The Complete Lost Children Series

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The Complete Lost Children Series Page 88

by Krista Street


  The memory of turning to see my professor lifting the bat surfaced again. He’d hit me over the head. No wonder I had a pounding headache and my head felt tender. I probably had a goose egg the size of Staten Island on my scalp.

  So Professor Dillinger and Aaron are working together? But how can that be?

  I closed my eyes and tried to listen to their words. I recognized the muffled, nasal cadence of my slimy teacher’s voice from the front of the car. He was talking to Aaron. But between the jostles, dips, and road noise, I could barely hear them.

  Listen harder!

  I closed my eyes and concentrated.

  “. . . is going too far, Aaron.” Professor Dillinger’s voice was lined with anxiety. “I never agreed to something like this. We’ve kidnapped her!”

  Aaron must have replied, but I couldn’t hear him. The next words came from my professor.

  “. . . raping someone isn’t killing them. We can’t—”

  “The bitch deserves to die!” Aaron snarled.

  My heart pounded, and I struggled to breathe. I’d definitely heard that.

  I was in deep shit—really, really deep shit. Flint was going to kill me. I laughed hysterically around the gag. Unless Aaron kills me first.

  “Aaron, think about it. This is different from the stuff we did as kids, the stuff we’ve been doing lately!” My professor’s voice grew stronger. “If a woman tried to say we’d raped her, we could deny it, and without proof, the law can’t do anything to us, but murder, Aaron? This is a new one, even for you.”

  “Losing your nerve already, brother?”

  Brother? Professor Dillinger is Aaron’s brother?

  My chest rose and fell so quickly that I had to make myself slow it down. I pictured my teacher. He also had dark hair and a stocky build. He had to be at least ten years older than Aaron, maybe even fifteen, but it was possible they were related.

  I groaned and wanted to kick the trunk again but knew that would alert them to me being awake. My actions were so stupid. I should never have confronted Aaron. Flint had been right, and now I was going to die.

  No! You’re not going to die, Lena. Stay calm. You’re strong. Use your power!

  I welled up the energy inside me and then pulled the energy from my cloud along with Aaron’s cloud and my professor’s. I just needed to get my wrists and ankles worked free. And getting this damned duct tape off my face along with the gag in my mouth would be nice too. Dry cotton sat on my tongue. It tasted like an old sweaty handkerchief. Yuck!

  Using my ability, I wielded the energy around my back to the restraints. My cloud felt along it. The sensations transferred to my mind.

  I groaned. They’d used zip ties on my wrists! Those were nearly impossible to break unless I had a sharp object.

  I didn’t have time to figure it out, though. The car slowed and pulled over. The sound of gravel under tires came next. That wasn’t good. If we were on a gravel road, that meant we were somewhere remote.

  Lena, think your way out of this! You can still form energy balls even if you can’t get the zip ties off.

  That meant I could still blast Aaron and my professor. They still wouldn’t be able to reach me if I kept them at bay. I could knock them out so they wouldn’t be a threat.

  I would just have to hold them off until help arrived. Oh, please, Mica, tell me you’ve called the cops!

  The car stopped, bringing with it the sound of squeaking brakes. More arguing came from the front of the car.

  “Aaron, we can’t do this. We can’t kill her!” Professor Dillinger’s muffled voice sounded frantic.

  “If you can’t do it, then stay in the car. I’ll take care of her after I’ve had a little fun. It’s something I should have finished long ago.”

  The fear that had been building inside of me gave way to anger. What a sick bastard!

  A car door opened and slammed. Footsteps sounded outside. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be unconscious. The more I could take Aaron by surprise, the better.

  A pop sounded as Aaron disengaged the trunk’s lock. Cool nighttime air washed across my cheeks when he lifted the lid. He didn’t say anything, but I guessed he was looking at me. Rage built inside me as I called upon the energy from the surrounding plants and animals. From the feel of it, we were in a forest.

  You’re not going to win this time!

  Aaron’s hands brushed against my cheeks, as if he was going to snake his hand around my neck, just as I slammed the ball into him.

  He yelped in pain and flew from the vehicle.

  “What the hell?” Another slamming car door sounded from the front. Footsteps came from the other side. I knew Professor Dillinger had hopped out of the vehicle to investigate.

  Even though my teacher had tried to convince Aaron to not kill me, he’d still raised a bat to my head and done all those awful things to my classmates. And who knows what else he’s been doing to help Aaron.

  When the professor rounded the back of the car, I had an energy ball ready, but I hesitated. Genuine remorse filled his eyes.

  The power around me lessened as my breathing came faster. Maybe he’ll help me.

  I struggled again, hoping he’d pull off the gag or loosen the restraints. I pleaded with him with my eyes.

  My professor ran a hand through his hair as Aaron got to his feet.

  “Watch out. The bitch just kicked me.”

  Ha! So Aaron thought my ball was a kick.

  I tried as hard as I could to talk through the gag, and when my professor reached down, hope welled up inside me. He reached toward my head.

  He’s going to take the gag off!

  Stars shone in my head as pain suddenly exploded in my skull.

  My professor’s fingers tangled though my hair. He had lifted my head so fast that I hadn’t been able to ready myself when he slammed it back down.

  Aaron laughed. “Don’t knock her around too much. I want her awake for this.”

  Panic bloomed in my chest at his words. No! My head was still spinning when Aaron appeared at his brother’s side. As they stood next to one another, I could see the resemblance as my vision swam in and out of focus.

  “Let’s get her out.” The professor panted. “She’s seen my face now. You’re right. She needs to die.”

  My eyes widened at his words. Both men reached for me as panic built up inside me. I called upon the energy, but it was hard. My head still felt so dizzy.

  Do it, Lena! Do it now, or they’ll kill you!

  As my professor’s hands clamped around my ankles, I hurled a ball at him. It was weak compared to what I could conjure, but he still screamed and flew twenty feet before slamming against a tree. He sank to the ground and didn’t move.

  “What the hell?” Aaron’s brow furrowed.

  Sitting upright, I struggled against the zip ties around my ankles and wrists. They didn’t budge. Dammit!

  “I don’t know how you kicked him like that, but you’re going to pay now.” Aaron’s voice turned cold.

  I called upon the energy again, but I was still too dizzy. My reactions were slow. Aaron ripped the tape off my face and pulled the rag from my mouth. “I want to hear you scream when I kill you.” My eyes widened in shock just as he punched me in the stomach.

  I curled into the fetal position as the wind was knocked out of my lungs.

  Aaron laughed again.

  My stomach heaved as my lungs refused to inflate. I tried to force myself to breathe.

  I couldn’t.

  “Not so tough now, are you?” he taunted.

  I met his gaze as rage consumed me. Still struggling to breathe, I managed to suck in just enough air to say, “You haven’t seen the half of it.”

  Aaron’s hysterical laughter filled the forest as cool wind whipped through the trees. “You always were a little spitfire. It’s what made me want you.”

  Red filled my vision, and I finally sucked in a full breath. Power radiated along my limbs as I call
ed upon every living life force within the vicinity. He’s going to pay!

  But then reality crashed upon me. I can’t unleash that much power on him. How will I explain it to the police?

  Aaron moved closer to me, his movements confident.

  Fear coiled tightly in my belly as my thoughts ran at rapid fire. Here I was, completely restrained, yet my professor was already unconscious on the ground. That could be explained by a well-placed kick, but even that was unlikely. But if I slammed my balls into Aaron and broke every bone in his body, the police would demand answers.

  I’m going to have to do this the hard way.

  I gulped. That wouldn’t be easy.

  “Lena, Lena.” Aaron made a tsking sound. “It’s too bad my brother’s out cold, or he’d enjoy the little game I have lined up for us before you die.” He pulled a knife from his back pocket. My eyes bulged as the newspaper stories filled my mind. The women had all said the man was brutal. Deep cuts and broken bones had left their bodies a wreck.

  Aaron advanced.

  Get the knife away from him.

  I summoned a ball just as he pulled the knife back. Rapid breathing filled my chest as I tangled my ball around his fingers.

  Aaron frowned, his arm frozen mid-arc. “What the hell?”

  Wrapping my energy ball around his fingers, I tethered my power to him like an octopus latching on its tentacles.

  Aaron shook his hand.

  I pried his fingers back one by one.

  He yelped and jumped back. The knife dropped from his hand.

  Confusion and rage filled his gaze. He held his wrist with his opposite hand and stared down at his limb as if it didn’t belong to him.

  Sitting up straighter in the trunk, I once again manipulated my ball into long, thin strands. Sweat poured from my brow at the exertion. Doing so should not have been this hard, but my head was still fuzzy.

  Ignoring the pounding headache filling my skull, I wrapped my cloud around the knife and lifted it.

  Aaron’s eyes widened so much that his eyeballs looked as if they would pop out of his head. “Motherfucker! Do you see that?”

  “Who do you think’s doing it, you creep?” I replied as I flung the knife at him.

  The sharp blade cut through his jeaned thigh and embedded itself deeply into muscle. Aaron howled in pain. I ripped the knife from his leg just as he tried to grab it.

  Blood poured from his wound. The copper scent flooded my nose.

  Aaron covered the gash with both of his hands as veins bulged from his neck. He turned his murderous gaze on me. “You? You’re doing this?”

  I opened my mouth to reply but knew I’d already said too much. If Aaron knew I hadn’t kicked his brother but had instead thrown him using an unseen power, he could try to knock me out again.

  I couldn’t let that happen.

  Pushing back against the trunk’s edge, I feigned fear. Opening my eyes wide, I shook my head vigorously. “No! It wasn’t me! How could I do that?”

  Aaron took a limping step toward me, but I was faster. I flew the knife behind him and stabbed his other leg, just behind the knee. The slice went deep. I felt the tendon slash through.

  Aaron howled loudly as he dropped to his knees. “You bitch!”

  My heart pounded in my chest as he struggled to stand. Just keep him down. Sooner or later, help will come! Just keep him down until then!

  I needed to keep him far enough away that he couldn’t physically touch me. If he managed to knock me out again, I was done for.

  Hold him off until help arrives! My heart rate increased. If help arrives.

  I still didn’t know how Aaron had taken me this far. The police and my family should have been tailing him if Mica had called for help. I could only assume that Mica didn’t know they had driven away with me.

  I moaned in frustration. What if she’s still back in front of the house, waiting on the street? But surely she would have called for help by now.

  Even if she did, they won’t know where I’ve gone. They won’t know how to find me. My heart quickened at that thought. Unless Luke, Susannah, or Amber can track me.

  Aaron’s labored breathing filled my ears as another cool breeze washed over my cheeks. He cursed and yelled in pain as he inched toward the trunk. He was shuffling on his knees now. I need to end this. I need to knock him out but carefully. If I inflict too many wounds on him, I won’t be able to explain myself.

  Using the knife again, I carefully wielded it around my back and down by my hands. Hurry, Lena! Aaron was almost to the trunk.

  I felt along my wrists with the knife until I encountered resistance.

  A bloody hand slammed down on the trunk’s ledge.

  “No!” I screamed and tried to kick out at him just as the knife sliced through the zip-tie.

  Pain seared my wrist. I’d done the movement too quickly and had slashed skin. Ignoring the stinging pain, I lifted my foot and kicked Aaron’s hand.

  He yelped again just as I pulled my hands out from behind me.

  Breathing heavily, I sat more upright and looked over the trunk’s edge. Blood poured down my arm as Aaron’s head suddenly popped up in my view.

  He was only a foot away. “I got you now, you little bitch!”

  An energy ball formed as instinct took over. Aaron clamped a bloody, meaty hand onto my lower leg just as I slammed the ball onto the top of his head.

  He fell to the ground but not before wrenching me out with him.

  I landed in a heap upon him and struggled to get away. With my hands free, I was able to push up, but my ankles were still bound. I fell down hard on my side as Aaron’s head listed sluggishly.

  My eyes widened since his body lay completely still. But the image of those hateful eyes flashing open had me scrambling back on the gravel. Tiny rocks cut into my palms, but I kept moving.

  Only when I was at least five feet away did I stop.

  A breath raised Aaron’s chest.

  He’s not dead.

  The scream of an eagle abruptly tore through the sky.

  My gaze whipped up to see Susannah’s giant wings soaring above. Relief escaped me in a giant sob. “Susannah!”

  Tears formed in my eyes as she descended. She used her psychic tracking ability to find me! It was the only way she could have located me way out here. Wherever here was.

  Susannah landed on the ground beside Aaron. Gravel shifted beneath her giant talons. The sound of them grating together filled the air.

  “I’m so glad you’re here!” I sobbed and wiped tears from my eyes. Warm blood from my wound smeared across my face, the stickiness coating my cheeks.

  Using her giant beak, Susannah pecked at Aaron a few times. He didn’t move, although his chest continued to rise and fall with each breath.

  “I didn’t kill him.” I scooted to Susannah, the sharp rocks poking into my butt.

  Susannah cocked her head as her large pale-yellow eyes looked me over.

  “I’m not hurt too badly.” My head still pounded, but my thoughts felt relatively clear. “But I can’t walk since my ankles are still bound.”

  Susannah hopped closer to me and opened her beak. She leaned down to cut the tie around my ankles, but luckily, I pulled back just in time.

  “No! You can’t, Suze! I need evidence that he tied me up. It’s going to be hard enough explaining how I got my hands free.”

  Susannah stood upright again just as flashing police lights glowed in the distance.

  I sat up straighter and grinned. “They’re coming!”

  Susannah made a chirping sound before she hopped along the ground to where my professor lay. Since he still hadn’t moved, I knew he’d been knocked unconscious. A plan was already forming in my mind for how I’d explain this.

  I’d say that I kicked the professor hard enough to knock him out and had then used a sharp edge in the trunk to break my wrists restraints. That resulted in Aaron and me getting into a fight. I was able to wrestle the knife from him and stab his
legs. I certainly had enough cuts and bruises on me to make a scuffle believable.

  Breathing heavily, I looked off in the distance. The lights were growing closer. “You better get out of here, Susannah. You know you can’t let them see you.”

  She chirped again and hopped back my way.

  As the police cruiser drew closer, more headlights appeared behind them. I could only hope it was Mica and the rest of my family.

  Susannah jumped to my side and leaned her giant head down, brushing her white feathers against my cheek. Large, pale-yellow eyes met mine. I could have sworn they were filled with relief.

  “I love you too. Now, get out of here before they see you.”

  Her eagle scream tore through the air just as she took flight. Her giant wings flapped until she gained ground and disappeared into the sky.

  The wailing sounds of the police siren filled my ears. The sound of their tires digging into the gravel came next. That was the sweetest sound I could imagine.


  An ambulance came to take Aaron and Professor Dillinger away. Neither regained consciousness in that time. I could only imagine the wild stories they’d come up with when they woke up, but I doubted anyone would believe Aaron if he said I stabbed him using supernatural powers.

  I spent the rest of the night at the police station, telling the cops what I knew. They filled me in that multiple women had filed complaints against Professor Dillinger, but so far, nothing had been done about it. Relief filled me that he’d finally been stopped.

  I also learned that Aaron was indeed Professor Dillinger’s brother. According to phone records, Aaron had moved into the area to live with his brother six months before . . . right around the time the assaults had started.

  When I confessed to the police officers that I’d gone to Aaron’s house to confront him after I saw him on campus, their mouths dropped.

  “You did what?” The older one’s eyebrows rose. He had to be in his fifties and was mostly bald.

  “I know it was stupid, but I couldn’t let him get away. After seeing him today on campus, I guessed he might try to run again. It’s what he did two years ago after he attacked me on our friend’s ranch. There’s a police report on it.”


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