Society Girls: Rose

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Society Girls: Rose Page 7

by Crystal Perkins

  “I’m done. With all of you. Do not ask me for help again. Do not pretend to be my friend, and do not send Rose to the race this weekend.”


  “She can work on my cars when I’m not around, but I can’t see her. Or you.”

  Once I sobered up, I looked at the statement, and knew Rose had help. She’s had media training, but she’s not that good. The words and phrases she used came from someone who’s been doing this kind of things for years. That led me here today, severing a friendship I’d once thought would last forever. My character judgement really sucks these days.

  “When you calm down, please call me so we can talk.”

  “I’m not getting over this, Audrey, so don’t hold your breath for that call. Our friendship was over the moment you chose those words for her.”

  I hear her breath catch, but I don’t turn around. I’m pretty sure she’s crying, but I’m barely holding it together myself, and I have a flight to catch. I walk past Alex, and have almost made it to the elevators when I feel the air around me change. I know she’s here, before she even says my name.


  I don’t turn, but I answer here. “Rose.”

  “I thought we’d meet at the airport, like last time.”

  “I’m not here for you, and you’re not coming to the race.”

  “But you need me there.”

  “I won without you before, and I’ll win without you this time.”

  “I know you’re upset.”

  “No, I don’t think you do.”

  “Can we talk? Please?”

  “I have a plane to catch.”

  “So this is it?”

  “I told Audrey you can still work on my cars while I’m gone, if you want.”

  “I will. I’ll figure it all out, and fix them. I promise.”

  I shrug, because I just don’t care anymore. “If you want.”

  “I’m sorry, Ares.”

  “Me too.”

  I get on the elevator, but close my eyes before I turn around. I already know Ainsley’s team has the car programed to go to the lobby, so I keep my eyes closed until the doors close, and only then do I slump back against the wall. I know two women are crying right now, but I refuse to take all the blame for it. Not when their words have me barely standing up myself.

  I’m thankful for the Lyft I called, because I don’t remember the ride to the airport. I know I got my bag from the C&C security staff, and I remember the sun on my face as I waited outside, but the ride to McCarran just isn’t in my memory bank. The plane ride isn’t either, but that’s probably because I slept through it. I put on my headphones, drank my pre-takeoff whiskey, and let everything go black.



  I don’t take a break to watch the race today. In truth, I’ve barely taken a break since Ares walked onto that elevator four days ago. I promised him I’d figure out what’s going on with these mysterious computers I’ve found attached to all his classic cars, and I’m determined to keep that promise.

  Ainsley’s team is working on it from their end, and sending me the data, but we haven’t cracked the code yet. I feel like it’s just on the edge of my subconscious, but I can’t hold onto the threads, and get them to come together.

  “We knew we’d find you here,” Matisse tells me, entering the garage.

  My sister and several of my friends are with her. I have a feeling every member of the Society would be here if they weren’t on final missions, regular missions, or playing with their babies. I’m tired just thinking about the coming conversation.

  “What’s up?” I ask, trying to play dumb, and stall.

  “You know exactly what’s up,” Liv says, giving me major side-eye.

  “He’s mad at me.”

  “It’s not just you,” Audrey reminds me.

  “What are you going to do about it?” Waverly asks.

  “I’m not sure there’s anything I can do.”

  “Bullshit. That man has been chasing you like a puppy dog for over a year. If you’d just grow a pair, and take what he’s offering, you’d both be happy,” Tegan says.

  “Lots of women take what he’s offering.”

  “Says who? The press? You told us he wasn’t with that woman. Hell, he told us, too. No man makes a point of explaining to a woman’s friends that something’s a lie, unless he’s invested in her,” Jenysis tells me.

  “Just because he wasn’t with her, doesn’t mean he wasn’t with the rest of them.”

  “Because you’ve been pushing him away. Is he supposed to just sit back, and pine away for you?” Stella asks.

  “When you say it like that, then no. I know I had no claim on him in the past.”

  “Because you refuse to claim him,” Darcy reminds me.

  “I need to figure out what’s going on with these cars.”

  “Don’t shut us out, Rose,” Nev pleads. “You’ve helped all of us, and we want to help you now.”

  “I’m not ready for your help,” I admit. “I’ll ask when I need you. I promise.”

  “We’ll figure out the computer boxes, and why they’re here. You know we will,” Ainsley says.

  “We have to,” I agree.

  They convince me to order pizza, and have an impromptu photo shoot on Ares cars. They even brought clothes, and accessories. Candi showed up when the pizza did, and it’s more fun than I’ve had in…well, since I was with Ares. Those few days seem like years right now, and I’m afraid it’s going to be a lot longer before I get to see him again. I want to say he won’t care that we played on his cars, but I’m not sure of anything right now. If he’s mad when he finds out, I guess it’s just one more thing to add to the list.


  I just won the race. Not by a huge margin like I did last week, but it’s still a win. I fought hard for it, because I told Rose I’d win without her, and I wasn’t about to be proven wrong. It sucks to love someone who won’t admit they love you back, but I’m trying to come to terms with it. I don’t know that I can live without her, even if having her in my life makes me feel used, and unappreciated.

  “That was an ugly finish, but we got the job done,” Jerome says, once the rest of the crowd clears.

  “A win is a win.”

  “Without Rose here, maybe you’ll finally let loose,” Alec tells me.

  I want to just go to my room, and be alone, but I know I need to play the game. “Let me get cleaned up, and then we’ll hit some bars.”

  “I saw a sign for a club when we were driving in,” Paulie says.

  I know what kind of club he means, and maybe it’s just what I need. “Let’s do it.”

  A few hours later, I know this isn’t what I need. Nude women are gyrating all over, but paying special attention to our table. A few years ago, I would’ve been in heaven, drunk and dancing with them. Fucking some of them against a wall. Now, all I can think about is our friend, Harlow, who loved her job as a stripper, but is happier as a spy. And yeah, I wish it was Rose dancing for me, because I’d definitely be joining in if that was the case.

  Just not here. I’d die before I’d let other men see her naked, and dancing. Or just naked. Or dancing. I don’t like her dancing with other men at those parties. She belongs with me.

  “Hey handsome, that was a good win today,” one of the dancers says, sitting on my lap just in time for a camera to flash. Lovely.

  “I’m not in the mood,” I tell her, leaning back and looking away, so she gets the hint.

  “She was hot,” Alec says, but I just shrug. “You could’ve passed her over to us.”

  “When have I ever done something like that?” I ask, offended, even through the buzz I’m feeling.

  “A guy can hope,” Paulie chimes in.

  “I’m heading out,” I say, because there’s much more I want to say, but if I did, I might not have a crew next weekend. Not all the guys here with us are crass or disrespectful, but the ones in my inner circle are letting me dow
n, and I’m going to have to deal with it soon.

  It’s late when I get back to the hotel, but I need to make a call. The phone rings twice before it’s picked up, and the woman on the other end sounds groggy. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I’m sorry to wake you, Mama, but I need to see you. Can I come home for a couple of days?”

  “You know you don’t have to ask. Do you want your Daddy to pick you up at the airport?”

  “Nah. I’ll rent a car. Go back to sleep, and I’ll text you the flight details when I have them.”

  “I love you, Ares.”

  “Love you too, Mama.”

  I hang up, and use the app on my phone to book my seat. After, I email the crew to let them know of my new plans. None of them will be affected, as they’re still travelling with my car and bus, but I still want them to know where I’m going to be. I email the staff at my compound, and at the last minute, I fire off a text to Rose.

  Me: I won’t be back this week.

  She responds almost immediately.

  Petal: Oh. Okay. I’ve got all the computers out of the cars, and I’m working on getting them back to where they should be.

  Me: Thanks.

  Petal: I miss you.

  I should answer her, but I don’t. Everything’s still too raw, and close to the surface. Going homes is just what I need. I need my parents, and some more time away from everyone and everything I’m not ready to deal with yet. Especially Rose.

  I can’t sleep, so I shower, grab some snacks from the vending machine, and answer emails until it’s time to head to the airport. I declined more charity ball invitations than I accepted, because there’s never enough time to do it all, but especially not during the season. I authorized checks for most of the ones I couldn’t make, and I’m looking over a few more. Not to mention the emails just asking for money.

  I have enough money to last me a few lifetimes, but I don’t just throw it around. Normally, I would call Reina or Audrey to see what they know about these charities, but I can’t do that anymore. It looks like Google and I are going to become good friends.

  On the plane, I buy the Wi-fi, and do what I haven’t done in years; I Google myself. What I see causes me to close my eyes, and curse under my breath. I knew what I’d done by letting lots of women say they slept with me when they didn’t, but I didn’t know. I thought I was doing the right thing, by giving the press and public what they wanted, while waiting for Rose to decide I was good enough for her. When I think about Rose looking at all of these pictures, stories, and fucking blogs, I want to sink into the ground. I should’ve looked before now.

  I won’t deny I’ve slept with lots of women over the years, but for over a year, there’s only been one. Sporadically, and only when she wanted, but it’s only been her. She’ll never believe me after seeing all of what I’m seeing now, but it’s the truth.

  Closing my laptop, I now understand her need for a statement from me. While I still can’t give one, because I told those women I wouldn’t dispute what they said, I have to do something. Something to show her what she means to me. I thought I’d been doing it, but I was being a naïve asshole. Yesterday, I would’ve punched anyone who called me a coward. Today, I know that’s exactly what I am. I created a persona, and chose to make it look like I was living up to it, instead of being honest.

  I didn’t want to look weak, but I’m sure as hell not strong right now. I’ve pushed away the woman I love, along with my best friends, and I’m running home for some comfort food, and kind words. Yeah, it’s not a good look, but I’m going to allow myself to wear it for another day, and then I’m heading home to try and meet Rose halfway. I don’t know exactly how yet, but that’s what mamas are for—straightening out their bad boys when they need a kick in the ass.



  It hurts that Ares didn’t say he missed me back, or anything at all, but I know I’m partly to blame for what’s happening between us. I won’t take all the blame, but I know I’ve hurt him by not believing he really wants to be with me, and by telling the world we’re just friends. I want to trust him, and live happily ever after, but both of us have things we need to say, and do, before that can happen. I don’t know if we’re ready to lay ourselves bare in a way that doesn’t involve removing our clothes. I guess I’ll have to wait until he comes back to try and figure it out. There’s nothing I can do when he’s avoiding me. Or being photographed with strippers on his lap.

  Nothing except get his cars to where they need to be, and try to figure out what the damn computer things attached to the cars are there for. Ainsley and Scott are having trouble cracking them, which tells us all how advanced the technology is. They’ve called in Harlow’s cousin, X, who’s even better than them, and he’s supposed to get started on it today. While he’s cracking the code—because I’ve been told he’ll definitely be able to do it—I’m working on who might have put them on, and why.

  Sabotage is the logical guess, but the Society isn’t about guessing, or looking at the easiest answer. For someone to have gotten hold of these, and put them in every single one of Ares classic cars, but not his Charger, truck or SUV—yes, I checked them all—makes things even more interesting. Why these cars? Ares doesn’t even drive them very often.

  I puzzle it out for a couple of hours, making notes on my Society tablet. I have a tab for each of the crew members, both the main three, and all the rest. I include the guys who just get hired on during the season, and even put the compound staff on my list. I am not going to overlook anyone, because Ares may not realize it, but I love him, and the thought of someone hurting him, makes me angrier than I’ve ever been in my life.

  When my mind starts to wander, I stand up from my spot on the garage floor, and get to work on one of the Cadillacs. Working on cars is what first calmed my mind back in college, and it still works now.

  Wanting more space to look around underneath, I put the car of one of the lifts, raising it above my head, instead of just sliding under it. I walk around looking for anything else that might be out of the ordinary, which is when I see it. There’s another small device attached to the car. It wasn’t there when I took the other computer off, because I looked over every inch of every car. What the hell is going on?

  I grab my screwdriver, and activate my comm unit, so I can talk to Ainsley. “Hey, I found something new on one of the cars. I’m removing it now.”

  “How did it get on there?”

  “I haven’t been here 24/7, so I don’t know who’s had access. The crew should all be on the road.”

  “I’m going to activate your eye camera so I can see it while you take it off.”

  Ugh. I hate the eye camera. It makes me feel like I should keep blinking, even though I don’t actually feel it. But, she’s right about needing to see what I’m seeing, so I go along with it.

  I’ve got it off, and am turning it in my hand, when I hear a switch get flipped. I don’t know what it is until the car starts to fall. I dive out of the way and slide across the floor as it crashes to the ground. I hear things breaking, but I keep my hands over my head until the dust settles.

  “Rose! Are you okay? Rose!”

  “I’m alive, but I think someone just tried to kill me.”

  “Stay where you are. Kenny says not to move until we get there.”

  “I’m fine. I swear.”

  “Just wait for us,” Reina says, and because they both sound scared, I agree.


  “What’s going on, Son?” my dad asks me.

  “Can’t a guy just come home to visit his parents because he wants to?”

  “Of course you can, baby, but you aren’t that guy. Fess up.”

  “I’m having a rough time with a woman, Mama.”

  “One of the ones from the pictures?”

  “God, no,” I say, horrified that even my parents have seen the pictures, and think they’re real.

  She smacks me on the head. “You know better than to talk li
ke that.”

  “Yes, Mama. Sorry, God,” I say, raising my eyes to the ceiling.

  “If it’s not one of the picture girls, I’m guessing they’re part of the problem.”

  “Yes, and no.”

  I proceed to tell them almost everything. How Rose and I met, and then met again. How she’s wary of my intentions, which I didn’t really understand until this morning, and how I’ve felt used because she won’t let me commit to her. When I’m done telling them how I wouldn’t make a statement, and how her statement hurt me, they’re both smiling.

  “I knew it was her.”

  “How, Daddy?”

  “You were holding her hand in the picture they showed. You don’t hold other women’s hands.”

  “I forgot there were pictures, but I’ve held hands with women before.”

  “Not in the pictures.”

  “Oh. I guess not.”

  “I want to meet her,” my mama says.

  “Come out to the Vegas race.”

  “Yes. We’ll do that, and if you’re not together yet, I’ll give her a nudge.”

  My dad laughs at that. “A nudge? When do you ever nudge. Bulldoze maybe, but there’s never been a nudge with you involved.”

  “You hush.”

  I’m laughing along with them when my phone rings. It’s Audrey, and I almost don’t pick it up. I know, after what went down, that she wouldn’t call me unless it was important, so I take a breath, and connect the call.

  “I have to take this,” I tell my parents, before answering. “Hey, Aud.”

  “Someone just tried to kill Rose in your garage.”

  My heart stops. I feel it literally stop for just a moment, before I jump to my feet, and head for the door. “I’ll be on the next plane out.”

  “Where are you?”

  “At home with my parents.”

  “There will be a plane waiting for you. Hurry, Ares, please.”

  “Thank you.”

  I hang up, and turn to find my dad holding my bag, and my mom reaching up to kiss my cheek. “Go. Call us when you can, but you look like your world is ending, so I know it’s bad.”


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