Salted (9781310785696)

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Salted (9781310785696) Page 22

by Galvin, Aaron

  The hold lights flickered on, a thin, yellowish light that threatened to go out at any second. Oscar pushed Lenny closer that he might better see the prizes within.

  Inside the first hold, Zymon Gorski and Allambee had been positioned back-against-back, both stripped to their undergarments. Each of them gagged by rope nearly too thick to fit in their mouths. Leather strippings blindfolded them, and both shivered from the heavy, iron chains binding their naked upper bodies together. Shackles looped their ankles and wrists to one another.

  The middle hold contained Zymon’s guardian, Wotjek. They had splayed his limbs in the form of an X; chained to anchors in the bus’s steel flooring. A curved bit of metal piping secured his head and forced his left cheek down. They had let him wear his Leopard Seal coat, and, unlike the others, had not blindfolded him. They had spiked his Selkie hood just in front of his eyes; an insult to the power that lay beyond his reach.

  Oscar clapped. “Now, open the last one!”

  Paulo raised the final hold door.


  “Recognize them?” Oscar asked.

  Three male teenagers lay inside. Two lay bound together like Allambee and Zymon. Neither stirred at the open hold door, but the slow rise and fall of their chests told Lenny they yet lived. The third did not. His skin had already turned a deathly hue.

  “Can you believe the fools attacked us in the Nomad’s exhibit? Anyhow, we couldn’t very well leave them.”

  “Ya killed a Dryback!” Lenny said.

  “Yes, and I could have right well had the other two killed if I listened to Henry’s advice.” said Oscar. “After all, he suggested we do the others right then and there. I thought this much cleaner. We brought the dead one along to not leave any trace we’d been there.”

  He paused then, and smiled at Lenny. “Hmm. It seems I’ve learned something from you after all, Lenny. Well done.”

  Lenny couldn’t stop staring at the dead teen. “Whattaya gonna do with the body?”

  “Dump it on the side of the road once we’ve left, most likely. Ah!” Oscar clapped. “My father’s going to think me exceptional! Five new slaves…the uncatchable Marisa Bourgeois—well, once I find her—and an Orcinian calf! Not bad for my first trip out of the Salt, eh?”

  “Master, uh, sir,” Paulo said. “Those two Drybacks came from this town. Do you think we could leave—”

  Oscar sneered. “I can see threats of pain don’t work on you, Paulo, else you’d remember my earlier warning. Very well. Should you make that suggestion again, I’ll take the tongue and ears from your crewmates! Ellie first, I think. Is that understood?”

  Paulo bowed away. “Yes, master.”

  “Right, then. Close up the holds.” Oscar made his way onto the bus.

  Lenny’s earrings flashed. Paulie, how do ya know those pups are from around here?

  Paulo reached into his Selkie pocket. From it he removed a handful of wallets; one a dark green with Velcro, another faded brown leather, a third just a money clip. The last wallet had been crafted of expensive black leather.

  Paulo handed them all to Lenny. His earrings flashed. Oscar had us check their pockets before tying them down. The fourth one is Zymon’s, but his last name is spelled differently.

  Lenny opened the posh black wallet. Inside, he found eight credit cards, and an Illinois driver’s license. The name on it read: Simon Alexander Warren. Lenny tossed the wallets back over to Paulo.

  A picture fluttered out of Zymon’s. Racer bent down to pick it up.

  “Are the lot of you deaf and dumb?” Oscar leaned out the doorway. “Close up the holds I said!”

  Paulo reached for the first door.

  Racer’s earrings flashed. I thought we decided not to do this.

  He’ll punish Ellie if I don’t. Paulo closed the door and made his way to the second hold.

  Whatsamatta, pup? Lenny asked. This job not what ya pictured when ya farmed the reefs?


  Lenny nodded. Well, get used to it. It’s a hard life, so grow up.

  Paulo slammed the second door. Len, what’s wrong? Why are you so…angry? I mean, you’re always grumpy, but why do you have to yell at the pup?

  Ellie stepped off the bus. Her earrings flashed. He’s mad at himself. Oscar made him a deal he knows isn’t right and he’s actually considering it. Said he’d give Lenny his freedom if he slaved this kid.

  Paulo crossed his arms. That true?

  Look, Lenny said. We’ve caught and hauled back hundreds of runnas before. What’s one more and I get to walk away from all this?

  He’s not a runner, Len, Ellie reminded him.

  Lenny took a deep breath and counted to ten.

  What about us? Racer asked. If we catch him, do we all get freed?

  Paulo shook his head. No way the Crayfish frees four catchers for one new slave.

  Ya don’t know that, Lenny said. The kid’s an Orcinian. Ya know how much that could be worth?

  Ellie snorted. Do you know how much trouble this will bring down if the wrong sort finds out? Who ever heard of an Orc being captured and sold?

  That’s the point, Lenny said. It’s good business. He’ll be the first to do it! And who knows? Maybe the kid is worth the price of four, maybe five, of us.

  What if it’s not?

  Lenny scratched his neck. If it’s not…then I'm freed and sell out to whoeva will have me catch for them. I’ll save up enough anemonies and then buy all of ya.

  Paulo frowned. That would take decades, Len.

  Ya forget who ya talkin’ to? Dolans take care—

  You’re no Dolan, Ellie said. You’re not looking out for others. This is about you. Declan would be ashamed of you for even considering this.

  Shuddup, Elle! Ya dunno what my Pop would say!

  Lenny knew the words for hollow even as he spoke them. He hated Ellie for calling him out. Hated her being right even more.

  Paulo closed the final hold. “Come on, pup,” he tugged Racer’s hood. “Best get moving.”

  Lenny trudged after them. He halted at the steps and scanned the fields a final time. The farmer and his son had disappeared far across the fields. Lenny climbed the tall steps.

  Ellie closed the doors behind him. The bus lurched forward as she floored the gas pedal.

  Lenny fell down the stairs. She did that on purpose. He reached for the handlebar to help guide him up.

  Oscar waited for him at the top. “Which direction, Lenny?”

  “Bang a left and follow it into town. Pass by a couple abandoned buildings and it’ll be on ya right. Can’t miss it.”

  Oscar clapped his hands together. “Best prepare yourselves! Load up on everything you need to take down an Or—er, uh, Len…what do we need to capture an Orc?”

  “Get the Blue-Ringed Oc darts. Gonna need something heavy to put him down and keep him down. We gotta knock him out. It’s our only shot. That cowboy—”

  “The Silkstealer?”

  “Whateva. He’s there too,” Lenny said. “I saw him standin’ next to one of the SUVs. Pretty sure I saw Marisa Bourgeois with him.”

  “The uncatchable runner and an Orc,” Donnie clapped. “I can hardly stand the excitement!”

  “Paulie,” Lenny continued. “Those two Selkies we got the jump on back at the zoo…I think they’re the ones who came with him. Between them and the Dryback cops, we’re gonna need all of us to pull this off.”

  Henry stepped out of the sleeping quarters with Chidi in tow. Her left eye had already swelled.

  “Not all of us…Chidi and I weel be staying ‘ere.”

  “You can’t do that!” Oscar said. “You were hired to protect me!”

  “I ‘ave protected you for what I was ‘ired for,” said Henry. “Zis mission ‘eez not to capture Marisa Bourgeois.”

  Oscar’s lower jaw dropped. “But…”

  “Ask him how much he wants,” said Lenny.

  Oscar sneered. “Is this true, Henry? You want to negotiate a higher rate?” />
  A smile teased the sides of Henry’s mouth. “You ‘unt an Orc now. Dangerous work, no?”

  “Aye,” Lenny answered.

  “Zen I weel need paid double.”

  Oscar narrowed his eyes at Henry. “Done…but see to it I’m kept safe.”

  “You weel be safe with me, leetle Crayfish,” Henry said. “But I ‘ave one more condition. My Chidi does not go weeth us. She weel stay locked in ze ‘old while we go. I weel not reesk losing ‘er again and I weel not ‘elp no matter ‘ow much you offer eef you do not agree.”

  Oscar’s earrings flashed. What do you think, Len?

  Make the deal.

  But I thought you said we needed all of us, Oscar said. What about Chidi?

  Lenny surveyed Henry’s eyes and body language. He knows we’re talkin’ about him, but he’s smart enough to let us finish.

  He won’t budge, Lenny replied. ‘Sides, if ya don’t agree we’ll be down two instead of one. Henry’s worth two of Cheeds anyhow.

  “Done,” Oscar said to Henry. “Keep in mind your first priority is to protect me. The Orc is second.”

  Lenny saw Chidi fidget. They exchanged a glance. Her eyes pled for aid. Lenny looked away.

  Henry gave a slight bow. “Oui, monsieur. I am your ‘umble servant.”

  Paulo’s earrings flashed. He’d knife Oscar right now if we had the anemonies to pay him.

  Yeah, well, we don’t, said Lenny. Get everything togetha. We’re almost there.

  Paulo took Racer to the back where they stored their weapons. He opened an overhead storage bin and removed a tin with three tranquilizers filled with bluish liquid. Racer took down three of the handguns, handing over each for Paulo to load.

  Lenny’s earrings flashed. Racer, pocket one of those.

  Racer slyly placed one of the guns in his Selkie pocket.

  “Lenny…is this the station?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah…pull ova to that courthouse parkin’ lot to let us out.”

  Ellie slowed the bus, swinging wide to make the turn into the courthouse lot.

  “What’s the plan, Lenny?” Oscar asked.

  Thought you claimed to lead this group.

  From his vantage point, Lenny estimated two points of entry: the main entrance and a side door. Goin’ through the front entrance is suicide. If the Silksteala posted either of those Selkies there, they’ll recognize us.

  “I’m thinkin’ he’ll be inside the front entrance,” Lenny said. “Me, Paulie, and Racer can go through there—”

  “No!” said Oscar. “Henry, Paulo, and I will take the front. You take Ellie and Racer through the side to back us up.”

  Lenny gave an exaggerated sigh. “Oscar…Ya don’t wanna do—”

  “That’s the way it’s going to be! I am the captain after all.”

  Oscar lifted his chin in the air and ushered Lenny down the steps. “Well, come on, come on. Let’s not dilly-dally all night. There’s an Orc to be caught.” Oscar stepped off behind him. “Right. We’ll lock Chidi in the under and be on our way.”

  Lenny turned and saw Henry lend a hand to help Chidi down the steps.

  She refused to take it.

  What’s she doin’?

  Henry grabbed her anyway and pulled her down. Though she fell forward, Henry caught her and pulled her close. “What’s zis? No kiss before I go, my love? Very well.”

  Henry kissed her cheek.

  Chidi squirmed, arched her neck back, and slammed her forehead into his.

  “Stupeed girl!” Henry snarled. His hand flew to her throat.

  Oscar laughed. “Quite the rebel, isn’t she, Henry? I can see why you fancy her so much. It’s always fun to break the wild ones.”

  Chidi clawed at Henry’s hand, fighting for the life he choked from her.

  Lenny clenched the sides of his Selkie suit, and bit his bottom lip. Don’t do it. Ya a slave. And slaves do what they’re told. He closed his eyes, counted to ten, exhaled.

  “We gonna go catch this Orc or what?” Lenny asked.

  “Yes, let’s,” Oscar smirked. “Come, Henry. Release the girl. Lock her in the hold if you wish, but do it now. I want to catch this Orc and go home. I tire of this unsalted world you lot call the Hard. Hardly worth coming ashore I say.”

  Henry dropped Chidi to the ground.

  Lenny watched her heave for air as Henry opened the hold door, then came back for her.

  He yanked her up under the arm, dragged her limp body over. Henry threw her inside, and shackled her to the floor beside the two unconscious teens and the dead one.

  ”I weel be back shortly…” He cooed to her. “And you weel show me ‘ow much you ‘ave missed me, Chidi.”

  Slaves do what they’re told. Lenny repeated the mantra, trying to erase each of Chidi’s grunts as Henry tightened her straps.

  “Racer,” said Lenny. “Gimme a gun.”

  Oscar snatched it away. “I’ll take that. Give the other one to Henry. After all, we’re going through the front. That’s where the action will be so we’ll be needing these more than you lot.”

  “Oscar, we need at least one of those—”

  “Quiet, Lenny. I won’t tell you again. This is my crew…my slaves…my call.”

  Lenny continued to fake his charade and delight Oscar. He winced at the sound of Chidi’s hold door closing, and smelled Henry’s sweaty body long before the older man walked past.

  Henry took the second gun. Unlike Oscar, he smartly checked to ensure it was loaded.

  Oscar brandished his gun in the air. “A good captain knows how to reward those who follow him. Listen to my every command and I’ll see to it you all receive an extra spot of grog upon our return home! Now, my group with me!”

  Lenny’s earrings flashed. Good luck, Paulie.

  You too. Keep watch of Ellie for me.

  Racer waited until Oscar had led his group across the road to draw the third tranquilizer gun. A picture stuck to its handle fluttered to the ground. He gave Lenny the gun and bent to pick up the photo.

  “Racer, whattaya doin’ with that?”

  “I thought I’d hold onto it for Zymon. He looks happy here. Just guessed he might want something to remember his family by once we took him back to the Salt.”

  “Pups…” Lenny shook his head. “Give it here.”

  Racer handed the picture over.

  The photo, bent and well worn, showed Zymon in an expensive three-piece blue pinstriped suit, his arms around two others: one, his horsey-faced wife; the other, a girl no older than seven or eight.

  Little Jamie. Lenny rubbed his thumb across the image of the little girl. Little Jamie who thought I was an elf.

  “Do you know them?” Ellie asked.

  I’ve been a fool, Pop. Lenny pocketed the picture. He turned back to Ellie and Racer. “Follow me.”

  He sprinted across the street. The police station security lights began to warm and glow in the fast-approaching dusk. Lenny hunched beside the nearest cop car parked by the side entrance. His earrings flashed.

  Elle, pick the lock!

  She nodded and began her task. So we’re really doing this?

  Yeah…but it’s not goin’ down like Oscar thinks. A lot has to come togetha quick, so listen up. Lenny said. He quickly laid out his newest plan for the other two. Ya both in?

  Ellie swung the door open. The lock’s popped…Captain Dolan.

  You know I’m in, Racer said. Not much of a choice, really.

  There’s always a choice, pup. Ya just gotta make it.

  Lenny sprang up to lead the charge inside, and prayed to the Ancients he found Garrett Weaver before Oscar did.


  A cowboy with dark sunglasses chewed on a toothpick outside Garrett’s window.

  “That there’s the marshal,” Sheriff Hullinger said. “David Bryant’s his name. Don’t embarrass me now, Weaver.”

  He straightened his hat and smoothed his uniform, then eased his rather large behind out of the car.

p; Garrett waited for the car springs to bounce back up before he exited.

  “Yes, sir, brand spanking new, Marshal.” Hullinger pointed at the jail. “Finished her less than a year ago. Got all the newest gadgets too! Folks around here put up a fit over the cost, but with Indianapolis growing so fast, why, soon enough they’ll be knocking on our door. Meantime, we’ll be building up our town, readying to get swallowed up.” Hullinger nodded. “Jail’s the first step. What do you think?”

  Bryant rapped two fingers on the back passenger window. The door opened. “These two sorry dogs are my deputies. The older one’s called Smith, the younger is Foster.”

  Deputies? They look more like hired guns. Garrett squirmed under the older deputy’s lingering gaze. He noticed a purplish bruise around Smith’s neck. Wonder how he got that?

  Whatever Smith’s thinking, he kept it well hidden.

  Garrett liked the look of Foster even less as the younger deputy limped around the opposite side. He led a girl in handcuffs that Garrett thought looked like the type news stations bandied about after a gangland shooting. Her hooded sweatshirt seemed coffee stained or something worse, and her chiseled features warned him she would not be one to back down from a fight.

  “Who’s that?” Hullinger asked.

  “Why, she’d be the one who blew up the shark tank,” Bryant said. He looked at Garrett. “Unless this young man knows otherwise.”

  “I’ve never seen her before in my life,” Garrett said.

  “That might well be…” Bryant said. “But just cause you ain’t seen her don’t mean she didn’t see you. What’s say we go inside? See this new jail your sheriff’s so proud of.”

  “Think it might hold one more con awhile, sheriff?” Smith asked. He motioned toward the handcuffed girl.

  “Don’t see why not,” Hullinger answered. “Like I said, we got all the newest and best stuff inside along with the best men in Lavere County to stand guard.”

  That’s saying a lot. Garrett snorted.

  The girl muttered.

  Garrett couldn’t understand what she said, but he knew the words had been directed at him. He watched her gaze dance around his face, ears, and mouth; all the areas his skin tones differed.

  “What’d she say?” Hullinger asked.


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