The Office Summer Picnic (Force Me)

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by Azod, Shara

  Force Me

  Office Summer Picnic


  Shara Azod & Marteeka Karland

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Force Me- Office Summer Picnic © 2013 Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

  Editor: Katriena Knights

  Cover Art: Shara Azod

  Books are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.


  This story dedicated to those who dare.

  Teeka & Shara

  Office Summer Picnic

  Office parties were generally a breeding ground for drunken escapades and fumbling hook ups but there was nothing like a company picnic. Or so Shenice Robins comes to find out while once again caught in the snare of her lover Alistair Parsons. The only man whose authority she had NO issue obeying. Even wagging tongues around the office can't stop the two from delighting in each other. Why should one small outdoor activity do so?


  One. 5

  Two. 11

  Three. 16

  Four. 22

  Five. 26

  Six. 33


  “Of course Shenice got the promotion. She’s sleeping with the big boss.”

  Although Shenice couldn’t quite place the sneering voice, she knew whoever the speaker was; he wasn’t alone in his assessment. The snickers that followed his words proved it.

  “You’re just jealous,” one brave person spoke out in her behalf. Surprisingly, it was one of the administrative assistants Shenice often casually dismissed as a group of hussies. Ironic that one would speak up for her now. “Shenice Robins is the best sales execs in this place. You wish you could pull in her numbers. She deserved that raise, and what she does on her time off is none of your business. She single-handedly pulled up the numbers in over three dozen markets when no one is listening to the radio anymore.”

  You’re damn right I did. Shenice nodded silently from her hiding place. That crap wasn’t easy either. Cars came equipped with MP3 plug-ins and satellite radio these days. Shenice prided herself on knowing what people wanted to hear in the various regions all across the country. She’d brought up listenership in the key demo group, and as a result, she sold advertising like crazy. Local, national--didn’t matter--she brought in the big numbers. And she did deserve her promotion. She only wished she could be as sure as the admin who had defended her that the promotion was because she was a damn great sales exec and not some kind of “money on the dresser” thank you from Alistair.

  “Yeah, like all those meetings she has with Parsons are about sales,” the other asshole shot back.

  “Sounds to me like you want him,” yet another young admin said, giggling, followed by a chorus of female giggles. The admins always stuck together like that. This was one instance Shenice was damned grateful they did. “So yeah, I would say jealous.”

  Sounds of people shuffling out of the break room alerted Shenice it would soon be safe to come out from the little alcove. Not before she heard the original voice mutter, “Stupid cunt,” not quite under his breath, but not nearly loud enough to get him into trouble.

  Shenice really hated it when people assumed she wasn’t good at her job just because she was having an affair with her boss. She supposed she couldn’t really blame them, but it still irked her. She was damned good at her job. The only reason she slept with Alistair Parsons was because she simply could not resist him. The man was seriously fine. Like, Lord have mercy, fine. Just thinking about him had the ability to make her wet and wanting. Since that very first time at the office Christmas party, the sex just got hotter and hotter. Hell, they had gone at it like bunny rabbits on the entire ride from LA to London. She could barely walk when they’d gotten off the company jet.

  The Christmas vacation had been like a fairy tale complete with a prince of her very own. Even though it seemed as if they were always going at it, Alistair had taken her all over the place, showing her not only the tourist parts of London, but the side generally only locals got to experience. It had been a whirlwind of a vacation, and it hadn’t ended when they returned to LA.

  Since they had been back, Shenice spent very few nights alone. Alistair was fast becoming an addiction, and Shenice was very much afraid there was no rehab for this. Her knees got weak when he walked into the room. No way blue eyes with a grayish tint should look so hot; silvery eyes were supposed to be cold, distant even. Yet when Alistair looked at her, her panties got wet instantly...when she wore them. Those looks burned her alive, making her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Alistair often liked to call her into his office on some pretense or another only to strip off whatever lace confection she chose to wear underneath her clothes that day. And yeah, there were days she wore skimpy little panties just to get him going. Seeing him want her was a turn-on in itself.

  Careful not to be too carefree with their affections at work, there was rarely any serious hanky panky going on during office hours. There was just too much at stake on her end. No way she was going to have all she had worked hard for blown away in a scandal. But seriously, when those thick fingers of his trailed the seam of her labia, how could she possibly not open her legs for his exploration? A little nip was what Alistair called it. And never once did he ask for or even want reciprocation during working hours. He really did just enjoy seeing her fall apart for him. That alone was enough to send her over the edge, biting her lip in a desperate attempt to keep quiet.

  And the things he did to her outside the office! Yeah, the first time was hot as hell. The way Alistair took complete control of her right over his desk had been the stuff fantasies were made of. However, he had proven over and over again he was no one-trick pony. He’d once made her come at a crowded company party to woo investors; she’d had to bite her lip so she wouldn’t cry out. He’d just slid his hand up her dress, manipulating her until she damn near collapsed while partially hidden in a small alcove, whispering in that sinful voice of his that she should be very quiet lest anyone hear what they were doing. It had been dangerous, scandalous, and oh, so very good!

  The only problem she had was he didn’t seem to want to commit to her. At least, they never discussed commitment. The sex was hot, and the company was great. But there was never anything more mentioned. She had thought that the trip to London would be the beginning of something special. And the holiday had been one of the best of her lifetime. As always, he proudly declared she belonged to him. He made her say it often. But what the hell did that mean? She belonged to him in bed? She belonged to him as a booty call? Or was it something deeper?

  One thing was for sure; she couldn’t keep going on like this. There came a time in every woman’s life when she needed a hell of a lot more than great sex to keep her warm at night. Wait, maybe not. How many friends did she have who complained constantly sex had definitely cooled once their relationships became solidified? Too many. Maybe she shouldn’t say anything. Maybe if she gave Alistair a little bit more time he would...

  Man up, Shenice! She deserved to know
what this was, and she had no reason not to ask. The worst thing that could happen was she would lose a good lover. The best lover she’d ever had, really. But she had to do it. The man had way too much hold over her. There was no way she could keep this up. Already emotionally attached, she was so very afraid of falling in love only to be hurt. And the situation here at work had gotten ridiculous. This was hardly the first time she’d heard whispers about her and the big boss. Which was why she had begun shopping for a new job about a month ago. So far she had three solid offers.

  Biting her lip she slipped from her hiding spot in the alcove to sit at one of the vacated chairs in the break room, unwilling to face the crowd just yet. Even if Alistair wanted a real relationship, there was no way she could stay here. She was going to have to quit and move on. A clean break was the only way. That way, she could possibly work through her Alistair addiction without having to see him every day.

  Yes, this was the only way. If he really wanted her, he would come after her. If not, well, it just wasn’t meant to be, was it?

  Waiting until the crowd had dispersed, Shenice went back to her office. Today would be the day she turned in her notice. Alistair was away on a business trip. She’d have the week to prepare herself to face him and less time to dread the separation should he turn out not to care.

  Opening the top drawer of her desk, she took out the neatly typed resignation. Just looking at it made her chest ache. This was it. All or nothing. Her fingers trembled, and the urge to let tears fall at the loss ached inside her. Hell, she hadn’t lost him yet, and she was already grieving. She totally had it bad. It might be too late to salvage her heart after all.


  Alistair was anxious to get back home. To Shenice. She hadn’t completely moved into his condo, but he intended on changing that the second he saw her. The week he’d just spent without her had confirmed something inside him he’d already known but had refused to acknowledge. He loved her, totally, completely, without reservation.

  He’d known it for a while now, but hadn’t told her for fear of looking foolish. After all, she hadn’t exactly said a thing to him about her feelings, now, had she? If anything, she seemed comfortable with their strange arrangement. Allowing him to take full control over when and how they saw each other, she deferred to him almost like she could take it or leave it. But he knew that wasn’t true. He could tell by the way she looked at him; by the way she came apart in his arms, denying him nothing. There had been so many times he had almost confessed the truth. Hell, he had come dangerously close to begging her to never leave his bed, which in his mind just wouldn’t do. He was Alistair Parsons. Looking like a besotted fool wouldn’t inspire the confidence he needed to project as head of the company. But how to tell her?

  Thinking back, a smile crossed his face. They’d started this affair at an office get-together. It seemed only fitting they bind their relationship at one. Or rather, take it to its natural conclusion. Though he normally didn’t care for company gatherings, he’d thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas party. It had brought him the most precious thing in his life.

  Knowing what he had planned, it was hard not to look forward to the annual summer picnic. Thinking of all the unconventional ways he and Shenice had explored each other made his pants uncomfortably tight. The woman inspired him no matter where he was or what he was doing. What creative place could they find to make love in? How wild could they get without getting caught? Shenice was so open and free, it made him feel like a master of the universe. He loved the way she responded to his touch. God, he couldn’t wait to see her.

  But when he got home, Shenice wasn’t there. He called her cell--no answer. What the hell? There had never been a time she wasn’t readily available. True, he’d had limited contact with her the past week due to the time difference, but she hadn’t said anything about being put out with him. As much as he had pleaded with her to join him on the business trip back to London, she’d refused, claiming she had too many things to do around the office. Plus, she had insisted it would just look bad. While generally he would agree, he missed her so damn much it was a physical pain.

  Walking into this place, he had fully expected Shenice to be there. She’d known he was coming back today. But the place was empty. That was when he fired up his computer and found the e-mail from human resources requesting permission to post for a new Ad Exec. One to replace Shenice. A red haze filled his vision. She was leaving him? Fuck the company; this was a sign as clear as day she was walking away from him personally. If the date on this e-mail was any indication, he had exactly one week before her last day. The day of the picnic would be it.

  Breath coming shallow, heart pounding, Alistair fought off a panic attack. He absolutely would not give in to fear of losing her. This had to be a mistake. Somehow, some way, wires had gotten crossed. There had to a miscommunication somewhere. Controlling his emotions during a battle was second nature to him. Many a competitor had fallen to his icy cold demeanor in boardrooms. Alistair might be all heated passion around Shenice, but he could be cool and calm if needed. He had the feeling now was the time for that. Keeping his head about him was essential if he was going to find out what was wrong and get her back.

  Too bad that was all bullshit right about now. His heart raced as he considered the ramifications. It wasn’t that he couldn’t live without her; of course he could. The thing was, he never wanted to. He didn’t want to wake up and not see her face. The prospect of her walking away from this, from him, forever, left him with a soul-deep chill.

  Again, he called her cell. Then her apartment. Then her office. Nothing. She was thoroughly avoiding him. Alistair stilled himself, drawing in deep breaths. Shenice was not some fly-by-night airhead. Knowing he was home, knowing his first action would be to see her, it was a pretty safe bet she was avoiding him. Because of her resignation. So it wasn’t a mistake after all. It was fine, though. She needed time for some reason. There was no reason to believe this wasn’t anything more than some kind of...female thing. Maybe she was still mad about the promotion. Man, she had raged against that one, feeling the entire office would think she got her job because they were sleeping together. She had been partially right of course, but Shenice deserved it. She was the best damn Ad Exec he’d ever seen.

  Calm down, I’ve got to calm down. This would blow over. There was probably some kind of issue at work since he’d been gone. No one would dare give her shit while he was there. Well, he would take care of that posthaste when he returned to the office. That should give her a little time to cool off. Shenice wasn’t the kind of woman who held grudges. Over time he had gotten to know everything about her, knew what made her tick, what she liked, what drove her crazy. For the next week, Alistair planned to keep her on pins and needles, heavy with arousal. The battle plan being drawn up in his mind would offer no relief in the form of sexual release unless she told him what it was that was bothering her, along with what he could do to remedy the situation.

  A slow smile formed on his lips. Oh, yeah. This could prove to be quite fun indeed. Sure, he was going to suffer like a son of a bitch through it all, but the reward would be more than worth it. Blue balls aside, he looked forward to pushing her to her very limit. He wanted her panting, wet, needier than she’d ever been in her life.

  After all, seduction was a fine art with which he was deeply intimate.


  On Alistair’s first day back, he’d called her repeatedly. It had nearly torn out Shenice’s apart not to answer him, but this was her heart she was fighting for. She’d tried to go about her everyday routine in an effort to ease her mind, but nothing worked.

  Standing at the window of her office overlooking the city, she couldn’t shake the feeling that what she was doing was wrong. It felt…off. But what else could she do? Without the words every woman wanted to hear, she was starting to think maybe she had given him way too much way too soon. And, damn it, she deserved to be loved by him every bit as much as he was loved by her.
  “Shenice...” The deep, husky voice was velvet over gravel, sending a jolt of arousal humming through her body. It was at once jarring yet soothing. Hungering for him and not seeking him out had proven to be excruciating. Yet the pointed absence had been telling. Not once had he actually driven by her place to ring her doorbell. Yes, he’d tried to call for the past three days, but he hadn’t bothered to seek her out. It hurt to think he hadn’t missed her nearly as much as she’d missed him. Or maybe he had already moved on. Lord, she had to be strong, but just his frigging voice made her panties wet.

  “I’m a little busy, Alistair.”

  “Busy packing? Busy leaving me?”

  Glancing back at him was a mistake, but she managed to shrug with some degree of nonchalance. “Just busy. What’s up?”

  He raised an eyebrow, then turned to shut her office door. No, no, no--being alone in a closed room with Alistair was dangerous to her mental well-being. God, she could smell him, and he wasn’t even close. He smelled like all man; it was too damn sexy. When he stalked over to the large window bank and closed the blinds as well, it was her turn to quirk an eyebrow.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Oh, but she knew. This was bad. This was really, really bad.

  “Giving us a little privacy.” Pulling out a folded piece of paper from the inside of his suit jacket, he thrust it in her general direction. “Want to explain this?”

  It was her resignation. Was he only now getting it? Fuck, she had been so prepared for this three days ago. Now all her well-thought-out explanations seemed to have gone poof from the inside of her head. In fact, her brain was close to mush. The ice in those blue-gray eyes dropped the temperature in the office to close to subzero. She’d expected some anger, yes, but not this.


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