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Nic Page 5

by Jordan Summers

  The two Weres paled and scrambled back.

  “Go! Now!” The words came out garbled, but his meaning was clear.

  “Come on,” the smarter of the two said. He grabbed his friend’s arm, dragging him away.

  “This isn’t finished,” the brazen one shouted before he left.

  Yes, it is, Nic thought.

  * * * * *

  Mindy never imagined that anyone would ever fight over her. “Cute” didn’t inspire men to lay down their lives. Sure, she’d heard about fights happening and had seen them many times in the animal kingdom, when a male was fighting for the right to mate, but she’d never experienced it firsthand.

  Celina had told her how thrilling the experience was. At the time, Mindy had thought Celina’s need for constant drama and reassurance had led her to exaggerate, but she hadn’t. At least not entirely.

  Mindy couldn’t deny the thrill skating along her spine or the sudden unwelcome surge of arousal. What did that say about her?

  When her would-be savior had first arrived, Mindy wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or if the situation had just gone from bad to worse. Now she had no doubt that he’d saved her life, or at least saved her from something truly unpleasant.

  Her eyes were drawn to the play of muscles beneath his T-shirt as he watched the men who’d been hassling her leave. He was magnificent. Her gaze slowly lowered and the impressive view got even better.

  Her heart continued to pound, but now it was from more than fear. And Mindy wasn’t at all certain how she planned to handle that.

  * * * * *

  Between the impending full moon and the adrenaline pumping through him, Nic was having a difficult time maintaining a civilized façade.

  Weres only fought over females for the opportunity to mate. His body hardened as bone-deep instincts attempted to arrest his control. Nic clamped down hard on his feral nature.

  The breeze shifted, bringing her sweet scent to him. Sex was the last thing he wanted from a human—even one that smelled so delicious. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He had to get his wolf leashed before he looked at her. His body was making demands that couldn’t be met.

  Nic decided his only recourse was to make sure she was okay, then leave before he did something they’d both regret. Nic took a deep breath and faced her, determined to get it over with. The second their eyes met, his resolve crumbled like clay in the hot sun.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Five

  Mindy was used to dealing with injured animals, not humans. So nothing could’ve prepared her for the jolt that struck the moment his dark blue eyes met hers.

  Blood smeared his cheek and dust covered his shirt. There was something wild about his gaze, something utterly untamed. It drew her in when every instinct screamed at her to escape.

  Mindy couldn’t leave him. Not like this. Not after he’d fought to protect her. She pushed away from the car and tried to touch him.

  “Don’t!” The single word was torn from his chest as he grabbed her wrist. His hard, unyielding grip bordered on painful.

  “You’re hurt.” She hesitated, then pressed on, drawn to the heat simmering in his eyes. The moment her fingers made contact with his taut face, the man groaned and pulled her into his arms.

  His lips came down upon hers before Mindy could take a breath. He kissed her with such stark hunger that her body immediately went up in flames. The wildness inside her that had been dormant for so long flared to life and pushed aside all logic.

  Mindy’s body melted into his hard chest. Just for tonight, she didn’t want to be the responsible sibling. She wanted to be someone other than “Monotonous Mindy.” She wanted to be...herself for once.

  She didn’t notice that he’d released her arm until she’d wrapped her hands around his neck and sunk her fingers into his soft hair. By then it was too late to pull back.

  * * * * *

  Alarm bells rang in Nic’s head. He immediately hit snooze and kept kissing her. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste. He’d been prepared to let her walk away. Planned to make her leave. Then she’d gone and done the unthinkable. She’d touched him.

  The heat from her fingertips incinerated his good intentions, sending them up in smoke. Nic pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  For one insane moment, he worried that he was no better than the Weres who’d been trying to take advantage of her. The thought unraveled when her blunt teeth sank into his lower lip and she ran her tongue across the tender bite.

  Nic shuddered and his big body jerked, then his hands locked tighter around her. He kneaded her round bottom, then cupped her and lifted her off her feet. She fit perfectly in his hands, as if she were made for him. The thought ratcheted up his need, and Nic grew harder.

  Despite her petite size and her vintage dress, the woman managed to wrap her legs around his hips. Nic groaned into her mouth as the ridge of his maleness collided with her feminine heat. If he didn’t get inside her soon, his head would explode.

  He carried her away from her car, away from the entrance to Sticks, to his pick-up truck. They were near enough to the tree line and far enough from the bar to ensure a level of privacy they wouldn’t otherwise have. Still, Nic scanned the area with his acute senses to ensure they were alone before lowering his tailgate and setting her down upon it.

  One hand continued to massage her lush bottom, while the other reached under her dress. He willed himself to slow, let them catch their breath and allow good sense to return, but he couldn’t. It was like he was being driven by an unseen force that was determined to take, to seize.

  Nic chalked his urgency up to the moon’s influence, though he couldn’t recall this ever happening before. His exploring fingers encountered lace, then struck moisture and scalding heat.

  Just one taste. That was all he wanted. That’s all he needed. He pulled his hand out and licked the moisture off his fingers.

  Her taste burst over his tongue and he nearly dropped to his knees. Overwhelmed by the sensations, Nic growled in the back of his throat. He’d never tasted anything like her. So rich, so creamy, so addictively delicious.

  Nic needed more. He hiked her skirt up and ripped her panties off. “I’ll buy you new ones,” he rasped, as her feminine musk surrounded them.

  The heady aroma betrayed her eagerness. It also fueled the fire roaring through his veins. Nic’s lips found hers once more.

  He wanted to bury his nose between her thighs. Wanted to lick her depths until she quivered beneath him, begging him to take her, but Nic couldn’t wait—and neither could she, if the needy whimpers coming from her throat were any indication.

  He deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue around her mouth, trying to capture her essence. Each did their best to devour the other.

  The woman pulled at his shirt and ran her fingers along his back, then grasped his ass and yanked him closer.

  Her petals unfurled for him as he sank his fingers into her scalding heat. She instantly tightened around him. Nic waited a heartbeat, then added another finger and continued his intimate exploration. She felt like heaven and smelled like candy-coated sin. Nic couldn’t get enough of her.

  With a twist of his hand, he found her swollen flesh. He stroked the tender nub, driving her higher, leaving her teetering on the edge of oblivion.

  “Please,” she gasped.

  Her begging didn’t sit well with him. If anything, he should be the one groveling at her feet. Nic reached into his back pocket and pulled out a condom. He couldn’t catch any human diseases, and one sniff told him that she was disease free. There was no chance he could get her pregnant. Weres could only procreate with their bondmates, and even then, they had to be marked. But the prophylactic would ease her mind.

  Nic ignored the ache in his jaw and focused on the one in his pants. He popped the button on his jeans and his zipper hissed as he eased it down. Her hands were on him in an instant, taking his breath and making him weak. Nic gritted his teeth and prayed f
or strength to hold out long enough to get the condom on.

  * * * * *

  Mindy’s body was on fire. She’d never been this brazen in her life. She’d also never wanted a man this much. If she weren’t in total control of her faculties, Mindy would swear she’d been possessed. She had never understood what made sex such an all-consuming big deal—until now.

  She pulled back from their kiss and saw him sheathe himself. His immense size obviously extended to every part of his body. For one crazy minute, she didn’t think this would be anatomically possible.

  “Wait!” Mindy held her hand against his chest as he positioned the thick head at her entrance. Was she really going to do this? Was this really her?

  He clenched his jaw and his big body trembled, but her savior stopped instantly. “Have you changed your mind?” he asked, his expression pained.

  Had she? Mindy stared into his dark blue eyes and found herself falling once more. No, she wanted this. Wanted him. Had from the moment she’d laid eyes on him. If only for tonight, she’d have him and be the kind of woman she’d always known she could be.

  “No.” Mindy shook her head. “Just needed to catch my breath.”

  “Thank the moon!” he said, then seized her mouth once more.

  Mindy’s thoughts scattered to the stars as he sent her sailing across a sea of pure sensation. He brushed her entrance, then ran himself up and down her moist cleft. Once he was covered in her juices, he pulled back and thrust forward, impaling her.

  * * * * *

  Nic swallowed her shocked cry, then tried to catch his breath as his body adjusted to the vise-like hold she had on it. He wasn’t a small man, but he hadn’t expected her to be quite so tight. Nic quivered as he tried to hold himself still inside her pulsing core.

  For a moment, he’d thought she was a virgin and his heart had nearly stopped. She wasn’t, but the woman was blissfully snug. Snug enough to let him know that it had been a while since she’d had a man inside her.

  The realization left him feeling ridiculously pleased. He kissed her gently and slowly sucked on the tip of her tongue, savoring her passion, while he waited for her to relax.

  Her body’s grip on him eventually eased. Nic carefully rocked his hips to test her readiness.

  She whimpered, then sighed.

  The woman melted around him, while her big brown eyes shimmered with desire. Nic found himself drowning in their chocolaty depths, wanting to spend eternity there. All sense of self-preservation went out the window.

  Lost in her eyes, he thrust again, gliding smoothly into her. She sank her fingernails into his forearms and tugged. Nic dropped onto his elbows. The move crushed the ripe swell of her breasts against his unyielding chest. Her nipples beaded instantly.

  Nic pulled his mouth away from hers and nibbled on her earlobe. She hooked her ankles around him and canted her hips. He slipped further into her. Nic shuddered. The ache in his jaw returned with a vengeance and his lips automatically strayed to her delicate neck.

  Her erratic pulse jumped beneath his lips. She was so soft, so perfect. He licked the spot where her neck and shoulder met. The taste of her intensified and changed.

  Nic’s incisors lengthened. The urge to bite her was so strong that it burned through his soul.

  Do it! an insidious voice whispered.

  Nic jerked his head away.

  His wolf snarled.

  What was wrong with his beast? It shouldn’t be doing that. It shouldn’t want to do that. He couldn’t believe how easy it had been to let his wolf take control and to forget that she was human.

  The woman writhed beneath him. His lips found her pebbled nipples through her dress and he sucked hard. Nic wanted to bare her for his greedy eyes to feast upon, taste what his senses detected, but there wasn’t time. It was far too dangerous with his control so tenuous.

  His hands latched on to her full hips and he picked up speed. The first ripple struck. She sobbed and her body clamped down on him. The urgency inside of Nic grew. He couldn’t seem to get deep enough or move fast enough to satiate his beast. Then, the unthinkable happened...

  Nic began to swell.

  At first he was too stunned to react, convinced he was mistaken. Once the shock wore off, panic struck. Nic tried to pull out, but he it was too late. His body had already locked with hers. He couldn’t budge more than an inch in either direction.

  “No!” he shouted, as the first of his orgasms struck, blinding him with passion.

  Somewhere in the distance, Nic heard his wolf bark with laughter.

  * * * * *

  He was everywhere.

  Mindy had no idea she could be so full and so hungry at the same time. His body blanketed hers, blocking out the stars. What they were doing was insane. She was insane, but Mindy couldn’t bring herself to feel an ounce of regret. She couldn’t manage anything beyond the searing pleasure he was giving her.

  He surged forward, burying himself deep, and expanded inside her. The tremors that started a moment ago increased. The delicious shudders turned into quakes as her body erupted.

  His hands latched on to her hips and he ground himself into her.

  Mindy’s back bowed off the truck bed as something exploded inside of her. She couldn’t see, couldn’t hear anything but the blood roaring in her ears.

  He grunted and doubled his efforts. He wasn’t thrusting as deeply as before, but he continued to ride her body like the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels.

  He drove Mindy headfirst into another shattering release. As she tumbled over the edge into oblivion, she heard him bellow.

  The sound morphed into something primal, almost animalistic. It made her ears ring, but Mindy didn’t care. She was pretty sure she’d just died and gone to heaven.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Six

  Nic wasn’t sure what just happened. One minute he’d been so lost inside her that the world had disappeared and the next his wolf had taken over. How long had they been lying here locked together?

  No, not locked together. Not anymore. He could move again. What was he going to do? How could he explain that this should never have happened—had never happened before—when he didn’t understand himself?

  Nic expected to see contempt and accusation. At the very least confusion over what had occurred, since it wasn’t every day a human experienced such a thing. But none of those emotions were visible. Instead, acceptance greeted him.

  How could she feel that way after what he’d just done to her? Her selflessness only added to his sense of guilt. Nic took a moment to study her.

  Her swollen lips, sleepy brown eyes, and mussed blonde hair made her look like a woman who’d been well loved. The sight of her stole the breath from his lungs.

  She couldn’t be the one. She just couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.

  He needed to think. Needed to get away from her to clear his head. Nic didn’t trust himself. Didn’t trust his wolf. He wasn’t convinced any of this was real.

  The woman stirred beneath him.

  Nic took a choppy breath and pushed himself up. “You okay?” he asked, hoping his voice sounded steady.

  Color flooded her face, matching her wrinkled red dress. She nodded. “That was amazing.”

  More like life altering, he thought, but didn’t say so.

  The sound of gravel crunching and music pounding came rushing at him. He remembered where they were and why they were here. They were still alone, but wouldn’t be for long. Shame warred with embarrassment, but neither could contend with the confusion running rampant through him.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured, and slipped out of her.

  Nic helped the woman up so she could straighten her clothes. While she did that, he removed the condom and pulled his jeans up. He shoved the used latex into his pocket.

  The woman buried her face in her hands. “I can’t believe we did that here of all places. Anyone could’ve wandered by.”

  Nic wanted to reassure her
that that wouldn’t have happened, but he couldn’t. The second he’d entered her, he’d been gone. Her body had transported him to another world. A world that felt dangerously like home. A world he didn’t dare trust. He ran a shaky hand through his hair.

  “I-” The word tangled in his throat.

  “You don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to say anything. We’re both adults. I’m just as guilty of poor judgment here as you are,” she said.

  She took a step and wobbled. Nic instinctively reached out to steady her, and the heat that had engulfed them reignited. He dropped his hand and asked for her keys. She handed them to him.

  Nic walked her back to her car and opened the door. Out of habit, he climbed in and started the engine for her. The car sputtered to life, then immediately made a pinging noise.

  He frowned. “How long has it been doing that?” Nic asked.

  “A while,” she said, unable to meet his gaze. “I’ll get it taken care of.”

  He opened his mouth to offer to fix it for her, but closed it when he saw her mottled face. Nic climbed out and waited for her to slip behind the wheel.

  There was no sense dragging the awkward moment out. It was obvious what this was. Anything else was a fluke of the moon. So why did he find himself lingering next to her door, reluctant to see her leave?

  The wind shifted, carrying with it an all-too- familiar scent. Nic stiffened and slowly scanned the woods. He didn’t spot the two pups, but they were there. Somewhere. How long had they been there? Had they been watching the whole time?

  No! He shook his head. He would’ve known.

  Something vicious snarled inside him and raised its furry head. It didn’t want other Weres anywhere near her. Nic refused to look too closely at why.

  “Drive safely,” he said, and stepped back so she could leave.


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