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Addictive Page 23

by Jessica Prince

  “How is she?” I ask sincerely. Carmen went through a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. She could have placed all blame squarely on my girl’s shoulders but she didn’t. Deep down, she knew it wasn’t Marley’s fault she had been targeted. But that doesn’t negate the fact she’s still suffering. She’s carrying around some serious demons from those days she was held captive. But I have all the faith in the world that Marley can help pull her through. After all, she navigated her own way out of that hell once.

  “She’s getting better, still has her ups and downs, but each day is a little more of an improvement from the last. But she’s still refusing to see Aldo. I know it’s killing him.”

  Carmen and Marley were in such bad shape when we took them from that building, we had no choice but to take them to the hospital. Remembering Marley’s injuries still twists my gut into knots, but the fact remained, Carmen was much, much worse. For four days, she was tortured, raped, and completely brutalized.

  Seeing two women in such bad shape, it didn’t take long for the cops to descend. There was no way to cover up what happened to them both. But I employ the men I do for a reason.

  Marley and Carmen told about their abduction by Eduardo Almaraz. How they were used as pawns to try to blackmail Marley’s rich boyfriend into paying for her and her friend’s safe return, and how they escaped when some of Eduardo’s enemies attacked. My men helped set up the rest of the story. Aldo and Carlo might have been the only ones in that room with me that night, but they weren’t the only ones in that building.

  According to news reports, which aired constantly following that night, Eduardo Almaraz was a known criminal, wanted for several crimes, including drug trafficking. The only thing police were able to piece together was that Eduardo and his crew had made some bad deals. They were involved with the wrong people. And whoever those people were, they apparently retaliated. Eduardo and his crew were found dead in an abandoned building in a shit part of town known for drugs and gang violence. Police suspect someone gained the information on Eduardo’s whereabouts by torturing—and eventually killing—two of his associates, a man by the name of Gianni Montello and a woman, Kiersten Van Beck.

  Reporters grabbed that story and ran with it. It’s quite sad really; a woman with such high standing in the community, someone brought up in such a wealthy household who had everything she could ever ask for handed to her would fall in with such a hard, dangerous crowd. The saying must be true. Women really do fall for bad boys. I guess she just fell a little too far.

  News of Kiersten’s involvement with a known drug distributor shocked the community, especially after some very risqué, very disturbing pictures of her bedroom activities were leaked just prior to her death. My mother still doesn’t understand where such a bright young woman went so wrong.

  And if I have anything to say about it, she never will.

  “Give her time, baby. You know how hard this is for her. She’s a tough woman; she’ll pull out of this. She has you by her side to help her. You just have to be patient.”

  Letting out a noise of frustration, Marley runs her hands through her hair. “I know, believe me, I do. I just hate seeing her suffering. Each week gets a little better, but I just wish I could take it all away. I wish I could clap my hands and make it to where none of this ever happened. I know she wants to see Aldo, I know it, but she refuses. I know it sounds crazy, but I think she’s afraid he might think less of her because of everything that was done to her. It’s like she thinks she’s less, or something.”

  Walking around the island, I wrap my arms around her from behind and press my lips to the top of her head. “She’s going to get through this, I promise.”

  “I trust you.”

  Just like that, with no hesitation, she makes my love for her grow even more.


  We’ve just finished dinner and are sitting under the heaters on the balcony staring at the beauty of the city lights.

  “That was delicious, honey. Thank you.” From her spot nestled between my legs, her back resting against my chest, she turns her face back so my lips can find hers.

  “You’re welcome, baby.”

  We sit in silence for several more minutes before I decide it’s time. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the reason behind the special dinner and hold it out in front of her.

  Gasping in shock, she shoots up and grabs my hand, staring down at the ring I’m holding between my thumb and index finger.

  “What the hell is that?” she yelps, spinning around to face me.

  “That would be an engagement ring, Marley,” I answer with a laugh. While most men would be offended by this reaction to a proposal, I’m fully prepared for it. Like I said, my girl is as difficult as they come. But I’m a very persistent man.

  “I know it’s an engagement ring, Gabriel. What I mean is what the hell are you doing with it?”

  “Well, my mother kindly handed it over without a fuss when I informed her that you and I are getting married. This ring has been in the family for generations. She was all too happy to pass it on to the next.

  “Wait…” Holding her palms up to stop me, she shakes her head as if she’s trying to grasp what’s happening. Fuck me she’s cute when she’s flustered. “So you told your mom we’re getting married?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  Her confusion quickly morphs into frustration as her eyes narrow on me and it takes everything in me not to laugh.

  “Uh, did it ever cross your mind that maybe you should ask me if I want to marry you?”

  I sit up, still holding onto the ring and laugh with confidence. “Of course not, I already know you want to marry me.”

  “Not at the moment I don’t,” she grumbles under her breath, but I choose to ignore it. “Besides, if I’d asked, you would’ve said no anyway. Why deal with that kind of hassle?”

  “Of course, I would have said no!” she screeches.

  Rolling my eyes dramatically, just because I love seeing her so riled up, I say the one thing I know is sure to set her off. “Don’t be difficult, Marley.”

  She lets out a low growl and my cock stiffens behind my fly. Hell yes, just the reaction I was looking for. “Well, don’t be such an asshole! It’s too soon, Gabriel. We’ve only been together for a few months!”

  “Five months,” I cut in.

  “Exactly! We haven’t even been dating for half a year! I’m already living with you, honey. Don’t you think that’s enough for now?”

  Placing the ring on the patio table in front of us, I cup her face in my hands and stare down into those amazing green eyes. “No, I don’t.” Her mouth opens but I cut her off. “And before you argue I’ll tell you why. Every morning I wake up beside you, I know my day is going to be great, no matter what bad shit I have to deal with. It’s great simply because your face is the first thing I see.

  “You brought light into my life when I needed it the most, and I want to cherish you every single day because of that. Every time I think I can’t possibly love you more than I already do, you do something, like tell me you trust me without a hint of hesitation, and I fall even farther. You are my reason for existing. But if none of those reasons are good enough for you to agree to marry me, then how about because I’m dying for you to have my last name. You deserve a last name that’s worthy of you, and that’s mine. I want you to spend the rest of your life as Marley Bertozzi.”

  By the time I finish, her green eyes are glistening with unshed tears. Reaching up, she pulls my hands from her face then leans in and kisses me; the kiss so full of passion and heat, I struggle not to flip her over so I can pound into her. She’ll give me an answer before I give her release. But first, I might make her beg for it…just to have a little fun.

  When she pulls back, I pick up the ring, taking her left hand in mine and sliding it on her ring finger. “Who am I, Marley?”

  Her lips tip up in a knowing smile. “You’re Gabriel Bertozzi.”

  “And what does Gabriel Be
rtozzi always get?”

  Her lips meet mine again and she answers against them, “He always gets what he wants.”

  Gently pulling her hair so she’s able to see just how serious I am, I tell her, “I want you to be my wife.”

  “Then it looks like we’re getting married.” Her smile is nothing short of radiant. It’s breathtaking.

  “Damn straight, my bella.”

  She giggles as I stand from the outdoor sectional and carry her into the apartment. “Where are we going?”

  “To bed. We’re celebrating.”

  “Is that right?” she asks, her voice dropping seductively, causing my aching cock to harden even more.

  “That’s right, I’m going to make you beg for it before I let you scream my name, baby.”

  Her head tips back with throaty laughter. “Someone’s feeling cocky.”

  Turning down the hall toward our bedroom, I grin down at her, thanking Christ he found me worthy enough for someone as perfect as her.

  “Consider this practice for when we’re making babies.”

  Her laughter stops abruptly and her eyes grow wide. “No babies for at least three years!” she demands.

  “Six months.”

  “Two and a half years!” she counters.

  “Stop being difficult!” I order as I drop her onto our bed and climb over her.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. “I’m always going to be difficult. You sure you want to marry me and have a bunch of babies?”

  Now it’s my turn to smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, my bella,” I tell her with all the sincerity in the world.

  Her green eyes overflow with emotion as she stares up at me. “I love you,” she says, making me fall even harder. Then she makes it even sweeter. “So much, Gabriel.”

  And I’ll never ever grow tired of hearing that.






  Read on for a preview of Unbroken by R.E. Hunter, book two in The Disclosure Series, and the conclusion of Luke and Embry’s story.


  One year earlier.

  The bartender poured another two fingers of Scotch and walked away. Rolling the tumbler in his hand, he stared intently into the bottom of the glass before throwing his head back and downing the shot. Liquid fire burned his throat and warmed his insides as it made its way into his bloodstream. He signaled the bartender for another.

  Sitting in the middle of the crowded bar, he was dealing with his feelings the only way he knew how —slinging back Blue Label until his mind was so foggy that he couldn’t focus on the thoughts plaguing him. His best friend had left an hour ago. He’d promised he was okay, that he’d head home soon, but he couldn’t make himself move. The stool was his lifeline, the drink his salvation.

  The grand jury had handed down its indictment earlier that day, sealing his fate. He’d known it might be coming, but part of him had held on to the tiny sliver of hope that he wouldn’t have to risk everything to protect his family. His father was being charged with corruption—bribing local government officials to direct millions of dollars worth of contracts to the company. Now it was up to him to fix it.

  He’d be forced to put everything on the line to clean up his father’s mess, including his license to practice law. It went against everything he believed in—truth, honor, ethics—everything he’d been taught. But family came first. Blood was thicker and all that bullshit. He’d avoided any involvement in his father’s company, wanting to go his own way, but now he was left with no choice.

  He waved the bartender over for another. One more pour, one more shot.

  “Might want to slow it down a bit,” came a sugary sweet voice to his right.

  He swiveled on the stool. Trouble had just walked in.

  She stood next to him in ridiculously high heels, short shorts, and a loose tank top. Try as he might, the alcohol made it hard to pretend, and he couldn’t help but admire the curve of her ass and the lift of her tits. She waited patiently as his greedy eyes traveled her body. She’d been pursuing him all semester, slowly losing all subtlety and growing bolder. His office hours had become an exercise in restraint as her skirts got shorter and her necklines dipped lower. She’d made it abundantly clear what she wanted, but he was determined not to give in. He may not have had the best track record when it came to women—he’d never had trouble finding a body to warm his bed—but he refused to cross that line. Not with a student.

  As she slid onto the stool next to him, her eyes widened with fake innocence as her hand drifted into his lap. “Rough night?” she asked.

  “You could say that.” The alcohol muddled his brain, sending his judgment right out the fucking window, and he suddenly couldn’t remember why he’d fought so hard to stay away. Her tongue darted out, trailing across her bottom lip and drawing his attention to her full, pouty mouth. At the same time, she slowly walked her fingertips up his thigh, closer to where he shouldn’t want her. He reached down, stilling her hand in his lap and making sure she felt exactly how she was affecting him. He would soon be compromising everything he believed in to defend his father. Might as well not cling to his morals anymore. Fuck it.


  Rolling out of bed the next morning, he pried himself away from the body wrapped around him and planted his feet on the floor. His head was spinning, his stomach churning. He wasn’t a stranger to one-night stands, but he usually had a bit more memory of what had happened the night before. He’d have to lay off the Johnny Walker if he was going to make it through his father’s trial.

  He ran a hand through his hair and sat back in the bed. He’d give himself a minute to wake up and then hightail it out of there. A mass of blonde hair was spread out on the pillow next to him, but he was focused on the whale tale of her thong peeking out from beneath the sheets. Damn.

  He reached for his phone on the nightstand to check the time when she rolled up onto his chest.

  “Mmm, good morning, Professor.”

  His heart ceased in his chest. “Sydney…”

  Chapter One


  Luke stared at her, and she gazed back expectantly. His mind churned. How in the fuck do I get myself into these situations? Embry had just left him and driven off in the arms of another man, partly because of the girl standing in front of him, and now here she was on his doorstep. His breath came in short bursts as his windpipe constricted in panic.

  “What—” he clenched his jaw. Pausing, he took a calming breath and ran a hand haphazardly through his hair. “What are you doing here, Sydney?” His voice was harsh and cold, but he couldn’t help himself. She was the last person he wanted to see, let alone hear from ever again.

  “You’re not happy to see me?” she asked, her usually sweet Southern twang grating on his already frayed nerves.

  “I—” he rubbed at the back of his neck, considering how to answer and decided on the truth. “No, Sydney, I’m not. What do you want?”

  She reared back as if he’d slapped her, clearly not expecting his reaction. Luke’s Southern manners were nowhere in sight. He’d always been kind to her, even as she’d sold him down the river. Not anymore. He had enough shit in his life; the last thing he needed was her bullshit.

  “I just, um, well, I had nowhere else to go.”

  Her eyes widened into pools of blue innocence and her lips formed a perfectly practiced pout. She was so good at playing her part; it was impossible to distinguish when she was actually being serious. Good thing for him, he didn’t care either way. He didn’t care about her—period. “And somehow you decided that I was the right person to turn to? Sorry if I find that hard to believe.”

  “You’ve always been so nice to me, even after…everything.”

  Luke let out a snort. “After everything, Sydney? Let’s just lay it all out there,
shall we? What you really mean is after manipulating me, taking advantage of me and then trying to use what happened to ruin my career and advance your own, right?”

  She lowered her head, and for a second Luke almost believed that she felt a small degree of shame over her actions. Almost.

  “Everyone in Savannah hates me; they blame me for what happened. My reputation is shit and I can’t find a job down there. I overheard some of the faculty talking, saying that you’d gotten a position at a school up here. I thought you could help.”

  “You thought I could help.” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “It took two of us that night,” she spat, her eyes narrowed at him.

  There it was. Her innocent façade finally faded and her true personality clawed its way through. She was the queen of manipulation, pouting her way through life to get what she wanted. He’d fallen for it once. Never again.

  “You’re right. Thank you for the reminder. That night was the biggest mistake of my life, and I’m still paying for it.”

  He turned his back on her and slammed the door, ignoring her continued pleas.

  Luke leaned back and scrubbed his hands over his face. His head throbbed as his mind spun and the ache in his chest intensified. He wanted Embry—needed to lose himself inside of her and not think about all of the mistakes he’d made. She was the one thing he’d done right. His mind went to the last night they’d spent together before the hearing. He pictured her on her back, her body soft and welcoming beneath his as he pushed inside of her. Those bright emerald eyes focused on him as if he were her world. His memory quickly morphed, and he saw her as she was just a few hours ago—tears staining her cheeks, sad eyes filled with the hurt that he had caused. He lifted his eyes to the ceiling and banged his head back against the door. All of the pain, all of the problems he’d dealt with over the past year and a half, it all came down to one thing—one person. Sydney.


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