The Silver Bear's Mate

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The Silver Bear's Mate Page 2

by Fay Walsh

  She nodded, looking at him with a smile on her face.

  “I'll see you then,” she said.

  She noticed he was begrudging about their date, which wasn’t how she wanted him to feel about it, but he at least agreed to a date. It was the first time in a very long time she had been on a date, and with a guy who as about ten times cuter than the ones she dated in the past. But, there was something so mysterious about him.

  The fact that he was interested in the paranormal, a subject she was mildly obsessed with, was one thing, but there was something deep down that he wasn’t telling her, and she could tell immediately that it was the case.

  She had grown curious and wondered if he would tell her more about himself and if things would change. She wondered as well if he would ever open up his heart, or if this would be just a formal meeting to discuss information.

  Of course, the truth was, Vicky definitely knew a lot more than what she was letting on, and she did want to tell him that, but she also feared what might happen if she did say anything. She wondered if things would change between them for the better. She didn't know for sure, but in her head, she definitely had a lot of questions for Sven, and more answers that she craved more than anything else, and she had a feeling that Sven was going to tell her many things.

  Her face showed a look of excitement, and she wondered just what she would learn from this man, and the truth that had yet to be revealed.

  Chapter 3

  Sven wondered what was going through her head. She had a very mysterious vibe like she knew something she wasn’t telling anyone and was hiding it for various reasons. There was something eerie about Vicky, the way that she acted, the different behavior she had, and the way that she talked.

  There was something mysterious about her. That was what drew Sven to Vicky, the fact that she knew something he didn’t, and she would have the answers he desired.

  He felt a strange excitement in his body like he couldn't wait for the date that they were going to have. It was odd because Sven never really felt excitement for encounters such as that, but there was something that drew him to her. Every time it crossed his mind, he would smile to himself.

  “Why does she seem so friendly and inviting? I know I just met her, but she seems so nice,” he told himself.

  She gave off an aura of friendliness, and tranquility, something he rarely got from humans.

  He was definitely curious about this, especially since she was so different from the other women in the past that he had talked to. He wondered if there was something more here, something that was deeper from what he expected. Sven knew the only way to answer this would be to just meet up with her and learn the truth.

  When the day came, Sven was ready to step over to the doorway. As he approached it, he heard the foreboding sound of Travis.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I'm meeting with someone,” he muttered.

  “Oh? A girl?” Travis said.

  “You could say that. I did meet someone at the library earlier. She seemed pretty interesting and I want to talk to her more,” he said.

  “I see. So it is a girl. My little Sven is growing up,” he said with a smirk.

  “Shut the hell up. I just want her advice,” he said.

  “I see. Of course, you don't care at all about her,’ he said.

  He blushed. He didn’t really think of her in that regard, but she was cute. In a strange way.

  “She’s cute, that’s all I'm saying about it,” he said.

  “It’s okay. It’s how I met Alana. No need to be embarrassed,” Travis said.

  He grimaced. He hated that this was the case, but he knew for a fact that Travis would give him shit regardless of what he told the alpha. Sometimes he hated how Travis acted. However, he wasn’t going to complain about it, as Travis had helped him a lot in the past, in his own unique way.

  It was a fact though that Travis was a little overbearing, and that was putting it nicely. Travis always seemed to care about what Sven did. He sighed, realizing that this was a bit awkward, to say the least.

  “Well, I should get going, she’s expecting me soon,” he said.

  “Do you think she’s the one?” Travis asked.

  Immediately, Sven looked at him with shock in his eyes.

  “I'm not worried about that yet,” he said to Travis with a scoff.

  “I know. I just hope that you end up finding someone eventually. It would be good if you joined the rest of us,” he said.

  Sven shook his head.

  “I'm not falling into the trap of having a mate, especially when I don’t even know whether or not they will be able to really deal with me just yet,” he said.

  “I get that Sven. But, it could benefit you just like how it had the others,” Travis said.

  “I told you, man, don’t pester me about that shit. I'm just trying to get my own life together,” he said.

  “Fair enough. Let me know how it goes,” he said with a wink.

  Sven tensed, nodding in agreement. He would at least do that, but he didn’t want to worry about falling in love just yet. He knew for a fact that if he did that, things would get complicated and messy. There was a lot on his mind that he needed to find answers soon.

  For Sven, there was a lot of drive to better himself and to really get everything in order. It didn’t help him at all that Travis was somewhat obsessed with the whole mate situation.

  He went to the restaurant Vicky and he had decided to meet up at. It was one of the small diners in town, and they would definitely have some privacy there. When they got in, Sven immediately noticed how Vicky make a break for one of the tables off to the side. He was surprised by it but quickly dismissed it, following her to the table. Vicky sat down, looking around before he did the same.

  “Something the matter?”

  “No, it’s just, I hate going out sometimes because people stare at me. I'm kind of antisocial, and when they see me out in the open, they immediately notice it,” she said to him.

  Sven nodded. “Yeah, I can relate to that. People tend to think that I'm the same way, unapproachable and shit,” he said.

  “I get that, yeah. But, I'm glad that you made your way out to her. Anyways, are you doing okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I am. But, Vicky, I want to cut to the chase. There is something that I think I need to ask you about. What you said the other night… got me curious,” he said.

  “You mean about what I know, right?”

  “Yeah. How does someone like you know about the paranormal and crap? I just thought that you were someone who was interested in it in passing,” he said.

  “Oh, I am into the occult. I've been into it for years,” she said.

  “I see. What do you know about it?”

  “Well, I've done a lot of research on the paranormal and how it affects people. And not just that... I can feel auras. It’s awkward to explain, I know that, but I'm definitely feeling something strong with you. The presence of the other person’s aura is something that I like to explore,” she said.

  “I get that. So what do you feel from me?” he asked.

  She immediately stiffened at his words, trying to figure out what to say. She bit her lip, which Sven noticed. She definitely felt something different from him, and he felt something with her.

  “I feel calm and happy. Like I can trust you. But also a mysterious vibe.”

  “I see. So you can kind of pick up on the way that people act,” he said pointedly.

  “Somewhat. I don't know how to explain it, but when I talk to you Sven, I feel like… I feel like there is a presence nearby that is both intriguing, and strange. Like, I can’t bring myself to explain it well, but I strangely enjoy it,” she said.

  “Well, I'm glad that my presence is interesting to you,” he said to her.

  “Yeah. I do feel that way because you’ve grown on me. It’s a strange fondness that I really like. I'm just happy with being around you. You give off that vibe t
hat you do care about others, in your own unique way,” she said.

  “Thank you, Vicky. That means-”

  As he uttered those words, he felt a vision hit him, causing him to let out a gasp. When he saw what was happening, he started to turn red. The vividness of the images that were being presented to him made him feel embarrassed.

  “Something the matter?” she asked.

  “Oh, it’s n-nothing,” he said, clearing his throat and sitting up.

  “Okay… but you totally just noticed something. You can tell me what’s going on if you feel comfortable with that,” she said.

  “It’s just something that I noticed. Nothing to worry about,” he said.

  “Fine. But you can let me know. I don't know what you’re worried about, but I'm here for you. But, yeah I do feel a lot from you, especially your aura,” she said.

  “I'm glad that you do. There is a lot that I want to say, Vicky, but I'm a bit nervous about admitting it,” he said.

  “That’s fine. But, the fact that you’re actually listening to me is quite interesting, and I appreciate it,” she said.

  He nodded. He was happy this wasn't as awkward as he imagined it would be. He looked at her, seeing the way that her gaze met his own. There was something so strange about her that he liked, and the feelings that he got made his face go red.

  He looked at Vicky, admiring that she had the courage to talk about what she was passionate about. After a moment, he smiled.

  “Well, this is quite interesting, if I do say so myself. You do… interest me,” he said to her.

  “You interest me too. I mean, I haven’t ever really felt this connection with someone before. But, there is one thing that I would like to ask you if that’s okay,” she offered.

  He looked at her, a bit of concern in his voice.

  “What is it?”

  “Have you ever… heard of shifters before? They're something I am interested in, if that makes sense,” she said.

  He looked at her with his eyes widening. Shit, how should he answer this question? He tried to figure out the best way to approach this, especially since he wasn’t ready to let her know the truth. She did pique his interest, yes, but he wasn’t ready to let her know what he really felt.

  “I just… I simply know what they are, and what they’re like. I’m definitely curious about them myself. But, that’s all I know, unfortunately,” he said.

  She looked at him, nodding in response.

  “I see. Well, I've always been curious about them, and I feel like… like this is something that will be explained with time. I'm just happy to at least have someone like you to talk to. I'm kind of weird, and I don’t really get along with people all that much,” she admitted.

  He understood that.

  “I can say the same myself. I grew up with a very strange upbringing, and being a foreigner definitely didn’t help. I'm originally from Norway, but I've lived here for a chunk of my life. Hence why I have an accent,” he said.

  “I see. That makes sense. Well, I’m normally seen as the weird girl, and guys don't want anything to do with me, so it’s been a bit hard to actually find someone that wants to hang out with me,” she said.

  “I get that. People can be rough to deal with, but I'm glad that we are able to at least kinda make it work, you know?” he said.

  “Yeah. I really like you, Sven. I rarely feel connections with other people. For the most part, I'm a loner, but I do like you, and I wouldn’t mind seeing where this goes,” she admitted.

  He blushed. He didn’t know where this would lead. He had never felt this type of connection until now.

  “Well, I have to say this date went a lot better than I thought it would. I honestly thought we’d be too weird for each other,” he said.

  “I mean, honestly I didn’t think you’d be interested in me at all. I know that you were hesitant about a date, but the fact that you did… definitely makes me happy. I want to know more about you. I would love that,” she said.

  He wanted to as well. He definitely saw potential in her, even if he didn’t understand it.

  “Same. I really like your vibe, Vicky. It’s different from the rest, but I do feel… intrigued by it,” he said to her.

  She looked at him, a grin of excitement obvious on her face.

  “Good. I'm glad about that,” she said to him.

  “I am too,” he replied.

  The rest of their time together was short, but it was worth it. Sven liked her presence, even though she did have questions that she probably wouldn’t get answers anytime soon. He wanted to tell her though. Strangely enough, it felt right to let her know, but he didn’t.

  He felt it may be better if they just kept their feelings to themselves for now. It made sense, and he wondered if this would change the way their lives would be forever. For now, he would keep her distance though, and hope that, no matter what, everything would be okay.

  Chapter 4

  After their date, Vicky was left with more questions than answers. What did Sven know? What would it mean? He definitely had his own personal demons that he wasn’t going to let others know about, but that Vicky wanted to know more about. She wondered if he would tell her everything, and she was definitely curious about what he was hiding. She knew that he was avoiding whatever it was that he was struggling with, but she didn’t know for sure what it might be.

  There weren’t enough answers and too many questions, that was for sure. But, she was curious about shifters.

  When she asked that question, she felt the aura change, like it was wrong of her to ask that. She immediately grew curious, wondering just what it was that he was hiding from her. Did it have to do with the fact that she was interested in that, or was there something more here? She definitely wondered, but she felt that, short of asking directly, she wouldn’t get a concrete answer.

  Sven seemed to be troubled about something, but he didn’t tell her what it was. Vicky wanted to ask what was bothering him, but she feared it might upset Sven, which was the last thing she wanted to do.

  She went home after they parted ways, and while she was content with how their date had gone, there was something about it.

  She went home, and she immediately went to her computer. There were a few things she needed to look up about shifters. She believed they existed, and that Sven knew something, especially considering what happened on their date.

  She opened up a search box, typed in the word shifter, and immediately saw the results. Most of the links were in purple since she had read them many times before. So, she decided to try something else. She tried shifters nearby, or shifters in the city, and pressed enter to see if she would get something.

  The results were mediocre, to say the least, but she did find a few things. She noticed that there were rumors of shifters in town, mostly from the people who reported these strange events in town. It was all speculation though, and for the most part, it looked fake. She continued looking without success. This only resulted in making Vicky even more curious about it.

  She figured it may be because of the fact that there were still so many things she didn’t know. That, and when she thought about that time years ago, she wondered if she would ever get the answers that she needed. She remembered what happened back then, how weird she was.

  It was almost like it was yesterday, even though it happened 10 years ago. She remembered the pain that she felt from whatever that attacked her and the mysterious bearlike creature that saved her. She didn't remember much, other than the fact that it was a silver bear.

  Silver bears were something of legend though, and she remembered that when she had told her parents about it, they told her she was crazy, and that she was lying. But she knew that she wasn’t lying, that the silver bear was very real. She remembered when she came in, bloodied and torn up, and her parents did nothing more than blame her for what had happened.

  When she thought about that, and how to this day they didn’t believe her, it made her feel like it
wasn’t even worth discussing. But, when Vicky spent time with Sven, she felt a strange sense of happiness, something she didn’t normally feel from another person. It was very different from how she was treated in the past, and a part of her wondered if it had to do with the incident that happened back.

  The only one who knew the truth was the person who saved her, and the person who had attacked her. She remembered that it was a wolf shifter, something she never expected to ever see, and the one who saved her had the nurturing, caring nature of a bear. She was curious about this, and while she did tell her parents, she remembered how they ignored her claims.


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