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Checkmate Page 13

by Kris Norris

  “I love you, Trace.” She kissed him on the head and stood up. Her balance was edgy, and her vision blurred. She managed to take three steps forward before the world shifted and she fell.

  Garrick took one step toward her, catching her with one hand. “Now, Kendall, I didn’t realize you were so eager to have me hold you.” He laughed, raising her in front of him. He removed a knife from his pocket, brandishing it in front of her neck.

  Dawson lunged forward, only to stop as Garrick placed the blade against her skin.

  “That wouldn’t be a very good idea, Dawson. I think you’ve come to realize I’m not the sort of man who bluffs. Now get Trace and leave.”

  “I rather kill us all than leave her here with you.”

  “How noble. But I’m afraid your sense of honor won’t help you here.” He removed the knife from her throat and placed it behind her back, holding her across the chest with his other hand. “It would appear you need more motivation.”

  Kendall screamed as the knife pierced her clothes and buried an inch into her flesh. She stiffened, grabbing Garrick’s arm. “What are you doing?” She fought to breathe as the pain ignited deep inside, spreading through her body.

  “Kendall!” Dawson drew his gun, pointing it at Garrick’s head.

  “Go ahead, Dawson. Shoot me if you wish. But even if you can somehow prevent the explosion, Kendall will die. No matter how I fall, the knife will kill her. So perhaps you should decide now, before I push it in another inch.” He wiggled it.

  Kendall cried out, gasping for air. She started to sob. “Please, Dawson, just get Trace out.” She tightened her grip on Garrick’s arm.

  “Dammit, Garrick, stop this!” He lowered his gun. “I’ll take Trace. Just don’t hurt her.”

  Garrick smiled. “I had a feeling you’d see it my way.”

  Kendall watched as Dawson picked Trace up across his shoulders and headed for the stairs.

  “And don’t think about coming back,” said Garrick. “I’ve rigged the doors as well as the floor. And I doubt you’ll get as lucky as last night.”

  “Enjoy your success while you have it, Garrick, ‘cause it won’t be for long. And if you hurt her, I’ll make sure you die…slowly.” Dawson smiled at the man and disappeared up the stairs, Trace draped across his back.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Garrick laughed, easing the knife from Kendall’s back.

  She screamed again, collapsing in his arms. She felt cold and her body was shaking. She mumbled Dawson’s name as she drifted toward unconsciousness.

  Garrick shook her. “Come on, Kendall, don’t pass out on me yet. We still have some unfinished business.” He lifted her up, slamming her against the wall. She groaned, but didn’t resist. “That’s better.” He reached up caressing her face. “I’ve waited a long time for this day. I’ll admit, I wasn’t convinced you’d go through with it, even with Trace’s life on the line.”

  “I told you I’d keep my promise,” she hissed, not able to conceal the pain in her voice. The wound burned, and it felt as if the knife was still lodged inside. She shifted her shoulders, trying to numb the pain. “Must you be so rough? The pain’s so bad I doubt I can stand up. I hardly think I’m a threat to you.”

  “I know you better than that. Even in your condition you’re worth the continued vigilance. But first, I owe you something.”

  She didn’t even have time to flinch before he struck her across the face, knocking her to the ground. She skidded across the wooden floor, stopping in a mangled heap.

  “I told you not to get the Feds involved.” He walked toward her, his fists clenched at his sides. “And you lied to me, Kendall. Every time you talked about Dawson you were lying to me. Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out? Find out who he was, and that you broke the engagement?” He bent down over her. “Don’t make that mistake again.”

  He picked her back up, smiling at the welt she felt forming on her cheek, and dragged her over to the computer. “I understand you’ve taken quite a liking to Dawson. Maybe it was him who made you scream after all.” He laughed, crushing her against him. “Now let’s see what lover boy’s up to.” He scanned through several screens. “How unexpected. The car appears to be gone. Could he actually be trying to save your brother? I was sure he’d mount an immediate rescue. Perhaps he’s smarter than I gave him credit for. Well, it matters not.” He turned back to her. “Now how would you like to go somewhere more conducive to what I have in mind?”

  She blinked back the tears. “Where?”

  “It’s a surprise. But I’m sure you’ll like it.”

  “So you’re not going to kill me?”

  Garrick grinned a crooked smile, once again caressing her face. “Killing you was never what I intended to do. You know that. I’ll get more satisfaction with you alive.” He moved closer, pinning her between the wall and his chest. “Do you know how long I’ve dreamt of this moment? How many times I’ve imagined how it would be between us? I already know what I want from you. Would you like me to tell you?”

  “What’s there to tell? You want to fuck me.”

  Garrick laughed. “That’s not how I would’ve phrased it, but you have the essentials correct. But make no mistake. I plan on doing much more than just fucking you.”

  He moved back, smiling as she took a labored breath. The room flip-flopped and she wasn’t sure how long she could hold on. “I’m not feeling very well. I don’t suppose you’d let me rest for a while?”

  “Why, of course, my dear. As I’ve told you already. I’m not without compassion.” He pulled the chair out from the desk and motioned to it, holding her left arm as she sagged into it. “This will give us a chance to chat.”

  “Chat? I wasn’t aware there was anything to talk about.”

  “Now that’s where you’re wrong. There are a few things I wanted to ask you.” He released her arm, leaning back against the wall. “Tell me, do you remember how long your father worked for me?”


  “That isn’t an answer, Kendall.”

  She tensed. His eyes had darkened and his tone had changed. “I don’t remember. I think it was a year or two.”

  “Oh no. He was part of my organization for five years. Five years I took care of him and your family. And do you know how long your mother and I were lovers?” he asked, narrowing his gaze.

  “The letters said several months.”

  “Yes, they did. They told you exactly what I wanted you to believe.” He smiled at her astonishment. “Oh, they were real. I just altered the dates. I seduced your mother the very first time I saw her. It was only three months after your father joined my team. They were at the casino for a banquet, and I made love to her in the back room. She hated having to stay quiet. She liked to express herself.” He paused as he traced his upper lip with his tongue. “I hope you’ll be the same.”

  “What makes you think I’ll be anything like her?”

  “Don’t be coy with me, my dear. You’re more like her than you think…the same fiery spirit, the same stubbornness. You could be her twin, and not just because of your looks. About the only difference was your mother’s good sense to submit to my dominance. She liked it when I took control. And I always take control in the bedroom.” He flashed her a wicked smile. “But I’m certain I can tame you with time.”

  He shifted over to the desk, clicking through the screens again. “Looks like the cavalry took the day off. Perhaps we’ll have some time to play after all.” He glanced back over at her. “Tell me, did Dawson enjoy fucking you?”

  “We aren’t lovers,” she rasped.

  “Don’t lie to me. I saw the way you looked at him. And I know when a man wants a woman. He was eating you with his gaze.” His expression hardened. “Now tell me the truth. Did he fuck you? Eat that pretty silken flesh of yours?”



  “I’m not lying. Dawson never touched me, not like you’re suggesting.”

d. Then I won’t have to correct anything he might have taught you.” He straightened and moved back over to her. “I think you’ve rested enough.” He reached down and pulled her up, pressing her against the wall. “Time to hold true to your word. As I recall, you promised to be willing.”

  Kendall backpedaled. She needed to buy more time. She pressed her right arm against her thigh, insuring the small knife she’d stashed in her sleeve was still accessible. But she couldn’t use it unless she was confident of the outcome. Anything less would only make Garrick more irate. And she shivered at the thought of that. She panicked, saying the first thing that entered her mind. “Aren’t you nervous about the Feds? I suspect they’ll be here any minute.”

  “The Feds are of no concern to me. Dawson is the only one worthy of my time. But since he seems to be preoccupied with your brother, I think we’ve got a few minutes to spare.” He moved closer. “Now why don’t you show me just how willing you can be?”

  * * * *

  Dawson crept through the trees, watching the camera off to his right. It was sweeping the area, panning back and forth through the brush. He stopped as it swung toward him, crouching behind a large rock. He counted to three, slipped out and darted across the dirt road, careful not to kick up a cloud of dust as he jumped into the ditch, pressing his body tight against the side. He glanced at his watch.

  “Damn.” He needed to find another way in, and fast. He knew Garrick too well. The man wouldn’t have just one exit. But time was running out. He couldn’t leave Kendall alone with the bastard for too long, not when he knew what the man wanted from her.

  “Over my dead body,” he hissed. Kendall was his, a fact this ‘race’ of Garrick’s had made quite apparent. And he’d be damned if he’d allow another man to touch her. He was going to be her next lover, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  He cursed, remembering how warm and soft her skin had felt beneath his fingers. It reminded him of smooth velvet, and he couldn’t wait to taste every inch of it with his tongue. He’d only had the chance to feel her nipple in his mouth. And while he’d loved every moment of twirling the tight bud against his teeth, he needed to taste her. To lick every drop of cream from her body. She’d smelt sweet and earthy, like berries and rain. The scent was fused into his mind, and he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he could lick his lips and still taste her honey on his tongue.

  You have to save her first, hot shot.

  He scrubbed his hand across his face. He was running out of ideas. He’d searched almost every venue, but had come up empty. This was his last hope.

  He inched down the gulley, hugging the dirt, keeping his head below the rim. He’d taken a chance crossing the road. Garrick had cameras mounted on several trees, and more than one was aimed this way. While he hoped that meant he was heading in the right direction, he couldn’t afford to get spotted. Kendall’s life depended on it.

  I won’t let you down.

  He’d promised her that in the car, and he had no intentions of disappointing her. He took two more steps then stopped, ducking below the lens of the small camera just as it turned toward him. He stayed low, out of its range until it panned back to the other side. He held his breath, stepping sideways, searching for the door he knew was hidden amidst the dirt. He smiled when his fingers wrapped around a small handle. There’d be other security measures, but he’d take care of those.

  “She’d better be okay, Garrick. Or I swear I’ll make you suffer before I kill you.”

  * * * *

  “Dammit,” cursed Garrick. “You’re too tight like this, Kendall. Either wrap your legs around my waist, or I’ll stick the knife back in.” He motioned toward the chair Trace had been chained to. “And if that isn’t enough, I’ll chain you up and take you by force.”

  “Please. Can’t you wait?” she begged, slumping against the wall.

  “You said you’d be willing, and I’ve waited long enough already. Now open up.” He grabbed her leg, hoisting it around his waist. The sudden shift in balance threw her against him, her forehead pressed to his shoulder. “For God’s sake, stop leaning…” He stopped, his gaze meeting hers. “Kendall?” He pulled her against his chest, a harsh curse rumbling in the air.

  “What?” The world swayed as Garrick lowered her leg, still bracing her weight. She thought she asked him to stop again, but the words were all jumbled in her head. She was going to pass out.

  “Bloody hell.” He pulled up his pants, grabbing hers off the floor, shifting her legs until he could ease the fabric over her hips. “It would appear I’ve been too zealous with the knife. You’re losing blood at a somewhat alarming rate, which means I’ll have to finish this later. I wouldn’t want you to die before I’ve shown you everything, and I don’t think you’d last long enough in your current condition if I continued.” He grinned at her. “You surprised me, Kendall. I didn’t think you’d be so easy to tame.”

  Kendall sagged in his arms, her body trembling. Her tears dampened his shirt as she fought to draw a ragged breath. “May I please sit down?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get plenty of rest.” He reached into the desk beside him, removing a syringe.

  “What do you plan on doing with that?” she asked, trying to steady herself against his arm.

  “I’m not a fool. You may be willing, but you still can’t be trusted. This will make everything easier.”

  Kendall felt the heat rise inside her, and the room dip and sway, as she watched him purge some clear fluid from the tip. “No, please. I won’t try anything.” She squirmed against his hold. “I promise, just please, no drugs.”

  Garrick smiled. “Is that fear I hear in your voice? How unexpected.”

  She tried to lunge to the side. “Oh God, Garrick, no. Please. No drugs, I can’t—”

  “The more you resist the worse this will get,” he interrupted. He placed the needle on her arm, sliding the tip under her skin, when something flickered across the screen. He looked away. “What the…?”

  “Die!” she screamed.

  Garrick turned just as she slipped a knife out of her right sleeve, the metal flashing in the dim light, and plunged the blade deep into the top of his shoulder. He cried out, slapping her across the face, once again knocking her to the floor. He took two steps back, yanking the knife out.

  He stared at the blood covering the blade and laughed. “Now that’s more like the Kendall I’ve come to love.” He sauntered back over to her. “I knew you were being far too obliging. And here I was beginning to think we’d only get to use restraints for fun.” He bent down, shoving the needle in her arm. “Sorry, but you’ll have to do better than that. You belong to me, and you always will.”

  Kendall kicked at him, tearing her arm away. Then she crawled back along the floor, swaying as the serum washed over her. She collapsed.

  Garrick glanced back at the screen. There were agents swarming the grounds, trying to find a way in. “Fools.” He pressed a button on the computer. A timer appeared on the screen, counting backward. He knelt down and yanked up her shirt, taping a bandage across the still oozing wound. He needed to slow the bleeding until he could stitch it. Then he lifted her over his shoulder and headed to the back. He smiled and opened the panel. There, waiting in the shadows, was Dawson.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dawson charged the open space, catching Garrick across the chest. Garrick tumbled backward, rolling off Kendall’s limp body and onto his feet with more grace and agility than Dawson had expected. He needed to end this, before Garrick had a chance to spring any traps he had waiting.

  Garrick smiled, flinging the knife Kendall had stabbed him with across the room, slicing Dawson’s arm as he dodged to his right. “You’re far more persistent than I gave you credit for, Dawson. I’ll quite enjoy killing you.” He reached behind his back, but got knocked to the floor as Dawson dove at his chest.

  “You’re the one who’s going to die, Garrick,” he snarled, punching him in the face, his legs straddling
Garrick’s waist.

  Garrick took two hits to his jaw before lifting his pelvis and tossing Dawson over his shoulder. Then he rolled to his feet, grabbing Kendall from the floor. “I thought you knew better than to provoke me, Dawson.” He placed the muzzle of his gun at Kendall’s head. “You know I’ll kill her.”

  “I don’t think you will,” said Dawson, his gun fixed on Garrick. “If killing her was all you wanted, you would’ve done it already. But you want more from her, and she needs to be alive to give it to you.”

  “You think you’re so clever. That you’ve got this all figured out. But you’re wrong. I’m always one step ahead.” Garrick smiled, tossing Kendall at Dawson as he dove for the open panel.

  Dawson lunged forward, catching her as she brushed the floor. He rolled to his left, lining Garrick up just as the timer hit zero, shattering the floor around him into a sea of wooden spikes. One pierced his shirt, grazing his back as he rolled across the exploding floor, trying to reach the far wall. Another cut a line across his ribs, slicing Kendall’s side before it ricocheted off the wall. He tightened his hold and kept rolling, taking refuge near the back panel. More of the room shattered as he pushed Kendall against the wall, covering her body with his. Then he closed his eyes and waited for silence.

  * * * *

  “Dawson, can you hear me?” Mitchell waded through the debris, plodding his way up the tunnel. He’d followed Dawson’s instructions, waiting in the woods by the car before driving Trace to the ambulance at the main gate. It’d taken him just over twenty minutes, but by the time he’d made his way back to the tunnel, the bomb had already detonated.

  “Dawson! Come on, buddy, answer me.” He took another step, tripping over a large lump. He looked down, his chest tight. The man was lying face down, but he could tell by the color of his hair it was Garrick. He checked for a pulse. “So you’re still alive,” he snarled. “That’s better than you deserve. You’d better hope Dawson faired as well, or everyone will think you died in here.”


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