Cupid Help Me! (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 4)

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Cupid Help Me! (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 4) Page 1

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Cupid Help Me!

  Return to Cupid, Texas #4

  Sylvia McDaniel

  Virtual Bookseller, LLC



  Also By

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Also By

  About the Author

  A Conservative Cowboy Saves A Zany Journalist. Has Cupid Struck Again?

  Cowboy, Jim Lawrence, doesn’t believe in superstitions, hocus pocus, or folklore. After losing a bet he must dance naked around the Cupid Statue at midnight, not believing he will meet his true love. At thirty-five, he’s lost to love once. He’s unable to find a traditional woman who fits in his black and white world.

  Shadow Wilson, is on her way to Cupid, Texas to do a story about the fabled Cupid Statue, when her car catches fire. As she stands by and watches her car explode into a fiery ball, Jim comes to her rescue…and becomes the angle to her forthcoming expose.

  Will the superstition bring an eccentric, wacky woman journalist together with a rigid cowboy with a heart of gold or will their differences tear them apart?

  Receive a free book when you sign up for my newsletter!

  Also By Sylvia McDaniel

  Contemporary Romance

  Return to Cupid, Texas

  Cupid Stupid

  Cupid Scores

  Cupid Dances

  Cupid Help Me!

  Cupid Cure

  Cupid’s Heart

  My Sister's Boyfriend

  The Wanted Bride

  The Reluctant Santa

  The Relationship Coach

  Secrets, Lies, & Online Dating

  Short Sexy Reads

  Racy Reunions Series

  Paying For the Past

  Her Christmas Lie

  Cupid’s Revenge

  Science/Fiction Paranormal

  The Magic Mirror Series

  Touch of Decadence

  Touch of Deceit

  Western Historicals

  A Hero’s Heart

  Ace’s Bride

  Second Chance Cowboy


  American Brides

  Katie: Bride of Virginia

  The Burnett Brides Series

  The Rancher Takes A Bride

  The Outlaw Takes A Bride

  The Marshal Takes A Bride

  The Christmas Bride

  Boxed Set

  Lipstick and Lead Series






  Deceived — Coming Soon!

  Scandalous Suffragettes of the West



  Callie – Coming Soon


  Mistletoe Scandal - November 2016

  Southern Historical Romance

  A Scarlet Bride

  The Cuvier Women




  Boxed Set

  Receive a free book when you sign up for my newsletter!


  Copyright © 2017 Sylvia McDaniel

  Published by Virtual Bookseller, LLC

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Edited by Tina Winograd

  ebook ISBN 978-1-942608-74-5

  Paperback 978-1-942608-75-2

  No part of this book may be reproduced, downloaded, transmitted, decompiled, reverse engineered, stored in or introduced to any information storage and retrieval system, in any form, whether electronic or mechanical without the author’s written permission. Scanning, uploading or distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without permission is prohibited.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic versions, and do not participate in, or encourage pirated electronic versions.

  ISBN: 978-1-942608-74-5

  Created with Vellum

  To the Readers - Escape into the Superstition of Cupid!

  Chapter 1

  Jim Lawrence stood shivering nude in the cold night air, calling himself ten times a fool. A man of his word, this ill-advised, careless gamble could cost him his reputation. All because he lost a bet with his best friend, soon to be brother-in-law, Cody Graham.

  And now he waited for midnight in the city of Cupid's town square, wearing nothing but his birthday suit, about to do what the sheriff called the Cupid Stupid dance.

  Many people believed a ludicrous superstition that if you danced naked around the Cupid statue chanting some ridiculous garbage that the first woman you met was your true love. At this time of night what good woman roamed the streets? Not any woman he wanted as his wife.

  "This is the craziest thing I remember ever doing," Kyle, his middle brother said as he tossed his pants over a bench. "Drew better not back out is all I've got to say."

  Drew, their youngest brother, was a lawyer in Dallas but he had to attend court today. Or at least, that's what he told them. He would do the Cupid Stupid dance another time.

  His future brother-in-law stood off to the side grinning. "One minute till midnight."

  "Our sister did this?" Jim said still not able to fathom that Kelsey danced without her clothes and how Cody rescued her when the law showed up. Pulling his one hand from his work hat that covered his privates, he rubbed his arm trying to stimulate some heat in his frozen limbs.

  "Best night of my life," Cody said. "Picked her up running naked down the road."

  This time Jim was giving their sister a pass. But if she'd been arrested or anything else, he would have given her hell for risking everything on the chance that a fable would find her love. Yet he couldn't argue that she and Cody were crazy about each other.

  Somehow the night brought Cody and Kelsey together and for that Jim was grateful. Right place, right time, was the logical explanation.

  There was no way the tale would work the same for him. First, you had to believe in the hocus pocus. If a piece of rock could bring him a wife, then give him an oil lamp and he'd rub it until a genie appeared. Nonsense, utterly unbelievable nonsense.

  "I still think you tricked us," Jim said. "You knew she would say yes."

  "No, I didn't. There were no guarantees she would agree to marry me and you guys almost screwed it up."

  The memory of barging in on Cody and Kelsey made Jim realize his little sister was a woman. They almost lost Kelsey when she’d finally had enough of her brothers trying to take care of her and interfering in her life once too often. And they deserved her anger.

  Letting go was hard when you promised your mother and father before they died to protect the family. In the end, it nearly damaged his relationship with Kelsey. Life made him head of the household before he was ready and he'd done his best to make certain they all became good, honest people.

  After all, the Lawrence name was well respected in these parts and he prayed he didn't muck that up tonight.

  "Bet or no bet, I'm not running down the road like this," Jim said. Fewer than two minutes to get this done and th
en he was heading home. What a crock of bullshit.

  The only reason for this act of stupidity was to keep his word to Cody. Two laps and his oath would be fulfilled. He only hoped that Ryan, the town sheriff, didn't choose the witching hour to patrol the square.

  Glancing at his watch, Cody grinned at the two of them. In their birthday suits, their hands placed protectively over their junk, they bounced up and down trying to stay warm.

  "Thirty seconds," he said.

  "Screw this, I'm going," Kyle said. "The sooner we do this, the sooner we can put our clothes back on and go home."

  Jogging around the God of Love, the church bells began to chime the start of a new day. Jim kept his hat over his privates as he ran.

  "Chant, you have to chant," Cody called out to them.

  "Oh, Cupid-statue-find-us-our-true-love," his brother said in a smart ass singsong that made Jim laugh. Kyle, the family clown always managed to do things his way.

  "Oh Cupid-statue-find-us-our-true-love," Jim said joining in, his fingers and toes going numb from the cold.

  No, it wasn't winter, but early spring still had a nip in the air and the temperatures could drop enough to give a person frostbite. Especially when they wore no clothes.

  With a quick glance up, he gazed at the full moon in awe. Water gurgled in the fountain and he wondered how many other idiots had done this stupid dance, believing they would find everlasting love.

  There was no such thing. People died. Love died, and yet he continued, alone with no prospects. At thirty-five, life seemed to have passed him by.

  "Last lap," Kyle said as they ran past Cody.

  "Soon you'll meet your true love" he called after them as the fountain came between them.

  True love his ass. That emotion had been elusive as a brick of gold. Things happened, loved ones left, leaving you behind to carry on without them. First his fiancée, then his father, and eventually his mother.

  A naive, silly superstition was not going to find someone to ease the loneliness. Someone to spend his life with, a family, children, but most of all companionship. Crap, he was so freaking lonely, he felt like his balls went to Alaska and left him at home.

  Coming around the God of Love, he noticed Cody nowhere in sight, and neither were their clothes. Stopping, he stared at the empty bench, disbelief making his stomach tighten with a combination of fear and disgust.

  "Cody," he yelled. "You son--"

  "Come on, man," Kyle said, throwing his hands up in the air. "Really? Cody left us bare ass naked?"

  Shaking his head, he groaned. "I'm going to kick his ass the next time I see him. We ponied up. Nothing was said about making us run through town nude."

  With a sigh, Kyle said, "I'm two blocks from the clinic."

  Shivering, Jim made the decision. "Come on, there's some coveralls and a spare key in the truck. All I have to do is punch in the lock code on the door. I'll drop you off."

  "Let's get out of here before the sheriff shows up," Kyle agreed.

  Jim had achieved his pledge. Filled with angst, he kept his word, but you wouldn't find him naked in the town square ever again.

  Running toward the vehicle, ready to put his clothes back on and look at this night in his rearview mirror. Jim glanced around the empty street before he stepped out of the park.

  When they reached the safety of his farm vehicle, he unlocked the doors and Kyle jumped in. Setting the work hat on the seat, Kyle picked it up.

  "I'm borrowing your hat," he said covering his privates while Jim grabbed the set of overalls in the back. Quickly, he pulled them up and over him.

  "Keep it. It's yours."

  With a chuckle, Kyle said, "Don't mind if I do."

  Once he had on the tacky overalls, he sighed as he crawled inside. "Glad that madness is over."

  Quivering with cold, sitting naked in the seat beside him, Kyle glared into the darkness. "That sculpture has nothing to do with finding love. No matter what Cody says about him and Kelsey, dancing naked around a chunk of granite is not going to find happiness. An arrest warrant maybe. Take me to the clinic. There is going to be hell to pay when I find Cody Graham."

  As he started up the truck, Jim gave a nervous chuckle, knowing this little escapade could have ended so much worse. Suddenly, the sheriff's car drove down the street behind them and they turned and stared at each other. Another five minutes and they would’ve been singing from jail.

  Being hauled down to the courthouse without your clothes, would be disastrous to a man who drove the speed limit, paid his taxes on time, who didn't even remove the tag from his mattress. A rules follower, he didn't believe in breaking the law for any reason - but his word was platinum and from now on, he wouldn't be a betting man.

  Driving down the darkened, lonely highway, smoke billowed from beneath the hood of Shadow Heart Wilson's clunker car. All her mother's warnings of serial murderers stalking the highways at night looking for stranded women echoed like a slasher movie through her brain.

  What the crap did she do now? So close to town, she pushed the pedal even harder, hoping the vehicle would limp into Cupid, Texas.

  Flames licked the edges and the car glowed zipping down the highway. A loud pop sounded the speedometer began to drop.

  "Oh craptastic," she said, knowing she was at least two miles out of the town.

  Springtime in Texas, the rattlers were crawling, skunks foraging, and tarantulas roaming. Soon she would be stranded on a lonely stretch of road with no help in sight. Few cars passed in this desolate country this time of night.

  Smoke trickled through the vents filling the car and she choked. Fear clutched her chest, spiraling down her spine and she pressed on the gas - no response. The car was dying and if she didn't get out of here, she could be dying along with it.

  Maybe she could put the fire out. Save the vehicle that had taken her to college, been with her when she found her first job, gone with her when she left home for her boyfriend and driven her away from family.

  "Not now," she cried as it came to a stop on the side of the road. "No, not now. I need you."

  Coughing, she kept trying to fill her lungs, but couldn't draw enough oxygen. Putting the car in park, she glanced around, unsure what to do - hesitant to step outside. Turning the engine completely off, she hoped the blaze would die. It didn't.

  The gas tank is full...what if it blows?

  With sudden clarity, she knew she should get out of the car and put distance between her and the burning vehicle. Opening the door, she grabbed her purse, her keys and hopped out, praying no rattlesnakes slithered along the highway tonight.

  Running a short ways from the fire, she realized her suitcase, her laptop, everything she needed for the job sat in the backseat of her now fully engulfed car.

  The hood blew up into the air.

  "Oh my God," she screamed, wanting to get her things out of the blaze, but fearful of going back after them.

  The cold night breeze wrapped around her and she shivered from nerves and the chilly temperature. Her coat along with her things, all in the backseat. Lights shined on her and a big white truck approached. Oh no, here came the ax murderer.

  Grabbing her phone, she dialed 911. No wireless connection.

  What the crap? What kind of place had no cell service? A remote place. One where her body would never be found.

  The ranch vehicle pulled over and a muscular hunk of a cowboy jumped out, wearing a Stetson and overalls...and no shirt. Oh great, a freaking redneck serial killer who would slaughter her and leave her to die along with her car.

  "Ma'am, you all right?" he asked, pulling a fire extinguisher out of the back of his white truck.

  Scared shitless is what she wanted to say. "I'm all right."

  Walking toward her, she noticed his bare muscular arms exposed to the cold night air. Clean shaven, dark hair, with a strong jaw and a long straight nose and full mouth.

  With a deliberate scrutinizing stare, she memorized his features in case she needed to d
escribe him to the police.

  Inside, she began to chant a mantra praying to a higher power to protect her from this handsome rescuer if he was a maniac on the loose. At this moment, prayer was all she had to keep her safe.

  Quickly, he started spraying the foam at the base of the fire.

  "Can you save it?" she said, knowing instinctively her request sounded ridiculous, but she loved her car.

  Glancing at her, his brows raised, his eyes confirming her craziness. "Ma'am, I'm just trying to keep it from blowing up. This car is history."

  With a dejected sigh, she watched him, pointing the flame retardant at the base of the engine.

  A few minutes later, his fire extinguisher sputtered out of juice, but the flames were gone, leaving only a smoldering shell of a car. Smoke eerily rose from the funeral pyre. The interior once tan, now smoldered a deep charcoal black. An ache in the pit of her stomach gave way to a moan of despair. Her car. Old, tarnished with plenty of miles on it, now was nothing but a shell.

  Striding toward her, she ogled how strong and muscular he appeared, the strut of his gait and the way his dark hair trailed along his forehead. A blackened smudge streaked across his cheek. If she had to die, at least the redneck was handsome as sin.

  "What happened?"

  All she could think: that was good question. There had been so little warning. And yet here she was stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but her purse.

  "One moment I was driving the highway, trying to reach Cupid, and suddenly the engine started making funny noises. Then smoke began to billow from beneath the hood," she said, staring at the car she adored for eight years.

  At one hundred fifty thousand miles, the vehicle had more than repaid her, but still she didn't want to purchase a new car. Earning enough money to live independently as a journalist was hard enough without adding on payments.


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