The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 17

by Andrew Wood

  After an hour or so, Jamal decided to make his way through the camp, just to see if he could pick up the mood of the soldiers. He slowly walked around looking and listening as he went. It appeared to him that most of the men seemed content enough. He thought perhaps that most had been through enough this past week or so, and were for now at least happy to take a break. Perhaps he was being too harsh on Fabian after all.

  By midday, Jamal decided to go back to the house in which he and Fabian were staying. Perhaps it was time he left and joined the other soldiers in camp and let Fabian be who he wanted to be. He went in through the front door and up the stairs. Thankfully, the young prince was not about and he pushed the door to his room open.

  He almost turned around to walk back out as soon as he realised Fabian was sitting on the edge of his bed. Instead, he walked in and closed the door behind him. "What do you want Fabian?" He asked, not really wanting to have another bust up with him. Fabian stood and walked over to Jamal, "Please...I don't want us to fall out," the young royal said. "I value your friendship Jamal...and well what I am trying to say is sorry," he added holding a placating hand out.

  Fabian went on to apologise for his behaviour earlier, and eventually Jamal felt almost obliged to shake hands. "I am not sure what I was trying to prove this morning Jamal," Fabian added feeling remorseful. "I was stupid letting that woman jump in to my bed, and I was wrong to ridicule you," he added. Jamal nodded, this was the Fabian he had come to like. If only he could remain this way, instead of the selfish idiot he had proved himself to be earlier on.

  Jamal then told Fabian about his thoughts of moving back to the camp with the other soldiers. It was clear he was not happy with it, but to his credit Fabian said he would not oppose him, if that is what he wanted to do. "However, I would like you to stay here Jamal. Please, I promise no more selfish behaviour," he added sincerely. "I need my advisor close at hand, so if you move to the camp then so shall I." Jamal sighed, how was it that Fabian always managed to twist things around and make him feel he was the one that was being difficult.

  Jamal sighed, he did value Fabian's friendship as well, just not when he behaved like a total idiot. He thought that if Fabian could show he was sorry and be willing to move out to the camp just to be closer to him, then he should at least try to do likewise. "Okay Fabian we can stay in the house...but please no more...well you know what I mean," he said not quite sure how to word it. Fabian nodded, "I understand." The two looked at each other for a few moments before Fabian added, "Perhaps we should go downstairs and discuss are plans. I'll get the Captain over to join us." Jamal smiled and gestured for his friend to lead the way.

  Chapter 21.

  Hope and Arran were sat holding hands in the garden. The sun was bright and the sounds of spring filled the air. Although it was clearly causing some awkwardness, Darak had remained true to his word, and tried his best to be nice to the young Darekian. The family had waited anxiously to hear of news from Luca, but as yet nothing had arrived.

  Hope placed her head on Arran's shoulder and looked up at his handsome face. She was the first to admit she found it difficult not to resist into the temptation of sneaking into Arran's bed at night. However, she had promised her father, and so far, she had made good on that. Their blissful peace was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the church bell. Aside from calling people to church on a Sunday, it was only rang to warn of danger.

  Hope quickly jumped to her feet, explaining the significance of the ringing. He suggested they quickly move inside the house. The two darted across the lawn part of the garden, not bothering to take the pathway that ran around the outer edge. Once through the rear entrance they made their way into the kitchen before entering the hallway. Darak was already there, hastily strapping his sword belt to his waist. Noticing Arran and Hope, "Invaders, about a mile or so north, moving this direction," he said.

  With the soldiers from the garrison having already left, and the handful of guards that had escorted Hope and Arran sent back to Lanber, there was little else in the way of available fighting men. The reinforcements promised by the king had left New Easton some time ago, but for whatever reason had not made it yet. As a result, Darak's house guard, although numbering twenty men were already lining up outside the gates of his property. "Arran, take Hope to her mother and sister and keep them safe," Darak said sharply to the young Darekian. "Let me help you. I can fight," Arran replied. Darak stared for a few moments before nodding his agreement. Hope was about to say the same thing, but the look given by her father and boyfriend suggested both would say no. "Hope go to your mother and look after them," Arran said strapping a sword to his belt.

  After collecting his bow and quiver of arrows, Arran followed Lord Darak outside. He gave a longing look back towards Hope as she waved him out of the door. "Lock it," her Father said firmly. Hope nodded and did as was asked.

  With the bells still ringing out their warning, Darak met up with his house guard. He ordered them all to the walls where he himself also headed. Arran just tagged along, climbing the stone steps that led to the walkway around the top of the wall. From the advantageous viewpoint, he could see clearly, the small army approaching. Probably no more than eighty or so in number, all atop horses, they made their way ever closer. Flying a banner neither he nor Darak had seen before, one thing was for certain, and that these soldiers were not here for a friendly visit.

  Tendrils of smoke could be seen off in the far distance, where some unfortunate farmhouse had been attacked and torched. With the gates to the town firmly shut, doing likewise to Forwich would prove far more difficult, despite the lack of guards. A handful of men from the town armed with, axes and old swords that looked like they had not seen the light of day for some years joined them. Darak was pleased they had, "At least it looks like we have more defending than we did," he said to Arran.

  They waited patiently as the town bell finally silenced. The attackers were clearly in no great rush, the element of surprise long gone. "Would they try and attack such a large town with such a small number?" Arran asked. Darak thought for a moment, "Probably just checking our strength. That's probably just a raiding group, sent out to attack small villages and farmsteads that can't defend themselves. They will probably only check us out before moving on," he eventually replied.

  Of course, that was also not a good thing. If the enemy did just move onto an easier target then it likely would mean innocent people being attacked. Somehow, Darak knew he had to try to keep them interested in Forwich. Quite how he was going to achieve that whilst ensuring he did not risk the safety of those in the town he was not sure.

  Those atop the wall watched on as a single rider approached. As the man neared, Arran placed an arrow on his bowstring. "Let us hear what he wants," Darak said placing a hand out. The rider stopped and shouted up to the men on the wall. "I represent the Empire of the Zulani. I give you this chance to surrender now and you will all be spared," he shouted. Darak as the senior figure in the town replied. "As a representative of Corlan I will accept your surrender," he shouted back, much to the amusement to some of the men atop the wall.

  The man on horseback stared at Darak for a while, before turning his back. "You have made your choice," he shouted as he turned. "Can I kill him now?" Arran asked as the rider started trotting away. Darak looked at the Darekian, shrugged his shoulders, "You really think you can hit him from here?" he asked. Arran grinned as he lifted his bow and pulled back the string. After a few small adjustments to the direction he was aiming, he released, and the arrow flew skywards. Both he and Darak watched as the shaft thumped into the back of the rider. There were a few gasps from the men atop the wall, which turned to cheers as the Zulani slumped sideward off his horse, before falling to the ground.

  It was quickly apparent the other Zulani soldiers did not take kindly to one of their own being shot in the back. After a series of shouts the group of invaders spread out, picking up pace as they did. With their horses set at a gallop. they lifted the
ir bows ready to fire. "Get Down!" Darak shouted. No sooner had he and the others dropped below the cover afforded to them by the wall, when a barrage of arrow shafts drifted over their heads. "Seems I really pissed them off," Arran said making light of the situation. Even Darak afforded a smile, "It would seem so," he replied.

  The Zulani riders, turned about away from the town to make a second charge. As they did, Arran stood and fired again bringing down another enemy rider. Several of the house guards who were armed with crossbows released the bolts taking down two more. Despite coming under fire, Darak had at least kept the invaders interested in him, rather than them trotting off to attack some undefended village or farmstead.

  Twice more the Zulani rode in and fired, and twice more Arran showed his skill with the bow. They suffered their first casualties when one of the town folk on the wall was a little slow ducking down. The man was hit in the chest. The second was in the town, hit by a stray arrow. Darak cursed at the people he was trying to protect for standing in the streets below watching them. It had been one of these spectators that had just been struck. "Go to your homes," he shouted down to them, angry with them for being so foolhardy.

  It was clear the Zulani had given up on their idea of charging aimlessly toward the wall repeatedly. Instead, they regrouped together and waited. Darak and Arran stood back up and watched them. "What are they waiting for?" Arran asked almost disappointed it was over. "I guess they are fed up of you picking them off one at a time," Darak replied, impressed at just how skilful the young Darekian had been with the bow he held. He had singlehandedly taken down as many of the enemy, as eight of his men with crossbows had managed.

  For now, the Zulani appeared lost as to how to proceed. Arran had removed the man in charge with his first arrow. It was clear they were suddenly unsure. As it was, the Zulani started dismounting from their horses and started setting camp. "Looks like we are going to be guarding the wall a while Sir," Arran said to Darak. Once more Darak could not help but be impressed with the man he had given such a hard time too.

  This short skirmish had certainly cast a different light upon his young guest. Perhaps not all Darekians were as bad as he had made them out to be. After all, Arran was willing to fight side by side with him, to help protect a town that technically meant nothing to him. One of the men on the wall interrupted Darak's train of thought, as he was asked to look eastward.

  Darak looked as was asked and gazed out in horror. About a mile or so off was another group of riders. Flying the same banners as those outside his northern gate, they trotted slowly nearer. "Where the bloody hell did that lot come from?" he cursed as he tried to judge just how many were heading his direction. "Why the bloody hell haven't our reinforcements arrived yet? They should have been here yesterday at the latest," he added. "I reckon at least a hundred in that group Sir," Arran said trying to count them as they neared.

  These new arrivals would likely make a big difference. Now the enemy had enough men to attack the wall in several places at once. The problem being Darak only had the men to defend a few. Four of five places at most, if he spread the men out. "We need more volunteers...and quickly," Darak finally said heading down the stone steps. After ordering his men to spread out and keep an eye on both groups of invaders, he headed back through the streets.

  After ordering the church bell rung again, people started appearing from their homes. He waited until a good number stood before him, before speaking. "People of Forwich, I do not want anybody to panic. Women and children please congregate at my home and take refuge inside the walls of my property. Please take only blankets and food. All men and strong lads, able to fire a bow or wield a sword follow me to the garrison to gather arms. Spread the word...Quickly!"

  He walked quickly down the main street, before turning off into the small yard of the town's garrison. Arran walked quickly at his side, before looking back to see how many people were following. "Seems we have a few," he said surprised by the number. "This town was ravaged by invaders once Arran, we do not intend to let it happen a second time," Darak said as he reached the armoury building. He was going to make a comment about the low life Darekian hordes that had done so, but decided it was best left unsaid for now.

  Many of the men following him selected bows, and a small side arm. A few whom he thought were probably too young to be fighting he considered sending back to their homes, but he realised the more he had the better. So long as the younger boys could aim and fire a bow, he could make use of them. With at least fifty volunteers, it would be much easier to man a large part of the perimeter wall.

  Darak decided the best way to distribute his small make shift army was to allot a couple of experienced men with several of the townsfolk, and allocate a place on the wall for them to defend and watch. He was just thinking he had at least a modicum of control on the situation when he looked up to see Hope and several other of the younger girls in the town, marching towards him. "What the bloody hell is she doing?" he cursed to nobody in particular.

  Hope stood with her arms crossed as she let her father have his say. When he was finished, she had hers. "I can fire a bow as well as most," she snapped back. "Just because I am a woman does not mean I do not want to defend my town, as do these," she gestured to the handful of women behind her, who all shouted as she did. Darak sighed and turned to Arran for help, "Can't you make her see sense?" he said almost pleading. Arran shook his head, "She never listens to a word I say," he replied.

  Darak did not have time to argue, "Fine! But you stick next to Arran, understand?" he said sharply. Hope smiled, "Of course father dear," she replied. Darak knew if things got out of hand, his daughter's best chance, was beside the man who claimed to love her. If that love was as strong as he thought, he knew Arran would put his own life on the line to keep her safe. He allotted the other women to the other groups, and sent them all to the wall.

  By the time he got back up to his place on the walkway, the group from the east had ridden around northwards. The newcomers also started dismounting. It was quickly apparent that these invaders did not like to rush things. Darak though could not take the chance, and so for now he left as many of his people along the wall as he could. Perhaps by some chance, the invaders might deem them too many in number to consider attacking, and be content in camping outside the wall. Alternatively, even better, he thought, would be the reinforcements he had been promised by the king.

  Arran was placed with Hope and their small group facing the north. This is where the invaders had merged forces and set up camp. They had however sent several riders out to scout the perimeter. It was clear the Zulani were trying to judge how many soldiers were defending it, and to try to pick any likely weak spots. Fortunately, the town's walls had been built with such a circumstance as this in mind. The previous war had seen only the town of Sefton survive the Darekian raiding parties. That had happened purely because of its outer wall. It had been built during a time where defence had mattered. During the last war, Forwich had not had any defences, and had suffered greatly for it.

  At great expense to the crown, the town had been painstakingly rebuilt. The perimeter wall was tall and built from stone and there to protect those that dwelled within. This time any attackers would find it a far more difficult prospect to destroy. If only the garrison had been manned, Darak would probably be thinking of attacking, not how best to keep the enemy at bay.

  He walked slowly around the perimeter, stopping just briefly at each group to make sure they were all well and prepared for what probably awaited them. He was well aware that should the invaders manage to get even the smallest foothold atop the wall, he doubted his makeshift defence would stand much chance. He placed his strongest groups at the north and south gates, knowing that if the attackers got over the wall here they could easily get to the gates and open them. If that were to happen then all he had left was his own home from where to make a stand.

  His own house had also been built with a surrounding wall. Strangely though, not to protect h
is family from attack, but more so to keep prying eyes away from Luca. It had been deemed necessary the moment they had discovered the youngster had inherited his father's powers. It was much smaller than the outer wall, and stood only about ten feet in height. If things went badly wrong that small wall might be the last resort to try to stop the invaders.

  It was Hope who noticed what the Zulani were making in their camp. When Darak was making his rounds, she called over to him. "Look!" she said pointing to an area of the enemy camp. "Ladders... they're making ladders," she added. Darak kept a calm exterior, but deep down knew the significance of what his daughter had spotted. Now it was not a case of if they were attacked, but just a simple matter of when.

  Chapter 22.

  Caldar sat alone in his study. He poured himself a glass of wine from his decanter and leaned back in his chair. He looked down at the small piece of paper on his desk. This had bought the latest news from his men up north. He already knew Luca had been successful from the small note delivered by the first bird forewarning him of imminent danger. This latest news had arrived via the same delivery method as the previous one.

  The small note attached to the bird, now told him that despite their success in their fight against the army at Hamalin, hundreds of enemy soldiers were likely roaming the northern part of his country. Several groups had been sent to attempt to track them down, but whether they would get to them before they managed to cause trouble was yet to be seen. His nephew Luca was apparently continuing northward with the guard to intercept the main bulk of the invading army. The part of the message which puzzled him most, was the news Oliver was journeying back south to help him.


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