The Complete Lost Children Series

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The Complete Lost Children Series Page 42

by Krista Street

  Flint raised an eyebrow. A steady push of energy rolled toward me. It was again filled with worry. I knew he didn’t like the thought of me using my abilities to help in the warehouse, but I didn’t have the energy to argue or push his energy back. I simply let it roll through me.

  Flint crossed his arms. “It’s just as important that we learn what you’re all capable of. If we want to work as a team, we need to function as one. Once your control improves, we should do mock drills. Mimicking situations we may be in will prepare us for possible scenarios to come. It’ll make us more effective at handling situations together when they arise.”

  Father nodded. “I was going to suggest the same thing.”

  “But in the meantime, how about you use your free hours to do more research on O’Brien,” Di said.

  “I can do that, but we also need guns.” Flint gave Father an expectant look.

  Father frowned heavily. “As much as I hate firearms, I think you’re right. I can purchase handguns tomorrow.”

  THE NEXT DAY we split into teams: the research/firearm group and the practice group. Father purchased handguns for Jacinda, Amber and Flint. Of course, Flint took to the gun as if it were an extension of his own body. He watched a YouTube video on how to use it. Within the hour, he was hitting targets a hundred yards away. Considering his drug enhanced his physical abilities, I wasn’t surprised. Hand, eye coordination was like breathing for Flint.

  Jacinda and Amber weren’t nearly as confident. At first, both were squeamish about using a firearm. However, Flint spent time with them until they knew how to safely load and use it. After each was able to handle the weapon without turning green, Flint left them to target shoot. Since Flint also had hacking skills, he spent most of his time continually trying to breach O’Brien’s firewall.

  Despite their growing confidence with guns, Jacinda and Amber both had more to offer than simply carrying a weapon. Jacinda was a natural with social skills. Her looks didn’t hurt either. We all agreed she’d be the one to approach the first guard when we got to the warehouse. It was possible, although not likely, she’d be able to talk her way into the premises with help from the twins’ manipulative powers. That would be preferable. If we could get in without violence, our chances of succeeding were higher.

  Amber’s small frame and flexibility could also come in handy, not to mention, her ability to smell emotions. If an O’Brien employee was honest, scared or deceitful, Amber would pick up on it. All useful skills in the right circumstances.

  We spent the next week practicing and practicing. From sunup to sundown, Flint worked on the computer while Jacinda and Amber practiced shooting. The twins, Mica, Di and I practiced in the backyard going over and over our advanced abilities while Father coached us. Some days I did better than others. On three separate occasions, I was able to form huge energy balls. However, it was again out of sheer determination and took hours of practice before I was able to do it. A year ago, I would have been ecstatic at that progress. Now, it was too little too late.

  Three energy balls.

  Hardly reliable and hardly something to gloat over. With entering the warehouse looming over our heads, I needed to be able to make three energy balls a minute, not three in a week after hours and hours of practice.

  It didn’t help that with each passing day, I grew more hesitant. In a way, it was a head game. I hadn’t been to the O’Brien warehouse since I was five years old, yet I remembered enough to know I never wanted to return. Part of me wanted to run and pretend that all of this was crazy, that men from a giant pharmaceutical company couldn’t possibly be after us. But then I’d watch us in the backyard, observe our skills as the others slowly grew stronger and I’d realize that we were living proof of the illegal activities done by the company. Nothing about us was normal. We were loose ends—best snipped and discarded than left to unravel the entire cloth.

  Deep down, I knew that as long as Project Renatus was up and running, we were still at risk. We’d never have a normal life until that threat was eliminated, and of course, there were the three other lost children.

  We couldn’t leave them.

  ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, two and a half weeks since arriving in Arizona, I woke early even though it was still dark. I’m sure my aching muscles and cramped neck could be partly blamed for that. Practice yesterday had been particularly brutal. However, I’d been able to form a usable, fairly strong ball twice in an hour.

  It was the best I’d ever done.

  Flint’s warm, sleeping form lay beside me. I snuggled closer to him, using his heat to soothe my aching muscles. He murmured something in his sleep. A heavy arm reached out and pulled me tightly to his side. I sighed in contentment, my eyes starting to close when suddenly, they flashed open.

  Putting a hand on my lower abdomen, an excitement that had nothing to do with secret O’Brien sectors, experimental drugs or other lost children came over me. I eased out of Flint’s arm and tiptoed to the bathroom. Once inside, I grinned when another bout of menstrual cramps seized me.

  I didn’t think I’d ever felt more excited to have my period. I cleaned up and then rummaged through the bathroom. I’d put the birth control Father gave me somewhere in here. I swore it was on the shelf by that scented candle.

  I frowned when it wasn’t there. Where did I put it?

  After ten minutes of searching, cursing, pulling a few hairs out and more cursing, I finally found the tiny package under a towel I’d left on the bathroom floor. How it ended up on the floor, under a towel, I didn’t know. Then again, I swore half the stuff I lost grew legs and walked off. Seriously, I could only be partly blamed for my uncanny ability to lose things.

  I pulled out a small pill, the tinfoil wrap crinkling. With a pop in my mouth and a quick drink of tap water, it was down. I grinned.

  Dawn light peeked through the curtains when I crept back into the bedroom. Flint still slept, his body prone, his beautiful back and shoulders bare. The sheet tangled around his waist, accentuating his lean hips. In the morning light, his golden skin glistened like smooth honey—warm, inviting, and delicious. The image he presented conjured images of Greek Gods on Mount Olympus, with their dark hair, beautiful features, and magnificent bodies wrapped in togas.

  Easing under the covers, I crawled to his side before peppering his back with soft kisses.

  After a while, he stirred.

  I slipped a hand under the sheets, finding his firm, round backside. I continued to kiss his warm skin. A groan escaped him when my hand reached around to cup his front. His eyes slowly opened and he turned.

  I quickly rearranged myself. We lay facing one another, my hand moving slowly and rhythmically over him. He closed his eyes and groaned again. It didn’t take long until he found release. His body shuddered, his thighs tightening. When he finished, I propped myself up on an elbow beside him.

  He smiled lazily, the early sun streaking off his chestnut hair. “Good morning.”

  “Did you enjoy your wake-up call?”

  He chuckled. “Very much. Feel free to do that anytime.”

  He reached for me. I knew he wanted to return the favor, but I inched back, getting a raised eyebrow out of him. I traced a finger across his hard abdomen, a smile tugging on my lips. His muscles bunched and tensed in response.

  “I have something to tell you,” I said. “I got my period, and I just took my first pill.”

  His eyes opened wider. “Really? So that means . . .”

  “Yep. In four days or so, things should be wrapping up down there.”

  “I have to wait four more days?”

  I laughed at his expression. “I’d recommend it.”

  He had me pinned beneath him before I could take a breath, his arms locked around my waist, his lips sealing over mine. I was breathless by the time he pulled back. His response was to grind his hips more suggestively against me, which of course, only made it worse.

  “Want me to help you with something?” he asked.

  I bit
my lip so I wouldn’t nod. “No. In fact, I think for the next four days, no touching allowed.”

  Flint guffawed. “What?”

  I locked my legs around his waist, meeting his grinds, causing a tight intake of breath from him. “Okay, maybe touching only, but nothing more.”

  “You do realize I probably won’t last more than a few minutes the first time, right?” he warned. “What has it been now? Seven months?”

  “Don’t worry. With how I’m feeling, I won’t either.”

  His eyes grew darker, his pupils dilating. “Damn, woman.”

  By the time we showered and joined everyone else upstairs, a heavy need had settled in my belly. Four days felt like a long ways away.

  “OKAY,” FLINT SAID. “Remember, even though this is a mock drill, use your powers to their full extent. We want this to be like the real thing.”

  We stood in the backyard, the night sky above, the moon shining down. Flint had a breakthrough during the afternoon. He’d been able to hack into O’Brien’s system and find an original blueprint of the warehouse’s interior, including where the guard stations and cameras were.

  We had set up the backyard to mimic the O’Brien warehouse. It wasn’t a perfect replica, not even close. In reality, the warehouse stood around forty feet tall with solid walls and a steel door entrance. We improvised on the wall. In other words, we imagined it. A straight line dragged through the pebbles by the twins’ shoes indicated where the wall would be. The “inside” of the building was similar. We’d run strings from posts Father found in the garage to indicate hallways. The blueprint allowed us to measure the halls accurately and set up where the stations would be. We used Father’s memory too. Overall, it wasn’t a perfect setup to practice a real life situation, but it was the best we could manage. It would have to do.

  “What if Lena chucks one of us over the wall?” Jet asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “I doubt that’ll happen.”

  Amber bit her lip, her large brown eyes worried. “But it could.”

  Flint grunted. I knew he hated that I was on the team that ventured into the warehouse, but despite his worry, I couldn’t sit on the outside. I had an ability that could be useful. I wasn’t sure if I should be pleased or worried that my family had such confidence in me.

  We all wore black from head to toe, including ski masks. Nobody would be able to identify us. The only one not wearing a mask was Jacinda. We needed her smile and looks for our plan. The only downfall with what we’d worked out to get into O’Brien was that Jacinda wouldn’t be disguised. We’d discussed her wearing a wig, but in the end, knew that wouldn’t matter.

  My abdomen tightened as another bout of menstrual cramps clenched my belly. I gritted my teeth and wished I’d taken some ibuprofen. I cocked my head as an idea came to me. Perhaps I should use my agitation and irritation when I try to form a ball. I’d never tried to summon other energies when I had so much energy of my own. Maybe it will help.

  Di glanced at all of us. “Everyone remember the plan?”

  Flint tensed. I held his hand as reassuringly as I could. I knew he worried for my safety, but I couldn’t let my family down. I needed to do my part whether he liked it or not.

  “On my mark, three . . . two . . . one.” Di clicked the stopwatch. Despite this being our first mock drill, it was timed. Time could be our worst enemy. The faster we moved, the better.

  Jacinda stepped forward while the rest of us stayed beside the house shrouded in darkness.

  Father and Jasper played the security guards, standing stiffly, their eyes surveying the yard as if they were actually guarding something.

  “Hey!” Father shouted. “This is private property. You’re trespassing!” His shout penetrated the quiet desert night. It sounded as though it carried for miles.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Jacinda kept walking forward. “I was hoping you could help me.”

  “No one’s allowed here, ma’am. You’ll have to leave,” Jasper replied.

  I couldn’t see Jacinda’s face, but I knew she plastered on one of her supermodel smiles. Most men seemed to lose all coherent thought when she did that. Back at Hideaway Hills, it had been rather amusing to watch Jacinda wield her charm on the cowboys and guests.

  Jacinda reached Father and Jasper and spoke quietly, distracting them as the rest of us moved into action.

  Jet nudged Flint and Mica. “We’re up.”

  Jet closed his eyes, channeling his powers at Jasper and Father. The twins had become more proficient at projecting their powers over distance, sometimes covering up to a hundred feet. Mica and Flint watched Jet, waiting for his nod. In the moonlight, beads of sweat appeared on Jet’s brow.

  “Now,” he said tightly.

  With a blur of movement, Flint took off, carrying Mica with him. When Flint moved like that, none of us, other than Mica, could see him. The next second, he appeared behind Father. Jacinda continued talking, but I’m not sure if Father or Jasper heard her. They both stood docile, smiles on their faces. Jet was definitely manipulating their emotions well.

  I tuned into them. Their colorful clouds appeared while I worked to gather energy from every living thing in the area. I used my agitation and frustration over my damned period first. Surprisingly, I felt my own energy grow.

  In the distance, the energy spheres appeared around plants and animals, like bubbles in the night. I focused on my own energy more. Irritation over my damned period, longing for Flint, fear of O’Brien, love for my family. I used it all and slowly channeled my own power into a ball.

  Closing my eyes, I concentrated as sweat popped on my brow. A smile tugged at my lips as my power became tangible. I gathered another aura and pulled it to mine. It joined. I could almost feel it, like throwing a ball or dribbling a basketball, the energy pulsed. Without a doubt, I knew I’d be able to throw the ball if need be. I snapped my eyes open and let the energy dispel.

  I grinned. It was the easiest time I’d had yet at forming an energy ball. I’d have to remember what I learned. Harnessing my own energy first, gave me greater control over other fields.

  Ever so slowly, Jacinda inched her way toward the pretend guard station. Flint sneaked up behind Father while Mica crept up behind Jasper. It was like watching a movie unfold in real life. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until Flint and Mica reached up, their arms closing around Father and Jasper while pressing rags against their mouths.

  In this drill, we were practicing for the worst. In other words, Jacinda couldn’t sweet-talk the guards and we all had to act swiftly and with whatever means necessary. The rags Flint and Mica held now were dry. In the real situation, they’d be soaked with chloroform. The guards would drop unconscious in seconds.

  Jet’s breath expelled in a whoosh as Jasper and Father pretended to fall to the ground.

  “Nice job,” Di whispered.

  “Thanks.” Jet panted.

  I clapped him on the back.

  “Ready?” Di asked as Jet slowly recovered.


  The four of us raced to where the others stood. Jacinda was busy stuffing her face and hair into a ski mask. Amber and Di stood guard, waiting to see if anyone else came to investigate. I focused on the energy and tried to form another ball while Mica and Flint got to work on the door. According to Father, with Mica’s ability to pass the retinal scan and Flint’s hacking abilities, we should be able to get in.

  Once we entered our mock warehouse, we continued on, stealthily inching our way to the elevators. According to Father, the elevators descended to the subterranean levels. Flint and Di didn’t like the idea of using it to get down. An elevator could also be a cage. If something went wrong during the short ride down, it would be the perfect opportunity for O’Brien to capture us. However, there weren’t any stairs. Father said it was a safety measure. Nobody could get in and nobody could get out undetected. In other words, we didn’t have a choice. The twins again joked the warehouse didn’t meet fire code.

ince we had no other options but to use the elevator, Father didn’t want everyone in it. It was too big of a risk.

  Because of that, we agreed that two of us would stay outside of the building, two would stay guarding the elevator at ground level and the rest would go down. That meant four of us would be in the underground levels. It was agreed that the most powerful were the twins, Flint, Di, Mica and me. As for which four would ultimately go down, that had yet to be decided.

  We carried on well into the night, practicing our planned scenario again and again. In a way, when I wasn’t stressing about forming reliable balls, it was fun and exhilarating, like playing Ghost in the Graveyard, or Capture the Flag at night, but that was only because no actual danger was present. In the real situation, I could very likely pee my pants.

  The next few days were filled with practice and drills. I used my new discovery and harnessed my energy first before attempting to control others. With Father’s help, I improved. I could usually form a ball within a minute or two if I concentrated on my own energy first. However, the balls varied in how powerful they were.

  “We can’t practice much longer,” Di said after a particularly long session.

  I panted beside her. “Why not?”

  “December’s just around the corner. The weather grows colder every day in Chicago. We need to get there and stake out the warehouse before the weather really turns. Can you imagine trying to observe the warehouse in a blizzard?”

  I swallowed uneasily. The effects of weather hadn’t entered my mind. “I hadn’t considered that.”

  She nodded grimly. “We’re going to have to leave within the week. Our time’s up.”

  We used our remaining few days to practice. From sunup to sundown, we practiced and practiced and practiced. Each night I fell exhausted into bed. Flint did the same. Even though it lurked in the back of my mind that my period was coming to an end, I couldn’t summon the energy to feel excited about it. I was too damned tired.

  On the day my period finally ended, Father gathered us in the living room, telling us he’d made his jet ready for the trip to Minnesota. We all agreed that we were as ready as we’d ever be. No amount of practice could guarantee success in real life.


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