Mark Twain: A Life

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Mark Twain: A Life Page 106

by Ron Powers

“Monument to Adam, A” (Twain)

  Moreschi, Alessandro

  Morgan, J. P.


  Morrison, Toni

  Morte D’Arthur, Le (Malory)

  Mosley, Walter

  Mouland, John Elsey

  Moulton, Julius

  Mount Morris Bank

  Mullen, Edward F.

  Munson, Alma Hutchison

  Murray, Thomas H.


  Muscatine Journal

  “My Début as a Literary Person” (Twain)

  My Mark Twain (Howells)

  “My Platonic Sweetheart” (Twain)

  Mysterious Stranger, The, a Romance (Twain)

  “Mystery, A” (Twain)

  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

  Napoleon III, Emperor of the French

  Nasby, Petroleum V.

  Nash, Tom

  Nast, Thomas



  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers

  National Museum

  National Theatre


  Neider, Charles

  Nellie (nursemaid)

  Nelson, David


  skirmish with California of

  statehood of

  Nevada City, Nev., SLC’s lecture in

  New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The, see Tom Sayer Abroad

  Newark Journal

  Newark Register

  Newcomb, Mary Ann

  Newell, Julie

  New England, literature in

  New England Tragedies (Longfellow)

  New Jersey National Standard

  New Orleans, La.

  New Orleans Crescent

  New Pilgrims Progress, The, see Innocents Abroad

  New Review

  New World Symphony (Dvoák)

  New York, Newfoundland & Telegraph Co.

  New York, N.Y.

  Grant’s home in

  in post-war years

  SLC’s return to

  New York Citizen

  New York Daily Graphic

  New York Dispatch

  New York Evening Post

  New York Express

  New York Herald

  New York Journal

  New York Post

  New York Press

  New York Star

  New York Sun

  New York Sunday Mercury

  New York Times

  New York Tribune

  New York Weekly

  New York World

  Nicaragua, SLC’s trip to

  Nicholas I, Czar of Russia

  Nicholas II, Czar of Russia

  Nicolay, John

  Niles, Hezekiah

  Niles’ Register

  Nilon, Charles H.

  Nineteenth Century

  Nobel Prize

  Nolan, Andrew

  Nook Barn

  Nook Farm

  Norman, S.S.

  Norris, Frank

  North American Review


  Nye, Emma

  Nye, James W.

  Ober, Louis P.



  O’Hara, John

  “Old Times on the Mississippi” (Twain)

  Oliver, Gus

  Olmsted, Frederick Law

  “Only a Nigger,” (Twain)

  O’Reilly, Bernard

  O’Reilly, Peter

  Osgood, Edward

  Osgood, James

  Ottoman Empire

  Our American Cousin (Taylor)

  “Our Assistant’s Column” (Twain)

  “Our Fellow Savages of the Sandwich Islands” (Twain)

  “Outcasts of Poker Flat, The” (Harte)

  Overland Monthly

  Owsley, William Perry

  Oxford University

  Pacific Monitor

  Paderewski, Ignacy Jan

  Paff, Harriet Lewis

  Paige, James William

  Paige Compositor Manufacturing Company

  Paige Typesetter

  Paine, Albert Bigelow

  Paine, Thomas

  Paint Brush (mule)

  Panic of 1837

  Paradise Lost (Milton)

  Paris, France

  Paris, Mo.

  Paris, S.S.

  Parsloe, Charles Thomas

  Parsons, Marc


  Patent Office Building

  Pathfinder, The (Cooper)

  Paul, Saint

  Paul Bunyan

  Paul Jones

  Payne, Colonel

  “Peace Appeal to Labor,”

  Peake’s Commercial Advertiser


  explosion on

  Pepys, Samuel

  Perelman, S. J.

  Pérez Galdós, Benito

  Perkins, Charles

  Perkins, Mary Beecher

  Perkins, W. Epaminondas Adrastus

  Perry, Mark

  Persia, Shah of

  Personal History of Ulysses S. Grant (Richardson)

  Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, The (Grant)

  Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc

  Peter Cooper Institute

  “Petrified Man” (Twain)

  Pfaff ’s Beer Hall

  Phelps, Roswell

  Philadelphia, Pa.

  Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

  Philadelphia Inquirer


  Phoenix, John

  Pierce, Eddie

  Pittsburgh Gazette

  Plain Dealer, Cleveland

  “Plain Language from Truthful Jane,” see “Heathen Chinee, The” (Harte)


  Players Club

  Plessy, Homer


  Plymouth Congregational Church

  Podhoretz, Norman

  Poe, Edgar Allen

  Pomeroy, Samuel


  Pond, James B.

  Pony Express

  Pope, John

  Porter, Naomi

  Portrait of a Lady (James)

  Postal Act of 1792

  Potter, Edward Tuckerman

  Pratt & Whitney


  Prince and the Pauper, The (Twain)

  dramatization of

  England in

  publication of

  reviews of

  sales of

  song in

  Stowe on

  writing of

  Prince of India, The (Wallace)

  Princess Irene

  Principles of Psychology ( James)

  “Private History of a Campaign That Failed, The” (Twain)


  Prudence Palfrey (Aldrich)

  Pudd’nhead Wilson (Twain)

  calendar in

  father as model for Driscoll in

  publishing of

  slavery in

  Puerto Rico

  Pulitzer, Joseph


  Quaker City

  passengers of

  Quaker’s Temptations, The

  Quarles, John

  as model for Sellers in The Gilded Age

  Quarles, Tabitha

  Quarry Farms

  Quartz, Tom

  Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst

  Quirk, Thomas

  Rabelais, François

  Ragged Dick (Alger)


  Railton, Stephen

  Raleigh, Walter

  Ralls, John

  Ralls County Rangers

  Ramage, Adam


  Randalls Island House of Refuge

  Raymond, John T.

  Raymond, Samuel R.


  Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane)

  Red Cro
ss, American

  Red Dog, Nev., SLC’s lecture in

  Redpath, James


  Refuge of the Derelict, The (Twain)

  Reid, Whitelaw

  “Reminiscences of Some un-Commonplace Characters I Have Chanced to Meet” (Twain)

  Renan, Ernest

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste

  Republican Party

  Rhodes, Cecil

  Rice, Clarence

  Rice, Clement T.

  Rice, H. F.

  Rice, Thomas “Daddy”

  Richardson, A. D.

  Riley, James Whitcomb

  Riley, John Henry

  Rise of Silas Lapham, The (Howells)

  Ristori, Adelaide

  riverboats, see steamboats

  Robertson, T. W.

  Robin Hood

  Robinson, Henry C.

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rockefeller, William

  Roderick Hudson ( James)

  Rodin, Auguste

  Rogers, Abbie Palmer Gifford

  Rogers, Emilie Hart

  Rogers, Henry Huttleston

  Rogers, Will

  Roman, Anton

  Rome, Italy

  Roop, Nev.

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Stoppard)

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

  Roughing It

  aborted duel left out of

  early titles of

  Hawaiian trip in

  in lectures

  model for Ballou in

  model for Oliphant in

  model for Secretary in

  parody of Nevada legislature in

  publication of

  reviews of

  sales of

  Sandwich Island lecture in

  Slade in

  writing of

  Rough Riders

  Routledge, Edmund

  Routledge, George

  Royal Humane Society

  Ruffner, Ann Virginia

  Russell, Lillian


  Russian Revolution

  Ruth, Babe

  Rutland Globe

  Rutland Herald

  Rutledge, Robert

  Rutledge, William

  Sabine, William T.

  Sacher-Masoch, Leo


  Sacramento, Calif., SLC’s lecture in

  Sacramento Union

  St. Louis, Mo.

  Sanitary Fair in

  St. Louis Apprentice Association

  St. Louis Evening News

  St. Louis Globe-Democrat

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch

  St. Louis Republican

  St. Nicholas Magazine

  Salamo, Lin

  Salisbury Cathedral

  Salt River Navigation Company

  “salutation-speech from the Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth Century, A” (Twain)

  Samossoud, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch (SLC’s daughter)

  Aquarium Club and

  birth of

  in England

  father’s literary legacy and

  father’s temper and

  fire in bed of

  Gabrilowitsch’s marriage to

  in Germany

  Harte’s affection for

  on Howells

  in Italy

  music and

  nurse for

  on SLC’s around the world tour

  suitor of

  Susy’s death and

  in Vienna

  San Diego Herald

  Sandwich Islands, see Hawaii

  Sandy (slave)

  San Francisco

  San Francisco, Calif.

  San Francisco Examiner

  San Francisco Morning Call

  Sanitary Commission, U.S.

  Saroyan, William

  Saturday Evening Post

  Saturday Morning Club

  Saturday Press

  Saturday Review

  Saviolo, Vincentio

  Scaturro, Frank

  Scharnhorst, Gary

  Schoenberg, Arnold

  Schofield, John

  “Schoolhouse Hill” (Twain)

  Schrady, George Frederick


  Scott, F. M.

  Scott, Walter



  Second Great Awakening

  Selkirk, George

  Sellers, Isaiah

  Senate, U. S.



  Severance, Emily

  Severance, Solon Long

  Sewall, G. T.

  Seward, William H.

  Shadow of a Dream, The (Howells)

  Shakespeare, William

  Sharon Herald

  Shelley, Mary

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Sheridan, Philip

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Sherry, Margaret

  Shurtleff, Roswell

  Shute, A. B.

  Sickles, Dan

  Simon Wheeler, Detective (Twain)

  father as model for Judge Griswold in

  “1601” (Twain)

  Slade, Joseph Alfred

  Slason, William

  slaves, slavery

  Slote, Daniel

  Slote, Woodman & Company

  Smarr, Sam

  Smith, Harriet Elinor

  Smith, Henry Nash

  Smith, Roswell

  Smith, Thomas Kilby

  Smithsonian Institute


  Smythe, Carlyle Greenwood

  Sneider (metallurgist)

  Snodgrass, Thomas Jefferson (pseudonym)

  “Sociable Jimmy” (Twain)

  Social Darwinism

  “Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion” (Twain)

  “Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism” (Twain)

  Songs in Many Keys (Holmes)

  Sonora Herald

  Soto, Hernando de

  South, literature in

  South Africa

  South Africa Company

  South Australian Register

  South Carolina, secession of

  Southern Famine Relief Commission

  Southern Michigan

  Spanish-American War

  Spanish Sketchbook (Irving)

  Spaulding, Allie

  Spaulding, Clara


  Spencer, Herbert

  Spoon River Anthology (Masters)

  Springfield (Mass.) Daily Republican

  Springfield (Mass.) Republican

  Spring Valley Water Company

  Stabler, John W.



  Standard Oil

  Stanley, Henry Morton

  Stanton, Edwin

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady


  Stebbins, Horatio

  Stedman, Edmund Clarence

  Stein, Gertrude

  Stephens, Henry Louis

  Sterne, Lawrence

  Stevens, Thaddeus

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Stewart, William M.

  “Stirring Times in Austria” (Twain)

  Stoddard, Charles Warren

  Stoddard, Richard Henry

  Stoker, Dick

  Stolen White Elephant, The (Twain)

  Stomach Club


  Stoppard, Tom

  Story of a Bad Boy, The (Aldrich)

  “Story of the Bad Little Boy, The” (Twain)

  “Story of the Good Little Boy, The” (Twain)

  Stotts, Susan

  Stout, Big Ira

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Strauss, Johann

  Strong, Josiah

  “Struggles of a Conservative with the Woman Question” (Nasby)

  Such, Benjamin J.

  Sunset on the Seine in Winter (Monet)

  “Superintendent of Dreams” (T

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Sut Lovingood

  Sutter’s Mill

  Swain, R. B.

  Swedish Movement Therapy

  Swift, Jonathan

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  Szczepanik, Jan

  Talmage, Thomas DeWitt

  Tammany Hall


  Taylor, Ann Elizabeth

  Taylor, Bayard

  Taylor, Mary Jane

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord

  Terry, Eileen

  Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Hardy)

  Testa, Barbara Gluck

  Texas, secession of

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Theater of the Absurd

  Their Silver Wedding Journey (Howells)

  Their Wedding Journey (Howells)

  “The Killing of Julius Caesar ‘Localized’ ” (Twain)

  Thinker, The (Rodin)

  Third House

  Thompson, George

  Thompson, Samuel

  Thoreau, Henry David

  Those Extraordinary Twins (Twain)

  “1002nd Arabian Night” (Twain)

  “Three Aces, The” (Byng)

  “3,000 Years Among the Microbes” (Twain)

  Thurber, James

  Tichborne, Roger Charles

  Ticknor, Benjamin

  Ticknor, William D.

  Ticknor & Fields

  Tiffany, Louis Comfort

  Tilden, Samuel J.

  Tillou, Combury

  Tilton, Elizabeth

  Tilton, Thomas


  Titusville Morning Herald

  Tocci, Giacomo

  Tocci, Giovanni

  Todd, Neriam

  Tolstoy, Leo

  Tom Sawyer, Detective

  Tom Sawyer Abroad

  Tom Sawyer Abroad; Tom Sawyer, Detective and Other Stories

  Tom Sawyer’s Conspiracy (Twain)

  model for Bat Brandish in

  “To My Missionary Critics” (Twain)

  Torbert, G. L.

  “To the Person Sitting in Darkness” (Twain)

  Townshend, James W. E.

  Tramp Abroad, A (Twain)

  reviews of

  rough drafts of

  sales of


  travel literature

  Treasure Island (Stevenson)

  Treaty of Paris

  Trilling, Lionel

  Trollope, Anthony

  Trollope, Francis

  Trotsky, Leon

  Trouble Begins at Eight, The: Mark Twain’s Lecture Tours

  Troy Times

  “True, I Talk of Dreams” (Howells)

  True Story, and the Recent Carnival of Crime, A (Twain)

  “True Story Just as I Heard It, A” (Twain)

  Trumbull, James Hammond

  Tucker, Joshua

  Turgenev, Ivan


  Twain, Mark, see Clemens, Samuel


  “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” (Moore)

  Tweed, William Marcy

  Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)

  Twichell, Harmony

  Twichell, Joe H.

  background of

  on Bermuda cruise

  at Clara’s wedding

  in Germany

  1606 and

  SLC’s hikes with

  SLC’s prayer sessions with

  at SLC’s wedding

  Susy’s death and

  Twichell, Julia Curtis

  “Twins of Genius” tour

  Two Men of Sandy Bar (Harte)

  Two Years Before the Mast (Dana)

  T. Wrightson and Company


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