Silverspoons Series: Another Billionaire Baby - Book II

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Silverspoons Series: Another Billionaire Baby - Book II Page 5

by Shelby Clark

  Atticus visibly tensed.

  “I didn’t mean to say that. That came out wrong.”

  “Mm hm, are you sure you want to come into a house full of women?”

  His cologne was getting to her. Every time a breeze blew, his scent would run wild in her mind, rousing up the thoughts of all their intimate moments together, and of his unborn baby, that a part of her wanted to share with him so bad. But she already knew how he felt about having a baby. Atticus made that clear many times.

  “Who’s here?”

  “Only family.”



  “Why didn’t you invite August? And I could’ve brought Antonio, my cousin.”

  “No, it’s just for us. Tess said August is still playing catch up at work and I don’t know Antonio like that. I’ve only seen him in passing here and there. So are you ready to go in?”

  Atticus grabbed her arm before she opened the door.

  “Babe, I’m sorry about earlier. You were right about Martina. I just didn’t think that was the case with her. Antonio went in my place.”

  “Why didn’t you call me back then if you didn’t go?”

  “Because I thought you might need some time to yourself.”

  She tightened her lips together as she placed her finger over her mouth and quenched her eyes while she observed him.

  “Alright, well if that’s the truth and you’re really sorry, I want you to stop working so close or all the time with women when you can help it.”

  She noticed the clinching of his fist at his side.

  “Ayana, this can’t be avoided. How am I supposed to do that when they hold certain positions in my company?”

  “Yes, it can! I don’t have men swarming all over and all around me, not like you do. And I do work with them, some fine, sexy ones too. But they’re not dangling, displaying themselves and making it known to me that they want me. I don’t need that attention!”

  His brows dropped.

  “Neither do I. What are you trying to say?!”

  “I already said what I wanted to say, darling! This case is closed for any further discussion. You’re still welcome, but enter at your own risk.”

  Oh god, I can’t believe I just said that. Please don’t let me turn out like my mother. Father probably sent her here so he could have a break.

  Ayana walked in and Atticus followed. She knew her mother wasn’t going to like him and may try to call him out, but she didn’t care anymore. Her thoughts were beginning to spin in other directions.

  Oh well, let the games begin.

  Chapter Four

  Ayana introduced Atticus to her mother in the foyer. She left them to talk while she rushed out to finish the dinner preparations by setting the last bowl of food on the table. The house was filled with wonderful aromas of hot homemade buttery rolls, collard greens, fried chicken, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, apple and peach cobbler, and tossed salad. Tess helped Ayana prepare in the kitchen by bringing her chef by to help with the preparation of the desserts. They knew her mother would be expecting home cooked meals.

  As she prepared to take her seat, she took a quick sweep of the room once everyone had entered, taking in everyone’s demeanor. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. All she could see was chaos and disaster. A small pinch to the leg helped her reel her emotions back, something she picked up in her Psychology courses about redirecting your emotions to gain control. She finally took her seat.

  “Atticus, can you bless the table please?” Ayana asked.

  Everyone bowed their heads and closed their eyes, including Ayana’s mother, in silence. “We usually allow the man, who, hmm, normally, would be the father or husband of the house sitting at the head of the table to bless the food. So that would be you,” Ayana explained.

  Atticus looked up at her with widened eyes. She knew exactly what his eyes were saying. He was caught off guard and she knew that in Atticus’s house they didn’t say grace. They would all just make comments about the cook and/or, if it all were pertaining to a dinner for a guest, the host or head of their table would just thank them all for attending and start eating.

  But in her mother’s house, and her house when she’s present, they all say grace. It’s the Christian and Southern way according to her mother. She felt like this was the perfect opportunity and punishment. A sort of wakeup call for him to decide if he really wanted to be with her.

  If he didn’t make up some kind of grace at that table, she knew her mother was going to set it off up in there. And her thoughts were based on the rapid eye movements she saw going on under her mother’s eyelids, which made her chuckle to herself.

  Mm hm, look at you, Mother, you can’t wait to say something can you? And, Atticus, welcome to my world. This is where I come from, the country, overbearing mothers, and crazy, kill you dead, over-protective fathers, which you should be glad isn’t here.

  Ayana read Atticus’s lips asking her what he should say. Instead of replying she simply closed her eyes and bowed her head too, a smile on her lips. She almost started to feel remorseful until she remembered his exact words. “There hasn’t been a woman I’ve met that I couldn’t handle.” So she decided to let him fend for himself. Besides, she was still pissed about Martina and him letting her leave without pursuing or calling.

  Atticus tried his best to put something together. “Oh god. We thank you for the food and…. And…We are thankful. We are thankful that we are all here together. Thank you. I mean, Amen.”

  Everyone concluded with an, “Amen!”

  To break the ice after the grace, Atticus tried for small talk. “So, Señora Simmons, what do you think of Mexico so far?”

  “Atticus. Am I pronouncing your name correctly?”

  “Si, Señora!”

  Tess and Ayana were very quiet, observing the start of the conversation while passing the various foods around the table so everyone could plate their desired portions.

  I know mother can get out the gate, but I won’t let her go too far. This is still my house and in spite of our issues, he’s my man! Althea better not make me send her home to Emory, because I will if I have to. Besides, nobody’s perfect at this table, including me. I have the biggest secret here.

  “Good! I asked because I’m the President of South Carolina State University, so I like to make sure when I speak to people I address them properly. I also expect the same respect. You understand where I’m coming from?”

  Atticus was full of smiles and confidence.

  “Si, Señora,” he responded, nodding his head slowly.

  “So before we start with the small talk, I think I should have the floor first. I’m not trying to be theatrical, quite the contrary. I’m simply offering you a more vivid illustration of who I am. So please allow me to start the conversation by telling you a little about myself.”

  Ayana tapped Tess on the leg under the table to get her attention. Tess put her cloth napkin up to her mouth and whispered, “Mm hm!”

  Get ready, Atticus, here she comes. You’re smiling a little too much, homeboy. You don’t know this woman. She’s reading you right now while she’s telling you about herself. If you get through this, then I’ll say it myself, you are good. Yeah…and you look pretty good too! Nope! Don’t go there, Ayana, he’s still in the doghouse, remember, Martina!?

  “Atticus. I come from a background where my parents’ ministry and status were regarded very highly in their communities. You see, they were Pastors and Educators.”

  “Okay, that’s very impressive, Señora Simmons. I never knew that degree of Ayana’s background.”

  “Really? Hmm…I’m totally surprised!”

  “No, we never went that deep into conversation. I guess we still have a lot to share with one another.”

  “That, I’m not surprised about.”

  “Mother!” Ayana cautioned.

  Her mother continued as if she didn’t hear the warning.

  “As I wa
s saying, I was raised with strict guidelines that entailed strong values and structure. My parents raised me with honor, respect, and morals. And they knew my future before I did, and always had my best interest at heart.”

  “Which is to be expected by any normal parent, I would say!”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m staying. That is the way Emory, my husband who is a Physician and a Surgeon, and I raised Ayana to be.”

  “And I must say, you’ve both done an excellent job. She’s an extraordinary woman!”

  “Hold on, Atticus! I’m not saying these things for your approval or to collect any accolades from you, but to simply make you aware of our expectations for our daughter. You see, I know who you and your family are. I’ve done my research.”

  What the fuck? I knew she was bold, but this woman has balls!

  “OK, I think we need to change the subject to a lighter and more positive one, Mother! That’s enough of the interrogation,” Ayana interjected.

  “It’s alright, babe.”

  “No it’s not, Atticus. I don’t want to be in the middle of this. Yes, this is a good time to redirect this conversation.”

  “That’s fine, but still, let your mother express herself. I understand where she’s going with all of this.”

  Ayana’s mother continued on.

  “As I stated earlier, I’m the President of S.C.S.U. I’m also the CEO of the Yellow Roses, an organization to help underprivileged young women, and I’m on the Board of Directors of our community association, and I’m very much involved.”

  “Well, just as I stated earlier, that’s very impressive. You must have some very good organizational skills to handle your schedule. I see where your daughter gets it from.”

  “Yes, I should say so, but this is my concern with you, Atticus. You seem to be a nice guy.”

  “Why thank you, Señora Simmons, but what’re your concerns with me?”

  Ayana butted into the discussion.

  “Hm…Would anyone like seconds or thirds before I clear the table?”

  No one answered and the atmosphere began to feel thick and tense. Ayana got up to clear the table for the cobbler pies. As she did so, she watched her mother straighten her posture so not even an arch in her back existed—as if she was the wife of the United States President.

  She noticed Atticus trying to appear relaxed, but becoming a little tense, like he was waiting for a punch line from her mother. Ayana knew that a bomb was about to go off at some point in this conversation, and the outcome wasn’t going to be in anyone’s favor.

  Althea, what is up your sleeve? I don’t think this dinner was a good idea at all!

  “I’m asking with all politeness, Señora Simmons, what’s the real reason for all of this and why did you feel you had to research me and my family? I must say that I don’t feel too comfortable about where you’re going with all this now.”

  “My daughter lives in another country and when she mentioned your name, I remember seeing something in the news about the Escobar family. So I looked it up.”

  Hello! Your damn daughter is a grown ass woman, or have you forgot that, mother!

  Atticus proudly confirmed that his company is expanding to the States. “Yes, I’ve personally finalized a couple of ventures that will at some point in the future take place in the United States. In addition, my brother is also working on a couple of deals currently. So yes, our company is growing.”

  “Yes, I know of your brother too, Augustus Escobar. He’s married to Tess, correct?”

  “Yes, and…?”

  “Oh, and before I forget…I just remembered, Ayana, Josh sends his regards. He’s been asking for you.”

  What the hell, mother? I knew it!

  “Huh, Josh?! Who’s Josh? What’s going on here, Ayana?” Atticus inquired as he snatched his cloth napkin from his lap and slammed it onto the table as he jumped up.

  Ayana’s mother calmly wiped her mouth and pushed away from the table, standing up as well.

  “Excuse me. Oh, Josh is a very dear friend, he’s regarded as family, he’d be a better suitor for my daughter. And another thing, I also discovered some disturbing news about you. You being quite the ladies’ man. How’s that possible if you’re dating my daughter?!”

  Atticus’s brow and jaw dropped. He was blood red. The fire in his eyes looked as if they could light a furnace.

  “Señora Simmons, from the time you started talking you had my respect up until now, and even now I’m try to contain myself, but who the hell do you think you’re talking too?! I don’t take kindly to insinuations or anyone appearing to be a threat to my family. ”

  “I didn’t start reading the article at first. It was the pictures that caught my eye. Pictures of you and other women hugging all over or onto you. And when you said the grace, it was OK, but it was as if you really weren’t a Christian or a person that pray. So tell me, is it this way with your family as well?”

  “You know what, you’ve been totally disrespectful to me and my family. You don’t know who we are or the power and connections we hold, but you hold a couple of little titles and you think you’ve arrived!”

  Ayana grabbed her mother’s arm and tried to separate her from Atticus.

  “Señora Simmons, if I never see you again it couldn’t be soon enough. If anyone needs prayer, it’s your husband and daughter. I see why she’s lives in another country! I’m done here!”

  “Yes, I know your kind! You have my daughter pining over you, and for what? She doesn’t deserve what I’ve seen in the papers and on the internet!”

  “Señora! Who are you to judge me? You don’t know me, but apparently you have someone else in mind for her!”

  “I have my facts!”

  “You have nothing! You insulted me, my upbringing, my beliefs, and my family, none of which you know a thing about. Your mind was made up about me and my family before you arrived.”

  Atticus and Ayana’s mother’s voices had escalated. Ayana had to yell to get both of their attention.

  “Everyone, shut the hell up now! I don’t want to hear another fuckin’ word!”

  Ayana’s mother’s jaw dropped at the sound of her chosen vocabulary.

  “Ayana!” she cried out.

  “I said, can-it, Mother! Or you can leave tonight, better yet, how about now!”

  “Dammit, I’m not putting up with this!” Atticus growled as he walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

  Ayana snarled at her mother before she followed after him. “Mother, I’m not through with you! I’ll be back!”

  She went outside to talk to Atticus.

  “Babe, wait! I’m sorry. I knew she could be a trip and I allowed you to walk into that. I’m so sorry! Please forgive me. I can come over to your place and we can talk further about this.” Ayana pleaded as she held back her tears and anger.

  “No, I’m too angry and I wouldn’t care if I never saw your mother ever again. I don’t know how your father does it. I couldn’t be with a woman like that. I hope that’s not an indication of how you’re going to be.”

  Ayana took a step back and stared hard at Atticus. “What? That’s mean to say! How could you say that? I’ve never compared you to your father who’s not just a womanizer, but one who chases and sleeps around with women half his age!”

  “I was right! You really are like your mother!”

  Ayana slapped his face.

  “I’m glad I’ve had the chance to see this now before it was too late. No, we’re over, Ayana.”

  Tears swelled in her eyes. She grabbed hold of his hands to pull him close to her.

  “Don’t say that, Atticus. No, you don’t mean that!”

  He resisted and pulled away.

  “Yes, I do. I don’t know what my brother saw in your cousin that made him want to marry her, and I damn sure don’t see anything in you to make me want to do the same.”

  She tried to slap him a second time, but this time he caught her hand.

�No, that’s enough of that. So I guess you’re violent too?! Goodbye.”

  No! This can’t be happening! I don’t believe this shit! She has to go! My mother is getting the hell out of my house. I couldn’t take this shit growing up and I sure as hell can’t take it now!

  Atticus jumped into his car and sped off as Ayana ran into the house. She went straight for her mother. Tess tried to stop Ayana.

  “Cousin! Wait, calm down. Think of your baby!”

  Ayana’s mother overheard them. She rushed into the room in a panic.

  “Baby! Lord, no! Girl, don’t tell me you’re pregnant by him?!” her mother screamed.

  “Yes, I am mother, and excuse my expression, but it’s none of your damn business. I’m a grown ass woman, big enough to make my own decisions, and mistakes.”

  This woman will never see her grandchild, her only grandchild!

  Ayana walked closer to her mother. She was so angry her tears were flowing freely. Tess tried to hold her back, even her stomach aiding in the attempt.

  “Look at you two, running behind these sorry men who are nothing more than players and womanizers, and for what?! To get pregnant and destroy the careers that you worked so hard to achieve?”

  Tess interjected. “Hold on, Auntie! You’re wrong! We all have degrees here just like you! We’re all educated here, just like you. There’re no fools in our presence.”

  “Child, please, get out of my face with that noise.” Ayana’s mother tried to walk away, but Ayana blocked her path.

  Tess continued her reprimanding. “There’re no children here either, except for the ones we carry. And, I have nothing but the upmost respect for you. However, you do not get to put your mouth on my husband or get to bash his family! You’ve made a real tragic mess here.”

  Althea turned to Ayana to try to justify her actions. “Honey, I was just looking out for you. Josh really cares about you and…and you can do so much better. You deserve better.”

  “No, Mother! I don’t love or care about Josh! I love Atticus, but thanks to you, you’ve ruined any chances of us being a family. Thank you, Mother, thank you very much for destroying my life.”


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