Risque Pleasures

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Risque Pleasures Page 6

by Powers, Roxanne

  They collapsed into each other’s arms. Mick held her tight. “That was the hottest thing ever. You were so sexy and you were saying some rough stuff there when we were really going at it. I mean, you used the C word.” Serena laughed. She knew she would have shocked him. She had done it deliberately to test him out. She was glad he had mentioned it.

  “The C word? You mean cunt?”

  “I hate that word. It’s so……”

  “What? Vulgar, shocking?”


  “You know. Germaine Greer once said it was the only word in the English language that truly shocks people. Men consider it to be the ultimate insult, yet it is simply a woman’s body part. We say cock and nobody blinks, dick is almost cute and the word fuck doesn’t surprise anybody anymore. Say the word cunt though and people almost have a heart attack. Personally I don’t think any of the four letter words should be said in public and I don’t think cunt should be considered the only taboo word in the world. It is a part of me, not something dirty.”

  Mick had to admit she had a point. Serena was intriguing him more than she ever had and it was not just because of the great sex. “You are different now. Where is all this coming from?” Serena laughed. Because truth is liberating. I have just spent some time thinking about what is true for me and I follow that truth. I also have a new philosophy now. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. And if I want to get, I have to say what it is I want.”

  “Well, it works. And it worked for me too.”

  Mick felt relaxed as he lay on the bed recovering from his huge blow. “Hey, how about after I clean myself up I put that bookcase together for you?”

  He was hoping for an invitation to sleep over but he finished the bookcase and there was none forthcoming. Serena had put her clothes back on, not her bathrobe, so he took the hint. But he remembered Serena’s words, if you don’t ask, you won’t get. “Okay, there you go, all done.”

  “Thanks Mick. Thanks for dinner too.” She smiled a sexy smile, “and thanks for the dessert too.”

  “Anytime. Err speaking of any time, how about lunch tomorrow?”

  “Oh no I can’t, have a meeting all day.”

  “Oh, okay. Well we haven’t been out to dinner for a while. Would you like to go on Saturday night, maybe see a movie after?”

  If she accepted they just might start seeing each other regularly and even make a success of it and her risqué pleasures would have to come to an end. It was her new experiences that made her a calmer, more together woman, the kind of woman that Mick wanted to be with again. She still hadn’t tried pussy. She still hadn’t begun her design work and see where that would go. Would Mick understand her new ways? Did he need to know? Maybe he had some sexy secrets or unrealized dreams that he wanted to explore too. There was only one way to find out.

  “Sure, I’d love to.”

  6. Down to Business

  Back at work Serena found she was catching up with all her work quicker and easier yet she was doing twice as much. It was true that when you love what you do it doesn’t seem like work. She had passed on the initial concepts to Christine and was still waiting to hear from her. In the meantime as well as her accounts work she had been busy doing color boards and layout sketches. She was ready, willing and able.

  Her phone rang. It was Christine, “You busy? I’d like to talk to you.”

  Serena had decided to apply her thoughts on design to herself. She always looked good and could look downright hot when she wanted to but she figured that if she wanted to be taken seriously as someone who designed great spaces then she had to look appropriately edgy too, all the time. She was grateful that she worked in a department store that offered good staff benefits.

  When she learned of the staff discounts she had bought herself a whole new wardrobe starting with the sexy red dress she had worn to dinner with Christine and John, money well spent. Now she had a different style challenge. She had to prove she could look chic and individual without looking like a crazy experimenter and without just spending dollars. Anyone could look great if they spent enough money with the right designer. She wanted to look amazing on a budget. She had to be a walking display for her own skills. She had to be bold with colors that most people wouldn’t think of using together and she had to use accessories that were simple but gave real pop to her look.

  Serena, like most working women, had already built up a wardrobe of several good basic pieces such as classic cut skirts and pants in black, grey and navy. The truth is they were very boring. That old chestnut about them being timeless was true. They were indeed so timeless it was impossible to tell what era they were from. Her mother could have worn them when she was a girl. Serena took all her classic pieces to the in-store tailor and had some alterations made. By the time they had finished with them every piece now looked killer. Every piece was made sharper and flattered her body in every way. Nothing was too short or too tight as to be uncomfortable but it was right on the edge.

  She bought bright accessory pieces such as belts, bangles and scarves that really lifted them. For her outfit today she was wearing one of her classic but reworked skirts in charcoal grey. Her top was a crisp white shirt and over that she wore a modern cut jacket in chartreuse, she also had a skinny belt in chartreuse at her waist. Her long, dark hair was pulled back into a slick high ponytail and she wore silver hoop earrings, not too large. When Christine saw her she made a mental note to buy a top in chartreuse. She also noted Serena’s shoes, deep purple suede stilettos. She knew each piece, every single one of them. She knew their prices too, they were from the store home brand which was a range of stylish but inexpensive fashion basics that were blatant imitations of the expensive designer versions.

  Serena looked a million dollars but Christine knew she had only spent about one hundred. Christine became excited about the potential of Serena, in every way. She smiled at Serena as she tapped the file on the desk. Serena saw it was the design ideas work she had done and she smiled back. “You like it?”

  “I love it. I am very excited about it.”

  “Oh I am so happy I could kiss you!”

  “Well go right ahead, I could kiss you too.”

  Serena stayed professional. She was in her boss’s office, even though they had fun out of hours didn’t mean she could take liberties now. Serena went around the desk to give Christine a hug and a peck on the cheek. Christine got up to hug her back and kiss her on the cheek too but they had angled their heads the wrong way and instead of planting a sedate kiss on each other’s cheek they ended up giving each other a smooch right on the lips.

  At first they laughed and tried again, and again they misfired and got each other on the mouth. “We keep doing this, shall we try again?” Serena murmured against Christine’s cheek. Christine answered with a long kiss on Serena’s mouth. “Mmm, I like what we are doing. To tell you the truth I have wanted to do that again. I didn’t get enough of you last Friday night.”

  “Me neither. It would be nice to get together again sometime.”

  “I’ve got a better idea. Lock the door.” Serena realized the door had been open all this time. Anyone could have seen them. She took a quick look down the halls, all seemed clear. Serena went over to Christine. She ran her hands down the lapels of her chartreuse jacket and slowly pushed it off her shoulders. Serena allowed her to remove it but she now knew things were going her way. She knew she had the design job and she knew she would rock it. Serena took charge. Whenever she did things always went her way. When she followed her instincts she was never wrong. What was happening in her life was reflecting that truth. She followed her instincts now. “Unbutton your shirt.” Christine obeyed and the blue shirt came off. Then Serena remembered how she liked to be treated when it came to seduction and she changed tactics.

  Serena loved it when a lover took the time to warm her up with lots of kisses all over, just like she taught Mick to do, she was sure Christine felt the same. She went over to her and started nuzzling her neck whi
le she reached around and undid her bra. Serena took one of Christine’s nipples in her mouth and played with the other nipple, rubbing it with her fingers as if it was a radio dial. “I’m going to take your skirt off.” Serena kissed Christine, nibbling at her mouth with her own, pulling her lips into her mouth and sucking on them then releasing them to slide her tongue into her mouth.

  She encircled Christine’s waist with her arms, unzipped the navy blue skirt and pulled it down. Christine was wearing a tiny emerald green silk thong. She began unbuttoning Serena’s shirt as they kissed other deeply. There was a flurry of pulling clothing off until they were both naked. Serena sat in Christine’s chair and guided Christine to sit on her desk facing Serena. “You are so beautiful. I want to kiss you so much. I want to kiss you everywhere.” Serena kneaded Christine’s breasts while she kissed her tanned, concave stomach. She traced a circle around her navel with her tongue and she slid her hands from Christine’s breasts to her hips. She gave Christine a gentle push to make her go back and she held her hands while she lay back onto her desk. Serena ran her hands all over her body and spread Christine’s legs apart. She rested them on the arms of the chair and there it was. Serena was staring into Christine’s pussy.

  At first she was enthralled by it. She had never seen one up close, not even her own. She studied its folds. Christine had small flaps. With a fingertip she stroked the skin underneath. It had such an unusual quality, like an eyelid, delicate yet tough. Serena was fascinated to have a vulva right in her face. She felt like a scientist for a minute and wanted to examine every bit of it but had to keep Christine interested. She could do her examination and please Christine, and herself, at the same time. Serena knew she had to generate heat first, that made sex sexier. She ran her hands over Christine’s body again and they both quivered in excitement.

  Serena kept her lips on Christine’s body as much as possible, sliding her mouth to the next place instead of lifting her lips from her skin. Serena’s mouth and tongue explored and her hands caressed every curve. Christine was arcing up in pleasure then resting back down again, swaying and rolling in the exquisite agony of expectation. Serena still hadn’t got to pussy yet. She was building it up for the both of them.

  Christine’s inner thighs were like satin. Serena was planting soft kisses along them as she grabbed Christine’s ankles to raise her legs up into a big V for victory. She was bringing her hands down from the ankles to continue her journey to pussy when she remembered something she read somewhere. The back of a woman’s knee is super sensitive and full of nerve endings. It’s like a gigantic clitoris. Serena stood up from the chair and bent slightly to plant warm, moist kisses to the back of Christine’s knee and traced figure eight’s with her fingers on the other knee. Christine let out a primal moan and bucked like a bitch on heat knocking a document tray to the ground and sending papers flying everywhere. It was true! Why hadn’t she remembered it when Mick was over? Serena made a note to herself that she would get that done to her as soon as possible. “Did you like that baby?’

  “It was fucking amazing.”

  “It’s one big clit back there, two actually. Who knew we had three clits.”

  “Oh Baby.” Christine moaned and reached down to run her fingers through Serena’s hair but it was still in its slick ponytail. Just as well too, Serena did not have to bother with getting her hair out of the way all the time. She had a clear and unobstructed view. Christine was arching her body in spasms of frustration, “I want you. I want your hot tongue on me!”

  The sudden movement gave Serena a whiff of pussy. It was rich and earthy. Serena sat back down, “Spread your legs wide for me baby, I want to take a good look at you.” Serena sighed in delight at having pussy right in front of her. She spread Christine’s pussy lips gently and stroked her labia. Christine was wet and fuck ready. Serena slid a finger into that shining pussy and Christine howled and thrashed her arms around sending pen pots and staplers clattering down to the floor. Serena slid another of her long fingers into her, with the palm of her hand facing down just like the porn stars did. Christine bucked against her hand to enjoy the finger fucking.

  Serena leant forward, right into the pussy and took a long lick up and then a long lick down. She exposed the rosy bulb and gave it a kiss, and another one and then with one smooth action that she had been dreaming about she opened her mouth slightly, puckered her lips a little and attached her mouth to Christine’s pussy and sucked with a pulsating suction that shot straight to Christine’s brain. She shrieked in sensual cry and relaxed her body to calm down and allow herself the freedom to enjoy every lick and every suck. Serena felt Christine’s body go limp in submission to sensory experience. She did not lift her mouth from Christine’s pussy. She didn’t want to. Sucking pussy and feeling the gorgeous woman respond to her actions was almost as good as getting sucked herself.

  That first taste of pussy was almost mundane. It had a slight tang but it lasted only for a second. Once Serena had her mouth lips on Christine’s pussy lips and had tongue explored every part of it she had settled into a strong sucking rhythm and Christine was rocking into her to get the most friction out of every suck. Serena wished she was sitting on a cock. Sucking pussy was horny work. Christine stopped moving against her. The moaning had stopped too. It was the quiet before the storm.

  Christine felt as if she was floating on a raft of pleasure. She felt safe. Her pussy was in Serena’s mouth, there was nothing more intimate. Serena was putting her tongue in and on places that John never had. The suction on her clit then the little tongue teases on the tip of her bud were driving her wild. Each moan she gave was met with harder sucking from Serena. She was reading her body and working her mouth and fingers to provide an overload of pure pleasure. Serena could feel her fingers being gripped deep inside Christine’s canal. She was going to blow. Serena clamped her mouth even tighter over the hot twat and sucked harder. Christine let out a shriek and gripped Serena’s head and held it firm against her pussy as she exploded her orgasm into Serena’s mouth. Serena kept still and allowed Christine to use her mouth as a dildo as she rode the waves of her cum to their peak. She was panting for breath but slowly subsided into sexual sedation. Christine and Serena simultaneously sighed in satisfaction. But they wanted more.

  7. A Good day at the Office

  David had seen a very sharp looking Serena go into Christine’s office. He noticed everything. Observation was his job. He was taking his regular stroll around to check all was okay when he took the hallway that passed by Christine’s office. They were too wrapped in their own little world to notice him. The two women were clearly very happy about something and were hugging. When David walked back the other way and looked in again, they were kissing. And it was no little girly peck on the cheek. These two were making out. David’s cock instantly swelled up. There was nothing hornier for a man to watch than two hot women with their mouths on each other.

  He ducked back into his office in case they saw him but his testosterone pumped curiosity couldn’t take it. He had to see what was going on. He went to take another look. Darn! They had shut the door. He found every reason he could to loiter in the hallway. The walls and doors were thin, after all the place was downright shabby but today the flimsy office set up was working in his favor. He could hear them. With every moan that echoed through the walls his cock got harder. He imagined them with their lipsticked mouths suckling on each other’s bouncy boobs and those manicured fingernails probing into pussy. He was sweating with sexual tension. He had to find a reason to go in there.

  He was working on a situation that would give him the excuse to barge in when he saw John walking down the hall towards him. David rushed over to greet him and to get him away from Christine’s office. He didn’t know the guy that well and he had no idea how he would react to finding his wife and Serena slurping up each other’s pussies.

  John recognized the good looking young man rushing towards him. “How are you David? Great to see you again.”
  “Hi John.” The two men shook hands. David had done a lot of handyman work for Christine and John at their house for some extra cash. John had helped him and the two men would share a beer after their work. David would work with his shirt off and Christine would stare at David with open lust, but only when David wasn’t looking. “I could fuck that guy till he drops.” She once confessed to her husband.

  “I bet you could too.” John always indulged his wife. She was yearning for a sexy threesome and ever since their night with Serena their sex life, although always good, had become meteorically good. He wouldn’t mind another night with Serena and he would be open to it if Christine wanted a threesome with a guy, a guy like David.

  David had to think fast to get him away from the area but John kept walking past him. David was desperate.

  “So, John, let’s go grab a beer. It’s my lunch break.”

  “Thanks David but I want to surprise Christine. I haven’t had lunch with her for so long. I can’t wait to see her face when I open the door.” David sucked in his breath as he thought to himself, yeah you’ll be surprised alright, her face is probably buried in pussy right now.

  He had a mini fantasy about him and John breaking through the door and seeing them going down on each other and then they join in for a hot fuck session. He snapped out of it when Christine’s voice shrieked out a moan. John knew what his wife sounded like when she was having hot sex, and that was it.

  “What is going on in there?”

  David shrugged. “She and Serena are in some sort of meeting.”


  “Yeah, the new girl in accounts.”

  John’s voice went thick with interest. “Yes, I know who Serena is.”


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