The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni

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The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni Page 9

by Nikki Giovanni

  of just one show and go just one place where some doe-doe dupaduke

  won’t say “just sing one song, please”

  nobody mentions how it feels to become a freak

  because you have talent and how

  no one gives a damn how you feel

  but only cares that aretha franklin is here like maybe that’ll stop:

  chickens from frying

  eggs from being laid

  crackers from hating

  and if you say you’re lonely or scared or tired how they always

  just say “oh come off it” or “did you see

  how they loved you did you see huh did you?”

  which most likely has nothing to do with you anyway

  and i’m not saying aretha shouldn’t have talent and i’m certainly

  not saying she should quit

  singing but as much as i love her i’d vote “yes” to her

  doing four concerts a year and staying home or doing whatever

  she wants and making records cause it’s a shame

  the way we are killing her

  we eat up artists like there’s going to be a famine at the end

  of those three minutes when there are in fact an abundance

  of talents just waiting let’s put some

  of the giants away for a while and deal with them like they have

  a life to lead

  Aretha doesn’t have to relive billie holiday’s life doesn’t have

  to relive dinah washington’s death but who will

  stop the pattern

  she’s more important than her music—if they must be


  and they should be separated when she has to pass out


  anyone recognizes she needs

  a rest and i say i need

  aretha’s music

  she is undoubtedly the one person who put everyone on


  she revived johnny ace and remembered lil green aretha sings “i say a little prayer” and dionne doesn’t

  want to hear it anymore

  aretha sings “money won’t change you”

  but james can’t sing “respect” the advent

  of Aretha pulled ray charles from marlboro country

  and back into

  the blues made nancy wilson

  try one more time forced

  dionne to make a choice (she opted for the movies)

  and diana ross had to get an afro wig pushed every

  Black singer into Blackness and negro entertainers

  into negroness you couldn’t jive

  when she said “you make me/feel” the blazers

  had to reply “gotta let a man be/a man”

  aretha said “when my soul was in the lost and found/you came along to claim it” and joplin said “maybe”

  there has been no musician whom her very presence hasn’t

  affected when humphrey wanted her to campaign she said

  “woeman’s only hueman”

  and he pressured james brown

  they removed otis cause the combination was too strong

  the impressions had to say “lord have mercy/we’re moving on up”

  the Black songs started coming from the singers on stage and the dancers

  in the streets

  aretha was the riot was the leader if she had said “come

  let’s do it” it would have been done temptations say why don’t we think about it

  think about it

  think about it

  Revolutionary Dreams

  i used to dream militant

  dreams of taking

  over america to show

  these white folks how it should be


  i used to dream radical dreams

  of blowing everyone away with my perceptive powers

  of correct analysis

  i even used to think i’d be the one

  to stop the riot and negotiate the peace

  then i awoke and dug

  that if i dreamed natural

  dreams of being a natural

  woman doing what a woman

  does when she’s natural

  i would have a revolution

  Walking Down Park

  walking down park


  or columbus do you ever stop

  to think what it looked like

  before it was an avenue

  did you ever stop to think

  what you walked

  before you rode

  subways to the stock

  exchange (we can’t be on

  the stock exchange

  we are the stock


  did you ever maybe wonder

  what grass was like before

  they rolled it

  into a ball and called

  it central park

  where syphilitic dogs

  and their two-legged tubercular

  masters fertilize

  the corners and side-walks

  ever want to know what would happen

  if your life could be fertilized

  by a love thought

  from a loved one

  who loves you

  ever look south

  on a clear day and not see

  time’s squares but see

  tall Birch trees with sycamores

  touching hands

  and see gazelles running playfully

  after the lions

  ever hear the antelope bark

  from the third floor apartment

  ever, did you ever, sit down

  and wonder about what freedom’s freedom

  would bring

  it’s so easy to be free

  you start by loving yourself

  then those who look like you

  all else will come


  ever wonder why

  so much asphalt was laid

  in so little space

  probably so we would forget

  the Iroquois, Algonquin

  and Mohicans who could caress

  the earth

  ever think what Harlem would be

  like if our herbs and roots and elephant ears

  grew sending

  a cacophony of sound to us

  the parrot parroting black is beautiful black is beautiful

  owls sending out whooooo’s making love…

  and me and you just sitting in the sun trying

  to find a way to get a banana tree from one of the monkeys

  koala bears in the trees laughing at our listlessness

  ever think it’s possible

  for us to be


  Kidnap Poem

  ever been kidnapped

  by a poet

  if i were a poet

  i’d kidnap you

  put you in my phrases and meter

  you to jones beach

  or maybe coney island

  or maybe just to my house

  lyric you in lilacs

  dash you in the rain

  blend into the beach

  to complement my see

  play the lyre for you

  ode you with my love song

  anything to win you

  wrap you in the red Black green

  show you off to mama

  yeah if i were a poet i’d kid

  nap you

  The Genie in the Jar

  (for Nina Simone)

  take a note and spin it around spin it around don’t

  prick your finger

  take a note and spin it around

  on the Black loom on the Black loom

  careful baby

  don’t prick your finger

  take the air and weave the sky

  around the Black loom around the Black loom

  make the sky sing a Black song sing a blue song

  sing my song make the sk
y sing a Black song

  from the Black loom from the Black loom

  careful baby

  don’t prick your finger

  take the genie and put her in a jar

  put her in a jar

  wrap the sky around her

  take the genie and put her in a jar

  wrap the sky around her

  listen to her sing

  sing a Black song our Black song

  from the Black loom

  singing to me

  from the Black loom

  careful baby

  don’t prick your finger

  All I Gotta Do

  all i gotta do

  is sit and wait

  sit and wait

  and it’s gonna find


  all i gotta do

  is sit and wait

  if i can learn


  what i need to do

  is sit and wait

  cause i’m a woman

  sit and wait

  what i gotta do

  is sit and wait

  cause i’m a woman

  it’ll find me

  you get yours

  and i’ll get mine

  if i learn

  to sit and wait

  you got yours

  i want mine

  and i’m gonna get it

  cause i gotta get it

  cause i need to get it

  if i learn how

  thought about calling

  for it on the phone

  asked for a delivery

  but they didn’t have it

  thought about going

  to the store to get it

  walked to the corner

  but they didn’t have it

  called your name

  in my sleep

  sitting and waiting

  thought you would awake me

  called your name

  lying in my bed

  but you didn’t have it

  offered to go get it

  but you didn’t have it

  so i’m sitting

  all i know

  is sitting and waiting

  waiting and sitting

  cause i’m a woman

  all i know

  is sitting and waiting

  cause i gotta wait

  wait for it to find


  The Game Of Game

  when all the cards are in

  when all the chips are counted

  the smiles smiled

  the pictures taken

  i wonder

  if they’ll say

  you played a fair


  of game?

  Master Charge: Blues

  it’s wednesday night baby

  and i’m all alone

  wednesday night baby

  and i’m all alone

  sitting with myself

  waiting for the telephone

  wanted you baby

  but you said you had to go

  wanted you yeah

  but you said you had to go

  called your best friend

  but he can’t come ’cross no more

  did you ever go to bed

  at the end of a busy day

  look over and see the smooth

  where your hump usta lay

  feminine odor and no reason why

  i said feminine odor and no reason why

  asked the lord to help me

  he shook his head “not i”

  but i’m a modern woman baby

  ain’t gonna let this get me down

  i’m a modern woman

  ain’t gonna let this get me down

  gonna take my master charge

  and get everything in town

  The Lion In Daniel’s Den

  (for Paul Robeson, Sr.)

  on the road to damascus

  to slay the christians

  saul saw the light

  and was blinded by that light

  and looked into the Darkness

  and embraced that Darkness

  and saul arose from the great white way

  saying “I Am Paul

  who would slay you

  but I saw the Darkness

  and I am that Darkness”

  then he raised his voice

  singing red black and green songs

  saying “I am the lion

  in daniel’s den

  I am the lion thrown to slaughter”

  do not fear the lion

  for he is us

  and we are all

  in daniel’s den

  For A Lady of Pleasure Now Retired

  some small island birthed

  her and a big (probably) white ship took her

  from mother to come

  to america’s recreation

  she lives in the top of my building

  i only know her through her eyes

  she is old now not only from years

  but from aging

  one gets the impression she was most

  beautiful and like good wine

  or a semiprecious jewel touted out

  for the pleasure of those

  who could afford

  her recreation

  her head is always high

  though the set of her mouth shows

  it’s not easy

  she asks nothing

  seems to have something

  to give but no one to give it

  to if ever she gave it

  to anyone

  age requires happy memories like louvenia smiled

  when she died and though her doctor had told her not

  to there was pork cooking

  on the stove

  there are so many new mistakes

  for a lady of pleasure

  that can be made it shouldn’t be

  necessary to repeat the old


  and it was cold

  on the elevator that morning

  when i spoke to her and foolishly asked

  how are you

  she smiled and tilted her head

  at least, i said, the sun is


  and her eyes smiled yes

  and i was glad to be

  there to say through spirits

  there is a new creation

  to her

  2nd Rapp

  they ain’t gonna never get


  he’s a note turned himself

  into a million songs listen

  to aretha call

  his name

  he’s a light

  turned himself into our homes

  look how well we see

  since he came

  he’s a spirit turned

  pisces to aries

  alpha to omega

  he’s a man

  turned himself into Black


  and we turn little hims

  loose on the world

  A Robin’s Poem

  if you plant grain

  you get fields of flour

  if you plant seeds

  you get grass

  or babies

  i planted once

  and a robin red breast flew

  in my window

  but a tom cat wouldn’t let it


  Alabama Poem

  if trees could talk

  wonder what they’d say

  met an old man

  on the road late after noon

  hat pulled over to shade

  his eyes

  jacket slumped over his


  told me “girl! my hands seen

  more than all

  them books they got

  at Tuskegee”

  smiled at me

  half waved his hand

  walked on down the dusty road

  met an old woman

  with a corncob pipe

  sitting and rocking

  on a spring evening

  “sista” she called to me

  “let me tell you—my feet

  seen more than yo eyes

  ever gonna read”

  smiled at her and kept

  on moving

  gave it a thought and went

  back to the porch

  “i say gal” she called down

  “you a student at the institute?

  better come here and study

  these feet

  i’m gonna cut a bunion off

  soons i gets up”

  i looked at her

  she laughed at me

  if trees would talk

  wonder what they’d tell me

  Poem For Unwed Mothers

  (to be sung to “The Old F.U. Spirit”)

  it was good for the virgin mary

  it was good enough for mary

  it was good for the virgin mary

  it’s good enough for me


  12 Gates: To The City

  the white man is

  nocturnal that’s why

  he wants to get to the moon

  it’s his rising sign

  he’s a vampire see

  how he strikes between

  dusk and dawn preying

  on us day light

  comes he has to be back

  in his casket or office as

  they call them now but

  dracula would be quite comfortable

  if the cracker were natural then the by

  products from his body would grow

  natural plants like when we are

  buried flowers grow see

  the stones that spring up among

  their dead

  nothing violates nature all

  the time and even white

  people came south for warmth

  when the ice age hit


  christians should note that

  it was ice water and now

  fire cause the cracker is playing

  with atomic matches


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