Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 19

by Jordan Cramm

  “We found one of the Elven Scouts from the other end...from the main force. He was on the edge of the desert area, and had lost his horse earlier in the day to a desert creature.”

  “Blasted bestiary is rough out here,” Jakarta nodded, “but this scout found the enemy and gave report then?”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “He said the Werewolves were two days behind us. I figure that means we can all sleep peacefully tonight anyways, barring any creature attacks out here.”

  “That's more time than we expected,” Ravenshade offered, “which might help make further preparations.”

  “Sure,” Wolflen said, “what needs doing still? Everything looks well-fortified already. We had to pass multiple barricades coming in.”

  “Well there is always more that can be done,” Ravenshade replied.

  “And the main army?” Jakarta asked, “How far behind are they?”

  Wolflen grinned.

  “You know,” he replied smugly, “I didn't ask. Huh, fancy that.”

  “Wolflen were you drinking out there today?” Katrina asked.

  “I was m'lady. Even have something to calm the nerves...”

  Wolflen set his pipe on the table and grinned. Katrina cocked her head, not totally understanding yet, but Jakarta had his own suspicions.

  “Let me guess...” Mage Carra interjected jokingly, “Pipe weed?”

  Jakarta took the pipe and lifted it to his nose. He shook his head with a slight grin when the scent confirmed the suspicion about it. Ravenshade and Mage Carra began laughing.

  “Wolflen you were supposed to be scouting—not drinking and...and smoking. What if the enemy had somehow ambushed you?” Katrina said pleadingly.

  “Well then,” Wolflen replied, “they would have been in for a beating. Don't worry sweetie, we didn't get too crazy. Just hung out a bit during a scout, and took the edge off everything is all.”

  “This is your doing isn't it Jakarta?” Katrina pressed.

  “Me? I told him to put small doses into tea from time to time as needed during training. I didn't even know he had any left. But do you Wolflen...have some left?”

  “Yep. I have almost a pound of it left, and some of it on me.”

  Mage Carra shook her head though she was smiling. Katrina's mouth just fell open slightly as she heard her husband say that. As for Jakarta, it was clear he was hoping to perhaps get some himself. So, Wolflen pulled some from a belt pouch and filled the pipe that was on the table before handing it to Jakarta.

  “You two are unbelievable,” Katrina said with a chuckle, “out here for war and smoking pipe weed together now.”

  “Well I for one,” Ravenshade replied, “would not hesitate if we truly have even a day before we have to be ready. Come on Princess, after the day we had, we have earned it.”

  “You do have a point there Raven,” Katrina remarked with a smile, “Okay Jakarta, when you are done, hand it over.”

  “As you wish your majesty...”

  The others laughed as the pipe was passed around a few times. There were also snacks at the table that they were munching on as they pressed on into the night chimes. It felt almost ironic in many ways, to be enjoying themselves while the war was but a few breaths away from reaching them. Still, they agreed that it was best to enjoy the fellowship of friends and the period of peace that came before battle.

  It wasn't long before Ravenshade excused herself though, telling the others she wanted to find Ayvock before turning in. The others at the table chided her about that, but she made no excuses. It was clear though that her relationship with Katrina too had improved, as the Princess wished her a good night, and even commented that the two of them had bonded during the hard day of working together. Katrina had found a new respect for her one-time enemy, and now called her friend.

  As for Mage Carra, after a while she too said she wanted to turn in for the night, and asked if Jakarta would walk her to her tent. Jakarta said he would be honored, and so together they both left the festivities after saying goodnight to Wolflen and Katrina.

  “I missed you,” Katrina said as they were finally alone at their table, “Ravenshade and I spent quite a bit of time talking about you...well you and Ayvock both today.”

  Wolflen smiled and turned, swinging a leg on either side of the bench so he was straddling it and facing her now. He told her he missed her too, and that he and Ayvock had talked about her and Ravenshade as well during their day. Then he leaned in, and they kissed. Realizing it was getting late, Wolflen said they too should turn in for the night. Katrina smiled and agreed, telling him that they ought to use the night of peace they had and make it count. He smiled at the idea and stood, taking her hand as they too began to walk through camp.

  “Pipe weed though?....” Katrina trailed off.

  “Yeah well, there's a shortage of cigars around here.”

  Katrina just shook her head with a smile.

  Chapter 17: By The Way, My Name Is

  Ravenshade walked through the camp with a grin on her face, her senses slightly dulled from the Pipe Weed. Still, it put her in a good mood at least, and the world seemed newly refreshed as a result. Besides, who wanted to think about the impending battle at such a time anyway, and so for her, the night was beautiful. And while the night was wearing down, and the sounds of camp followed, a few braziers and torches still burned around certain tents. As for Ayvock, his tent was a short distance from where she was, but the walk seemed to drag on, making it seem farther away. At last though, she reached his tent, and rather than just barging in, she said “knock knock” loudly, believing him to still be awake based upon the light she saw coming from the interior, which she knew was a fire brazier.

  He welcomed her into his tent at once, and stood from his bed to greet her. Her manner now was unusual however, for she didn't seem her normal stern self, but rather traipsed her hand down his face, then in a deliberate movement, ran the tips of her fingers down his back and squeezed at his butt once her hand arrived there. He could tell something was different, but he wasn't quite sure what.

  “Hey...” he began, “you must have missed me I take it?”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” Ravenshade replied, “though the Princess and I found ways to pass the time. But now you are back, and I feel frisky.”

  “I see...” Ayvock said, looking into her eyes and trying to gauge what might be the cause of her flirtatious behavior. “You feel frisky...you...the one who sometimes recoils from a kiss.”

  “Oh don't be such a downer,” Ravenshade answered, “Kiss me now if you've a mind to.”

  “I...” Ayvock stuttered, “I mean of course.”

  Ayvock gave up wondering what was causing this change of behavior and decided living in the moment was better than letting it pass him by. For all his bravado and talk of his relationship with her, the truth was they had only previously kissed on a couple occasions. He knew there was something between them, but she had always been so guarded, that her behavior now was surprising...perhaps suspicious even. He wasn't going to ask why however, though after a moment she commented that Wolflen's Pipe Weed was amazing.

  “Pipe Weed?” he asked, “Wait, have you been with Wolflen?”

  “Yep. Me, the Princess, Jakarta, Mage Carra....but I left the party early to come find you.”

  “Is that a good thing?” Ayvock asked.

  “Why wouldn't it be? Come on, you like me right? I like you too, so what's the problem?”

  “No problem,” Ayvock remarked, “you already know I have wanted you since we first bumped into each other. But before...when I try to touch you, you seem afraid or something. Now though, as you say—frisky.”

  “I promise I will tell you why later, but for now, could you just take your clothes off please?”

  Ayvock smiled and nodded. He didn't need to hear that request twice. He thought perhaps he should feel guilty for taking advantage of her, but then he remembered just how badly he wanted this moment to happen, and such thoughts overcam
e his guilty conscience. The passion between them was heavy in the room, like a weight one could feel or sense as their bodies pressed together in warm embrace. She giggled after a kiss, smiling widely, and Ayvock admitted to himself that he liked this new side of her.

  “You really are beautiful you know,” he said in a hushed whisper.

  She pressed her lips to his once more as her hands worked to undo her own armor pieces. He was happy to help with that too as they continued, and soon her breastplate was on the floor, while his own sat in the corner neatly from earlier removal. Next, she started taking off her shirt. As Ayvock reached for the clasp of her bra however, there was another visitor announcing their presence. It was Trevel, and Ayvock did not smile at the sound as he had when he heard Ravenshade outside. Their moment of passion paused, and Ayvock yelled out, asking what Trevel wanted, while saying that it was a really bad time to be interrupted. Trevel apologized for the interruption but said that Ayvock and Ravenshade both needed to get to Wolflen's tent quickly. Ayvock let out a huff before groaning “Fine, we will be there.”

  “Wolflen and Jakarta said immediately...again, sorry for the interruption,” Trevel trailed off from outside the tent.

  Ayvock just shook his head and was grumbling.

  “What in the blazes do they want?” he asked rhetorically.

  “It's okay,” Ravenshade said, “we can continue this later.”

  “I'm going to hold you to that promise you know.”

  Ravenshade nodded, and Ayvock took a half step back to really notice her. Her blue hair hung down to her shoulders, though a few spikes still covered her forehead. Her lavender skin, her sexy curves; he really was agitated now by the errand call he just received. He put a soft hand on her face and stared into her eyes a moment.

  “This timing is grum,” Ayvock commented, “and who knows what’s in Wolflen's head now to call us like this, but before we go, I want you to know that I think I am in love with you.”

  “I....” Ravenshade stuttered, “I...”

  She chose not to try and continue with words, feeling them hard to say anyway. So instead she closed the distance between them once more, kissing him in a way that told him she felt the same way about him perhaps. In his head at least, he had convinced himself that is what it meant. Then after a moment they pulled away again, and Ayvock found his sword belt in the corner of his tent and set it on after pulling his shirt back on. He decided not to put full armor on once more, and Ravenshade seemed content to do the same as him in that regard. She put her shirt back on, and then her belt with her swords, and left her breastplate on the floor before following him out of the tent.

  Outside they held hands a moment, and Ayvock said he wasn't going to bother getting Colt re-saddled and ready to ride, so he suggested they walk together. She seemed to be happy with his suggestion, and together they strode towards Wolflen's tent. Of course it didn't take long to reach even on foot, but he could help but think that the time could have been used in other ways, and he wondered if Ravenshade thought the same.

  At the command tent, they entered, seeing the tent flaps open, and the fire braziers inside burning. Wolflen and Katrina were still in their armor, as was Jakarta, and Trevel. Also present was Free Mage Carra, “King” Gorak, Fenka, and their new acquaintance Frip. Ayvock and Ravenshade were the last to arrive.

  “What's going on?” Ravenshade asked quickly.

  “Yeah what's up?” Mage Carra added.

  “I'm wondering that myself,” Wolflen replied, “as Jakarta brought Frip here and demanded we summon the rest of you. Jakarta, what is this about?”

  “It's about me,” Frip said as he sat in his chair at the main table, “and my true identity.”

  The others looked puzzled now, especially Wolflen and Ayvock, who had been the ones to bring the man to camp. Ayvock and Ravenshade took a seat at the table, watching the others as Frip went on.

  “And,” he continued, “it is somewhat to do with her...” he said as he pointed to Ravenshade.

  “What about me?” Ravenshade asked.

  “Go on,” Jakarta interjected, “tell them what you told me.”

  “Well,” Frip continued, “my name is not Frip. I am Lord Eklar Felken of the Darkened Isles. I apologize for my deception before, but it was necessary until I knew I wouldn't be attacked on site.”

  “Eklar Felken?...” Trevel said, looking the man over and standing quickly with a tomahawk in hand.

  Jakarta raised a hand to stop Trevel however and Trevel slowly sat back down. Ayvock was of a similar mind however, now agitated that this new acquaintance might intend some kind of harm against Ravenshade. So he too drew his weapon and stood, pointing it at Lord Eklar.

  “You had better get to the part where you tell us what your business here has to do with her, and you better do it fast because Jakarta has no command authority over my blade Elf!”

  Lord Eklar leaned back and raised his hands in a submissive posture, making it clear he was not going to attack. Then he began to answer as best he could.

  “As I said I am Lord Eklar of the Darkened Isles. The Elves there are mountain Elves; Elves that dwell in caves and in the mountains. My people do not always see eye to eye with the Elves of Orenty—in fact we disagree on a great many things. As such, my allegiances and loyalties sometimes land in areas that the Elves of Orenty would disapprove of. For instance, Mortican recently paid me a visit and tasked me with tracking that Night Elf down and killing her. He wanted me also to disrupt any alliance the War Mage here might develop with the Dwarves of Molith.”

  “Kesper help me,” Ayvock burned as he gripped the hilt of his sword, “I'll kill you...”

  “This is no common Elf Ayvock,” Mage Carra added, “I would be cautious in threatening him. He may be unknown to you, but he has a strong reputation elsewhere.”

  “Sit down Ayvock,” Wolflen returned, “if his head belongs on a spike we will put it there. But first, let's hear what he has to say.”

  “Yeah don't kill him yet,” King Gorak interjected, “the man's kingdom buys jewels from us all the time. I'd hate to lose the foggin business when we get to Polithica.”

  “What he has to say?” Ayvock returned, “We just heard what he has to say.”

  “Not all of it..” Lord Eklar answered.

  Ayvock shot a burning glance toward Lord Eklar and then lunged with his sword toward the man's face. In response, Wolflen quickly cast a magical shield spell, causing Ayvock to strike it, delivering some shock force back through Ayvock's own arm. At the same time, Ravenshade and Mage Carra both grabbed for Ayvock's arms to pull him back a step. This of course caught Ayvock by more surprise than the magical shielding, and he looked deeply into Ravenshade's eyes as she spoke to him.

  “I want to hear the rest of what he has to say. Please.”

  Ayvock slammed his sword back into his sheath and opened and shut his fist a few times before sitting back down with the others.

  “Fine,” he mumbled, “but don't bet this is over.”

  “So,” Lord Eklar continued once it was clear he should do so, “I was hired to do such things as I said. I won't lie, I took the job. Hard to say no to such a request from such a man. The Night Elf greatly disappointed him by not killing the War Mage here or dying in the attempt. And so, he hired me as the assassin to take out the original assassin. To be honest I gave the proposal honest consideration. But I chose instead to deliver a warning to all of you, as well as bring you information, rather than try to attempt the mission he hoped me to finish.”

  “And just what information could you have that could balance out what you just told us? What makes you think any of us at this table would allow you to walk around freely knowing what we do about you now—that you contract with Mortican, that you would come here to kill someone among our ranks?”

  “Mortican won't be coming here to Molith. He knows the Elves of Orenty are here, as is the War Mage. He knows the forces he did send here will likely fall. In our short time together,
he divulged to me the truth of what he is planning; he and many of his army from the Eloxin Isles actually are bound for Izendune. For all I know, they may already be there.”

  “Izendune?” Wolflen asked furiously.

  “The Spires on this continent are not unique. They are transportation portals, and one exists on every continent of Fengysha, including Izendune. Until recently, Mortican did not know how to activate them, but he has figured that out. Even now he presses toward the goal of activating them in such a way that the forces on the Nexulous moon would be able to travel back to Fengysha, and begin wreaking havoc. If he succeeds in getting the portal open, and some of those from the Nexulous moon do arrive on Fengysha, then we all have a problem on our hands, including my people of the Darkened Isles. That is why I dispatched my armies to Izendune before leaving for this place myself. Mortican wants you pinned down here though. His plan is to pin you all in, let you taste the fury of his Werewolf followers, only to be further harmed by losing your spirit when he begins his war, starting on the continent of Izendune. I think he chose that location because few care about the Spires there, and because they are your people Wolflen. He wants to brook no threat from a War Mage, and he will demoralize you however he can. That you and your company are all here just shows that he is a step ahead of you already. It's no secret that the armies of Orenty are here. They have to contend with the bestiary like anyone else would have to. They have to fight scores of Werewolves. Oh and if the possibility of Dwarven alliances are destroyed, and if Dwarven tempers can be turned against you, then you would all be fighting them too. Meanwhile, Mortican is free to do what he is doing, unhindered by this party.”

  “Well he hasn't fully succeeded here,” Fenka joined in, “because some of us Dwarves have already joined Wolflen's cause.”

  “Perhaps so,” Lord Eklar responded, “but what about Brosha? What about Gral? I asked around here in camp, and those parties have yet to be approached in this. And once they learn of this new Dwarven King business, they will likely be angry that this new King is given the chance to settle on Polithica. So I would recommend treading lightly with them—at least with Gral; he can be...angry at times.”


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