Alchemist's Kiss

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Alchemist's Kiss Page 21

by AR DeClerck

  “Where do we find your father, and what do we do about him when he is found?” Levisque asked, crossing his arms and leaning his lanky frame against the wall. The repairs to the dirigible had taken a few hours, and there were still cracks in the plaster visible on the walls around them.

  “There is no evidence to support the idea that Robert knows my father's whereabouts. With the destruction of his machine Robert is no longer a problem for my father.”

  “Where do you think he would go?” Levisque looked at Icarus with a slight tilt of his head, “What is his end game in all of this? With Croft out of the way and his machine destroyed there can be no protection from the destruction of the barrier between earth and aether. What is he up to?”

  “Without a blood magic spell of great power he would never be able to do what he hopes to do. It would require the bloody death of a large number of people at once.”

  “Icarus.” Cora tugged on his coat. “There is a large gathering today.” Her face was pale as she breathed a ragged breath. He smoothed back a curl from her cheek.

  “Where? It would need to be a large crowd, a carnival or parade of some sort.”

  “Not that.” She covered his hand in hers, “Wizards, Icarus, and children. Today is the day that the High Houses convene their schools. All the children, their parents and teachers and the members of the High Houses, will be in Trafalgar Square at midday to celebrate the new term.”

  Levisque stood straight. “How many people is that?”

  “More than enough.” Icarus' mind flashed back to Robert's warning. Victor would try to force him to do terrible things in the name of good. “How long will it take to get to the square?”

  “We cannot fly over the center of the city. The mill stacks are too tall to allow us to pass. We'll have to go around. Two hours, at least.”

  “Set the course and find Machiavelli.”

  “Icarus, if we warn them and your father sees that the meeting isn't going as planned...” Cora's voice trailed off in horror at the thought of what he might do in haste or anger.

  “We must send word to the wizards to increase security, but we will not tell them to disband. We will stop my father before he can harm anyone.”

  Levisque nodded and strode off to find the raven. Cora wrapped Icarus in her arms, shaking. He held her, though he could not find the words to offer her comfort.

  “Can we stop him?” she asked.

  “We must.” Icarus knew it was not the reassurance she'd hoped for, but it was all he had. He tried to soak in the feeling of having her in his arms, and he remembered his belief that this life could never be his. How stupid he'd been, he realized. This moment alone was more than he deserved. He closed his eyes, looking inside himself for the darkness that Robert claimed he carried. He could not find it, when his heart was so full of gratitude for the woman in his arms.

  “Come.” Cora tugged on his hand. “We have a bit of time and we are both tired. The Captain has offered us his cabin again.”

  He let her pull him down the hallway, but he stopped outside the Captain's door. “This is hardly proper, Cora. For an unmarried man and a woman to share a cabin...”

  Her grin cut him off, saucy and full of mischief. “Are you asking me to marry you, Icarus Kane?”

  He could not answer her, but she laughed and opened the Captain's door. She held his hand and leaned against the door jam.

  “Do I seem a loose woman to you, Icarus?”


  “Do you think anyone else believes me to be so?”

  “I'd kill them for thinking it.”

  Her grin grew. “They know I love you. They know you love me. We are moving toward uncertain waters and I will not die never having known this, Icarus.”

  He wanted to tell her that no one would die, but he settled for, “I will keep you safe.”

  “Come inside, Icarus. Do not think less of me for wanting you.”

  He groaned and pulled her to him, tangling his hands in the soft mass of glossy curls that fell down her back. It was silk and sensuous satin against his palm. He made sure the rune did not touch her, but he did not let go of her hair. “I would be a fool, Cora Mae, to say no to you.” He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he could chance allowing the darkness inside him to touch her. No, he decided as her lips covered his, she was right. Uncertain times lay ahead and Archimedes' advice was sound. If he were to die at the hands of his father he would be sure Cora knew the depths of his passion and devotion. He deepened the kiss and let his tongue tangle with hers. He would worship her as she deserved and have a piece of Heaven for himself, darkness be damned.


  I knew my proposition was improper. The point was simply that I did not care. I had waited six long years with longing in my heart for the man who stood before me and I would be damned to the lowest pits of Hell if I waited a moment longer.

  I knew about copulation. Growing up on a working plantation in the American South had afforded me an understanding of sex and procreation at a young age. What I did not understand was how to proceed. The mechanics of the act were easy enough to figure out, but I did not know how to behave. I fidgeted in the center of the room as Icarus stepped inside and closed the door.

  “You're pale.” He stepped closer and I stepped back, instinct making me skittish. He frowned, the bow of his lips downward as he moved back again. “Are you afraid of me, Cora?”

  I laughed at the sheer absurdity of it. “No. Maybe more concerned.”

  “Concerned?” He casually unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and then his waistcoat, pulling off his duster and the vest together. He draped them over the captain's desk chair before rolling up his sleeves. I watched every movement with a curious fluttering heat that grew in my belly. His mouth twitched with a half-smile as I rubbed the offending area. “About what?”

  “Me.” I stumbled over the words, “This. Us. I want it to be perfect.”

  “Perfect?” He motioned for me as he sat on the edge of the captain's bed. I sat next to him but stayed perched on the edge.

  I nodded. “I have never...” I waved around and felt a blush color my cheeks. “I do not want to disappoint you.”

  Icarus' laugh was beautiful. He always looked so harsh, even with his soft lips and the dimple and the curls, but when he laughed it lit up his face and his eyes glowed with mirth. “Cora.” He sobered, but the light stayed. “Perfect is a tall order.”

  “I know.” I did know. “Anything with you is perfect.”

  “Come here.” He held out his arms and I scooted closer, letting him wrap them around me. He settled back against the captain's headboard, pulling me with him. We were stretched out with my legs over his and my head on his shoulder. His left hand was covered in the glove and I rubbed the leather with the tips of my finger. I slipped off my shoes and relaxed against him.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked. I'd asked before, but now the silence needed to be filled. I liked the sound of his heart under my ear, and the feel of the light blonde hairs on his chest where the shirt was undone.

  “Not anymore.” He grasped my hand with his, the gloved finger trailing over my fingers and my palm, sending goose pimples over my arm. His other hand traced small circles over my neck, and I felt the heat grow more intense in my stomach. My pulse raced. I moved up a bit, leaning on my elbow to kiss him. It was more intense, the fluttering of my heart and the swirl of heat in my belly making me feel lightheaded. He didn't move, but let me explore his lips with mine.

  “Cora.” I moved back, startled by the pain in his voice. His eyes were closed, a blush creeping over his neck and over his cheeks. His hand tightened on my neck, not letting me move far. “Beautiful Cora.”

  “You think I am beautiful?”

  “More than any other woman.” He opened his eyes and tugged on my hair, guiding my lips back to his. This time he kissed me, filled with fervor and I felt hunger in the rigid hold of his muscles under me. I grew bold, and let my hand trail over his sto
mach, my fingers touching bare skin at his neck. I undid more buttons until I could put my hand inside his shirt and feel the strength of his chest and abdominal muscles under my palm. When he released my lips I brushed them over his lips, his chin and down his neck, breathing in the lavender. I let my hand move lower, and I heard him suck in a deep breath as I brushed over that part of his anatomy that was now standing fully at attention beneath his trousers. The chimney sweep's son had explained to me how a man might react to a woman he was attracted to, and I grinned at Icarus shuddered under my hand. His grip on me grew tight and I looked up to see him staring down at me with lust in his gaze.

  “Cora.” He closed his eyes and licked his lips, “I want to touch you.”

  I nodded, and he rolled to face me, so that his hand was free. He let it wander over my hip, his touch barely there but raising the hairs on my arms as he trailed it over me. He touched my bare hand, my arms and shoulder, and I thrust my chest toward him as he laid his palm over my pulse at my neck. The anticipation of his hand on my chest, on my breasts, was almost more than I could take. The first graze of his palm over the tops of my breast made me moan, and he was bolder, pulling the sleeve of the dress so that he could touch the swell of my bosom. I cried out as his head dipped and he kissed first one and then the other, and I held his head against me as he nipped me lightly. His mouth left my chest and trailed up my neck, and I squirmed closer, aligning his hips with mine. The corset was a curse, and I thanked God again that I never took to the preposterous bustles of current fashion.

  I pressed against him and the pressure of him against me made me moan again. His arms went around me, undoing the buttons down the back of my dress with nimble fingers. He cursed as he encountered the laces of my corset.

  “I shall travel through time to maim the fool who invented this monstrosity.” He muttered as he worked to untie the laces. He fumbled with them, finally managing to undo the top and allow my breasts to spring free. He paused, staring hard at me with hungry eyes.

  “There’s more to see if you care to continue.” I whispered, and he ripped at the ties, finally releasing me from the underclothing. He helped me shimmy from my corset and petticoats, pulling at the chemise as I chuckled at his haste. When he had finally stripped me bare he returned to me, sliding into my waiting arms. He leaned over me, his fingertips gliding over my skin, teasing me. I shifted, pressing my breasts toward him, and the feel of his palms on my tender skin was heaven at last. His hands were careful as he cupped them, moving his thumbs carefully over my nipples. I arched toward him, a curious pressure building deep within me.

  “Icarus, please!

  Icarus stripped off his shirt and trousers. I let my eyes linger hungrily over every bare inch of him as he lay down beside me.

  “Exquisite.” he whispered, his hands roving over my back to cup my bare bottom. He pulled me closer and we fit exactly right. I rubbed against him, the feeling of his hard muscles and stiff hairs an aphrodisiac all the more.

  “Icarus I need....” I trailed off, not sure how to tell him about the vise that constricted my breathing and made me feel breakable and on the edge.

  “Shhhh.” He nudged me down on the bed and lay over me, keeping his weight up with his arms. I let my hands travel over him, cupping his bottom as he laughed and bucked his hips against me. “We have to make sure you're ready.”

  “I am ready.”

  He shook his head and he went back to work with his mouth, kissing and nibbling over me as he moved over my face and down to my breasts again. A bit more than a handful they weren't overly large but he treated them as precious, laving and kissing them as wetness grew between my thighs. I pressed against him as I raised my hips and he surged against me in answer. I felt a hollow ache between my legs and I opened my knees, cradling him against me. He breathed in a gasp, his muscles quaking. My heart pounded, every inch of my skin on fire.

  “It will hurt, Cora. I am sorry.”

  I shook my head, some wild demanding need overtaking me. “I need you, Icarus.”

  It did hurt, a bit, when he finally moved inside me. A quick pinch and searing pain for a moment, and he stilled when I winced.

  “Sorry, Cora.” he mumbled, and I knew it cost him to be still as my body adjusted to his. I could feel him inside me, and I tentatively moved my hips as that hollow ache returned. I threw back my head as it was replaced with blinding pleasure.

  “Oh!” I moved again, the blissful feeling making me moan.

  Icarus caught the rhythm, moving in and out and the ache became fire, a tingling in my toes that traveled up my legs as every muscle clenched. The fire hit my core and I cried out, holding Icarus close as he moved faster driving me higher and higher. I couldn't think, couldn't breathe as ecstasy overcame me. I cried out his name as he moved faster still, his forehead against mine. I felt him pulse inside me as he climaxed as well, every muscle shuddering against me as he pumped his hips again. I lay in stunned surrender to my body as he moved to lay beside me, breathing heavily. Sweat glistened on our bodies, and I felt a glorious sense of languorous happiness settle over me. I raised an arm that felt too heavy and pushed a curl from his forehead. He blinked and smiled at me.

  “I'm sorry I hurt you.”

  “I'm not. It led to many other wonderful feelings.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side. He was naked, his behind there for all the world to see should anyone open the door, and I was just as bare. Still, I moved closer and snuggled against his side. We were nose to nose and I moved enough to kiss his lips. “I love you, Icarus.”

  He lifted his head, staring hard at me. He looked into my eyes for a long moment and I began to wonder if he'd answer. Then he leaned in to kiss me, all the same heat and fervor in it, and my body tingled again in response. I tried to tell myself that I didn't need to hear the words after what we had shared, but I felt a pang nonetheless.

  “Can we do that again?”

  He laughed and kissed me, his roving mouth and hands making me shiver with need again. I didn't need to hear the words, I told myself. This was enough.

  I opened heavy eyes some time later to find Icarus staring at me. More of the languorous warmth invaded my chest and I stretched like a house cat in the sun.

  “Do we have to get up?”

  “No.” He trailed a fingertip over my nose and across my lips. “I do not want to leave this room.”

  His quiet confession startled me. “Are you afraid, Icarus?”

  “Of my father? No.” He wrapped a curl of hair around his finger and used it to tickle my nose. “I am experiencing something far more traumatic than fear.”

  “Are you hurt?” I sat up on my elbow, looking him over. Aside from a healthy blush of color his body was perfection. “Are you sick?”

  “No, Nurse Cora. I am healthy.” he teased. I relaxed and took his hand in mine, putting our hands palm to palm. I stared at the juxtaposition of my fair skin to his sun-browned, mine soft and his rough.

  “Then tell me what has you frowning.”

  “How long ago did you think you might love me?”

  I struggled with the answer, unsure why he asked. “A bit.” I admitted after a moment. “Why?”

  “I think I have loved you since the first moment I saw you.”

  A lump grew in my throat. Breathing was painful, irregular, as tears gathered to fall over my cheeks.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No.” I let our fingers tangle, holding his hand to my chest, close to my heart. “I wasn't sure you--”

  “I was a fool, Cora.” he interrupted me. “I should have expressed my feelings long before this moment, but I was certain I did not deserve you. I am still certain I do not.”

  “That's what Archie said.”

  He grinned then, at the mention of our friend. “Archimedes is oft right in matters of the heart, it seems.” He squeezed my fingers in his. “We are going to face my father, Cora, and if I am gone---”
  I opened my mouth but he shook his head, stopping me.

  “---if I am gone, I do not want you to ever wonder how much I cared for you. How much I care.”

  “We just had intercourse, Icarus. I should hope you care.”

  He ignored my tease. “We made love, Cora. We were joined together in more than body. You are more precious to me than life.”

  “Now are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Can you not be serious?” He growled, nipping my lower lip. “I am professing deep emotion at this moment and you jest! It is hell on the ego of a man.”

  “You have enough ego for three men.” I sobered and looked at him honestly. I stared hard into his eyes, willing him to see everything I knew I could not express with words, and to hear the things I could say. “I have loved you, Icarus Kane, since Josiah Turnbull had me caged in his arms and you told me you would protect me. I have tolerated your ego, your terrible manners and your overbearing nature because I love you. You are a good and decent man with a strong, loyal heart. The only thing I have ever needed, the only thing I will ever need, is you.”

  “If we are parted in this life, Cora, know that I will always wait for you on the other side.”

  “But what if you go to Hell? As terrible as you are, it is a strong possibility. Should I, too, strive for evil to join you there?”

  “Arg, woman!” He caged me in his arms and rolled so that he lay on top of me, fitting us together as we were always meant to be. “You test my patience with your humor. Shall I show you the goodness of my nature by making you scream my name?”

  I smiled, kissing him hard. “Yes, please.”


  Icarus felt certain he might blind the first person to come into his presence when he left the captain's cabin. Something akin to happiness, but so much brighter and hotter, was shining from his pores like a supernova.


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