The Devil Is a Lie

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The Devil Is a Lie Page 14

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  Nina jammed her eyes shut to ward off tears. She couldn’t believe she was going to have to give Todd—more specifically, Pam—anything.

  Pam squealed in delight. Nina opened her eyes and glared at Todd. He was staring at her, a sympathetic look on his face. She wanted to scratch his eyes out.

  “We’re rich! We’re rich!” Pam sang as she stood and did a little shimmy.

  “Order in my court!” the judge said, pounding his gavel.

  “Sorry, Judge,” Pam said, sitting back down in her seat.

  “This order shall take immediate effect.” The judge looked at Nina’s attorney. “Mr. Mason, will you advise your client that my clerk will notify the Lottery Commission tomorrow morning? At that time the funds will be ordered released. One half to her. One half to Mr. Lawson.”

  “Yes, Your Honor,” he said dejectedly.

  “I hope this has taught us all a valuable lesson about follow-through,” the judge continued. “We do not take our jobs lightly in this judicial system, so it would behoove you not to take our rulings lightly.”

  Nina didn’t know why the judge was looking at her. She’d done her part. She’d signed the divorce papers. She couldn’t help it if Todd didn’t handle his business. Besides, she really didn’t feel like being lectured.

  “Case dismissed,” the judge said.

  Nina turned to seek comfort from Rick, but he was already heading out the courtroom doors. She couldn’t believe it. She’d just had the judge rule against her. Now her fiancé had turned his back on her as well.


  “We can appeal.” Walter was perched on the edge of his large mahogany desk, looking like the high-dollar attorney he was. But even at two hundred and fifty dollars an hour, he couldn’t stop her ex from ruining her life—again.

  “What are the chances of an appeal winning?” Nina asked.

  “Honestly, slim to none,” Walter answered. “Most of the judges are going to side with Todd, no matter how compelling a case we present. I can tell you that if you decide to appeal, I’ll give it my best shot. But I assure you, Todd will continue to fight you, and when all is said and done, you both will have used up most of your money on legal fees.”

  Rick didn’t hide his displeasure. “So basically we’re just screwed.”

  “I wouldn’t look at it that way,” Walter replied.

  “There’s no other way to look at it.” Rick stood to leave, and Nina jumped up behind him.

  “So what do you want me to do?” Walter asked as he followed them to the door.

  “Tell the judge we won’t be appealing,” she said, not taking her eyes off Rick.

  “Will do,” Walter said. “And keep in mind, four point three million dollars is still a whole lot of money.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Nina said. “We can have a good life with that. Can’t we, baby? We just have to use the money more wisely so that we’re not broke in a few years.”

  “Oh, absolutely,” Walter said. “Invested right, you’ll be set for life.”

  Rick merely opened the office door and walked out. Nina quickly thanked Walter, told him she’d call him later, and hurried after Rick.

  “Rick, would you wait?” Nina asked as she speed walked to catch up with her fiancé. He stopped, but the irritation was evident on his face. “What is it going to take for you to get over this?”

  Seeing how distressed she was, he tried to smile. “I’m sorry, Nina. I’m over it. I mean, it’s still four million more than we had yesterday.”

  Nina smiled at those words. “Right, and this doesn’t change anything. We just have to put ourselves on a budget.”

  “And I guess a budget would include passing on the gym?”

  “We can get the gym,” she said, less sure. “Maybe not the one you wanted, but we can still open somewhere else.”

  “No, we can’t,” he said, starting toward the car. The rational, understanding man who had just moments ago appeared before her was gone. “It’s like you said, it’s only four million dollars and you have to use it wisely.”

  “Maybe we can look around for a smaller property.”

  “I don’t want a smaller property. I want that property. But I bet you’ll find enough money to give to your triflin’ relatives,” he muttered.

  Nina was taken aback. This money had turned him into a bona fide jerk. “Of course I’m still planning to give my family cash gifts. It won’t be as much as I initially planned, but I will give them something.”

  “Yet another thing you didn’t consult me on.” He turned his back and unlocked the car door. She stood waiting for him to unlock hers. When he didn’t, she tapped on the window.

  “Are you going to let me in?”

  He slowly reached over and unlocked her door. “Okay, Rick, you’re acting like a big baby,” she said as she climbed in the car.

  “You’re right,” he said. “I’m the broke big baby. Let me take you home so you can figure out how you’re going to spend your money.”

  Nina could feel the hairs on the back of her neck prickle. This song and dance with Rick was getting really old. His taking her home was the best thing she’d heard all day.


  Today should’ve been one of the happiest days of her life. But Nina felt anything but happy. She looked around her living room. Her relatives sat salivating like coyotes watching wild rabbits. Rick stood off in a corner, a sour expression etched across his face. If he’d had his way, her relatives wouldn’t get a dime. But no matter how trifling they were, at the end of the day, they were still family and she wanted to share her winnings with them.

  “When are we gonna get this shindig started?” her uncle Clevon said.

  Nina took a deep breath to clear her mind and release the negative energy she was feeling. She’d picked up her check two days ago, after the hold had been lifted, and she was 4.3 million dollars richer. Well, minus the seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of cashier’s checks she’d taken out for her relatives. Today was a happy occasion and she was going to act happy—even if she had to force it.

  “Well, let me just say I’m thrilled to have most of my family with me this afternoon,” Nina began. In addition to Aunt Frances and Uncle Clevon, the twins were there, along with Lee Roy, Uncle Buster, and a few other relatives. Nina had summoned them all there—with the exception of the twins, who showed up on their own—without telling them why, although most of them had no trouble figuring out the reason.

  “What I want to know,” questioned her father’s oldest brother, Buster, “is why he’s even here.” He pointed at Rick.

  Rick gritted his teeth. Nina quickly stepped in to defuse the situation. “Because, Uncle Buster, this is our money we’re giving away.”

  “Our? You ain’t married to him,” Buster replied.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” Aunt Frances said, leaning over and whispering in Janay’s ear. “There’s something about him I ain’t never liked, no way. His eyes are shifty.” She pretended to be whispering, but she was talking loud enough for everybody in the room to hear.

  Nina knew Rick would only take so much, so she held up her hand. “Look, Aunt Frances. Neither you or anyone else will disrespect my fiancé, okay? This is our money, and anyone who doesn’t like it can leave.”

  “There she go again with that ‘our’ stuff,” Uncle Buster said, looking around the room. “Did I miss a wedding? Why didn’t I get invited to the wedding?”

  “Uncle Buster, if you don’t be quiet, I’m going to ask you to leave.” Nina couldn’t believe him. He never came around except to borrow money from a family member, so he had some nerve questioning Rick.

  Uncle Buster leaned back in his seat, pouting. “Fine. I’m just saying. When folks talk plural ’bout their money, it usually means there’s a marriage certificate involved.”

  Nina ignored him and continued. “We have decided that we have been really blessed.” She took Rick’s hand and gently smiled at him. Of course he didn’t smile back. They’d argued about
this for hours that morning. Rick wanted them to just take the money and move to the other side of the country without leaving a forwarding address. But she couldn’t do that. As crazy as her family was, she’d been blessed with a windfall and felt obligated to share. Rick had finally acquiesced, but only because he knew it was an argument he wouldn’t win.

  Nina released Rick’s hand and pulled a sheet of paper from her pocket. “Here’s what we decided.” She paused to flash a stern look. “And let me be very clear on this. We’re planning to take our winnings and do some investing. Therefore, we will not have cash on hand. Meaning we are not an ATM, meaning you cannot come to us at your leisure asking for money. What we are about to give you is a one-time payment,” she stressed. “One time. Do with it what you like. But this is it. There will be no more loans, investments; no more sob stories, no gifts, nothing. This is it, so spend wisely.” Nina hated being so harsh with her family, but her financial planner was adamant that she stress that her disbursing money would not be an ongoing occurrence.

  “Why you gotta put all these terms on it?” Lee Roy said. “Make me not even want the money.”

  “Well, Lee Roy, I’d be more than happy to give your share to someone else,” Nina said.

  “Naw, naw,” he cried. “I didn’t say all that. I’m just saying, all these terms, you know, they’re unnecessary, but I want my money.”

  Nina shook her head and continued reading. “I have in my hand cashier’s checks for everyone.” She had already started passing them out when it dawned on her that maybe she should’ve done this with each relative individually. She made a mental note to be more thorough in her future financial decisions. But no sense in sweating over it now. She continued, “It’s up to you to decide if you should share the amount of your gift, but I would appreciate it if you kept the amounts to yourself.”

  Despite what she said, when she handed her aunt Frances an envelope, she immediately tore it open.

  “One hundred thousand dollars!”

  Nina shook her head. So much for her request.

  “Lord Jesus, how many zeros is that?” Buster exclaimed.

  “Praise God,” Frances said. “Clevon, you can get your foot fixed.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  Nina’s heart warmed at the sight of her relatives tearing into their envelopes. The twins were staring at her in disbelief because she hadn’t given them anything, but most everyone else was crying tears of joy. This is what winning the money was all about. Moments like this were priceless.

  “Grandma Odessa,” Lee Roy said, “how much did you get?”

  “Let’s see,” Odessa replied, looking at her envelope. “Oh, glory be to God, I got…none of your doggone business.”

  “Aww, Grandma, come on. Tell me,” Lee Roy said.

  “Boy, you know better than to ask me a question like that. You’ll find out how much I got when pigs fly.”

  “There she goes with her pig obsession,” Lee Roy mumbled.

  “Before I go any further,” Nina continued, ignoring her cousin, “let me be clear. If anyone has a problem with what I have given them, feel free to decline, deny, or otherwise refuse my gift.”

  “Awww, ain’t nobody refusing nothing. Quit playing. Just get on with it,” Lee Roy said.

  “Yvonne.” Nina handed over Yvonne’s envelope, which she quickly grabbed and tore open. Her eyes danced as she read the check. Nina had given her two hundred thousand dollars.

  “You are my favorite sister in the world!” Yvonne squealed as she threw her arms around Nina’s neck. Next to her grandmother, Yvonne was one person Nina didn’t have to worry about telling how much money she had received. Yvonne was so tight, Nina was sure she wouldn’t even tell the twins.

  “Anyway, it is my hope that you enjoy your money,” Nina said.

  The chatter started up again. Nina loved the look of joy on her relatives’ faces. This was what she had wanted the money to be about—bringing happiness to the people she loved.

  She glanced over at Rick, who was not outright scowling anymore. But he was definitely one person who wasn’t happy. The thought crossed her mind that the money wasn’t even his. But she was too generous to say something like that. Once he got to spending, she was sure he’d get over his funky attitude.


  “Hey, Mama.” Todd leaned down and kissed his mother on the cheek.

  She had been working in the garden, and she rose to her full height. “Hey, baby. How are you?” Even clad in a straw sun visor, black capris, and her green sorority apron, she still exuded sophistication.

  “In the garden again, huh?” He looked around at the place that had been her pride and joy for as long as he could remember.

  “Yeah, trying to get my daffodils blooming.”

  “This heat isn’t bothering you?”

  “Mind over matter.” She surveyed her garden with a critical eye. “Can you believe I saw some weeds creeping up?”

  Todd put his hands to his chest, feigning shock. “Oh no, not the dreaded weeds.”

  She pinched his cheek and said, “Come on in, baby. I’ll make you some fresh lemonade.”

  Todd followed his mother inside. “The judge issued the final ruling,” he said after taking a seat at the kitchen table.

  “And?” She continued mixing the lemonade in a clear glass pitcher.

  “And I’m a millionaire four times over.”

  She didn’t say anything as she finished making the drink. She poured two glasses, set one in front of him, then eased down in the seat across from him. “A quadrillionaire. I hope that makes you happy.” She gave him a piercing look as if she knew it didn’t.

  Todd trailed his finger down his glass. His mother always made the best lemonade, straight from scratch. He took a sip, savoring the drink before finally speaking. “I talked to Dr. Phelps. I told him we’d be able to pay the entire amount due for the surgery Friday.”

  His mother’s shoulders sank with relief. “Thank you, Jesus,” she muttered. “I’ve been so worried.”

  “Aren’t you the one always saying if you pray, why worry? If you worry, why pray?”

  She was mildly impressed. “So you were listening all those years.”

  “Of course.” He returned her smile. “I called and checked on Grams before I got here. She’s resting. I have a good feeling that this surgery will turn things around.”

  “I hope so.” She paused. “I still don’t feel like—”

  He cut her off. “Mama, let it go. We didn’t have a choice.” He took a deep breath and tried to change the subject. “I’m hoping this money will also make things better between me and Pam.” Even as he said it, he doubted that anything would change. But he’d promised himself to give her one last chance. It wasn’t fair to her or him to stay in a relationship where he wasn’t happy.

  “Sweetie, I think you’re going to need a whole lot more than a chunk of money, even a lot of it, to make things right between you and Pam,” his mother observed.

  Todd knew the thought of Pam being her daughter-in-law made his mother cringe.

  “Where’s the little gold digger anyway?” Gloria tsked.

  “Mama,” Todd chastised, “behave yourself. Besides, how is Pam going to be a gold digger when I don’t have any gold to dig for?”

  “Well, you may not have had any gold before, but you sure do now.” His mother slowly sipped her lemonade.

  “Well, Mama. Pam was with me before I got the money. I just really wish you would learn to get along with her. At least treat her with respect.” That was a pipe dream. Pam would always be “the other woman.” In his mother’s eyes, that was unforgivable.

  “A woman that knowingly tries to wreck another woman’s home is not someone who deserves to be respected.”

  Todd wanted to remind his mother that he was just as guilty as Pam, but he let the issue drop.

  “Anyway, I didn’t come over here to talk about me and Pam. I came to tell you about Grams and to give you this. Here you go.” Todd sli
d a check across the table to her.

  She picked it up, her eyes growing wide. “Oh, my. What is this?”

  “What does it look like?”

  She cocked her head in confusion. “It looks like a check for five hundred thousand dollars.”

  “That’s what it is, then.”

  Her eyes misted as she slid the check back to him. “Baby, you know I’m not gonna take that. With your father’s insurance policy, his Social Security check, and my retirement, I can take care of myself. My house is paid off, my car is paid off, and I don’t want for anything. The only thing I wanted was to pay for my mother’s surgery, and you’re doing that, so I’m good.”

  Todd had known that would be his mother’s response, so he began the speech he’d already prepared. “Mama, all my life you’ve given to me. I’m finally in a position to give to you. Please let me take care of you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can but—”

  “But nothing.” She stood from the table and retrieved the pitcher of lemonade. “Why don’t you put the money away for your future family?” she asked, refilling both of their glasses.

  That made his heart heavy. At the rate he was going, he’d never have a family.

  His mother must’ve been reading his mind because she gently patted his hand. “It’s gon’ happen, baby. Not on your time but on God’s time.”

  “Pam has no intention of ever having kids,” he said. Even the slightest mention of kids made Pam’s skin crawl. That had been just fine with Todd in the beginning, but over the last few months he had started to wonder what it would be like to be a father.

  “Well, you don’t have to have a baby with Pam,” his mother said knowingly.

  He dropped his hands onto the table as his mother continued talking. “I know you think I don’t like her and I don’t, but that’s beside the point. You two just aren’t right for each other. You’re trying to hang on even though God is showing you it’s time to let it go. It’s almost like you’re punishing yourself for hurting Nina. I think you’ve more than paid your debt already.”


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