No Getting Over a Cowboy

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No Getting Over a Cowboy Page 11

by Delores Fossen

  However, she wouldn’t do that for Lady.

  Now that Kaylee was in the room, she didn’t want her daughter learning at such a tender age about a horny woman who had a penchant for yelling “Camel-Tow” during her climax.

  Nicky banged her hand on the wall her office shared with Lady’s bedroom. The response was a faster rhythmic thumping, followed by some orgasmic moans. Nicky’s response was more banging, and while she would have liked to believe that it’d worked on the second try, it was simply that Lady and her repairman lover had finished their little afternoon tryst.

  “Camel-Tow!” Lady yelled.

  Yep, they’d finished. Maybe it’d be another hour or two before Lady felt the need to have someone unbunch her panties.

  “Gare-if?” Kaylee asked, getting Nicky’s complete attention.

  Nicky hurried to the window seat where Kaylee was coloring and looked out. From the second floor, she had a good vantage point of the front and side yards. She saw two repairmen, Vita, Ruby, one of the sisters. But no Garrett.

  “Gare-if,” Kaylee proudly announced, and she showed Nicky the stick figure drawing she’d made in a bare spot on the coloring page.

  It looked like him. Well, as much as a stick figure could look like a real person. Kaylee had given him the right color hair, eyes and cowboy hat, along with three arms and very large ears, but it was a good attempt.

  “Very nice,” Nicky told her.

  And she hated that she felt so disappointed that Garrett himself hadn’t been out there in the yard. Not that she could expect him to be. No. He wouldn’t come near this place.

  It’d been over two weeks since Meredith had spilled the Kyle secret, and despite Garrett’s semi threat of “I’ll see you later,” he hadn’t done that. He hadn’t called or come by the Widows’ House. In fact, the day Nicky and the widows had all finally moved in, Garrett had been away in east Texas on a cattle-buying trip.

  Nicky had tried to call him, though, just an hour or so after he’d heard the Kyle bombshell, but the call had gone straight to voice mail. That said it all. Garrett was done with her.


  The ache came, spreading through her chest, and suddenly she was seventeen again and feeling lower than hoof grit because he’d dumped her. Maybe one day she would learn to guard her heart better. Maybe one day there’d be a vaccine to cure her of Garrett-itis.

  There was a knock at the door, but before Nicky could say come in, it opened. Not Meredith, thank goodness. It was Gina.

  “Still moping?” Gina asked her right off.

  Nicky tried to fix her expression so that it didn’t confirm Gina’s moping accusation. But Gina didn’t notice the expression fix because her attention went to Kaylee.

  “Who am I?” Kaylee asked her, doing her outstretched pose again.

  The foil nose ring had fallen out and was on the floor now, but Gina still got it. “You’re me.” She clapped and squealed with Kaylee. “How am I ever going to tell us apart?”

  Kaylee giggled and giggled some more while Gina spun her around. Thankfully, the noise they were making drowned out some of the kissing sounds that Lady and her beau were making as she said goodbye to him. Nicky got up and shut the door.

  “Please tell me no one else wants to move rooms,” she said to Gina when the giggling and spinning stopped. “Because I’ve already redone the room assignments three times.”

  “No room complaints. That’s about all the good news I can give you, though. The washer overflowed, Loretta has a panic attack every time she sees the kitchen, and the guy who’s supposed to be checking the plumbing checked Lady’s plumbing instead. And someone from the historical society called to complain about Lady’s truck. She objects to the camel toe picture.”

  “Yes, I heard. I’ll talk to Loretta. Lady, too.” But she wouldn’t mention the picture complaints because Lady being Lady, she would likely change it to something much worse.

  “Oh, and the sisters are complaining about Vita,” Gina added. “They say she gives them the creeps and that she smells like old cheese.”

  Probably true. Vita’s pockets could be filled with smelly cheese or some kind of homemade charm to ward off whatever she was trying to ward off. With Vita, you just didn’t know.

  “Anything new on the d-e-a-d g-u-y?” Gina asked.

  Nicky shook her head. “Nothing from those posts I put on social media. I was really hoping that someone would recognize the engraving in the ring.”

  “They still might. All it takes is the right person to see it and get in touch with you.” Gina went to Kaylee, ruffled her hair and smiled at the picture. “Now, that’s a hot cowboy.”

  Kaylee grinned. “Gare-if.”

  “It sure is. Seems to me that your mom should show this picture to Gare-if. Would you like that?”

  Kaylee eagerly nodded, but Nicky gave her friend a blank stare.

  Gina stared back. “Take it to Garrett while Kaylee and I have some playtime. Stay as long as you like. Overnight, even.”

  “Overnight?” Nicky practically howled. “Not a chance.”

  “Well, it should at least be on your radar. Look, everybody’s noticing that you’re moping. Why don’t you just go to Garrett, have a good air clearing, maybe kiss him again, and all will be right with the world?”

  If only it were that easy. Her world wasn’t something to which she could apply a quick fix. But the idea of a kiss did sound like a compelling start to an argument.

  “Plus, I think your visiting Garrett would get that sneaky smile off Meredith’s face,” Gina added. “She’s the only one in the house who’s not moping about this rift between Garrett and you. A rift that she caused with her blabbering. I hope you know that she wants her man back, and that this is step one toward accomplishing that.”

  “I suspected it.” It felt a little like a sucker punch, though, to hear it voiced aloud. “But she’s also grieving the loss of her child and marriage, and she might get some help here.”

  “You’re too nice.” Gina handed Nicky the stick-person picture. “I, on the other hand, have no such character flaw. If she tries to mess things up for you, then I’m putting butter and full fat milk in her oatmeal. A few extra pounds should put a dent in her oversize ego.”

  It probably wasn’t a good idea not to scold Gina for a threat like that, but Nicky didn’t.

  “Have you gotten any roses that you didn’t tell me about?” Gina asked.

  That grabbed Nicky’s attention, and she studied her friend’s face to see what had prompted the question. “No, only the one since I’ve been here. Why?”

  “Just making sure. Now scoot. You’ve got a cowboy to visit.”

  Nicky hesitated a moment to see if Gina was going to add anything else to that, but the only thing she added was a shooing motion with her hands. Nicky shrugged. Maybe this was just Gina’s way of watching out for her and there was no ESP involved. Because Nicky certainly didn’t want another reminder in the form of flowers.

  With Kaylee’s and Gina’s full approval, Nicky took the drawing and headed out. The place certainly didn’t have that air of serenity yet, but it was getting there. Soon, maybe in a week or two, this would be the haven that Nicky had envisioned.

  She passed by the parlor that was already set up for the first group session that would take place tomorrow. Cassie McCord, a therapist from nearby Spring Hill would be leading the group, and Nicky couldn’t wait to get started.

  Vita was still in the yard, a cluster of feathers in one hand and some smoking weeds in the other. Like Z.T.’s house, she looked like something from a different era in her ankle-length drab gray skirt and white embroidered blouse.

  “Donkey dicks,” D.M. mumbled when Nicky started to walk past her.

  Nicky stopped. That’s what the woman often said when she was surprised, an
d yes, Vita did fall into the surprising category. “She’s harmless, really.”

  D.M. lifted an eyebrow. “She offered to anoint me with a potion to help with my Tourette’s. Apparently, it cures acne, ingrown toenails and hemorrhoids, too—should I ever have a need for a cure for those problems. I told her I’d rather seek out my anointments from folks who’ve actually gone to medical school.”

  Nicky patted her arm. “Good for you.” But she hated to tell D.M. that logic probably wouldn’t stop Vita from trying to dole out her so-called treatments.

  “The dead guy’s spirit won’t bother you after I finish this,” Vita announced as Nicky went to her.

  “He’s not actually bothering us now.” Nicky hoped that would get the woman to hurry up and leave so there’d be no more complaints about the smell.

  Vita stopped her prancing, looked at Nicky. “Of course, he is. Women are complaining, and the mood around here is dark and gloomy.”

  Well, they were widows. All but Meredith anyway. So dark and gloomy came with the territory. As for the complaints, Nicky was learning that was the norm, too. The idea of a retreat was wonderful. In the idea stage. But logistics, overflowing washers and chanting fortune-tellers somewhat diminished that idea.

  “Can’t do anything though about the shit flowers,” Vita went on.

  Nicky doubted there were actual flowers by that name, and she waited for Vita to elaborate. “Shit might hide the scent, but it’ll come back,” Vita finally said.

  All right. Since there probably wasn’t anything else Nicky could say to Vita that would make this conversation any clearer, she just thanked the woman and went on her way. Her SUV was parked on the trail, which meant she had to walk close to the bulldozer and the work crew to get to it. It was loud and a couple of the men were gawking at something.


  She was now sunbathing in the backyard. Apparently, she was in search of her next orgasm and figured she’d showcase her assets to potential orgasm givers.

  Nicky didn’t want to take the time to walk the twenty minutes to get to the ranch house, so she got in her SUV. Plus, it was hot, and she didn’t want to arrive all sweaty. Her confidence, however, wasn’t nearly as high when she got there. That’s because she saw several women on the front porch. Not any of the widows. These were women from town, all young, all attractive, and judging from the gossip she’d heard, they were all after Garrett. Maybe this was why he hadn’t contacted her.

  Sophie was with the women, and the moment she spotted Nicky she came down the porch steps and headed straight for her.

  Nicky didn’t get out of her SUV and kept the engine running. “I’m sorry if I interrupted a get-together—”

  “You didn’t. God, I could kiss you.” Sophie glanced back over her shoulder at the women. “They just showed up, all looking for Garrett. They’re worried about him.” She put “worried” in air quotes. “Worried is code for they’re looking for a permanent hookup.”

  Just as Nicky had suspected. “I can leave.”

  “Please don’t. Just get out of your car and make sure you look sad, like you need to talk to a friend.”

  Nicky didn’t even have to change her expression. She was sad, and a chat with a friend sounded like a good idea. The moment she stepped out, Sophie pulled her into a hug.

  “You poor thing,” Sophie said in a much louder voice. “Ladies, this might take a while. I’ll see you on your next visit. Which hopefully won’t be too soon,” Sophie added to Nicky in a whisper.

  With her arm still around Nicky’s shoulder, Sophie led her into the side yard and then to the back porch. “Garrett’s not here,” Sophie went on. “But please tell me you came here to talk to him.”

  “I did. I want to apologize.”

  “That’s going around. Meredith was here earlier to do that same thing.”

  Nicky hadn’t meant to scowl, but she did, and Sophie must have noticed because she laughed. “My sentiments exactly.” Sophie opened the back door and led her into the kitchen. Both Alice and Belle were there, and they were peering out one of the windows.

  “Those women want to get in Garrett’s pants,” Belle said without greeting. “Is that why you’re here?” she added to Nicky.

  Nicky nearly choked on her own breath. Thankfully, Sophie answered for her.

  “We just need some girl talk, that’s all,” Sophie explained, and she led her to a room that Nicky knew well. Garrett’s office. “So, what the heck happened?” Sophie asked the moment she shut the door. “It’s all over town that Garrett kissed you on the porch at Z.T.’s house, and he did that right in front of Meredith.”

  Where to start? Nicky took a deep breath and decided to simplify this. “He kissed me because he was pissed off at Meredith for being at the Widows’ House. A few moments later, Meredith told him that the man in the VW with her was my brother, Kyle.”

  Too bad those images of Meredith in the VW were branded in her head. Garrett’s, too. Heck, it was likely branded in plenty of heads since the video had gotten a ton of hits on the internet before it’d finally been taken down. It’d been a miracle that Kyle’s face hadn’t been visible. That was because the photographer filmed him from the back. Hours later her brother had confessed to her that he was the costar in that particular show.

  “There were some things a sister should never see,” Nicky explained, “and one of those things is my brother getting a blow job from my ex-boyfriend’s wife.”

  “Yeah, that would definitely be on my not-to-see list.” Sophie took her own deep breath and sank down onto the edge of the desk. “That explains it. Garrett is moping again, and he’s doing that because he feels as if you lied to him.”

  “In a way, I did. I didn’t tell him or anyone else the truth. And Kyle didn’t have to own up to it because there wasn’t a clear image of him on the video.”

  “Hard to believe,” Sophie mumbled. “You’d think if anyone’s image would be unrecognizable, it would be Meredith’s. I mean, since her mouth was occupied.”

  Both Sophie and Nicky made a face. It was definitely a yucky subject when family members and a male “member” were involved.

  “Meredith also told Garrett that I’d worked to keep Kyle’s name out of the press. I did,” she admitted. “I called in plenty of favors when the gossip started that he was the one involved. But I did that because Kyle was married at the time, and I didn’t want it getting back to his wife, Ivy.” Nicky groaned. “I know, I know. It was wrong to keep something like that from her.”

  And it hadn’t helped because Ivy had filed for a divorce just a few months later.

  “You weren’t wrong to do that,” Sophie assured her. “You were trying to protect your brother. I would have done the same thing if I’d been in your place.”

  That was generous of Sophie. “I’m sure Garrett doesn’t feel that way.”

  Sophie made a sound of agreement. “All the hurt from the past three years has gotten balled up together, and now you’re a part of that ball.”

  Great. Another discussion about man parts. But Nicky knew what Sophie was saying was true. “Maybe I should just stay away from Garrett. Permanently.”

  “God, no. That’s the last thing you should do. Since you’ve come here, I’ve started to see some signs of the old Garrett.” Sophie lifted her shoulder. “Well, until two weeks ago anyway. But you can fix that.”

  Nicky wasn’t so sure of that at all. “I’m not sure I’m the right person for Garrett. He hurt me back in high school, and whether or not it makes sense, that’s part of that ball, too.”

  Sophie stared at her. “Do you want him?”

  Nicky wished Sophie hadn’t phrased it like that. It made Garrett sound like an ice cream cone or a hot stone massage. “I just want to feel something again. Something that isn’t depression or sadness.”

Yes! Well, there you are. You know what you have to do then.”

  Uh, no she didn’t have a clue. Nicky shook her head.

  “You have to stop what’s about to happen,” Sophie provided. “Come on.” She took Nicky by the arm again. “Those porch women should be gone by now so we can leave.”

  Nicky had to shake her head again. “Leave and do what?”

  Sophie didn’t stop, didn’t slow down. “We have to stop Garrett from making a huge mistake.”

  * * *

  THIS WAS A MISTAKE. Garrett was certain of it.

  At least it was a mistake he was making while drinking a cold beer. And he was drinking that beer with Roman at the Longhorn Bar in town. All in all, if he was going to do something to screw himself over—or be screwed—then, this was the way to go about it.

  “No strings there,” Roman reminded him as he sipped his own beer. He tipped his head to the blond-haired woman in one of the booths. From their vantage point at the end of the bar, they could see pretty much everyone in the room. Everyone who came through the front door, too. “You could spend some time with her, and if you don’t want any more time, then she’ll be fine with it.”

  Garrett knew the no-stringer, of course. He knew everyone in town, and this was Tara Lynn Whitlow, a woman who made no apologies for enjoying her rather busy sex life. She hadn’t been one of the women in the “trying to get in his pants” category because she’d probably seen more interesting pants around. Ones that didn’t come with so much baggage.

  Which got Garrett thinking.

  “If we weren’t Grangers, women might not be so interested in us,” Garrett said.

  “Speak for yourself,” Roman grumbled.

  Coming from any other man, that would have sounded cocky. It still sounded that way coming from Roman, but it was the truth. Roman still had that bad-boy edge that caused women to flock to him. Maybe some wanted to tame him, but Garrett suspected his brother just had pants that plenty of women wanted to remove.


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