Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 16

by Jordan Cramm

  “Wolflen stay with me...”

  He gulped back a hard swallow, knowing it would be the first time he saw her naked. We are married though. I mean there's no harm in it now. Besides, I've imagined such a moment for a long time. He looked back at her and nodded slowly. Then she asked him to help her with her robe and after helping her undress she got into the tub. When he saw her naked back, he felt his pulse quicken, and yet he knew this wasn't a moment for such things. Instead, she wanted him there to lean on. She wanted him to help take care of her.

  He blinked and noticed how smooth her skin was as she lowered herself in the tub. Wolflen wasn't sure what to do after that, feeling awkward and well aware that his eyes were scanning as much of her body as possible. He hoped she wouldn't take that as sexist, but he couldn't help himself.

  “I uh...”

  She could tell that he was speechless by seeing her naked for the first time, and she took that as a compliment as she began soaking in the tub. She asked him to hand her one of the wash cloths that were on the nearby small shelf, and he turned, obliging her at once. She asked for the bar of soap, which he grabbed as well. Turning back to her, he was still staring he knew, but she wasn't complaining about it, and even smiled at him slightly when she caught his gaze.

  “M'lady I...I mean,” he began, “I apologize if my stare is lingering. It's just...well this is the first time I have seen you so undressed, and it has my head spinning a bit.”

  “Wolflen its okay,” she remarked, “under different circumstances I'd have you in this tub with me. I'm still feeling a little nauseous though. Just sit with me.”

  He smiled back at her and nodded.

  “I could scrub your back if you like m'lady.”

  “That would be great.”

  Wolflen squatted down beside the tub and took the scrub cloth and lathered it with soap as Katrina leaned forward. As he gently scrubbed her back with it, she moaned softly. He knew she was stiff from their long ride, and from riding awkwardly part of the way. After he scrubbed her back, he told her to stay leaning forward, then he reached for her shoulders with both hands, doing his best to give a short massage in the moment.

  “You're the best,” Katrina said, “what would I do without you?”

  “Well you probably wouldn't be stuck underground.”

  “It's worth it. Just promise me some R&R when this is over.”

  “I'm tempted to whisk us to Peludeen tonight m'lady.”

  “But could you get us back here by morning?” she asked.

  “Theoretically yes. Now that I have been in this cavern it should be possible. I would just have to focus.”

  “I won't lie,” she remarked, “it sounds wonderful. But let's face it, we would be distracted there. Besides, how would the army with us take it if they knew we were somewhere like that when they are stuck underground. Wolflen I am grateful for the luxuries this tent provides. When the others return, it won't offer privacy, but honestly until I feel a little better I am not sure I would be up for anything too physical anyway. I just hope you don't run away on me.”

  “Run away?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she remarked, “I mean because we haven't been together like that yet. I know it’s possible here tonight, but with company in the tent, and everyone trying to get adjusted to the underground, I don't think it’s going to happen here. I just want you to know that I want to...I'm not trying to purposely put it off.”

  “M'lady you couldn't chase me away if you tried.”

  He leaned closer and kissed her gently. Admittedly it felt good even for her. She wasn't sure if she was starting to feel slightly better because they were in the tent and the atmosphere seemed more normal to her, or if it was because he was with her, or if it simply had to do with the bath she was taking. As their faces split slowly, she whispered to him that she loved him, and he returned the sentiment in kind. She caught him staring at her chest in that moment of silence between them and she grinned.

  “Wolflen...I can see you staring.”

  He grinned and nodded, at the same time kissing her again. His heart pounded as he thought about her, and she also felt a rush like a tingling that shot through her body as she kissed him back. The moment was short lived however as Wolflen heard his name called from the other room.

  He pulled free of the kiss and snapped his eyes away from the bath as he stood. He saw that Katrina was still grinning, and she told him that he should answer his visitor, but that she was going to soak in the tub for a little while longer before getting out of the bath, and as such she asked him to make sure no one else would enter the bathroom.

  “Right,” Wolflen said awkwardly, “just...yell for me if you need me.”

  “Wolflen...” Katrina said, stopping Wolflen as he was turning to leave the bathroom, “I always need you.”

  He smiled back at her and bowed his head with a smile. Then he opened the door inside the tent that separated the bathroom from the main area, and he stepped out. He shut the door behind him and saw Ayvock had returned.

  “She's in there...” Wolflen said, pointing behind himself in the direction of the bathroom as he stepped into the main room, “taking a bath I mean. Won't be free for a bit yet.”

  “Well I suppose I should be grateful then that you are still in your armor...I would have hated to interrupt something.”

  “Actually...” Wolflen grinned.

  “Oh Wolflen....Kesper's sake, put a sign on the tent or something. I mean you invited us to bunk in here and now I see what you really need is privacy, not company. I'll tell the others.”

  “No wait,” Wolflen answered quickly, “it's alright. We both agreed it would be easy enough to be in Peludeen tonight and back by morning. It would be too distracting though. We have a job to do, and we need to get it done. We've resigned ourselves to the idea that fun time will have to wait.”

  “Wolflen, I am glad that I won't have to worry about your undoubtedly strange and hilarious sexual noises while we bunk in here, but if we don't take the time for relationships, then what are we fighting for in this war?”

  Suddenly, the others returned, together. Apparently, Mage Carra had found them after they saw to the disposition of the horses, and she tasked them with helping her round up what food that they could so as to bring more back to the tent. Wolflen smiled to see what they had with them; Jakarta carried a basket filled with some fruit, Trevel had a sack with bread inside, and Ravenshade had a tray with some ribs on it; enough to be shared by them all. As for Mage Carra, she had a wheel of cheese in hand, and a small basket of fresh eggs in the other.

  “Where did you find eggs down here?” Wolflen asked.

  “Fenka offered them. Some kind of underground chicken type thing. She said they taste the same as topside eggs. I told her we were skeptical and worried that they might not agree with us, but she insisted. I thought between that and the cheese, that I could make some omelets.”

  “So ribs, fruit, bread and cheesy omelets?” Ayvock asked, “That last one seems a little out of place don't you think?”

  “Not really,” Jakarta replied in Mage Carra's defense, “because if you want breakfast food it’s all here. If you want a more traditional dinner meal it is all here too...the ribs or the omelet would be the main course, and for each to choose between.”

  “Exactly,” Mage Carra smiled, “what Jakarta said.”

  Chapter 15: Spires of Molith

  Five more days passed underground. The pace was quicker than it would have been topside, but still slowed for frequent stops to rest and for those who took ill to try and adjust. Also, the few of the main council that were underground had begun to relax a little bit, for while they found Wolflen's tent to be slightly cramped for them all, it certainly beat the alternative. After all, their own tents did not have the atmosphere his did, nor the climate control, the bath and indoor plumbing, the pantry, or all the luxuries. Ultimately, his tent was more like a mobile house in many ways. After all, on the interior there were actual
doors (and door frames to match) between rooms. The walls on the interior were solid walls, and some with shelves built in. The flooring was solid, but nearly carpeted given all the rugs in the main room.

  Of course they hadn't always been able to use the tent. At some resting places, there wasn't enough room for everyone to spread out or set up tents. But when they could, they set up his tent and camped inside, making a miserable situation just a little bit better. At last though, they came upon the great door made by the Dwarves, and as Dwarves who guided the party, they were the first to step into the sunlight above. For them, the acclimation affects were in reverse—being topside is what had effects on them. Of course as the large doors were opened and the whole column became exposed to sunlight again, many were covering their eyes. But as the column exited the underground, most were voicing their joy to not only see daylight once more, but breathe the air topside again.

  On the surface once more, many hoped that they would be camping—given time to really adjust to being on the surface of the world again. However those hopes were soon shattered. Wolflen said he would give them all a short rest, but not a whole day. He addressed the column, telling them to take brief rest, and to take a quick meal or snack, but that they would be riding quickly very soon.

  For this rest, Wolflen was the only one who set up a tent, and as had become customary, his council joined him inside with food in hand. This time around though, Katrina felt well enough to offer a proper tea service as they came, and she apologized for missing a couple underground. Everyone understood however, and told her not to fret over it. Above ground once more, Wolflen pinned his tent flaps open at the front entrance. Of course, the tent was still protected from bugs and harsh weather, and still solid as ever. The Paladin magic had seen to that detail, and they were all grateful for it now. So together they sat, eating flash-cooked flank steaks and portions of bread, and drinking tea which they had applied an invigorating cordial to, and they each admitted they were starting to feel much better after the meal.

  “This guy here,” Katrina smiled as she looked at Wolflen, “spared me from the worst of it I think.”

  “Yeah you are lucky,” Ravenshade replied, “the rest of us are riding horseback and didn't have such a smooth ride as you did...we didn't have someone cradling us in their arms as we rode like you did.”

  “What can I say,” Katrina snickered, “he spoils me. Oh I was ill sure enough, but I never lost my breakfast like you all did.”

  “Ayvock and I were equally blessed as you in that regard,” Mage Carra offered.

  “Yeah,” Ayvock remarked, “the Izenians didn't take it as hard. Seems the Elven sensibilities were suffering more underground than ours.”

  “And what exactly are you trying to say?” Ravenshade demanded.

  “Nothing. I wasn't insulting you. Just saying.”

  “Good thing we didn't bring Elves on the whole though,” Jakarta stated, “or we'd probably still be down there going at slow pace.”

  “Yes,” Trevel added, “or we would have looked for an early exit.”

  “Our element of surprise as far as we know is still in tact though. If we did it right, we will be at our destination before the enemy arrives. So after we have had a chance to find our legs up here again, I want us mounted and moving again. Once we get where we are going we can rest before battle is joined if there is time, but I want to get there first.”

  “I think,” Jakarta said, “we will all be ready to ride again. It's nice to take a moment to stretch our legs though.”

  “Yeah, but get that map out so we can take our bearings. We are good to go now.”

  “Thank you,” Wolflen replied, “each of you. I know I haven't said that very often, but I am grateful for all of your help in this. Also, when we find ourselves in the thick of battle, I have a request of each of you, and given my title among both races now you can actually consider it an order rather than a request...protect the Princess here, even if it means abandoning me to certain death.”

  “Wolflen no!...” Katrina began, but was cut off as Wolflen replied.

  “Katrina these are my orders. I want you safe. Jakarta if you have to physically drag her off the field you do it.”

  Jakarta bowed his head, knowing he was in an awkward position now, but that technically Wolflen outranked the Princess now, being a Prince himself, a War Mage, her husband, and Izenian Steward—though the Izenian part really had no bearing on it.

  “Wolflen I would not be parted from you,” Katrina replied in softer tone, “and yet you would have me dragged from combat at your side?”

  Wolflen stood, and since their meal was finished anyway, he asked everyone else if he and the Princess could have some privacy, and each of them bowed their heads and left the tent. After they were gone, Wolflen replied at last.

  “Katrina I love you more than you can possibly imagine. But if I thought me having you out there put you in danger in anyway I would be extremely undone. Further, even were nothing to happen to you, my mind will be more upon you and your welfare than it will be on the battle.”

  “Wolflen, do you honestly think I would be parted from you now? Do you think I wouldn't do everything in my power to evade Jakarta's attempts to keep me from the field and from your side?”

  “I know you would likely ditch him again as you have in the past. That's why I am asking you—pleading with you that you will leave the field if I ask you to, and not ditch his escort if it comes to that.”

  “I don't know if I can make that promise Wolflen.”

  “Please m'lady...for me.”

  “I will promise to listen to you out there. And I will promise that if it gets that bad, I will leave the field as you request, but on condition that if I insist otherwise, you will not try to fight me on that.”

  Wolflen grinned.

  “M'lady Katrina you just agreed to nothing by saying that.”

  “No,” she replied with a smile, “I agreed to listen to you if the situation gets bad. I only retain my own council when it comes to the acquiescence part.”

  Wolflen could tell that they weren't going to see eye to eye on the subject, especially since he had broached it before with no better results. They were both standing now, and close enough for him to reach his hand toward hers, which she took happily. He told her softly that he loved her and that he worried most about her, even above his own life. She told him that she was aware of that truth, and therefore it was her duty then to look after his life and safety in turn. He chuckled, and just accepted that he wasn't going to change her mind. Then he held her, throwing his arms around the small of her back and gently kissing her before they decided it was time too for them to get ready.

  Wolflen began policing the dishes on the table, and she began to help with that. He told her she could relax, but she insisted on helping. When he commented and said that royalty didn't have to do such tasks, she reminded him that they were married, and he now a Prince of the Elven people. Finally as they finished, they made sure to stow everything else in the tent to their desire before leaving it. Wolflen grabbed his helmet lastly, and put it on his head, surprising Katrina in the process. The look on her face must have been obvious surprise, because Wolflen commented about it.

  “I know,” he replied, “but if I don't put it on now, and we encounter battle more quickly than we anticipate, then I may regret it.”


  “I'm surprised you don't have one,” Wolflen remarked, “because as I previously stated, I would like you to stay safe.”

  “I've got one,” Katrina said, “but I don't wear it. It gets in the way of things. Trust me, I am better without one. Besides, I've got the shields of a War Mage with me now.”

  Wolflen nodded as they left the tent together, stepping out into the open ground. All around was prairie grass, nearly two feet tall, turned gold by the changing season. Wolflen tromped through it after collapsing his tent with magic and retrieving the stone it was housed in, and then tucking it in
to his belt pouch.

  Against the backdrop of prairie grass, his burnt orange armor looked fantastic Katrina thought. Her own emerald color armor too looked to be made for the landscape. Her lively orange hair, like windswept fire too added to the look. Wolflen admired her for a moment as she stood with the sun behind her and her hair blowing softly in the breeze, dancing parallel to the prairie grass they stood in. He thought about when he was with her as she bathed, and a thought of fancy crossed his mind.

  For the most part, everyone among them was feeling better now, having been topside for the span of nearly two chimes. They had all been allowed ample time to stretch their legs, feed their horses, and get food themselves. Now though, Wolflen got them ready to ride once more, but this time insisted that he and his council would lead the column, and that the Dwarves that were still with them would fall to the column rear.

  Gorak and Fenka were fine with that order, as it meant they would not have to be the first ones to fight off trouble if it came from ahead of the column. Plus, some of the Dwarves still were adjusting to being topside, just as the others had needed to do while they were underground. For the Dwarves it was slightly easier, but a few still felt slightly dizzy. Their cave rams, like the horses among the Izenians, were happy to have the short break though, and had happily grazed upon the prairie grass just as the horses had done.

  And so the column formed up once more, riding six riders wide. Wolflen and Katrina were in the middle of the front row, with Jakarta and Mage Carra on their right, Ayvock, Ravenshade and Trevel on their left. This time around though, their speed was faster than it had been underground. They were not at a full run, but a gentle trot was their pace. The entire column was as such, including the supply wagons which were closer to the rear but before the Dwarven portion of the column.


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