The Silver Bear's Mate

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The Silver Bear's Mate Page 16

by Fay Walsh

  Vicky didn’t think this was the end for them either. She thought it was the beginning of something beautiful.


  “Yeah. I know it’s different, especially for me. I'm used to being a loner, but this is nice. I feel like I have something going for me now.”

  Vicky felt better than ever. She wasn’t going to worry about the past anymore. Nor was she going to hold herself back. Sven smiled, taking her hands.

  “Good. I'm glad that you could finally overcome the trauma that you had,” he explained.

  “I am overcoming it. I'm getting stronger by the day, and I'm excited about that,” she replied.

  She looked at him, giving him a long, passionate kiss. The two of them stayed like that for a bit before she pulled away, grinning.

  “Thank you, Sven,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For being there for me. It’s appreciated,” she said.

  He blushed, and then, he spoke.

  “You think I'm just going to leave?”

  “No, it’s not like that. See, I've always been the type that struggles with feelings. Ever since the mess with my parents, I never opened my heart to anyone. But, when I think about you, I feel better. There is some kind of attraction to you that makes me happy,” she said.

  “Good. I feel the same way. I am glad that you’re able to understand yourself a little bit better,” he admitted.

  “I do. I feel like I'm stronger than ever before, and I guess if they ever come to me, I will forgive them, but for now, it’s best to not worry about that. I found someone that understands me, that gets my issues, that wants to help me in any way possible, and I appreciate that,” Vicky said.

  She didn’t feel weighed down by her past anymore, which was different from what she was used to, but she certainly was happy about this. When she looked at Sven, she saw the happiness in his eyes, and she felt so much better about it all.

  “I'm glad you’ve made the change, Vicky,” he said.

  “I am glad too. I couldn't have done it without you though,” she said to him.

  He nodded.

  “I know that I played a big part in this, but it’s still surreal how much I've helped you,” he said.

  “Yeah well, I normally don’t seek out help, so this is different for me,” she said.

  She was stubborn, and she knew this. Vicky was known for not letting her emotions get the best of her in the past, and to not let them seep out, for fear of others judging her. But now, now that she knew Sven wasn’t going to leave, that he understood her trauma and struggles, she felt ready for action and ready for whatever would come about next, her parents be damned.

  “Do you think you can move out relatively soon?” he asked.

  “Depends. I forget when my lease expires, but I'll see if there is a way for me to get out of it early,” she said.

  “If not, it’s fine, we can go there from time to time so you can get your mail and stuff,” he said.

  “Thanks, Sven. It’s really nice that you’re willing to help me and all,” she said with a flush.

  “It’s nothing,” he said to her.

  She nodded.

  “It is something to me, that’s for sure,” she told him.

  “I know, but you don’t have to worry about anything happening from here on out. I'm here for you, no matter what,” he said.

  She nodded, knowing he was serious about that. He wasn't going to leave her, and she was happy about that.

  “That makes two of us. I have no desire to leave, and I didn't want to let you go either,” she told him.

  He nodded, listening to her.

  “Yeah. I'm glad that you don’t either. I would be a little sad if you did,” he said to her.

  She nodded.

  “Yeah. I would be too. I'm glad this could work itself out, even if it’s a little different from what we both expected,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, I'll help you move, and I'll make sure that if anything happens, you have someone strong around,” he said.

  She smiled, knowing he was being honest about that.

  “Yeah. I feel the same,” she replied.

  She went to the leasing office the next day, only to find out her lease expired at the end of that month. She was surprised that they hadn’t told her about it, but they had figured she would stick around. Vicky was a little shocked, but she wasn’t going to let that get in her way. She planned on moving out, and as she put her things away, she looked at the empty apartment, feeling a bit sad that she would have to see it go, but also a little relieved.

  This place held memories, memories of the past that she wasn’t ready to keep around yet. She needed time, time to get away from it all, to work on living her best life.

  After she finished packing the last box, she texted Sven, telling him that if he wanted to get the truck today to start moving things, that would be fine. She then went out to the balcony to get some air, and that’s when she heard a knock at the door.

  “Who could that be?” she asked herself.

  She looked behind her, and then at the door. Was that Sven.

  “You know you could just come in, Sven-”

  As she opened the door, she dropped her box that she was about to bring out to the truck, looking at the person that was there.

  “Mom?” she said.

  “Hey, Vicky,” she said.

  “How did you-”

  “I found out that you lived here from a friend. Your dad and I moved back to the area,” she said.

  “I see. But how did you figure out I live at this complex?” she asked.

  “I found out through some of your posts on social media, and I know that it isn’t much but… is it okay if we could talk?” she asked.

  “Sounds a little bit creepy, but fine,” she said, looking over at her mother with slight frustration.

  She knew that her mom meant well, but the fact that she was so adamant about seeing her made her feel on edge. She wondered why that was the case, but as she sat down, looking at her mother, she wondered what might happen next. There was an awkward silence, and then, she spoke.

  “I'm very sorry. For everything,” she said.

  “Mom, you literally tried to put me in a mental asylum. I don’t know why you think I can just forgive you for that,” she said.

  “I know, but there was a reason for it. It was because we were afraid that you’d figure out the truth,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you realized that you have powers yet? Powers to talk to the paranormal, to control your emotions and various items in your life?” she said.

  “You mean like… auras and such?”

  “So you can sense them,” she said.

  “Mom, you’re not making any sense. You need to explain this to me. Because… because this is pretty fucking important,” she said.

  “You deserve an explanation. Alright, here’s where it begins. The truth is dear, you’re actually born from a family that is very deep in the occult. Both your father and I have strong powers, and we are both very attuned to them,” she said.

  “No way,” she said.

  “I guess you’ve experienced this?” she asked.

  “Sort of. I mean, I don’t know how to explain it without it sounding weird, but mom, you don’t understand. I've been feeling this all my life, and when I got attacked a while back, you made it seem like I was crazy. Why did you do that?” she asked.

  “Because I was afraid of what telling you would bring about. The thing is, my dear, that there is a lot here that you don’t know, a lot that I'm scared to tell you about, but I think it’s time that you learned the truth.”

  Vicky felt a little anxious as she heard those words. How come she was now telling her this? Why did she wait so long? Vicky didn’t know what her mother had planned, but then, her mother took a deep breath, speaking.

  “Vicky, your history and lineage comes from strong spiritual mediums, and your ancestors have a
lways had connections with bears. Do you like bears?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I do,” she replied.

  “Then that may be why. If you have a strong connection with them, that’s probably the reason. We were scared when we found out the truth, and we knew you had a bit of a different mindset compared to the other kids, and we were scared of what this may mean for you. But, I think it’s safe to say that you’ve figured out a little bit of this on your own,” she said.

  “So you didn’t tell me because you were afraid of what I may do?” she asked.

  “Correct. I know it’s a pitiful excuse, but that’s the reason why we kept everything secret up until now. Why we didn’t tell you everything,” she admitted.

  “I get that. I wish you were more honest, mom, but I'm not going to get mad about it. There is no sense in getting upset over the past. It’s the past, and right now is the future,’ she said.

  “Correct. Which is why I'm here. I came here to try and make amends. For everything. I'm sorry that I was so scared to tell you everything. And if you ever want to discuss this, I am free to listen. Hell, if you ended up with a shifter, I would be very happy,” she said.

  Vicky blushed, and then, as if on cue, she heard the sound of someone behind her.


  “Hey, Sven. This is my mom,” she said, her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh my gosh,” he said.

  “So you’re her partner. And I can tell you’re a shifter,” she said.

  “Yeah, mom. This is my boyfriend, Sven. He is a shifter. And he helped me through a lot,” she said.

  “So you’ve figured out my daughter has powers,” she said.

  “I have. But, what does that mean for her?”

  “It means that she needs to learn to harness them, and if they show up, then that’s fine. I would rather she understands herself then subject her body to nothing more than hatred and disdain,” she said.

  “I see. Well, I'm glad that I met you then,” Sven said.

  “I am too. Take care of my daughter. I trust you,” her mother said.

  Vicky looked at Sven, who was just as shocked as she was. She then looked back at her mother, who was smiling.

  “So, Vicky, do you want to stay in touch? I know that I wasn't the best parent, but I feel that it might be best for us,” she said.

  Vicky pondered this. She did have a lot of feelings involving her parents, and she did have a lot of anger still, but the fact that her mother was trying to fix this, in her own strange way, was enough for her.

  ”You promise not to kick me out of your life again, right?”

  “Yeah. I promise,” she said.

  “Then I'll keep in touch. I'm sorry that things happened this way,” she admitted.

  “You did nothing wrong, Vicky. It was mine and your father’s mistake. We were scared to tell you everything, and we realize now that it was foolish of us to do that,” she said.

  “I know. But, I'm sorry that everything kind of happened in this way,” she admitted.

  “You’re fine. We learned our lessons. That’s the best thing that you can do, right?”

  “True. It is the best that we can do. I'm just glad that we both realized this,” she admitted.

  “It takes a lot to realize this, but I'm glad that we have,” she said.

  There was another set of footsteps, and then, her father showed up.


  “Hey, Vicky. So I guess your mother explained everything,” he said.

  “Kind of. So you know about… my powers then, right?’

  ”Yeah. I was the one who was scared to say anything, but I'm glad that I finally got to see you again. I know it’s not that easy, but I hope that one day, in the bottom of your heart, you can forgive us. We want to be better parents to you, and to make up for not believing you or listening to you all those years ago,” he said.

  She felt like crying as he uttered those words, and it made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was amazing to hear this, and she was so shocked by everything that happened that she didn’t know what else to say. Tears fell down her face, and she realized that she did have a family again, even though it wasn’t always the easiest to deal with.

  “I forgive you, dad. I really do,” she said.

  “Thank you. I'm glad that you can have the heart to forgive. It makes me feel happy,” he said.

  ”There's is no sense in holding onto the past. I am going to move out of here though. I'm moving in with Sven. I feel like that’s where I belong, that’s where I'm destined to be, and I'm glad that I have your support,” she said.

  “You do. You really do,” he replied.

  “I love you guys,” she said.

  She gave them both hugs, feeling happy about everything that transpired. She knew for a fact that no matter what happened to her in the future, she would be able to see them again. She was worried about what may happen next, or what she would need to do to make everything right, but for now, the fact that she didn’t have to worry about their relationship sinking again was nice.

  Her dad and Sven helped her move everything to the truck, and as Vicky said goodbye to them, she also looked back at the drab apartment that she had in the past. The apartment that held a lot of memories, mostly bad, but occasionally good. When she heard the sound of Sven next to her, she sighed.

  “You know, I didn’t expect it to happen like this, but I'm glad that I did. I feel like I'm in a much better place now,” she said.

  “You are. You have people that love you, and you handled your parents in a very mature manner. I'm proud of you,” he said.

  “I'm proud of myself too. Now, I can begin my new life, my new world, and even if things get rough later on, I think everything will be okay,” she said.

  “Of course. Don’t worry about the visions or any of that crap. I think it’s best to keep that to ourselves, and if something happens, we’ll deal with it then. For now, there's really no sense in getting upset over it,” he said.

  “You're right. Thank you,” she replied.

  “You’re most welcome. I'm glad that I have you here,” he said.

  “I am too. You make everything worth it, and you make it easy for me to forgive and move forward with my damn life,” she said with a smile.

  “I try,’ he replied.

  They kissed, and for the first time in forever, she felt at ease. She didn't feel stressed out about her past, about her family, about the shifters, or whatever. It felt relieving, that’s for sure, and for Vicky, she knew that they would be okay. They would succeed, and the shifters would all live happily ever after.

  She wanted to have the best life possible, and she knew that with Sven, that would be possible. She would only worry about the potential that tomorrow had for her, and would try not to get hung up on the bullshit of life.

  The Extended Epilogue

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  A Note from Fay Walsh

  Thank you for reading my new book. I hope that you enjoyed Sven and Vicky’s story.

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  Being able to share my books with you, my Reader is a dream come true.

  But, if I have to be honest, I would never be able to make it without the help of Starfall Publications!

  With their constant support and their insightful comments, they have guided through these new adventures.

  So, let’s see where that trip takes us!

Preview of my Next Book

  Chapter 1

  It was already a quarter to five and Chrys would be late for her shift, this was already her sixth time being late. She couldn’t afford to be fired. Since college life wasn’t for her, she had made a promise to her sister, Harmony, that she would get a job and put in a little more effort. Harmony had gone on honeymoon with her husband Roan, and Chrys told her that she could handle it.


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