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Checkmate Page 4

by Kris Norris

  I certainly would have, he thought. And I wouldn’t have wasted the time sleeping, he mused, remembering how warm she’d felt when he’d touched her yesterday.

  He smiled at the images that flashed before him. Kendall naked, her body spread out beneath him. He could imagine the play of her muscles as he rode her, her legs wrapped around his thighs. No doubt her grip would be firm and tight, and he knew she’d match his every move, counter every thrust. She looked like the kind of woman who could take a pounding, and still give back as much as she received.

  Her racing outfit had left little to his imagination yesterday, and it didn’t take much to picture her stripped down. Her breasts would be firm, not overly large, the nipples tinged a deep pink. They’d been puckered against her top last night, and he knew they’d be tight and hard, like rosy pebbles against her pale skin. He could almost taste their firmness on his tongue as he imagined rolling them between his teeth. He loved every part of a woman’s body, and enjoyed exploring every inch of skin with his hands and his lips.

  He held back a moan as he thought of her hips and thighs. Her legs looked strong and firm, and her hips curved out nicely from her waist. He wondered if she shaved herself bare, or if he’d find soft curls covering her vagina. The kind of hair that beaded a man’s semen into tiny pearls as it dripped from her sex.

  Whoa. Down boy!

  Dawson gave himself a mental shake. It’d been far too long since he’d been with a woman, and his hormones were getting the best of him. He made a mental note to find a new bed buddy once the case was over as he loosened some of the buttons on his shirt. The room had grown warmer, and he was having trouble focusing.

  He looked up at Kendall, trying to pick up where he’d left off. “Things could get complicated if Conner walks into the middle of this, especially if Garrick is watching the place. We need him to believe I’m your fiancé.”

  A storm of emotions swirled in Kendall’s eyes as she watched him from across the room. When she spoke, her voice was a dim whisper. “You don’t have to worry about Conner, he won’t be coming here.”

  Dawson stood up and walked over to her. For some reason knowing she had a fiancé irritated the hell out of him. “I still need his phone number, just to be sure. Regardless of how much you both may want to keep your relationship a secret, I’ve come to learn people do the most unexpected things to help those they love.”

  “You’re suggesting Conner loves me?”

  Dawson stilled, not sure if her reply had been a statement, or a question. “He’s your fiancé. That’s usually the assumption.”

  “He was my fiancé. I broke it off a month ago. I just haven’t told anyone, so I guess Garrick hasn’t found out yet.” She paused for a moment, whispering, “and he never loved me,” under her breath.

  Was that relief he was feeling? He gazed at her. She looked sad, and he wondered how any man couldn’t help but fall for the tormented soul she tried to hide.

  “Conner may still show up, if he hears about Trace from your friends.” He moved closer, touching her on the shoulders. She tensed the moment his fingers curled around her skin. They were soft and warm, and scented with a sweet, fruity fragrance.

  “He never associated with my friends. He didn’t consider them in his league. Besides, I made it extremely clear I didn’t want to see him again…ever. And compassion was never Conner’s strong suit.” She brushed her fingers against his before walking to the doorway. “Call him if you want. His number’s in the book beside the phone. Look under McCloud.” She took two more steps. “We’ll start training tomorrow, though I’m sure it won’t be necessary.”

  “I’ll keep my promise, Kendall. You can trust me.”

  “Can I?” She turned to face him this time, her eyes fixed on his. “Just don’t let me down, Dawson. I can’t lose Trace…not to Garrick. I won’t.”

  Dawson watched her leave, determination in her stride. He had to find Garrick, before the deadline. He knew nothing short of chains would be able to hold her if they didn’t find Trace in time, and he wasn’t sure even those would be strong enough. He looked at the paper she’d left lying on the table. What on earth had possessed him to sign the damn thing? Was he getting soft, or was it Kendall’s desperation? She was strong, but there was something about her that seemed vulnerable. He’d already sensed the walls she’d built around her. Walls designed to keep everyone out. And he knew she’d keep them up as long as she could. He also knew if he failed her, she’d never escape from them.

  He pulled out his phone, still lost in thought.

  “Special Agent Mitchell Stone, how can I help you?”

  “Hey, Mitchell, it’s me.”

  “Dawson. About time you checked in. How’s everything at the Walker house?”

  “Not exactly going how I’d hoped. Look, I need you to contact the U.S. Marshall Service and get some files for me…a lot of them. This kidnapping just got complicated.”

  Kendall climbed the stairs back to her room. Her legs felt heavy, and she wasn’t sure she’d make it until she crested the top step. Talking about Garrick had drained her far worse than the race the previous day. It was almost as if she’d relived every part. Felt the fear when they’d fled from one town to the next, never knowing when he’d show up. But it’d been so long since his last appearance, she’d nearly convinced herself he was dead—she’d been wrong and it might cost Trace his life.

  Stop thinking like that. You’ll get him back.

  Of course she would, as long as Dawson kept his word. She’d been hesitant to believe him, she’d been deceived before, but something in his voice seemed honest. Perhaps it was the way her body responded to him despite what her head warned. Damn, every time he touched her it felt like a part of her was softening, fighting to draw him closer. And did he have to show his chest like that? She’d all but drooled on the floor when he’d crossed the room and grabbed her shoulder.

  She cursed. She felt confused, lost, and just too damn hot when he was around her. Not to mention a whole lot of other feelings she didn’t dare delve into right now. She sighed. The man was dangerous, plain and simple, and the sooner she could concentrate on their training, the better. Trace was her only concern now.

  She stumbled to the bed, images of Dawson’s chest peeking through his white shirt still lingering in her mind. It was the kind of chest she could get into, all planes and angles. She could almost feel the sleek muscles against her fingers, twitching as she ran her fingers across his torso. His skin looked darker than hers, and she wondered what the contrast would look like.


  Kendall huffed out a large breath. Federal Agents had no right being so damn sexy, she decided. And where was his black suit and trench coat? Lord knows if his jeans fit him any better he’d have his ass plastered on a billboard somewhere. She giggled and collapsed down on the bed, certain she was losing her mind. “Must be the exhaustion,” she mumbled, closing her eyes as thoughts of Dawson followed her into the darkness.

  * * * *

  Kendall crept down the stairs. The house was quiet with only the faint light of the kitchen beckoning in the dark. She turned right at the bottom of the stairs and headed for it. She’d stayed hidden in her room most of the day, and needed something to eat before retreating back to her bed.

  “You’re up late,” Dawson said as she walked into the room.

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Jesus, Dawson, don’t scare me like that!” She put her hand to her chest and took a deep breath. “What are you still doing up?”

  “Making sure you don’t jump ship on me.”

  “Nice try, but if I wanted to escape, I wouldn’t walk through the house first.”

  “That’s why I’ve got agents watching the house from afar. I don’t want anything, or anyone, to slip past me.”

  Kendall looked out the window. The moon was almost full, casting a soft hued light across the vineyard. She glanced at the tree to the left of the porch, watching the shadowed branches flutt
er in the gentle breeze. She could still remember the warmth of Dawson’s jacket around her shoulders, and the feel of his heartbeat beneath her fingers. It was a feeling she’d like to revisit. It’d made her feel safe—he made her feel safe. “You’ve got people watching the house? I thought you said you were looking after this alone?”

  “Don’t worry. Believe it or not, this isn’t my first kidnapping. No one will know anyone’s there, not even Garrick. Despite what you think of me, I’m not completely inept.”

  “I never said you were inept… If you’re going to quote me, at least get it right. I said I didn’t think your agency would be very helpful.”

  “Isn’t that implying the same thing?”

  “You’re impossible, you know that?”

  “It’s been hinted at a few times.” He gave her body a slow sweep. “Charming outfit,” he teased.

  She tilted her head, flashing him a provocative smile. All she was wearing was a long shirt and socks. “It’s standard issue. All the prisoners are wearing it.”

  “You’re not a prisoner.”

  “Of course not. I just can’t do anything without your approval first. Nothing like prison.”

  “Now who’s impossible?” he charmed.

  “What are those?” she asked, pointing to the mountain of folders strewn across the table.

  “The files on your family.”

  “All of them? You’ve got to be joking.”

  “I only wish I were.” He let out a long sigh as he glanced back into her eyes. “Seems they kept pretty close tabs on you for a while. Especially after every incident with Garrick.”

  “I wish I’d known that before. Maybe then I wouldn’t have snuck into that male stripper bar when I was sixteen.”

  “Oh yeah, Tarzan’s Playhouse. Says you spent fifty dollars on a lap dance.” He raised one eyebrow at her. “I hope it was worth it.”

  Kendall laughed. She enjoyed his sense of humor. It was more than she’d expected. But then he’d already surprised her more than once. And that wasn’t an easy feat to achieve. “It was.” She studied him. He looked tired. No he’d passed tired several hours ago. “When’s the last time you slept?” she asked.

  “I caught a few hours last night. Why?” He flashed her a roguish smile. “You offering something?”

  She ignored the instant flash of heat that seared through her body, reviving the images she’d conjured up earlier. “Not likely. You look like shit.”

  “Do you practice these compliments, or are you just gifted?”

  “Go to sleep,” she ordered, closing the folder perched beneath his nose.

  “Thanks, but I’ll sleep when I’m done.”

  “You’re done now.” She touched his face and turned him to face her. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate, and the feel of his skin against hers sent her heart racing. “You’re not going to solve this tonight, Dawson. Cut yourself some slack. Besides, you’re going to need the rest if you’re going to keep up.”

  He stared into her eyes, his smile widening. “You know, Kendall, if I didn’t know better, I’d almost think you cared.”

  Kendall laughed as she moved back across the floor. “Don’t go getting all warm and fuzzy on me. I just don’t want you to pass out half way through.” She grabbed an apple out of the fridge. “Go to bed and we’ll start early.” She walked out, trying to ignore the exaggerated sway of her hips, and headed back to her room.

  Chapter Five

  May 15th

  “I can’t believe I agreed to this.” Dawson was standing on the back porch. He was dressed in sweats, his eyes hidden by a pair of shades. The sun was bright, but the air was still cool, and there was a thin layer of fog covering the vineyard.

  “Do you want to back out?” asked Kendall.

  “No thanks. I don’t need an excuse to convince you I’m a bastard.”

  “Good, then let’s get started.”

  She jumped off the porch and headed down a path through the center of the property. Dawson followed. She could feel his gaze on her, scrutinizing her every move, watching for any clench of her muscles, which might suggest she was preparing to run off on him. It seemed he didn’t trust her intentions any more than she did his.

  “Where are we going?” he asked, edging closer.

  “There’s a trail at the edge of the property over on the east side. It weaves through the hills, then back again. It’s a good place to start.”

  “What?” He lunged forward and grabbed her arm, halting her. “You never said we were going off the property, Kendall.”

  She shrugged, careful to keep her voice even. “You didn’t ask.”

  “This isn’t what I agreed to.”

  “You agreed to train with me, Dawson.”

  “On your property, not off in the woods.” He tightened his grip. “You’ll have to think of something else.”

  Kendall spun around, pulling her arm free. She took a quick step back. “We’re training for an adventure race, not a fun run. Look around! It’s a vineyard, not a football field. What did you think we were going to do, dart up and down the rows?” She threw up her hands, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. We can’t train here. But don’t worry. As long as you’re giving me your all, I have no reason to run off on you.”

  “That’s not what I’m afraid of.” He grabbed her arm again. “It’s not safe.”

  “It’s okay. Garrick won’t try to kill us. He wants us to play his little game, remember?”

  “Garrick is a fucking psychopath! And despite what you think, I’m not convinced he’ll merely stand around while we play adventure racer for two weeks. He’s made it quite clear he wants you, though I’m not certain why. But I’ll be damned if I’ll give him a chance to fulfill that desire.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but it’s not necessary. Besides, I assumed my safety was the reason you’re carrying a gun.” She smiled as she took a step forward, pressing her body against his. Then she slid her hands around his back, settling on a small bulge near his tailbone. “Or is this just a growth problem?” She pulled away, still smiling. “And I bet I could find a few more if I searched hard enough. Trust me. Garrick doesn’t want me like this.”

  “And just how does he want you?” he countered.

  She leveled a gaze at him. “Defeated.”

  Dawson grunted as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You don’t know what you’re asking. This goes against every instinct I have. It’s my job to protect you, and you’re making that extremely difficult.”

  She watched as he fisted his hands at his sides and shifted on his feet. She could see his agitation in his furrowed brow, and how it made the vein in his temple dance. It was clear he was accustomed to getting his way, especially when it involved his job. “I’ll make you a deal,” she said, covering the short distance between them. “You go along with this, and I promise I’ll follow every other order you bark out, no questions asked.”

  “I find it hard to believe you’d be that accommodating.”

  “Unlike Trace, I’ve come to appreciate the fine art of negotiation.” She held out her hand. “Do we have a deal?”

  Dawson stared at her, his hands still fixed at his side. “I want it in writing.”

  Kendall tried but couldn’t stop the grin from creeping into the corners of her mouth. She removed the small pack from her back and reached into one of the side pockets, removing a thin notepad. She grabbed the pencil tucked in the edge and scribbled a sentence across the paper. Then she signed it and handed it to him.

  Dawson took the paper, a sly smile on his face. He read the note aloud:

  I solemnly promise to follow every wish desired by Special Agent Dawson Cade, so long as he allows me free rein in his training.

  Kendall Walker

  “That’s going overboard just a bit, don’t you think?” He stepped forward and pressed his body into hers as she’d done moments before. “After all, you’ve promised to obey my every desire.”

  Kendall tensed.
His body was firm, and the shirt he was wearing accentuated the broadness in his shoulders. She could feel his heat seeping through her clothes. It made her feel dizzy, boneless, and for a moment, she wished he’d hold her. “I wanted you to realize how serious I am,” she replied.

  He stepped back, locking his eyes on hers. “Is it that important to you?”

  “You know it is.”

  He nodded, a deep sigh whispering across his lips. “Then lead the way.”

  She smiled, and touched him on the cheek before she turned and ran down the path.

  * * * *

  It was over an hour before Kendall finally stopped running, cresting a large crag several miles from the vineyard. Dawson skidded to a halt behind her, sweat dripping from his forehead.

  “We’ll rest here for a bit,” she said, shaking out her limbs. “Then we’ll go on to phase two.”

  “As long as phase two involves a hot tub and a cold drink, I’m with you,” said Dawson.

  “Come on, Dawson, you’re not even breathing hard. Don’t try to pretend you’re hurting.”

  “I’m not hurting, but I’m also not overjoyed knowing there’s a phase two,” he replied.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll like the next part.” She flashed him a cunning smile. “It’s far more dangerous.”

  “And here I thought Garrick was the only one who’d be trying to kill me.”

  “Hey. You were the one who volunteered. If it’d been left to me, I would’ve agreed to go it alone.”

  “Of course you would have. I’ve heard all human sacrifices do so willingly.”

  Kendall shook her head as she turned and rummaged through her pack.

  “You’re enjoying this,” he said, drawing her attention again.

  “Of course. I love being out here. It’s one of the few places I feel at home.”

  “I meant seeing me squirm.”

  “That’s just a bonus.” She tossed him an energy bar. “Best to eat something, we’ve still got a couple of hours ahead of us.”


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