Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3)

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Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3) Page 12

by Stephanie West

  “But you are rather spirited. Perhaps I should do something about that, now that we’ve stopped for the night.”

  Tytus quickly grabbed June’s hands, and tackled her to the ground. He tied her wrists to the stake holding the tent in place.

  “Tytus, what are you doing,” June hissed as she tugged at her bonds.

  It was a good question; one that he should pause and consider. Instead Tytus grabbed the belt from June’s cape and tugged it off. He then used it to muzzle his rowdy mate.

  “Now behave, June. You wouldn’t want to alert the others,” he taunted her the way she had him.

  Tytus gripped her ankles and tied them so they were spread wide. He closed the tent flap and switched on the artificial light. Tytus wanted to see June’s every response to what he was about to do to her.

  Her eyes flashed at him as she mumbled behind the gag. If June looked fearful, Tytus would’ve untied her. But her sweet musky perfume filling the tent, told him otherwise. She was aroused by being restrained. The revelation spurred him on.

  Tytus opened June’s robe, revealing the length of her luscious body, from her creamy heaving breasts to her tufted mound. It was a sight he’d resisted exploring in its entirety for too long.

  “Now that last meal is over, I think I want something a little sweeter,” he husked.

  June thrashed as he crouched between her splayed legs. She knew she was in trouble for tormenting him earlier. He gripped her thighs, holding them open. Tytus stared reverently at June’s intimate flesh. She was similar and yet so different from what he knew. She reminded him of a flower. Tytus spread her labia to find a blushing red center.

  A small bud was nestled at the top of her cleft. He’d felt it before, but never got a good look. The swollen nub jutted out begging for attention. Tytus’ finger grazed the turgid flesh and June jumped.

  “This tiny bead of flesh is different and very sensitive,” he grinned lasciviously.

  Tytus watched her reaction as he repeated the move. June’s brow was creased, her eyes looking pained. Despite her contorted expression, he’d watched June climax enough to know his touch was bringing her pleasure. Her hips alternated between following his fingers and retreating, as he rolled the slick little bead of flesh.

  I think I like this unusual little button, Tytus decided.

  Tytus was amazed that his mate possessed not only an internal pleasure center, but an external one as well. His eyes travelled lower, reminding him of another ardent response she had to his touch.

  “You are so wet,” he growled.

  June’s slit spasmed, spilling more nectar. Tytus’ mouth watered, and his canines itched, as he watched the trail of moisture creep down the pink folds of her cleft. The need to taste her became too much to hold back.

  Tytus dove in, wedging his head between her legs. His tongue speared into June’s heated channel, lapping up her honey. The taste, salty and sweet, was better than he remembered. Whoever said nothing was better than the taste of your conjugo mate, was right. Tytus drank from her well like a beast starved for water.

  June shuddered with each plunge of his tongue, and made sexy little grunting noises behind the gag. Tytus watched her full breasts jiggle as she panted. He loved the way her nipples hardened to taut peaks.

  Her swollen bud captured his attention, and Tytus wondered how she’d respond if he sucked the nub. Would it bring her to her knees, like her mouth nearly did to him? He latched onto the button of sensitive flesh and rolled it with his tongue. June’s hips bucked off the ground with a strength that surprised him, considering her small size.

  She tested his control, bending it to the breaking point. A part of him knew this might drive him to mounting her, yet he did it anyway. Resisting his mate’s luscious little body was impossible. June twisted him into a mindless creature, by just being near. He wanted to drive her over the same precipice.

  Tytus slid two fingers through the moisture spilling from her body, as he continued to lave her nub. He slowly pressed his fingers into June’s soaked, quivering channel. She jerked again, moaning into the gag. Although she clenched him tight, Tytus noticed her channel stretched to accommodate him. He added a third, then a fourth finger, as he pushed June to the limit.

  June kept thrusting herself onto his fingers, spilling copious amounts of fluid. She was just as lost to lust as he was. Each time his fingers grazed a spot high inside her channel, while he flicked her bud with his tongue, a muffled keen would reach his ears.

  Tytus sat back on his knees. He wanted to see the way June’s trembling body enveloped his fingers. It didn’t seem possible for her to derive so much pleasure from his aggressive touch.

  “Am I hurting you?” he groaned.

  June shook her head ‘no.’

  Tytus thrust harder and deeper, watching her quake in ecstasy. He wasn’t being gentle at yet she continued to grind wantonly against him. Tytus knew the instant June peaked, by the way she clamped down on his fingers, and her body seized. But the twisted male he was, he wanted more.

  Tytus recalled what he’d heard about human females as he looked at June’s rear. Her little dark rosette glistened from all the nectar she was spilling. Tytus reached down and worked one thick finger into her behind.

  June’s eyes flew wide.

  Tytus cast her a salacious grin as he stroked into her tight rear. June writhed, sweat rolling down her body. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy, as his fingers repeatedly filled her in every way possible. When Tytus’ thumb rolled over her nub, June arched off the ground. Her entire body froze, her channels squeezing him like a vice. If Tytus lived to be a century, he would never see a sight as glorious or compelling.

  “Tytus, what in Kali’s name are you doing?”

  Tytus spun around to find Cyprian holding the tent flap. He jumped to his feet, and growled a feral sound, warning the male to back off. This was the worst time to interrupt a Cadi male, when the only thing ruling him was instinct.

  “Back away from my mate,” Tytus snarled as he blocked June from view.

  “Your mate? What have you done?” Cyprian attempted to step past Tytus, to where June lay vulnerable.

  Tytus snapped and tackled Cyprian, knocking him back several yards. A rational part of him realized what he was doing, as his fist made contact with the general’s face. But animalistic anger burned in his veins, demanding he defend his mate from the intruding male.


  June regained her senses as the sound of fighting greeted her. She caught a glimpse of Tytus repeatedly striking Cyprian, before two other men yanked him off.

  “Let me go,” Tytus growled, his voice frightening in its intensity.

  “Is he delirious from working too long?” Ashtoret asked, as he restrained Tytus.

  “Probably,” Cyprian replied. “I was doing rounds, when I discovered he’s kidnapped one of the human females. He’s calling her his mate. You have no idea what I witnessed him doing to the tiny female.”

  Oh my god, he saw. Some strange man saw us. Not only had she been discovered, but discovered in a compromising position.

  “Which one?” Vintor asked looking very disturbed.

  “I don’t know yet.” Cyprian headed towards the tent.

  Tytus fought against the two Cadi men restraining him, as Cyprian approached her.

  “Don’t touch her.”

  June barely understood the snarled words. With the way he was behaving, she was starting to become truly frightened. There had to be a reason Tytus was so enraged.

  You weren’t supposed to be discovered. This is bad, really bad.

  June started trembling as Cyprian entered the tent. He stared at her for a minute in confusion.

  “Which one did he take?” someone called out.

  “Neither,” Cyprian replied.

  The Cadi man pulled off the gag and untied June. She yanked the oversized cloak around her and scrambled from the tent, heading straight for Tytus. Before she could reach him, Cyprian snagged her
around the waist.

  “Release my mate.” Tytus went insane, fighting the men holding him with renewed vigor.

  “Tie him up.” Cyprian demanded.

  “No. Stop. Just let him go,” June screamed at the men.

  Her cries enraged Tytus further. The Toufik had to help subdue Tytus and secure him to a nearby tree.

  “Please just let him go.”

  The men ignored her plea. June didn’t know what was going on, but she knew Tytus was in trouble.

  “Have you lost your mind? Where did you get the human? I can’t even believe what you were doing to her.” Cyprian railed at Tytus.

  “She’s my mate.” Tytus snarled with daggers in his eyes.

  “Vintor get the medical kit. He had her tied, gagged, and was violating her.”

  “Yes, Cyprian.”

  “How long has he kept you like this?” Cyprian asked as he turned to June.

  “Let go of me,” June insisted as she pulled away from Cyprian. “He wasn’t hurting me. I don’t need medical anything. And Tytus is my mate.” June pulled back the neck of her robe to show off the bite mark. “Now release him,” she demanded.

  The sight of the conjugo mark shocked Cyprian enough that he let her go. June ran to Tytus and tried to free him, but he was tied too tight. She wrapped her arms around his waist and warily watched the Cadi warriors. Tytus stiff stance relaxed as she snuggled against his chest. His huffing breaths, and subtle snarls calmed.

  “Goddess, he’s bonded with her,” Vintor said.

  “No wonder he’s acting so insane,” Ashtoret added.

  “That doesn’t explain where a new human came from, or excuse what he’s done.”

  “The Miran Sona,” Tytus replied almost sounding normal.

  “Obviously, she came from the Miran Sona, but what is she doing here with you. I want to know everything, and I want to know it now,” Cyprian growled.

  “It’s not his fault. I snuck on the Miran Sona ship at the colony, and got off when it landed on Cadi. I hid in Tytus’ lab, but he found me?”

  “And you didn’t report this?” Cyprian eyed Tytus accusingly. “Instead you decided to mark her, and keep her hidden away.”

  “I was wrong. I know this.” Tytus replied in frustration.

  “I don’t want to go back to the colony, and Tytus didn’t want to risk the alliance you have with the Miran Sona,” June explained.

  “That’s for our Daimio to decide. Not you,” Cyprian snarled. “Our leader would have arranged something. I can’t believe you circumvented Cadi law. The humans are considered citizens not pets or slaves. The things you were doing and the way you’ve been keeping her is dishonorable.”

  “He’s not been treating me like a pet or a slave. I’m his mate,” June spat out, feeling frustrated and angry.

  She understood things could have been handled better, but the situation was getting twisted to make Tytus look like a bad guy.

  “Female, are you aware that you have the right to have warriors compete for the honor of protecting you.”

  “My name is June, not female. Yes, I was told, and I still choose Tytus.” June gripped Tytus tighter.

  “Because he bonded you before you met anyone else. An honorable warrior would not have done any of this, much less what I witnessed,” Cyprian insisted.

  “Wrong! I was an engineer on my home world, like Tytus. He and I are a perfect match. And you have no idea what you saw,” June screamed at the frustrating man.

  “Come back to camp. Tytus stays where he is till I contact Kagan.” Cyprian approached June and Tytus.

  “I will figure something out. Just go with Cyprian,” Tytus requested solemnly, with a deeply furrowed brow.

  “I don’t want to,” June cried as she held on to him.

  “Go on. Get warm by the fire. It will be fine,” he insisted sounding resigned.

  June nodded and let go of Tytus, before Cyprian attempted to pry her away from him. Tears fell as she reluctantly trudged to the campfire, and sat on a log. June overheard Cyprian whispering the details of what he witnessed to the other men, and cringed. She pulled her hood tighter and concentrated on her poor mate. She could almost make out the reflected glow of Tytus’ eyes. It killed her that he was out there, tied up, and alone.

  “Son of a metcor. I can’t reach Kagan on the handheld.” Cyprian growled, catching her attention.

  Cyprian was a stoic looking man. June imagined he was the epitome of the ideal Cadi warrior. His chest was covered in so many tattoos and scars, that she doubted an inch of skin remained bare. His heart was probably as hard as his exterior. No wonder he was sent on this mission to play the part of a smuggler.

  “We’ll have to head back. We can’t go through with this mission like this.” Vintor threw his hands up in defeat.


  June chewed her lip. She was upset that things had gone pear shaped, but it made her twice as sad they were scraping the mission. All this, because of a stupid misunderstanding and a little bureaucracy. As far as she was concerned, this incident was nothing, considering people’s lives were on the line.

  June sat by the fire, mulling over the problem, till her ass got sore. She stood up and started pacing.

  “You can take my tent,” Ashtoret offered.

  “Thank you, but I’m not tired.”

  June wanted to be mad, but even the obstinate Cyprian was just trying to abide by Cadi law. From what she’d witnessed, and heard from Tytus, the Cadi held the concept of honor in high regard. June respected that. What she didn’t agree with, was their interpretation. Cyprian was treating her like a confused female, who couldn’t possibly know what she wanted, or comprehend what was happening to her.

  June wore a circle in the dirt, as she considered the situation. It was doubtful she could easily convince the Cadi men she wasn’t abused by Tytus. In their eyes, he’d held her unlawfully, stripped her of her right to choose a suitable warrior, then physically assaulted her. Not to mention risking the alliance.

  When put that way, this is bad. I can’t let Tytus suffer the consequences of this alone.

  June started to formulate a plan. It was foolish, but what did she have to lose. This whole adventure had been a series of foolish events.

  The sun was rising when June lifted her head from her arms. She had dozed off and almost missed her window of opportunity. June looked around to see Vintor was the only one not in his tent. He was watching Tytus, who was still tied up.

  “I’m going to go relieve myself,” June informed him.

  Vintor nodded.

  June casually walked into the woods. Once out of sight she circled around the camp and headed towards the four rota. June peeked around the vehicles towards the camp. Vintor was still preoccupied watching Tytus, and poking at the fire. June felt comfortable enough with the bulky vehicles blocking her from view, that she got to work.

  June opened the storage compartment on Tytus’ rota and retrieved a multi-tool from the maintenance kit. She then moved to the hatch on the side of the propulsion engine.

  One of the dozen tasks she and Tytus had accomplished, had been a pre-trip maintenance check. And since she was naturally inquisitive about anything mechanical, June now knew what cable to remove, cutting off the power to the engine.

  June tiptoed from one rota to the next, committing her act of vandalism. She then hid the cables as she circled back through the woods to the other side of camp.

  “Vintor, where is the female?” Cyprian asked as he emerged from his tent.

  “I have a name. It’s June,” June informed him for a second time, as she stepped out of the woods.

  She attempted to sound less flustered than she was. She had returned just in time.

  “Vintor, Ashtoret, Thunder, let’s get Tytus loaded. Thunder you pilot Tytus’ rota. We need to pack and head back to Sargon,” Cyprian instructed.

  Before anyone could stop her June headed over to check-on Tytus.

  “How are you doing?” June asked
, as she sat down in front of him.

  “I have been better. They are right, June. I was wrong.”

  “It’s not your fault alone, and they aren’t entirely right,” she said.

  June leaned in and rubbed Tytus’ large chest. She looked into his big black eyes. They were filled with disappointment and anguish. It wasn’t just that he’d broken the law, that was tearing him apart. He honestly thought he had wronged her.

  “When I first snuck into your lab, I hid and watched you work. Not only did I think you were incredibly handsome, but I thought it was awesome how I’d stumbled on a fellow tech geek. I was excited for the first time since I was taken from my home.” June ran a hand over his stubbled cheek. “You and I are so similar, and you’re funny and kind. You’ve not hurt me. Don’t believe that nonsense for an instant. I want you, and not because of the bite. I wanted you before that. I belong with you.” June smiled encouragingly.

  “I do believe we belong together, little one.” He smiled ruefully. “I shouldn’t have done the things that I did. I went about this all wrong. I’ll be lucky if I’m just stripped of my liberties. I am so sorry beautiful.” Tytus shook his head in frustration.

  “We can fix this,” June entreated as she gently pressed her lips to his.

  Please work, June silently begged. She feared that she’d be separated from Tytus permanently if her plan backfired.

  June heard the men approach to get Tytus.

  “Release him, he’s not going anywhere.”

  “I promise, I will not fight you,” Tytus added.

  “I’m sorry, Tytus, that is not wise.” Cyprian frowned.

  June huffed as they hauled Tytus to one of the rota. Ashtoret escorted June to a different vehicle and helped her in. June bit her lip nervously, as Ashtoret attempted to start his rota.

  “It’s dead,” he scowled.

  “So is mine,” Vintor added.

  June watched them try the vehicles several times, with a Cheshire grin on her face. Tytus noticed her wry expression and must’ve figured out what she’d done, because he started laughing. It made her smile even wider. She shrugged at him in mock innocence.

  “What are you laughing at. What did you do?” Cyprian demanded as he glowered at Tytus.


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