Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 3

by Jordan Cramm

  The Black Cloaks did their best to shield Wolflen from attacks as well by creating a shield wall. It was their job to protect him after all, but Wolflen soon started feeling a bit boxed in, and they still had hundreds ahead of them before they would punch through the force as its lines were currently set against them. Archers from atop the wall had now refocused their attacks to aid the soldiers of the city who had begun turning their ride toward the middle of the Orc force, believing Wolflen and his group capable of doing whatever it was they were trying to do.

  Then, from somewhere off in the distance, Elven horns began blasting. Katrina recognized the sound at once, and commented saying that it was the sound of horns that were calling out the charge order.

  “But how?” Wolflen asked, “The only force here is ours and they are at the port.”

  They looked on, and off in the distance beyond the black cloud of Orcs, they could see an Elven force on foot, but Sespa was among them too. Wolflen couldn’t understand what was happening, but Sespa informed him the Paladins were ready to fight and were now advancing. Sespa too was bolting over the landscape now, and at a much faster pace than they were.

  “It’s Sespa and the Paladins, though Kesper knows how they are here,” Wolflen said as he downed another two Orcs with his swords.

  “Water-walking,” Katrina replied matter-of-factually. “It’s a Paladin spell. They must have rounded the city. Did you know they were coming that way?”

  “No,” Wolflen shouted back over the sound of clashing weapons, “I only knew Sespa was coming.

  Katrina smiled.

  “However they got here, I’ll take it!” Ayvock shouted.

  “We have to break through to them and regroup!” Wolflen yelled back.

  His plan took some time. The horn blasts from the Elves had distracted a good amount of Orcs who had turned, but the swarm near Wolflen and his party still tried pressing forward. As his Black Cloaks pushed forward, they were still fighting in formation, but now Wolflen used his magic once more to blast Orcs with lightning again. Less fell from the attack this time, but many still fell. And when he had another section clear in front of him, he darted away from the advancing wall of Black Cloaks around him. Katrina, Ayvock and Ravenshade followed quickly after. And as the Black Cloaks tried to reform their group and follow, Wolflen yelled back at them.

  “Black Cloaks fall back and protect the main gate and be ready for our return!”

  Flint wasn’t pleased with the order because it meant abandoning his duty of protecting Wolflen. Just the same though, he followed his orders and reformed his group, sending them back to the main gate where Orcs had begun closing in once more. Meanwhile, the soldiers on horseback from the city had turned to the right, trying to clear more of the Orcs out from the front of the city. Already, several of them had fallen however, and their forces were starting to thin out a bit, though they made good progress from horseback.

  So with a section of the Orc force caught between the oncoming Paladins and Sespa from the rear, and Wolflen from their frontal assault, the Orcs were losing numbers fast. Wolflen had told the others to stay behind him as much as possible while he worked his magic, because he told them he didn’t want them catching a stray bolt of lightning. Still, Orc archers targeted him relentlessly with arrows though, which was starting to severely slow his offensive capabilities, because when the others alerted him to oncoming arrows, he would pause and create shielding above them all, causing the arrows to stop and break against the glowing shields he was wielding with the War Magic. As such, his pace slowed, but it was not long before the Paladin force began to break through the section of Orcs, along with Sespa, and at last, they met in the middle of the left flank, according to the direction Wolflen was facing.

  Wolflen and his party took a moment to pause momentarily when they saw Jakarta arrive with his reinforcements. Sespa was still clearing Orcs away, and keeping them from reaching Wolflen. Ayvock and Ravenshade too seemed content to continue pressing on, fighting side by side on their own now.

  “Water walking eh?” Wolflen asked as he took some deep breaths.

  “Exactly,” Jakarta smiled as he extended his hand and shook that of Wolflen. “We saw Sespa there hit the water and we knew something was going down. The Izenians are still back at port unable to get access, but we tailed after Sespa there figuring there might be a party. Looks like we found it.”

  “How many with you?” Wolflen asked.

  “Around 300 or so. Figures I’d find you here leading a charge. I have to insist however that the Princess return to the city and stay behind its walls.”

  “Not on your life Jakarta,” Katrina barked back, catching her breath herself.

  “Thought as much,” he replied. “Well, we still have an Orc problem…”

  “Yeah we do,” Wolflen answered.

  Wolflen turned and readied his weapons once more. He found the nearest Orc and attacked. By now though, they were getting wise to his assaults and began forming their own shield wall-line, making it harder for Wolflen to strike them outright. The Paladins were still cutting through them though, and reached their archers, putting them to flight quickly. That was a critical turning point of the battle, because when those archers among the Orcs took to retreat, they crashed into the rest of the Orc line, creating chaos and confusion. With the Paladins, and Wolflen’s group hot in pursuit, not to mention the few horseback riders from the city, and Sespa, a Dire Wolf wreaking havoc as well, the battle was turning in their favor.

  It wasn’t long before the entire remaining Orcs turned and began their retreat. No one gave much chase however, having protected the city and eliminating the threat. They knew however that the Orcs might return.

  As Sespa bit off another arm, she threw an Orc to the ground and finished it swiftly before turning to find Wolflen standing with Katrina in the open. He mounted quickly and then pulled Katrina up as well with ease before turning back toward the city gates. They rode fast, charged with adrenaline and happy to have put the Orcs to flight. At the gates, the Black Cloaks were tending their own wounded and reported just a single casualty among them. Wolflen bowed his head and offered a salute with his hand over his chest, which was returned by all in kind.

  “Flint, you and your men fought well today. Now let us see if we can convince Captain Dirk to allow our brothers entry to the city.”

  Chapter 3: The City Of Elender

  Elender was busy dealing with its new guests as chimes rang out to announce the coming twilight. The bells rang out to announce six chimes on the mark, and Wolflen was busy in conference with the city governor, who was as advertised; a female woman. Her hair was short and blonde, and her face hardened as though she herself had seen a battle or two in her time. Her voice was deep and raspy, and by noting the tobacco pipe on her desk, Wolflen could guess why. He couldn’t be sure, but he guessed as much as they sat alone in her office talking across her desk.

  “I apologize again that you were so held up upon entrance to the city. Please understand we meant no offense to you or your people…just that it’s not every day we have an entire army land here, and even less often would we blindly trust one to enter the city with such numbers.”

  “I understand, and it is okay. I think it all turned out well, don’t you?”

  The governor, whose name was Sara Heverton, nodded. She had no great armor like Wolflen, and he noticed she only wore a leather chest piece and pair of leggings, and he guessed she had only adorned those things once the alarm bells began ringing in the city earlier in the day.

  “It’s true we owe you thanks...you and those that fought at your side. Captain Dirk tells me you mean us no harm and that you track a Werewolf horde. I’d say we have certainly established that you bore us no ill will upon landing, but what can you tell me of this horde?”

  “On my continent of Polithica, the Izenian army of Akartha was tracking it North. This lines up with what we have heard about plans that someone may have on this continent. We figure the
Werewolves are meant to be guardians wherever they are going.”

  “To guard what or who though?”

  “Someone named Mortican. Do you know the name?” he asked.

  Sara shuddered slightly and stood, looking out the window of her office a moment and out into the streets, where already many citizens were celebrating the recent victory at the city gates.

  “Many have heard that name, yes. But why would he come to this place?”

  “Its….complicated,” Wolflen replied, “but if you know the name then you know the danger that goes with it. As I said, the Werewolf horde was moving Northward, and we figured bound for here. On our arrival, we were surprised however to encounter the Orcs so quickly. Is that common that they attack often?” Wolflen asked.

  “No,” Sara remarked, “not really. It is most likely a result of the Dwarves and their tunneling.”

  “Yes,” Wolflen replied, “your Captain said something about that…that the Dwarves were to blame.”

  Sara nodded.

  “They dig and tunnel,” she went on, “because that is what they do. From time to time a grouping of Orcs or even Goblins are pushed to the surface, and they create havoc wherever they go once they are topside. Recently, news from the Dwarves is that they uncovered a giant network of new cave systems and that they are already encountering such creatures in the deep underground. It follows then that they are the cause of the recent Orc attacks.”

  “Where can one get to through these caverns you speak of?”

  “Well,” she remarked, “all over really. I won’t presume to tell you about these new cavern-ways, but from underground, one can travel to just about any city on this continent that resides underground, which is all except for Nazura, Isaf and Erdock. Any other city though is connected. Why?”

  “Because that might be the best way for my forces to travel, assuming we can get down there.”

  “I can show you how to do that. But I should warn you, the Dwarven culture is a bit…different than our own. They don’t much like strangers in their tunnels if you catch my drift. A large force such as yours would likely be told to travel topside. The Dwarves after all have their own armies underground. Not only that, but there are two Dwarven kings currently; Gral and Brosha.”

  “How many do you think they might allow to travel through their tunnels?”

  “Hard to say. Right now everything down there is on high alert. If you had a specific destination in mind they might allow passage, or they might demand that you stay topside. Really, you would have to speak with them about it to know for sure. They can be quite temperamental about such things. If you go below here in Elender you would have to address the assembly, which governs the Dwarves of Elender since the nearest King is Gral, and is far away.”

  Wolflen nodded and pursed his chin a moment.

  “I would like to speak with these Dwarves soon in that case, but first, I’d like your blessing to allow my troops to camp just beyond your gates and walls. I have no illusion of finding them all rooms at your inn, and most likely we haven’t the coin for it anyway. But may we camp beyond your gates as we prepare to make our next move?”

  “After hearing the reports, I’d be glad to have you and your people among us. Tell your soldiers that they may feel free to come and go within the city, trade for whatever supplies they may need, and if I can be of service, feel free to ask. You have our permission to camp beyond the gates. I am sure some in the city will still be uneasy, but I will sleep better knowing that there is an entire army between us and the next Orc attack. I should tell you though that the land beyond the gates was farmland and people did have huts there. The recent Orc problem however has left our crops destroyed and our huts likely gone as well. I don’t know how much food I can offer your people as such. I’m sorry, but if you hoped for resupply, I’m afraid ours are thin at the moment now.”

  “I think we have some with us that can help rebuild and bring crops back quickly. We travel with a few Free Mages, and I have the ear of a Ranger personally.”

  “If you could help us rebuild and replant we would be extremely grateful. We could offer you some provision in such a case.” Sara said with a smile now.

  “Consider it done. Give us a few days to get going on this, but I don’t think it will be a problem. In the meantime, I would also suggest that we further fortify this city. If I am correct that a decisive battle will be fought on this continent, then most likely, the port cities will be instrumental to that.”

  “Wise advice,” Sara said, “do you have any suggestions?”

  “I could lend 300 Izenian soldiers to add to your guard watch on the walls if you could find quarters for them within the city. Beyond that, once the crops are in and the city more fortified, I will likely be marching our force out and away from the city. We are expecting the arrival of more Elves any day…hundreds more ships. It would be good to know that they, like us, could pass through the city to get where they are going.”

  “Hundreds more ships you say?” Sara asked, her mouth now gaping open, “Kesper help us you speak of grand war then?”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “I think,” Wolflen continued, “it will be, yes. I’m a War Mage after all. Do you

  know much about the histories involving War Mages?”

  “Sorry but no. Such histories are not a thing told to us as children here

  in Elender, and I am afraid I have heard nothing about them apart from talking to you or hearing the reports from Captain Dirk. He said you were using lightning and some sort of force blast out there. He also said that arrows couldn’t touch you.”

  “Ha. I wish that were true,” Wolflen said, grabbing some of his hair and pulling it back to show the crusty blood still on his head. “But the truth is one or two got me. I’m also pretty sure I have some bruised ribs, but I don’t think anything is broken…at least I hope not.”

  “Well I hope you are okay. Thank you again for the help out there. Our city is grateful. When you are ready to visit the Dwarves of Elender, let me know and I will take you to the entrance tunnels. Meanwhile, I look forward to the regrowth of crops and assistance in fortification. If there is anything else you need in the meantime, my door is open. I think Captain Dirk will stay out of your way from now on.”

  Wolflen stood and thanked governor Heverton for the invitation. Then he left her office after bowing his head slightly. He found the leaders of his company waiting outside as he left the building where the governor made office. He nodded to them at once and with quiet understanding, they knew it had been approved that they would be permitted to camp outside the city gates. As they each stood, they looked at Wolflen, waiting for orders.

  “Ayvock, set the army to the task of making camp outside the city walls. I have promised 300 Izenians to help bolster the guard watch on their walls here, and they will be given quarters within the city. Find Captain Dirk and make those arrangements once the army begins the task of setting camp. I believe he is outside the city policing the dead and clearing away the Orc bodies. We are going to be in what was formerly farmland out there, so we will also be helping them rebuild their farmer’s huts and barns and so forth. M’lady Katrina I promised them some help with their farms, so we will need your magic as well. Ravenshade, I want you to remain inside the city for now and use your…talents to make sure we have nothing to fear from these people. Get a feel for the talk of the town. Jakarta, I’d like you and Trevel to help get the rest of our ships unloaded and get the people to encampment. Assist Ayvock as you are able. Also, ask the Free Mages to help if they can in constructing a barrier wall way beyond the city around our encampment and the new farms. Looks like we might be here for a few days at least, perhaps weeks, and I do not want to be sitting ducks for another attacking enemy. Beyond that, I was hoping maybe the two of you might take a small party as scouts and suss out where the Orcs may have made it to the surface in the first place, and either deal with the problem on site, or report back so we can figure the best way to h
andle it.”

  Jakarta nodded.

  “And you,” he asked, “what will you be doing?”

  Wolflen smiled.

  “I am going to set my own tent, which I surmise will become the command tent for our army. Then I am going to stretch my legs a little more now that we are on land, and after that, I intend to take the evening meal with your Princess here. Then privately the two of us can discuss plans for helping the city with their crops, and also find a way to resupply for the coming weeks. Everyone clear on their jobs?”

  Everyone was nodding.

  “Good. M’lady Katrina you are with me. Everyone else, let’s get to work.”

  Jakarta stepped closer to Wolflen now, clearly wanting to say a few words more privately. Wolflen straightened himself slightly as Jakarta stepped closer.

  “She told me that my student teleported off the gate wall to the ground below alone, and that in doing so, he forgot to take his helmet. That true?” Jakarta asked.

  “I suppose you already know that it is Jakarta. It was hasty I know. I will work on slowing down a bit and thinking before I act rashly.”

  Jakarta nodded but looked and watched Ayvock and Ravenshade walk off toward their tasks.

  “Hasty yes. Just as you were when you called Ravenshade out beyond the walls of Peludeen. You likely saved many lives by acting quickly here. Just don’t get so hasty that you forget to keep yourself safe. And now that I have given you the proverbial lecture….nice job out there.”

  “Thanks. I had a good teacher.”

  Jakarta slapped Wolflen on the shoulder as his own lips pressed tightly together. Then without a word, he set off too, and Trevel was not far ahead already. As Wolflen turned, he looked at Katrina and let out a deep breath. He knew there was still much to do, and he was tired already, but hoped that the evening would begin to calm down now. When he turned to her she smiled at him and stepped closer. She raised a hand toward his face and head, brushing back some of his hair to reveal the crusted blood and injury he sustained during battle.


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