making sure a dozen cars are safe, and ready to drive. I hardly call that playing.”

  “Safe?” Alec asks.


  I’m not going elaborate if I don’t have to, because I’m still not sure exactly what it is I found. I need to talk to Ares about it first.

  “Is there a problem with one of the cars, Rose?” he asks.

  “Not exactly. I would like your opinion on something, though.”

  “I have some calls to make, but I’ll try to stop by later.”

  “Great. See you then.”

  I get back to work, sending Ainsley my findings as well. She’s not a mechanic, but she knows technology, and maybe she can make sense of it. What I’ve found is definitely something to do with the computer in the Mustang. A computer that shouldn’t even be there. Ares may have state of the art technology in his race car, but with his classics, I know he’s a purist.

  I’m so into my work, I don’t hear him enter my space a few hours later. I’m under the car, looking at everything else for the hundredth time, making sure there’s nothing I missed.

  “Hey Petal, what’s wrong with my car?”

  “I didn’t say anything was wrong with it.”

  “You’ve been under there for hours, so something’s going on.”

  I slide out, and sit with my arms on my knees. Looking up at him, I can’t help but smirk. “Watching me, huh?”

  “You look too damn sexy in your coveralls, so yeah, I like to look.”

  “As long as you remember to look, and not touch, we’re good.”

  “I’ll be good…while we’re here. Later, well, that’s another story. I make no promises for later.”

  “Later will be good.”

  “Good? I’m losing my touch if you think I’m just good,” he says, reaching out to wipe some grease from my cheek.

  “That’s not behaving, Mr. Dixon.”

  “You had some grease.”

  “So, you wipe grease from Jerome’s face, too.”

  “Well, no.”


  “If you weren’t so unbelievably gorgeous, and sexy, I could maybe keep my hands to myself.”

  “My hair is a mess, I have no makeup on, and this coverall covers all, yet you’re still trying to blame me for your bad behavior?”

  “Not blame you, exactly, but you need to know it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, or not wearing. It won’t change the fact that you’re the only woman I want.”

  Sweet words. Words I want. Words I don’t analyze. But words I don’t believe.

  “I’ve seen you with women, Ares.”

  He looks to the ceiling, then looks back to me. “Those women are nothing. You’re everything.”

  “I want to believe you.”

  “Then do it. Haven’t I shown you how I feel? What do you need me to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Fine. Whatever. I have to get my head in the race, so we’re tabling this for now. Not forever, though.”

  “Not forever,” I agree.

  “What did you want to ask me about?”

  “There’s a computer on this car.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “I was hoping you didn’t know.”

  “Of course I didn’t know! I wouldn’t mess with my car like that!”

  “I’ll fix it, Ares. I just don’t know what was going on.”

  “I’m going to find out. You can be damn sure of that.”

  “Ainsley’s looking at it remotely, because I’ve never seen one like this, and it worries me. You drive these cars sometimes, and I-I don’t want anything happening to you. Please promise you won’t drive them until I check them all out.”

  “I knew bringing you here was the right thing to do, but I didn’t know what I was bringing you into.”

  “I can take care of myself,” I tell him, because I know I it’s true, and I want him to believe it, too. “Who worked on the cars last?”

  “All the guys. They’ve all been fucking working on the cars.”

  “That’s going to make it more difficult to figure out, but we will.”

  “I have complete faith in you, Rose, but promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “I have to get back to the work in my office, but I’ll pick up dinner before going to your place, okay?”


  It is perfect. Or as close as I’ve ever been to it. I know I need to try and stop questioning this—and him—but it’s hard. He doesn’t know about my mind, and what it does, and I’ll never be like the women he picks up at the parties. I just can’t let myself believe he’ll want me when he realizes both of those things, and understands how much of an inconvenience I am.



  I’ve done this many times before, and I shouldn’t be nervous right now. But, there’s just something about Opening Day that gets my nerves going every year. This is my first chance to prove myself, and set up the rest of the season. I can’t—and won’t—fuck it up. I know I won’t, but my nerves haven’t gotten the message yet.

  It helps to have Rose in the pit. She looks damn adorable in her long tank dress with a mesh top over it, combat boots on her feet, and her long hair in a ponytail. Her sunglasses and the headset she just put on, add to the cuteness factor. What I want to do to her isn’t cute, but I can’t think about that right now. Riding in a hot car with a boner is not something I want to do to myself.

  “You ready
?” Jerome asks me.


  He pats me on the back, and steps away so I can climb in the car. I strap myself in, and check everything inside the cockpit, to make sure it’s working right. The guys have gone over the car, and I know it’s in perfect condition, but I like to give my space a look for myself. Once I’m satisfied, I close my eyes, and say a quick prayer, before turning on my ignition. I’m ready to get to the line, and start this thing.

  I did well in the qualifying race, so I have a good position now. I get the signal, and pull into my space. I could look around, and take in the cars and drivers around me, but I don’t. This is where I take myself into my “zone”. I’ve had meditation classes, and spent time with monks and other religious men and women around the world, learning how to take myself fully into my mind. I wish it was natural for me, but it’s not, so I’ve trained my brain to blank out, and clear itself when I need it to.

  The lights go green, the flag drops, and we’re off. I punch it until I’m in the top ten, and then keep the pace, while analyzing the field around me. It’s almost like I have an out of body experience, while in my Zen state, but I’m definitely present as well.

  Jerome’s voice comes over my headset, telling me what to do, but then there’s another voice there as well. Rose tells me she’s calculated the speed, and track, factoring in how the other drivers are behaving. She tells me to do exactly the opposite of what Jerome is saying. I want to do what she says, but I also want to listen to my Chief. The conflict throws me out of the mind space I was in, and I shake my head as I let the smells and sounds of reality seep back into my consciousness.

  Pulling in for my first pit stop, Jerome is at my window, yelling through the net for me to listen to him. He gets in my face, and I almost do what he says. Almost.

  “Do you trust me?” Rose asks from the other window.

  I look her in the eyes, and nod, before pulling back out. I move up and down the track, weaving in and out of cars, and using what Rose tells me to pull ahead. It’s unconventional, and I can only imagine what the announcers are saying about what probably looks like erratic driving to them, but it’s working. No one is closing in on me, and when the final flag drops, I’m so far ahead, only an accident can stop me.

  I’ve crossed many finish lines in first place, but never this far ahead. I want to find Rose, and pull her into my arms, but I have to wait. There are pictures, champagne, interviews, and all the other stuff a win demands. For the first time ever, I hate it. I hate not being able to do exactly what I want to do.

  When all is said and done, I dodge the bunnies, practically running past everyone in my way. I can see her, and she’s all I want—or need.

  “You won me this race,” I tell her when I reach her.

  “No, you won. You probably would’ve without me.”

  “I never want to be without you,” I whisper in her ear, aware that we’re not alone.

  She smiles, and then frowns. A set of arms wraps around me, as I smell a familiar perfume. One of my frequent bunnies didn’t take the hint, and now she’s pressing her tits into my back.

  “Let go of me,” I say, through gritted teeth.

  “But Ares, we need to celebrate.”

  “Let. Go. Of. Me.”

  She finally gets the hint, and I can breathe again. Rose’s lips twitch, but her full smile hasn’t returned yet. I grab her hand, and pull her into the garage with me, closing the door. I know some pictures were taken, but I don’t give a fuck.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “You can go back to her if you want.”

  “I just told you I want you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I can’t believe she’s asking me that, but I see in her eyes that she’s serious. “Completely.”

  She leans up, and kisses me, and everything is once again right in my world. I hold her close, reverently running my hands over her back as she grips my fire suit. I should’ve taken it off, because I’m sweating, but there’s no way I’m going to stop kissing her to rectify that now.

  “Well, isn’t this interesting.”

  Rose breaks the kiss, and we both look over to where Alec is standing. Jerome and Paulie join him, but to my great surprise—and pleasure—Rose hasn’t let go of me. I place my hands on her hips, and glare.

  “I closed the door for a reason.”

  “We can see that,” Jerome says.

  “Well, at least now we know why she was hired,” Paulie says with a smirk.

  I move from Rose then, advancing on the asshole, but Rose pulls me back. “She just won me the race, so I’d say the reason I hired her is very clear.” That shuts them all up, but it’s not good enough for me. “Apologize to her. Now.”

  They do, and then they practically push each other out the door, trying to leave before I decide to still pummel them. Which I totally should.

  “How long before everyone knows?”

  “Everyone saw me drag you in here, Petal. I couldn’t help it.”

  She turns me to her, and makes me look her in the eyes. “I didn’t try to stop you.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to kiss me again?”

  “I’m going to kiss you again.”

  We make out for several minutes, and it takes every ounce of self-control I own to stop from taking her up against the wall. I want her on my car—hell, I’ve wanted that for years—but any surface would do. Just not right here and now. Anyone could walk in, and I respect Rose too much for that.

  For now, we walk through the garage, and out to her rental car. We’re both staying in a hotel tonight, before flying home tomorrow. We’ll have a couple of days at home, and then we’ll fly to the next stop on the circuit. My trailer and car will be there before us, along with my crew, and I’m happy to know I’ll finally have some time alone with her, and my other cars. Tonight, there’s a party, but tomorrow, she’s all mine.


  The race parties I went to in college consisted of empty fields, kegs, and bad decisions. I’m not sure the decisions at this party are going to be stellar, but it’s of a higher class than those. There’s beer, but there’s also champagne, and a ballroom.

  I fit right in, with the blue bandage dress Stella helped me pick from her closet/office. It’s got a small “V” in front, a scooped back, and the fabric is molded to my curves like nobody’s business. It doesn’t show quite as much skin as I tend to prefer, but it’s still sexy.

  I came alone, because I’m not ready for a full public declaration with Ares yet. I haven’t talked to Reina about it, and truth be told, I’m still unsure about us—and me.

  “Rose, isn’t it?”

  I turn to find the driver who came in second standing behind me. Reece Diven is handsome, but a little too slick for my taste. Where Ares is cocky, this guy takes it to a whole other level, and I don’t like it.


  “You traded up very nicely.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Luke Griffin, and now Ares.”

  “Luke is my brother-in-law.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  “I say you’re a pompous ass, and if you don’t move away from me, I’m going to knock you out in front of your friends and admirers.”

  He steps closer, instead of moving back. “I bet you’re a hellcat in bed. Why don’t we go upstairs, and see if the beds can handle you?”

  I lean close to whisper in his ear. “You couldn’t handle me, asshole.”

  “You’d be surprised what I can handle.”

  “Not me, that’s for sure.”

  I step back, and turn to look for Ares. When I find him, my heart almost stops. He’s with the woman from earlier, the one who wanted to celebrate with him. She’s hanging on his arm, and giggling.

  Oh, and let’s not forget her dress. It’s pure, stereotypical “Southern Belle”, just like her flowered dress from earlier was. Ares doesn’t go for
the women in tight dresses, showing everything off. He likes the classy type, who look perfect even when they’re wearing a dress that looks like a big chunk of cotton candy. Or the princesses, dripping in diamonds and couture concoctions. Maybe a model, as long as she fits the mold. Basically, anyone who’s not me. I knew that, and yet, here I am, going against type once again.

  “Looks like you’re free tonight, unless you’re joining the two of them,” Reece says from behind me.

  “That has no bearing on me going upstairs with you,” I tell him.

  “Your loss.”

  No. My loss is nuzzling another woman’s neck right now.


  Seeing Rose with Diven set my blood boiling, and wounded my ego. How could she fall for that asshole? If I’m labeled a player, he’s the star of the team. I’ve watched him send three different women to rooms to wait for him, and that’s what he considers a slow night.

  “Is this going to be like the other times?” the woman on my arm asks me as I lead her out of the room.


  “Pity. I could really put my mouth to good use on you, Ares.”

  “Not interested.”

  “I can still say we did it though, right?”

  “That’s the deal.”

  I ride with her up to her floor, in case anyone’s watching. When she gets off, I let her kiss my cheek, and then I’m pressing the button for my own floor. When the elevator doors open, the ones across the hall open, too. I’m staring into Rose’s eyes, as we both stop just over the threshold of our respective cars. I can’t stop myself from confronting her.

  “I didn’t know Diven was on our floor.”

  “I couldn’t tell you the answer to that.”

  “You looked pretty cozy at the party.”

  “You mean, when I told him there was no way I’d ever be with him?”

  What? “You told him that?”

  “Yes. I thought…never mind. Goodnight, Ares.”

  “Wait,” I say, grabbing her arm as she tries to walk away.

  “I don’t want to see that woman coming up here to meet you, okay?”

  “She’s not coming here. I left her at her floor.”

  “I don’t need to know what you did with her.”


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