Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life With John F. Kennedy

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Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life With John F. Kennedy Page 38

by Caroline Kennedy

  Kraft, Joseph, 273, 282

  Kraus, Hans, 162n63, 163, 334n61

  Krishna Menon, Vengalil Krishnan, 240n17

  Krock, Arthur, 158, 307–8


  Labouisse, Henry, 320

  Lafayette, Marquis de, 230

  LaLanne, Jack, 334

  Lamar, Lucius, 61

  Landrum-Griffin bill, 64n42

  Laos, 201–2, 272

  Latin America:

  Alliance for Progress, 197n42, 273

  Brazil, 197, 309–11

  Cuba, see Cuba

  Dominican Republic, 312

  Good Neighbor policy, 200

  JFK's interest in, 197–200, 309–12

  Mexico, 197–200, 199

  Peru, 310–11

  U.S. hegemony in, 200

  Venezuela, 198, 200

  Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de, 238n12

  Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 238n10, 311n34

  Lawford, Peter, 311n34

  Lawrence, David, 246

  Lawrence, William, 323, 324

  LeMay, Curtis, 187, 266n58

  Lemnitzer, Lyman, 183, 187

  L'Enfant, Pierre, xxvii, xxviii

  Lincoln, Abraham, 130

  assassination of, 252n38

  and debates, 345n70

  funeral of, xxx

  and "what if," 251–52, 305n24

  Lincoln, Evelyn Norton, 196, 203, 332, 333, 334

  Lippmann, Walter, 324

  Little Rock, integration in, 259

  Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 198–99, 309

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 75n3, 92n27, 304n23, 305, 308–9, 325

  Loewy, Raymond, xxix

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 48n21, 343

  López Mateos, Adolfo, 197n44

  Loveless, Herschel, 121, 125

  Lovett, Robert, 114–15, 125

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 168n69, 305–7

  Luce, Henry, 168n69, 306–7

  Lynch, Pat, 9n8, 11


  MacDonald, Torbert, 9n7, 11, 33–34, 168n68

  Macmillan, Harold, 55n29, 198n46, 212–15, 249, 282–83, 288, 294

  and de Gaulle, 298–99

  Jacqueline's correspondence with, 247n29

  and nuclear disarmament, 213n73, 246, 248

  resignation of, 213n74, 246–47

  and Skybolt, 130n28, 248, 255n43, 287–90

  Madison, Dolley, xxvii

  Magna Carta, xxxi

  Mailer, Norman, 83, 179–80

  Malraux, André, 225–29, 226, 291–92, 293

  Anti-Memoirs, 227n92

  L'Espair (Man's Hope), 226n91, 227

  and Mona Lisa, 227n92, 291

  Manchester, William, The Death of a President, xiii, xxv

  Mansfield, Mike, 29n42, 277, 279

  Mao Tse-tung, 45, 187, 205

  March on Washington (1963), 259, 260

  Marlborough, John Churchill, first duke of, 42n3

  Martin, John Bartlow, 312n36

  Matthews, Herbert, 179

  Maugham, Somerset, 102

  Mboya, Tom, 83

  McCaffrey, Mary Jane, 131

  McCarran, Patrick, 10

  McCarthy, Eugene, 29n43

  McCarthy, Joseph, 62n37, 73–76

  McClellan, George, 14n14

  McClellan, John, 62n37

  McCloy, John J., 125n24, 248n32

  McConaughy, Walter, 303–4

  McCone, John, 186, 192–93, 264, 272n66

  McCormack, Edward, 10n8, 279n81

  McCormack, John, 9–10n8, 11, 279, 281

  McHugh, Godfrey, 255, 276, 289

  McMillin, Miles, 77

  McNally, Jack, 141

  McNamara, Robert S.:

  career of, 110n3

  and Cuba, 265, 266, 267, 272n66

  and Kennedy administration, 80n8, 113, 114, 120, 123, 125, 255, 313

  and Vietnam, 272

  Meader, Vaughn, 340n63

  Meany, George, 63n40

  Meet the Press (TV), 92

  Mellon, Rachel "Bunny," 212n71

  Mendès France, Pierre, 176n79

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:

  exhibition of Jacqueline's wardrobe in, xxvin2

  and Mona Lisa, 227n92

  Temple of Dendur in, xxx–xxxi

  Mexico, 197–200, 199

  Meyer, André, 175, 176, 257

  Mindszenty, Jószef Cardinal, 188

  Miss Porter's School, Connecticut, xix, 172

  Mona Lisa, U.S. exhibit of, xvii, xxx, 227n92, 228–29, 291

  Monnet, Jean, 295, 298

  Monroe, James, 142n42

  Morrissey, Francis X., 21, 95

  Morse, Wayne, 306–7n28

  Ms. magazine, xxix

  Mulkern, Patsy, 13–14

  My Daddy Is President (record), 343


  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, xvii, xxix–xxx

  National Archives of the United States, 251

  National Gallery, Washington, D.C., 227n92

  NATO, 224n90, 246, 254n41

  Nehru, B. K., 238, 303

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 198, 215, 228

  autobiography of, 245

  and Jacqueline's visit to India, 243, 244, 245, 300, 302–3

  state visit to U.S., 237–43, 241, 292–93, 300

  Neustadt, Richard, 255n43, 289

  New York Herald Tribune, 323n53

  New York Times, 323

  New York Times v. Sullivan, 124n22, 322

  Nhu, Madame (Tran Le Xuan), 305

  Nixon, Pat, 76, 149, 326

  Nixon, Richard M., xx, 134, 137, 330, 346

  debates with JFK, 66n48, 92–94, 93

  and elections, 8n5, 97, 100, 345n72

  and JFK inauguration, 150–51

  Six Crises, 181n7

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 204–5

  Nobel laureates, White House dinner for, xxx, 227n92

  Norton, Clem, 68–69


  Obama, Barack, Sr., 83n11

  O'Brien, Lawrence, 11–12, 58, 277, 279

  O'Connor, Edwin, The Last Hurrah, 22n27,


  O'Donnell, Kenneth:

  and campaigns, 11–12, 13, 58, 59

  career of, 11n11

  and Johnson administration, 272n67

  and Kennedy administration, 333

  and loyalty, 22, 281n84, 332n59

  and religion, 103–4

  and state visits, 223

  O'Leary, John "Muggsy," 293n9

  Oliva Gonzalez, Erneido, 193n32

  Onassis, Aristotle, xxix, 25n34, 219n83, 292n5

  Operation Northwoods, 183n11

  oral history:

  access to, xiv, xv, xviii

  as primary source document, xvi

  validity of, xiv–xv

  value of, xii, xxii, xxxi

  Ormsby-Gore, Alice, 229

  Ormsby-Gore, David, 213n73, 218, 246–47

  and Skybolt, 248, 255, 287–90

  socializing with, 156, 215, 229, 253–56, 293

  Ormsby-Gore, Sissy, 213, 215, 253



  Jacqueline's visit to, 243n21, 302, 302–4,

  Johnson's trip to, 274n77

  Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 303n19

  Pascal, Blaise, 102

  Paul, C. Michael, 193n31

  Pearce, Lorraine Waxman, 139, 141, 173–74

  Pearson, Drew, 59, 60n35, 61n36

  Pearson, Lester, 221n86, 222

  Penkovsky, Oleg, 192–93

  Petty, George, 205n58

  Powers, David, 22n28, 23, 142n40, 223, 272, 333

  Prado, Rosita, 311


  and campaigning, 346–47

  and chief of staff, 332n59

  and "Ex Comm," 272n66

  and get-aways, 165, 167

  and power, 276

  pressures of, xxv–xxvi, 130, 184–88, 191, 201–3, 263, 272

  and public relations, 325, 343, 344n68

  relationships po
isoned by, 175–76, 341

  Profumo scandal (Britain), 213


  Quadros, Janio, 309–10


  Radziwill, Lee Bouvier, xix, 58, 83, 142, 325

  in India and Pakistan, 215, 243, 300, 302, 304

  on Onassis yacht, 25n34, 292n5

  and social life, 22, 163, 204

  Radziwill, Prince Stanislas, 58, 83, 142, 204, 328

  Randolph, A. Philip, 260

  Raskin, Hyman, 189n23

  Rayburn, Sam, 147, 279

  Reardon, Timothy, 349

  Reconstruction, 251, 252

  Reston, James "Scotty," 30, 324

  Reuther, Walter, 193

  Rockefeller, Nelson A., 323n53, 345–46

  Romney, George, 32n50, 345n71

  Roosevelt, Eleanor:

  and FDR, xxv–xxvi

  influence of, xxvi, 80n8

  and JFK, 49n23

  and Stevenson, 80n8

  and Tractors for Freedom, 193

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 15, 49–52, 58, 173

  administration of, 51, 250n33

  and de Gaulle, 225, 291

  and Eleanor, xxv–xxvi

  fireside chats of, 50

  and first hundred days, 187–88

  and Good Neighbor policy, 200

  and Great Depression, 120n16

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 343

  and Kennedy administration, 119–20

  on Onassis yacht, 25n34

  and political campaigns, 80, 120n16

  and White House life, 126n26

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 49, 169n70

  Ross, Edmund G., 16

  Rosslyn, Anthony St. Clair-Erskine, 6th Earl of Rosslyn, 216n78

  Rostow, Walter, 220–21n86, 222, 315–16

  Rothschild family, 188n23

  Royal Highland Regiment, Scottish Black Watch, 218n81, 218

  Rubottom, Roy, 180n5

  Rusk, Dean, 112–13, 119

  career of, 110n4

  and Cuba, 182, 187, 272n66

  and Kennedy administration, 110, 113, 116, 123, 124, 125, 309

  and State Department, 303, 304, 312–14

  Russell, Bertrand, 246n25

  Russia, proposed trip to, 344, 347

  Ryan, Cornelius, The Longest Day, 96, 97


  St. Lawrence Seaway, 65

  Salinger, Pierre, 96, 147, 331–32

  Salisbury, Lord, 55n29, 213n73

  Saltonstall, Leverett, 34n56

  Sanford, Terry, 278n79

  Saxe, Maurice de, 45–46

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., xxiii

  and oral history, xii, xiii–xiv, xxi–xxii, xxiv–xxv

  A Thousand Days, xxxi, 22, 32n50

  Schlesinger, Marian, 242–43

  Scranton, William, 346n74

  Secret Service, 202

  Sedgwick, Charles, 195

  Segonzac, Adalbert de, 293n7, 295

  Selassie, Haile, 204n55, 296–97

  Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 65

  Shaw, Irwin, 227

  Shaw, Mark, 184n15

  Shepard, Tazewell, 165, 267n60

  Shikler, Aaron, xx

  Shorr, Ephraim, 16

  Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, xvii, 9n6, 117

  Shriver, Sargent, xvii, 9n6, 117, 122, 125n25

  Sidey, Hugh, 323

  Sihanouk, Prince (Cambodia), 237

  Sinatra, Frank, 148n50

  Skybolt, 130n28, 248, 255n43, 287–90

  Smathers, George, 29n39, 137n34, 280–81

  Smith, Al, 6n4

  Smith, Charles Aubrey, 221n87

  Smith, Earl E. T., 179, 180

  Smith, Florence Pritchett, 179n2

  Smith, Jean Kennedy, 13–14, 182

  Smith, Stephen E., 13n12, 182

  Sorensen, Theodore "Ted," 6–7n4, 60, 258, 279–80

  Counselor, 61n36

  death of, xvii

  and Johnson, 344n67

  Kennedy, 22, 273n73

  and political campaigns, 6, 33–34, 59n34

  and Profiles in Courage, 59–62, 114, 279

  Soviet Union:

  missiles in Cuba, see Cuba

  nuclear testing by, 245–46, 248n32

  space program of, 210n68

  Spanish Civil War, 226n91

  Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 103–5

  Stalingrad, 234

  Stassen, Harold, 273

  State Department, U.S., 312–18

  steel crisis, 256–58

  Steelworkers Union, 257n45

  Steinem, Gloria, xxix

  Stern, Isaac, 330

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 61, 252

  Stevenson, Adlai E., 115–16, 126, 271n64, 349

  and Democratic convention (1956), 3n1, 6, 9n8, 11, 30–33

  and Democratic convention (1960), 83, 84, 90

  on the Honey Fitz, 338

  and political campaigns, 6, 29n43, 55, 57, 80n8, 83

  and UN, 115, 271

  and women, 241–42

  Stimson, Henry, 113n7, 125n24

  Stockdale, Edward, 281n83

  Strategic Air Command, 187n19

  Sukarno, 205–6

  Supreme Court, U.S., 123–24, 321–22

  Sutherland, Graham, 248

  Symington, Evelyn, 29n39, 85n18

  Symington, Stuart, 29n39, 76, 85–86


  Tammany Hall, New York, 119n15

  Taylor, Edmond, 43

  Taylor, Maxwell, 45–46, 119, 183, 189, 190–91, 272n66

  Telstar, 247n30

  Temple of Dendur, xxx–xxxi

  Tey, Josephine, The Daughter of Time, 43n7

  TFX fighter plane, 348n77

  Thomas, George, 157n60, 158, 160, 333

  Thompson, Llewellyn "Tommy," 317

  Thorneycroft, Peter, 55n29, 255n43, 290

  Time-Life organization, 168n69

  Tito, Josip Broz, 300n18

  Toledano, Ralph de, 323

  Tractors for Freedom, 191–92n28, 193

  Tran Le Xuan (Madame Nhu), 305

  Travell, Janet, 17–18, 153, 161, 162, 334n61

  Trollope, Anthony, 265n56

  Truman, Bess, 207

  Truman, Harry S., 343

  administration of, 31n47, 60n35, 110n4, 115n9


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