Rage's Redemption

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Rage's Redemption Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  I hurry up removing the rest of my clothes and about bash my head on the sink. So, I take a minute to take in all that is Keegan standing under the water. Her long chestnut hair is plastered to her back as she smooths it away from her face. The water is cascading down her body and I want to lick and catch every drop. Finally, I can’t stand it anymore, so I hop in the shower behind her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her body up against mine.

  “Keegan, I need you to bend over and grab your ankles,” I tell her, running my hands up and down her body.

  There’s no hesitation on her part. My girl bends over and grabs her ankles. I take her hair in my hand and move it off to the side so it’s not falling in her face. Then, I run my fingers through her folds to see if she’s wet enough for me to enter her. I can’t wait to get inside her, and thankfully she’s wet enough.

  Sliding into her, I grab onto her hips so that she doesn’t feel like she’s going to fall forward. I never want her to feel anything but safe with me. Even when I’m pushing her limit’s, I want her to know I’ll never hurt her intentionally.

  “Harder, Aiden,” she moans out.

  Not wanting to disappoint my girl, I give it to her harder. Keegan is always going to push me to my limit’s, and I’m going to do the same to her. My grip on her hips gets tighter, and I push in and out faster and harder. Her moans get louder, and I don’t care if anyone else hears her. I’m the only one that gets to see her, that gets to know what she likes and doesn’t like. Things I’m still enjoying figuring out.

  “Aiden, please, I need to cum,” she moans out.

  “Get it firefly,” I tell her.

  Keegan releases one of her ankles and moves her hand up to her clit. She plays with herself and pushes back against me even harder. I wish I could see what she’s doing right now, see the look on her face. But, I don’t want to change positions and make her lose being so close to her release. Hell, I’m close to finding my own.

  Before I can manage more than a few more thrusts in and out, I feel Keegan’s muscles clench around me. It feels better and better. Now, I know that I’m not going to last much longer. So, I take her hand away from her clit and move it back down towards her ankle to hang on. As soon as I know that she’s back to holding on, I pound into her harder and faster than ever before. Honestly, I’m worried that I’m hurting her, but if the moans and gasps coming from her are anything to go by, I’d say my girl is enjoying it.

  “Keegan!” I yell out as my release crashes through me.

  After a few more gentle thrusts, I slump over her. I want nothing more than to hold her in my arms. But, we’re in the shower and I know we need to clean up before heading to bed. It might not be bedtime just yet, but Keegan has been going to bed a little bit earlier than normal. She gets really tired most days and I’m more than happy to lay with her until she falls asleep. Especially knowing that she has a hard time falling asleep if I’m not in bed next to her. Then I’ll get up and spend some time with Kasey before putting her back to bed. Our days are settling into a nice routine and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Well, there’s one thing I’d change. Us living in a house and not in my rooms at the clubhouse for the most part.

  Keegan refuses to stay at Skylar’s with us. She thinks that by doing that, we’ll be bringing her dad and that asshat to their front door. Her main concern is the kids, but in reality, it’s all of them. So, we stay at the clubhouse for now. I’ve already started making plans for our own home. It will be built close to Whitney’s so that she’s always near her cousin.

  “Alright firefly, you get in bed and I’ll be right there,” I tell her after I dry her off.

  I don’t know if it’s normal for her to be so tired all the time. I’ve seen the women go through their pregnancies and the only ones I saw that tired were Skylar and Maddie. The others were tired, but not like my girl. It’s to the point that I’m getting really concerned and I’m going to have to call Doctor Sanchez to find out.

  “Okay. You know, you don’t have to get in bed with me,” she tells me, already heading for the bed.

  “Yeah, I do. I know you don’t sleep good if I’m not in bed with you. Kasey knows what’s goin’ on and she likes that I make sure you’re asleep before I go to her. The only thing she said that would make it better were if we were to tuck her into bed together.”

  “Well, then I’ll stay up so we can do that,” she says, going over to get dressed.

  “No. Get in bed and I’ll be right there. You’ll get there, baby.”

  Keegan finally gets in bed and I’m thankful to see her almost asleep as soon as her head hit’s the pillow. Before I call the doctor, I think I’ll talk to Skylar and Maddie. Kasey is with them right now. Then, I’ll take care of Kasey and play with her before finding something for Keegan to eat when she wakes up. Whitney told me to get her crackers and to try dry toast. She said it helped her so it’s worth a shot for my girl.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” Kasey calls out, rounding the corner from the main room. “You gotta come with me.”

  Kasey is so excited about something and I can’t help but wonder what it is. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her this worked up over anything. So, I’m practically jogging as I follow my daughter to the main room. Once we get there, I see everyone moving around in quick order.

  “Come on daddy! You’re too slow!” Kasey calls out again.

  She leads me to the door and what I see steals my breath away. I knew it was getting cold outside, but it’s now snowing. I’m not talking about a few flurries floating down, it’s almost a whiteout right now. So, I run out to help put the bikes in the garage. We added on to it so that we could store our bikes in the cold weather.

  “It’s been so long since it’s snowed here,” Skylar says, walking outside. “We typically get some but not this early.”

  “Are they sayin’ anythin’ on the news or radio?” Grim asks no one in particular.

  “Not much. I guess it’s a surprise for everyone,” Glock answers. “I’ll keep it on so we know what we’re in for.”

  “Guess it’s a good thing we just went shopping,” Bailey says, joining us outside.

  As soon as the bikes are all put up, we head back in to see everyone watching the snow fall. I have to admit that it’s amazing to watch it cover everything in a blanket of pure white. It’s almost as if it’s cleansing everything so that we can all start over. Especially when the ground is already covered and it’s sticking to everything else. We might have to go out tomorrow to get whatever we need to clear it out of the parking lot and make sure everyone can get to their houses.

  “Tomorrow, Rage, Tank, and Joker I want you to go out and buy every shovel you can find. We’re gonna need all hands-on deck to get this cleaned up. Glock, I want you to price some four wheelers or something like that so we can be better prepared next time this happens. We’re gonna need to make sure there’s enough winter wear for everyone here. Including the Phantom Bastards,” Grim tells everyone. “You got anythin’ else Slim?”

  “Nope. I think if people are leaving the clubhouse then we need to make sure that they watch everythin’ surroundin’ them. We don’t know when this asshole is goin’ to make a move, and he might choose now to do so. He’ll think we’re panicked and try somethin’.”

  “Good point. Firefly is to stay in someone’s eye sight at all times,” Grim says, looking directly at me.

  “Um,” Keegan says, coming out of the hallway. “I need to go to the pharmacy tomorrow. They didn’t have enough to fill my script, so I need to pick the rest up. The one in Benton Falls called here once I explained the situation I find myself in.”

  “I don’t like it,” I tell her. “I’ll pick it up for you.”

  “You can’t. They need my insurance card and for me to sign. After tomorrow you can go for me, but I’m new here, so I have to go.”

  I run my hands over my face because her going out in this shit is the last thing I want. Who knows what idiot drivers are going to be
like with snow covered roads. They’re bad enough when it’s dry out. But, I’ll give her this and make sure that I’m driving her. No one else is going to have my girl and my baby’s life in their hands but me. That I won’t allow to happen.

  “Alright firefly. We’ll go right after you eat breakfast.”

  She nods her head and I watch the girls surround her to find out what’s going on. Whitney knows, and I see her hanging back. This is going to be a hard secret for her to keep, I can already tell. I can just imagine what Keegan is telling them to get them to back off for right now. I’ll have to ask her when we’re alone so that I know what she said if I’m asked.

  “Firefly,” I call out. “Come here babe.”

  Keegan walks over to me and I can tell the moment she starts to feel like she’s going to be sick. So, I watch her sit down for a minute and let her body relax as much as possible. Whitney is heading her way and I’m trying to remain calm so no one else asks questions. I see Whitney block them so that she can discreetly hand her a few crackers to munch on. I nod over to Summer and she grabs a bottle of water to bring my girl.

  Once I reach her, I kneel down so that I can get her what she needs. She just looks at me while she slowly eats her food and sips her water. Between Whitney and I, we’re shielding her as much as we can. Looking over my shoulder, I can see the rest of the girls are waiting to get over here. Thankfully, their men are keeping them busy so that Keegan can do what she needs to do.

  “You feelin’ any better baby?” I ask her.

  “Starting to. Thank you both,” she says, relaxing even further back into the chair.

  “Now, why did you get up to begin with firefly?” I ask, wanting to know what woke her up.

  “Nothing really. I had to go to the bathroom and then I heard all the excitement out here. So, I decided to come see what was going on.”

  “Okay. Well, you want to help me put sweet pea to bed and then we’ll go back to bed?”

  “Yeah. I think that’s the best idea,”

  “Why don’t you go get Kasey and I’ll meet you in her room?” I ask, wanting to talk to Whitney for a second.

  Keegan grabs my daughter and I watch them disappear down the hallway. Once I think that it’s safe to talk, I sit down. This is going to be hard to ask because I don’t know how to word it.

  “Should she be like this?” I ask. “She’s so tired all the time. It’s like the littlest thing wears her out.”

  “I was tired in the beginning and the end. But, not like she is.”

  “Should I be more worried than I am right now?”

  “Well, I think you need to talk to her doctor. She might have to do some tests or something.”

  “Fuck!” I call out, gaining unwanted attention.

  “Don’t get worked up. We’ll take it a day at a time and see if she improves at all. Otherwise, you’ll have to mention it to the doctor when she goes back. Rage, we’ll all keep an eye on her, but I think you need to let people know so that they can help you. You’re not going to be any good if you’re worn down from worry and everything else.”

  “I’ll talk to her. Now, I’m goin’ to tuck my girl into bed with her and then get her back in bed.”

  Leaving Whitney, I take in what she’s told me. I’ll be keeping an eye on her and I think that we need to let the others know now too. At least those closest to us. Then, we can let everyone else know what’s going on at another point in time. Hopefully she’ll agree to that.

  I walk into the room connected to mine and see Keegan kneeling down on the floor next to Kasey. My daughter is already in bed, covered up to her chin, with Keegan reading her a good night story to her. It’s one of her princess stories that I’ve read countless times. Kasey has her favorites and I know that my girl has read this story to her while she’s been at her house during the day.

  Since I want to silently watch the interaction between my girl and daughter, I lean against the door frame, cross my arms over my chest, and cross my ankles. Keegan is reading the story and not paying attention to anything around her. I know I’ve made a noise or two while I was settling in, she hasn’t looked up or paused in her story-telling. My sweet pea has her full attention and I love that more than anything. As I’m watching, I see Kasey’s eyes starting to droop, so I know I don’t have that much time before she’s out for the night. Making my way in her room, I lean over Kasey and gently kiss her cheek as I check the blankets surrounding her.

  As I’m making sure my daughter knows I was in here, Keegan doesn’t miss a beat. She continues reading to Kasey. So, I sit behind her and pull her into my lap. My girl continues to read and is totally submersed into the story. She doesn’t seem to realize anything that’s going on around her. While she’s safe in the clubhouse, I don’t want to hear about her being like this when she’s outside the walls.

  “Firefly, I think she’s asleep. Want to go to bed?” I ask her, lifting the book from her hands and setting on the stand by Kasey’s bed.

  “Yeah. Let’s go babe.”

  Walking into our room, I watch my girl undress again before climbing into bed. She scoots over to the inside and waits for me to follow her. Keegan is looking up at me with wide eyes as I start undressing. I’ve finally gotten her to the point that she’ll sleep naked next to me. Even though we had sex earlier, I’m ready to go again. I just don’t want to push her and make her even sicker or anything like that.

  “You keep watchin’ me like that and you’re gonna be in trouble,” I tell her, stalking towards the bed.

  “Maybe I want your kind of trouble,” she answers, pulling the blankets back so I can climb in.

  “Not tonight. Tonight, I’m goin’ to hold you in my arms and we’re goin’ to sleep. We have a big day ahead of us.”

  “I can’t wait. I want to have a snowball fight,” she tells me, snuggling down in next to me.

  “You sure about that firefly?” I ask, not liking the idea of her being involved in that.

  “I am. A little snow isn’t going to hurt me babe. If I get cold or anything else, I’ll come back inside. I promise.”

  Keegan finally finishes burrowing into my side. Her arm wraps around me and she winds a leg between mine. This is how we normally sleep now. I love that she’s comfortable enough to wrap her around me. However, I also know that as this pregnancy progresses, this won’t be the way we’re sleeping. So, I’m going to love it while I get it and wait patiently until I can have it back.


  This morning, waking up was the same as it has been. Getting up and rushing into the bathroom to get sick. Rage is instantly at my side and doing what he can to help me. Then, he hands me some ginger ale and crackers or dry toast. As soon as I know that I’m not going to get sick right away again, I take my medicine and wait for it to kick in.

  “You get ready to go and I’ll get Kasey her breakfast so she can hang here,” Rage tells me.

  “Okay babe.”

  I head back into the bathroom to complete my morning routine. Once I’m done, I head out in search of Rage and whoever else is going to be going with us today. I know that we’re going to have an escort and make multiple stops. So, I make sure that I’ve packed up my crackers and a bottle of ginger ale.

  Rage and Kasey are in the kitchen. She’s eating eggs, toast, and bacon. The sight of the eggs makes me want to run to the bathroom, but I’m trying my hardest not to. Instead, I turn away from them and talk to Sami.

  “How are you doing Sami?” I ask, sitting next to her.

  “I’m okay. Trying to understand everything going on. But, I’m getting it. I think.”

  “What are you trying to understand?” I ask her, confused.

  “How Goose acts here. He’s a little different. I mean, he treats me the same way as he always does. But, the club girls are all over him.”

  “Oh honey,” I begin. “I’m sorry you have to see that. But, it’s a part of the life. Is he letting them make advances on him?”

  “No. He makes sur
e that they know we’re together. They give me evil looks and still try to tempt him to go be with them.”

  “Sami, he’s not letting what they’re doing get to him. So, watch and see what happens. As long as he stays true to you, you have nothing to worry about. And from what I’ve seen from the way he treats you, the way he watches you, and the way he looks at you, you have nothing to worry about. He is so in love with you,” I tell her, making sure that she’s truly hearing what I’m saying to her.

  “I know he is. I just can’t give him what they can. We’re still going to wait until I turn eighteen to take our relationship to that level.”

  “If he wanted them, he wouldn’t be with you. He’d be single, so he could be with them. Now, don’t you think this is exactly what he was thinking when he told you to date boys your own age?”

  “I know. And I love that he wanted to do that for me. But, I know that this is different.”

  “Not really. It’s the same thing.”

  I leave Sami to sit and think about what we’ve talked about. She needs to make up her mind now whether or not she can handle Goose being around the club girls. I’ve seen him push them off of him whenever they try to push up on him. He’s all about Sami and being with her. Sami needs to make her mind up one way or another before one of them gets hurt and it’s not repairable.

  Seeing that Kasey is done eating, I make my way over there. Rage pulls me in for a kiss and I can taste the coffee on his breath. It turns my stomach, but I can keep it under control. We’ll have to talk about that later. He’s telling Kasey that she needs to go in and get dressed for the day so she can spend it with Skylar and the rest of the kids. That gets her running down to her room, so she can get to the kids quicker.

  “Are you ready to go firefly?” he asks me.

  “Yeah. Just waiting on you sexy.”

  “Let me see who all is goin’ and then we’ll be off. I’ll be right back,” he tells me. “Do you have somethin’ warm to wear?”

  “Nope. The only time I needed a winter coat was when I lived with Riley. She has it now.”


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