Calder Witch Boxset (Paranormal Vampire Romance): Books 1-4

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Calder Witch Boxset (Paranormal Vampire Romance): Books 1-4 Page 5

by Martha Woods

  “Kristian wanted to die. The two of us spent seven days and nights in the house. He was in bed most of the time, in terrible pain. I told him I would go find a man, someone that no one would come looking for, someone no good to the world. He didn’t want that. I offered him a rabbit I caught in the forest. He gladly took the rabbit, but it was not human blood. It helped to sate him for a short time but after that the pain returned with a vengeance. He’d shake, sweat, scream. It got so bad I gagged him so the neighbors wouldn’t hear. So many times, he begged me to go away. I refused. I promised I’d be with him to the bitter end, just as we were when our parents were on their death beds.

  “That last night was a full moon. I remember because we were sitting on the floor of his bedroom, and there was nothing but the glow of the moon illuminating it. He had laid his head on my shoulder and I told of him of my awful marriage. And I told him then he should drink from me and be done with it. I had nothing to return home to. We would have each other if nothing else. Eventually, I got up and got a knife, and made a cut on my neck. Once he smelled the blood, starved as he was, he was not able to resist.”

  “Thank you for telling me.” Tessa wasn’t sure what else she should say to a story like that. Her mouth felt dry.

  Veronica gave her a small smile. “I want you to realize what he’s been through. This business with the Calder is a mess. I don’t know if you’re really the one they’re looking for. It could be they just figured you’re close to him, and hurting people in your life will get a rise out of him. I really don’t know. If I were you, I would consider doing the smart thing and get out of here. Before you get in any deeper with my brother, or these people decide to really make you into their target.”

  “Veronica!” Kristian called.

  He was only a foot away from them. This time Tessa managed not to jump. Being around these vampires was certainly a test on her ability to keep a poker face and look calm at all times. She pushed back from the table and made an excuse about wanting a nap after the trying day she had. Tessa could see the truth of her statement in Veronica’s weary eyes. No one had to tell her Kristian wanted to talk to his sister alone. He was fuming, eyes wide and hands trembling. It was not a conversation she wanted to partake in.

  * * *

  Tessa searched in her purse and found a half empty bottle of pain relievers. She thanked God she had a few left. She didn’t get headaches often, but when she did they could get bad quickly. A quick shower helped dispel the tenseness in her muscles. A t-shirt from Kristian’s dresser would have to do. She lay down on the bed, luxuriating in the softness of the mattress, running her fingers over the lines of gold embroidery.

  She tried her best to block out thoughts of her foster parents’ violent end. There had been many times over the years she wished them both dead for what they did to her. Now that they were gone, she realized that was never true. She only wanted them to care for her. But like her real parents, it was beyond their ability.

  Sleep didn’t come easily, but once she slipped into unconsciousness, the dream came quickly.

  Tessa was back at the street faire, but she wasn’t sitting in a booth. Instead, she was walking around, browsing the wares of other merchants.

  This faire was larger, brighter, and louder than ones she had been to lately. There were jugglers and musicians, all dressed in vibrant, jarring colors. An artist drew sketches in coal, charging five bucks a drawing. A man played the steel drums, a cheerful song that nagged at the edges of Tessa’s memory. He smiled at her as she passed, pearly white teeth gleaming. The closer she came, the more the world seemed to tilt beneath her. It wasn’t until she got close to him that she realized he didn’t have any eyes. The skin beneath his eyebrows were perfectly smooth.

  Tessa clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming, her steps fumbling as she turned away.

  Drawn like a magnet, Tessa found her feet leading her to a booth heaped with rare books. The woman behind the table smiled demurely.

  “Do you know what you’re looking for?” the woman asked her. She was a lady in her mid to late sixties with smooth ivory skin and a blush to her cheeks. Her long, silver hair was plaited into a single French braid that reached her waist.

  “No, just looking,” Tessa replied as her hand hovered over the fabric covers.

  “I think this may be helpful,” the woman replied, placing a red book in her hands. Tessa traced the pretty script across the cover until she realized that it was her own name.

  She opened it, flipping through the pages from back to front. They were blank. Then, the pages began to bleed with black ink. She watched in amazement as she saw the pages being filled with writing, the same loopy writing that covered the front. She dropped the thing to the ground as if it burned her.

  “Get this shit away from me!” Tessa screamed.

  “Oh, but I think that you might find that you need it, darling,” the woman replied. “Look at your hands.”

  Tessa had not picked it up, and it had not been passed back to her, but somehow, she was holding the book again.

  “You need every word,” the woman said. Her eyes turned black. “Go now.”

  Tessa ran. She flung the book into a trash can as she did. The thud echoing in her ears made her panic cede, if only a little. Eventually, she looked around, pausing to catch her breath.

  She was back at the entrance of the faire.

  A backpack hung from her left shoulder. When she opened the bag, the only thing inside was the book.

  An empty table awaited her, with her fake crystal ball sitting in the middle. A crack ran down the center of it. Tessa found herself studying the crack as she took her seat at the booth. No sooner had she sat, she was approached by a potential customer.

  “Good morning,” she said. “I wonder if you can help me. You can hear me, of course, can’t you?”

  “Yes,” Tessa said, “of course.”

  The woman nodded. It was only then that Tessa realized the woman was not speaking aloud. Not once had she ever moved her lips. She had blonde hair and eyes which had turned black, just like those of the book dealer. Reaching forward to touch her with long, thin fingers, she squeezed Tessa’s wrist. “Who are you?” she questioned. “Is it that you don’t know, or you just don’t want to?”

  She jolted awake in bed.

  Kristian was standing a few feet away, giving her a look of concern. “Are you okay? I heard you screaming.”

  “Yeah,” she said, putting her palm over her heart, as if she could calm the frantic beating that pounding in her chest.

  “Nightmare?” he asked. He sat down on the bed and rubbed her back, moving his hand in slow circles. Something about his cool touch was calming.

  “I don’t have them often, but this one was… wrong.”

  “What was it about?”

  “Nothing…craziness,” Tessa said. She tried to smile but Kristian seemed unconvinced. “Do vampires have nightmares?” she asked, averting the subject.

  “I know some who claim they do. I, personally, haven’t experienced any since my human life ended.”

  “Do you ever miss it? The old life?”

  “Some things about it perhaps, but not really. I do miss some of the people I left behind, I suppose.” His voice trailed off, then he worked his lips into a smile. “I think that I may miss food quite a lot, actually.”

  Tessa nodded. It was sad, but her experience bore out his words. She decided it was best to change the conversation “What happened with Veronica?” she asked.

  “I had a talk with her about her need to respect you. It’s been a long while since I have had anyone in my life, and living here in the house. She needed reminding.”

  “How much of our conversation did you hear?”

  “Enough to know she told you it was a good idea for you to leave.”

  “What if it is?” Tessa countered.

  “All we know for sure is the Calder will destroy any vampires they come in contact with, and my family has been
hunted for many years. They hurt your family. My bet is you’ll be safer with us than on your own. If you wanted to leave, it would be your choice, but I wouldn’t want you to feel pushed into it. For my part? I want you to stay.”

  “I don’t think I have much of a choice,” Tessa said. “Because I want to stay with you.”

  She hadn’t meant to say it but the words slipped from her lips effortlessly. And now that she had spoken them, it made everything real.

  Kristian’s eyes sparkled.

  Tessa found herself leaning into him. Her own worries crowded her mind, but she pushed them back. All she wanted was this one moment. Her hand rose, fingers grazing the cool skin of his cheek. Cradling the back of her neck with his hand, he brought her to him. Their lips met and, at first, he was gentle. It was the kiss he’d promised her when he first asked her to come with them. Tessa pressed into him, nibbling at his lower lip. She ran her fingers through his hair. He growled into her mouth, jerking her into his body.

  And his phone rang.

  With a guttural growl, he parted from Tessa and answered his phone.

  “We’ve got company,” he told her.

  * * *

  “Well, you didn’t think I’d leave town without my reinforcements being in place, did you?” Ally said. “That would be highly unprofessional of me.”

  Veronica and Ally were in the living room when Tessa and Kristian came downstairs. The unease between the two women was obvious from their body language. Ally stood with her arms crossed over her chest, while Veronica used her height to lean over the other vampire, hands on hips, trying to look intimidating. Tessa had to hold back her laughter when she caught each woman’s thoughts towards each other. And at the moment their thoughts were almost entirely grumbling profanity.

  Ally was not moving and she was not at all intimidated. There were four men standing behind her—vampires—and they were obviously awaiting her orders.

  Tessa couldn’t help but stare. They were all fine specimens of men: tall, lean, and hard bodied. There was a long-haired blond, a brunette with short, wavy hair, a black man with a shaved head and goatee, and a pale skinned redhead with a buzz cut.

  “I just got a lead on a witch that I’m going to follow up on myself. I am leaving you with some of my best, so I am certain there won’t be any problems. This is Jared and Trevor,” she said, indicating the man with the goatee and the redhead respectively. “This is Ryan.” She pointed to the long-haired blond. “And of course, everyone except Tessa remembers Morgan.”

  Morgan was the dark-haired man. He had full, kissable lips and long lashes covering shockingly blue eyes that locked onto Veronica. Tessa was flooded with a flash of memories between Morgan and Veronica, all passionate and erotic in nature. Tessa was used to hearing other people’s intimate thoughts and seeing the images associated with them. Rarely were the thoughts from one couple so passionate at the same time. Tessa cleared her throat, trying to dispel the sexual tension, and immediately regretted it.

  Ally smirked, shifting from one foot to the other. “Boys, meet Tessa. She is Kristian’s human plaything of the week. She’s got this nifty gift that allows her to crawl into your heads and hear what you’re thinking. Be careful not to embarrass yourself in front of the human.”

  Morgan’s eyes snapped to Ally and then to Tessa. His full lips twisted into a hard scowl.

  “Way to make everyone comfortable, Ally,” Tessa snapped. “First of all, I’m no one’s fucking plaything. Got it? Second of all, I’m not reading anyone on purpose.”

  “I somehow doubt that,” Morgan said.

  “Well if you didn’t think with your cock first then you wouldn’t be so defensive.” Tessa replied, turning her glare up to him.

  A house with six vampires, two of them with unresolved romantic issues, one that she could turn into a fiery romance, and everyone scrambling to protect the household against vicious witches. This should be great, Tessa thought.

  Part There

  Tessa went to bed alone that night. Her mind reeled with thoughts of the Calder, her foster parent’s death, and the impending doom she could see on the horizon. Was she safe here? Or would the Calder find her here, killing her newfound family?


  Kristian and Veronica had grown on her, their lives easily blending until Tessa could no longer see the seams. She thought of her life before, ever moving from place to place. She loved the open road, loved seeing the sun rise over mountains and forests. But, the Calder had been right behind her. Kristian had been right, she’d only been a few steps away from death on her own.

  Tessa bit down on her lip, trying to chase away the thoughts that plagued her. Instead, she turned her mind to the kiss they’d shared on this very bed. She’d wanted so much more and the realization startled her. It hadn’t been his thought. That was her own.

  Her feet moved of their own accord, pulling her from the guest suite bed. Despite being full of male vampires, the house was surprisingly quiet. She could hear their murmuring thoughts, but they were nowhere to be seen Tessa padded through the kitchen, wearing nothing more than one of Kristian’s oversized t-shirts. She crept into the pantry, closing the door gently behind her before turning to find the secret latch. It popped beneath her finger and the shelf swung open to reveal a dark stairwell.

  She hesitated on the precipice, Veronica’s warning echoing through her. Was this a road that she was prepared to walk? Would it lead her on the path to becoming like him? She could feel the memory of his lips against hers, the press of his hands on her hips.

  Finally, she swallowed hard and pushed the secret door closed. Maybe she wanted him physically, but she wasn’t ready to give more than that. Tessa turned around, letting herself out of the pantry, and came face to face with Veronica.

  She froze to the spot.

  The vampire sat on a stool at the granite counter, hunched over a coffee mug. Tessa knew that it wasn’t coffee. Veronica spared her a look before throwing back the contents of her mug. She pushed off the stool and sauntered over to where Tessa stood.

  “Don’t drag him behind you. His heart has been put through the shredder enough times. If you break his heart and he… greets the sun, then I swear I will not stop until you’re dead. That said, I like you, Tessa. If you have the balls take Ally head on as a human, I think you fit right in.

  “You need to make a decision. Either get out of here before he becomes too attached, or give it your all.” With her piece said, Veronica pushed past Tessa, quickly disappearing into the house.

  * * *

  In the early hours of the morning, Tessa rose from bed to get a glass of water. Her sleep had been fitful after her trek downstairs. Veronica’s words were at war with the desire she couldn’t hold back. She imagined laying him back against the black comforter, his ivory skin cool beneath her hands. In her mind, she imagined running her hands down his muscled thighs as her head dipped to kiss the skin above his groin. Would he groan at her touch? As she gulped down the water, she wasn’t sure when the last time was that water was this pleasing to her parched throat.

  As she set her glass down in the sink, she saw that the secret door to Kristian’s apartment was open. Chewing her lip, she decided that she was lonely. Downstairs, Kristian sat on the leather couch, oversized mug in hand. For a moment, Tessa wondered if they drank from the opaque mugs so that she didn’t have to see their contents.

  She moved to sit beside him on the plush couch, her bare thigh grazing his. A soft smile touched his lips as she leaned into him. She felt Kristian’s hand on her lower back, gently tracing her scars with his fingertips.

  “A little of my blood would heal that, if you would allow me,” he said.

  She looked at him over her shoulder, brushing back her hair.

  “That wouldn’t…um…make me a vampire? Since you have drank from me already?”

  “No, darling,” he said. “You would need to drink some of my blood for that to happen.”

  “Well. I guess t
he movies got something right,” Tessa replied.

  “Indeed,” Kristian said softly. “You haven’t answered my question.”

  His fingertips still played against her skin, distracting her. “I don’t know. I have had them so long, I’ve sort of learned to live with them. I just don’t wear anything backless. Or bikinis, for that matter.”

  “There are many things I will never understand. Cruelty to children in one of them. I abhorred it in my lifetime and I’m ashamed to see that it has not abated in the long years since I turned. Whatever could you have done to make them act in such a way means little. I can’t say that I am too worried about your foster parents being gone from the planet.”

  “Part of me feels that way,” Tessa admitted. “Another part of me doesn’t. It’s a mixed bag of emotions. I mean, shouldn’t life be sacred?”

  “What was your life like before, with your birth parents? Before they sent you away?” he asked.

  Tessa sighed. She never talked about these things with anyone. Instinctively, she’d always known that one day, a man would want to be close enough to her to know about all the dark parts of her life. Perhaps she would even feel the need to tell him. But she’d only half believed it would ever happen. It was easier to imagine her life would always be on the road, no explanations required and no one to answer to. She should have known the safety of her nomadic existence couldn’t last forever. At least she knew Kristian would not judge her.

  “I don’t have a lot of memories of my early childhood. I remember being small and feeling secure with my family. But those years between five and thirteen? Almost nothing.”

  “But they were good to you?” Kristian asked. “Before they sent you away, they didn’t hurt you?”

  “No, they never hit me or…punished me.”

  Kristian paused for a moment, and Tessa felt the need to fill the uneasy silence. “I know it’s strange,” she said. “I really can’t explain to you why.”


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