Alpha's Submission: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 2)

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Alpha's Submission: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 2) Page 20

by Nora Phoenix

At first, he’d attempted to stay in touch with Lars and Sven, but it had gotten harder. Between how busy he’d gotten with work and the bad memories even contact with his brothers stirred up, he’d sort of let them go.

  No, not sort of. He had let them go. It had been easier than dealing with the pain…and over time, the guilt about it had faded, until he barely remembered he had brothers. Now, the guilt was back in full swing, exacerbated by Sven’s not-too-friendly attitude on the phone. Enar couldn’t blame him, but that didn’t make it easier.

  At least Sven had assured him their father would be out of the house. He was on a business trip for a few days, so Lars and Sven were by themselves. Much to his shame, Enar didn’t even know what they did…if they were in school or worked. Lars was twenty-two, so he could have a college degree by now…

  He pulled up in front of the house and parked in the driveway that still looked familiar, even after all these years. The flowers his mother had always planted along the wall were gone though, replaced by bushes that looked well maintained. The whole garden looked like someone spent a ton of time keeping it up. Definitely not his father because he’d hated getting his hands dirty. No, it had always been his mother who had a green thumb.

  As soon as he’d rung the bell, the door was opened. God, Lars had gotten so big. He was a man now. A man who gave him a look that was anything but friendly. He didn’t say a word as he opened the door wide and let Enar step inside where Sven stood waiting.

  As soon as Lars closed the door behind him, a waft of Sven’s scent drifted on the air and Enar smelled him. He knew, right then and there. Sven was weeks away from his first heat at most, probably less.

  But…wait. Why the hell could he smell him? Sven was his brother and family members weren’t supposed to be able to smell each other’s heat, and it wasn’t supposed to affect him. Was that the gene that had changed that, too? And dammit, Enar was still taking suppressants, which meant anyone else would smell him even stronger. He had to have the gene, there was no other explanation. Dammit all to hell and back.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Lars said, taking position next to Sven.

  “Lars…” Sven said, turning away from Enar to shoot his brother a pleading look.

  “Can we sit somewhere? I have something I need to discuss with Sven,” Enar said after clearing his throat. God, this was hard. Delivering bad news to patients always sucked, but even more if said patient was your brother.

  “And Sven, what I need to tell you is of a rather sensitive nature, so it’s up to you if you want Lars to be present or not.”

  “I’m not leaving him alone with you,” Lars snapped at him.

  Enar crossed his arms and allowed his alpha to shine through for the first time. “That’s not up to you.”

  Sven put a calming hand on Lars’ arm. “It’s okay. I want you there, you know I do.”

  They sat at the kitchen table, the kitchen looking as immaculate and pristine as the rest of the house.

  “How have you guys been?” Enar asked.

  “Really? After years of no contact, that’s what you wanna ask us? Fuck you, asshole.”

  Lars’ eyes spewed fire, his body tight with anger. Sven once again put a hand on his arm, but he didn’t say anything.

  Enar rubbed his temples. “I deserved that,” he admitted. “And the rest of the anger you obviously have stored up for me. I deserve it all and more. But you need to put that anger aside for a few minutes and listen to me, because I need to tell you something important…”

  Lars’ eyes lost little of their derision. “I can’t imagine there’s anything you have to tell that we’re interested in hearing.”

  “Again, I get that and I deserve it, but this is more important than your anger, okay? This is about Sven and something I need to ask him and tell him that could save his life.”

  Lars’ expression changed at that. “What are you talking about?”

  “Lars, can you listen to him, please? I want to hear what he has to say, so can you stop being angry for a little bit? For me?” Sven pleaded with him.

  Something transpired between his brothers that Enar wasn’t privy to, but Lars turned toward him and said, “I’ll listen.”

  “Thank you. Can I ask you some questions first, Sven? They’re rather personal…medical.”

  Sven nodded.

  “Have you had your first heat yet?” Enar asked.

  Sven blushed. “No. I’m a late bloomer, our doctor said. He doesn’t know what’s causing the delay.”

  “How is your health otherwise?”

  Sven looked to Lars before answering. “Good, I guess. I don’t seem to have a lot of energy lately, but other than that, I’m okay.”

  “And emotionally? Do you ever have bouts of depression?”

  Sven seemed to shrink before his very eyes.

  “Why do you ask?” Lars asked, still not exactly friendly but not outright hostile anymore.

  “Has he been depressed?” Enar asked again. “Are you, Sven?”

  Sven nodded. “Yes. The last two years have been hard and lately it’s been even worse.”

  His answer hung heavy in the air.

  “You asked all this as if you knew it already… What do you know that we don’t?” Lars said.

  “I’m almost certain you have a condition called the Melloni gene, a genetic mutation that’s popping up more and more. There’s much we don’t know about it yet, but we do know it causes the omega to have…excessive heats with stronger sexual cravings than normal.”

  Enar pushed down his unease at discussing this topic with his brothers.

  “It also seems to be correlated to depression, but we’re not sure if it’s the gene causing that or the consequences of having the gene.”

  Sven’s face had turned white, and Lars wasn’t looking too peachy either. “Can…Can you do anything about it? Are there meds? A cure?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, no.”

  He let that sink in, allowing both of his brothers to digest the information. “Heat suppressants relieve some of it, but not all. What we know is that knotting helps…having an alpha help you through it. Are you by any chance seeing anyone?”

  His brothers shared another heavy look Enar couldn’t place.

  “No,” Sven said. “And wouldn’t using an alpha result in pregnancy?”

  “Normally, yes, but I can help you with that.” He sighed, knowing the hardest part was still to come. “There’s more, though. Part of the effects of this gene is that you’re…highly attractive. Alphas and even betas won’t be able to resist your smell and will want to…have sex with you. Even if they normally would never want to. You’ll be literally irresistible during your heat.”

  Sven’s eyes filled with tears. “God, I’m so screwed. What do I do?”

  Lars took his hand. “We’ll figure it out, okay? Do you need to test him?” he asked Enar.

  “I do, but the results won’t be in before his first heat starts, so he needs to start making arrangements now to be sequestered.”

  Lars frowned. “How do you know his first heat is coming?”

  “Can’t you smell him?” Enar asked, surprised. “I smelled him as soon as I walked in…and I take daily suppressants because of my patients. He’s weeks away at most, probably less.”

  “Of course, I can’t smell him,” Lars pointed out. “You know family members aren’t affected by heats.”

  “Not normally, but this gene changes everything. I hate to say it, but I can smell him, even with the suppressants I take. I think it’s more that you’re used to his smell because you live with him, but once his heat starts, it may affect you, too…brothers or not.”

  Enar thought of Palani who had become somewhat desensitized to Vieno’s smell, but still got super horny during his heats. There was no predicting what would happen once Sven’s heat started, how it would affect Lars. It was weird and somewhat disconcerting to even talk about this, but they had to face the truth.

  “Maybe that
explains…” Sven said, then suddenly stopped talking.

  Lars’ eyes widened, and his jaw set. “It’s no excuse.”

  “Explain what? What am I missing?” Enar asked. The words hadn’t left his mouth when he realized the answer.

  Oh god.

  Oh no.

  Lars wasn’t the only man in the same house as Sven…and he wasn’t even an alpha. But someone else was.

  “Has…has Dad’s behavior toward you changed?” he asked with a sinking sensation in his stomach.

  “He tried to kiss him!” Lars exploded. “He fucking groped him, even after he said no.”

  Enar buried his head in his hands. As much as he hated his father, he couldn’t blame him for this, not really. He’d heard Palani’s story of how even a straight, mated man had been unable to resist his employee’s smell, how he would’ve raped him had the omega not outsmarted him. What a god-awful mess. The tragedies this damn gene caused, it was unbelievable.

  “You need to leave here immediately,” he said, raising his head. “Trust me when I say that once your heat starts, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you. You’re not safe here.”

  “But where do we go?” Lars asked. “I’ve been saving up to move out, but I don’t have enough yet.”

  “Not you. Just Sven. I can take him to my place… Well, my new home.” This whole conversation just kept getting better, didn’t it? “I’ve moved in with Lidon, remember him? My alpha cop best friend?”

  Sven nodded. “Will he…help me?” he asked, his lip trembling with fear.

  “No. God, no. He’s…we’re…Dammit. Sorry, this is hard to explain. He’s mated to an omega, Vieno. And together with a beta we’re a foursome. We’re together…with four men.”

  For the first time, Enar saw something resembling respect on Lars’ face. “That sounds…cool, but what about Sven? Who will help him through his heat?”

  Enar sighed. “I don’t know, but I have a few weeks to find a solution. Lidon’s ranch is secluded and we can keep him safe there.”

  “I’m not going without Lars,” Sven said.

  Enar’s mouth dropped open a little but Lars spoke before he could say anything. “It’s okay. I’ll figure out a way for us to find a place together after your heat, but you need to stay safe until then. Enar’s a doctor. He can take care of you in ways that I can’t.”

  He reminded Enar so much of Palani in that instant that his heart warmed, despite his brother’s prickly attitude.

  Sven crossed his arms and a stubborn expression painted his face. “I don’t care. I’m not leaving without you. I don’t even know you—no offense,” he added to Enar.

  “None taken.” Enar frowned. There was a dynamic here he couldn’t quite place, but he lacked the time to figure it out now. “Lars can come. We have enough space at the ranch. Start packing everything you need to bring, and I’ll send someone over with a pickup truck to collect you in a few hours, okay?”

  Lidon walked into the kitchen to find a strange omega sitting at the kitchen table, a mug of steaming tea in front of him and Vieno across from him with a sweet but serious expression on his face as he listened to what the omega was saying.

  “I have no idea what I’m even doing here,” he said. “Are you sure it’s okay with your alpha that I’m here? Enar said so, but he had to work today, and I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “It’s fine,” Vieno said. “Here he comes.”

  Vieno got up from the table and gave Lidon one of his hugs that showed how much he needed to be touched after spending a long day apart. He did it with all of them, somehow needing to reconnect when he hadn’t been close to them for a while.

  “Hi sweetheart,” Lidon said, then kissed him until his taste had invaded his mouth. “Did you miss me?”

  He loved how Vieno melted against him, all pliant and soft, seeking his touch. “Always,” was the soft answer and Lidon’s heart skipped a step.

  He kissed Vieno again, letting his hands roam his body, before reminding himself of the stranger in his house. Not that he didn’t know who it was, as Enar had called him. With regret, he let Vieno go and stepped forward to greet Enar’s youngest brother.

  “You must be Sven,” he said, extending his hand.

  “Yes, alpha,” Sven said, rising from his seat and taking his hand.

  “The last time I saw you, you were a toddler, so it’s been a while,” Lidon said friendly.

  “I don’t remember you at all,” Sven said, then bit his lip.

  Lidon sent him a smile. “That doesn’t surprise me. As I said, you were still young, and Enar was usually over at my place. He loved it here on the ranch…”

  As horrific as the attack on the ranch had been, the one good thing that had come out of it was Enar’s decision to come out. He could already tell the difference, as the man was much more relaxed. He’d lowered his defenses, and Lidon loved seeing him find his place in their foursome.

  Lidon looked up from his musings when a beta walked in. “Lars,” Lidon greeted him. “It’s good to see you.”

  He extended his hand, raising an eyebrow when Lars hesitated just a tad too long before taking it. Enar had mentioned his brothers having some animosity toward him, but apparently it extended to him as well. Interesting. Was it because he was an alpha? That wasn’t unthinkable, as Enar’s father wasn’t exactly a role model of how an alpha should behave.

  “Thank you for taking us in,” Lars said. Lidon held his hand, challenging him with his eyes until he added, “Alpha.”

  The beta might have grounds to mistrust alphas, but he would have to respect Lidon, he thought. That shit would not fly here, not with everything that was going down. He’d better set Lars straight on that.

  “Grab a seat,” he told him and after a slight hesitation and a look he shared with Sven, the beta obeyed.

  Lidon didn’t need to ask Vieno for a coffee. As soon as he sat down, his omega started the fancy coffee machine for him. He waited till his espresso was done. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he said, pulling Vieno in for another kiss.

  God, he could feel in his system that he’d gotten up early this morning due to a raid they’d planned at five. Vieno had still been asleep, which meant Lidon hadn’t gotten his usual morning fuck with any of his men, and his cock let him know it. A high sexual libido, Grayson had mentioned as one of the aspects of the true alpha. Well, he’d nailed that one. Vieno sent him a cheeky grin, letting him know he’d picked up on Lidon’s needs.

  “Later,” Lidon promised him, his mouth pulling up in a smile.

  “Can’t wait,” was the quick answer.

  Lidon sipped his espresso, training his eyes on the two Magnusson brothers. “What do you do in life, Lars?” he asked.

  “I just finished up my degree in agronomy.”

  “Agronomy?” Lidon said, leaning forward. “What do you plan to do with it?”

  “I’ve already sent out a ton of applications, but jobs are hard to find in that area.”

  The animosity Lars had shown earlier had disappeared and, in its place, a touch of hopelessness had filled his face and voice.

  “I can imagine in this economic climate,” Lidon said.

  “I’m trying to save up enough to get us out of the house,” Lars said, then clamped his mouth shut.

  Enar had mentioned something about an incident between his father and Sven, and Lidon had no trouble filling in the blanks, not after what he’d heard and experienced himself about the gene. “Well, you’re here now, so you got that part covered.”

  Lars shrugged. “Until after Sven’s heat, when you kick us out.”

  Lidon frowned. “Why would I do that?”

  “We can’t stay here…” Lars’ voice was a mix of resignation and the hopelessness he’d shown before.

  “Are you willing to work?” Lidon asked, an idea forming in his mind.

  “Here?” The surprise was audible.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t kick you out anyway, as you put it, but you can make you
rself useful and earn your keep.”

  Lars looked around in the kitchen with puzzlement. “Doing what? No offense, but I’m not an omega.”

  “I wouldn’t mind helping with cleaning and cooking,” Sven spoke up.

  “That’s good, because Vieno could use the help.” His mate’s eyes widened with indignation and Lidon pulled his wrist until his omega gave in and let himself be pulled on his lap. “You work too hard, sweetheart. Sven can help. Ever since Grayson and Lucan moved in, it’s been a lot for you. You’re doing an amazing job, but I want you to have more time to rest, especially in a few weeks…”

  The fire disappeared from Vieno’s eyes and he rested his head against Lidon’s shoulder. “You’re right,” he said softly. “And thank you for taking care of me and thinking ahead. I didn’t want you to feel that I wasn’t doing my job…”

  “Oh, sweetheart, you’re amazing. And no one will ever take your place. You’re the omega of this house, of our pack.”

  Something rolled through Lidon as he said it, a deep affirmation of the truth of his words.

  “I love you,” Vieno whispered against his lips.

  “I love you so much,” Lidon whispered back, drawing their foreheads against each other.

  He took the time to hold Vieno, waiting till he felt the peace return to his mate’s system. Only then did he lift his head, keeping Vieno on his lap but turning him so he could rest his back against Lidon’s chest.

  “I could use a beta with a strong knowledge of agronomy. Vieno has started a vegetable garden and is looking to expand it. This used to be a working farm and our intention is to restore it to its former glory. The goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible.”

  Lars shot up straight, his eyes suddenly alive. “Is this a paid position?” he asked.

  “Of course, it is! Did you think I’d make you work for free? Holy hell, what kind of pack do you think I run here?” Lidon shot back, fed up with the hostility the beta was showing him. “I’ll pay you a more than decent salary and deduct a fair amount for room and board for you and Sven. You’ll find me a more than reasonable employer, but feel free to check with any of the men working for me.”


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