Shouldn't Have Dealt

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Shouldn't Have Dealt Page 14

by Mara Lynne

  “But Colin’s well now, is he?” I can only ask.

  Donnie nods his head. “Just a few ice bags on the face, and he’ll recover. Poor man. Do you think some wayward teens did this to Colin?”

  “Maybe,” I say although I know what really happened.

  “It looks like it will take long before Colin comes back to Jersey.”

  If I were Colin, I would opt to stay away from Hunter’s territory for as long as possible, but I have to pretend like I don’t know anything. “What makes you say that?”

  “His agents pulled him out from projects he signed up in the city. It appears that Colin will have to wait for New York Fashion Week to be visible again.”

  Perhaps, Hunter had something to do with this. He could have threatened the man so that he will be forced to leave. He has long proven how he can cause chaos into anyone’s life.

  Ray picked me up at five in the afternoon. When I came back home yesterday from Hunter’s office, Ray was already with George and Sarah in the living room, waiting for me. I had to explain to them in full detail what happened because otherwise, I knew I was not going to be allowed to sleep. Dad was calm as usual when he learned I was at Hunter’s place, but Mom was furious. She even scolded me for not calling them the night I was with my workmates at Calum’s. She said that if I was too drunk to go home by myself, she could have gone to Calum’s and take me home by cab. Mom never really likes Hunter Stone, and she was appalled to receive a call from him, more so when he told her I slept with the man. Of course, I had to clear things with them. I told them nothing but the truth—that I slept alone in his room, that nothing happened between us, that I was too drunk to engage in such activity.

  “You were too drunk to even remember,” comments Ray while twirling his spaghetti with his fork. “Something might have happened, you know.”

  Since today is his first day at Hunter’s new publishing house, Ray brought me to an Italian restaurant just ten minutes away from my office.

  “You are not helping!”

  “Frankly, Angel, if you want to get over with Damien soon, Hunter might just be the right man to help you with that,” he says. “Colin just ran away like a chicken, so you are left with the best man, Hunter Stone.”

  “What are you talking about?” My eyes are focused on organizing the contacts of the new phone I just bought. I am not going to wait for Hunter to buy me a new one because he will never get a chance to go near me—ever.

  “What I am trying to say is Hunter might help you get over with Damien. He seems to be the romantic type.”

  Where on earth did he get the concept of Hunter Stone being the romantic type? Does Ray actually see that I have to shelve a few dollars for a new phone because Hunter destroyed mine? Where is the romance there? More so, he can’t even get his act straight for being a true gentleman by paying his dues. Besides, it came straight from his mouth that he does not do that thing. What he does well is negotiations and not romance. If I were to find Damien’s replacement, might as well look for someone who knows how to love. Hunter Stone just does not fit the bill.

  “Hunter wants me because he needs someone who will not fall for him,” I say.

  “You know what, if the job is to be Stone’s girlfriend and it can give me lots of money, I will not hesitate to take it. I know deep within me that it’s just business.”

  The matter is, I am not the kind of girl who goes for money over love. Even if I once had a chance of it out of desperation, I manage to keep my integrity intact by not doing it again. Hell, I could have sold myself to Damien if I were that kind of woman, but realization and guilt dawned on me instantly, and it saved me from eternal damnation. I could only thank myself now for being rational, and I would not allow myself to make that one mistake again.

  “It’s not like there is a chance for you to fall in love with him, right?” His eyebrow arched. “Are you afraid of what might actually happen that’s why you are hell bent in disapproving of him?”

  My jaw drops at Ray’s boldness. Why would he think of such ridiculous notion? How can I fall in love for Hunter Stone when all I feel is complete and absolute detest for him?

  “What exactly is your point, Ray?”

  “Angel.” He puts down his fork and picks up a piece of napkin from the canister in the middle of the table, cleaning his hands with it. “I’m not playing the devil’s act here, but this is going to be a marriage of convenience. Imagine the life you’ll have. You will not worry about loans and your father’s medical expenses anymore. Hunter Stone’s going to provide you everything you will need, and I don’t think the marriage is going to be forever. I bet he’s going to divorce you the moment he got his hands on the family business.”

  “Did Hunter put you on this to convince me?” I could not think of any other reason for Ray to be this adamant about me taking the man’s offer. He was like this before when he kept on feeding me with Damien stuff. What is unnerving is that Ray was triumphant with his matchmaking skills. He devised with his broom and magic cauldron a potion that changed my mind about the man. Clearly, he is doing the same thing now with Stone and me.

  One thing I know is that Hunter Stone is Ray’s boss now. He could have gripped my friend by the neck so he could make a puppet out of him.

  “What did he do to you?” I am more worried for Ray than for myself. If Stone could easily cause havoc in my life, then he can with the lives of the people I care most.

  “Relax, Angel.” He smiles. “Hunter did not pay me for this. I am just telling you what I have in mind, but of course, I make really out-of-this-world decisions. Hence, I know you will not follow them. It’s just my opinion.”

  I thought he was serious about it.

  Nonetheless, I disagree with Ray. I don’t think accepting Hunter’s offer is the most appropriate thing to do. I would rather work day and night, twenty-four seven, than allow myself to submit to the evil that he is.

  Now when I had a day to think about why I was upset with Hunter, I realize I am not really mad at his thought of me as someone who is bereft of the ability to lose my heart to the process called love. Everyone can call me a cold-hearted robot because I know I am really good at hiding my feelings—take Damien for example. I was so good at concealing my feelings for him that I almost did not recognize it was already there. If he had not come to me and confess that he fell head over heels in love with me, I would have not known of my own feelings too. However this time, it’s different. I know from the start that there’s no way in this world I am going to another death sentence. I have set my mind to stay away from Hunter Stone even if there was a chance for me to fall real hard again. I am not going to play innocent and stupid anymore. I am so done with that. It’s time to make this simple confession.

  When Hunter revealed the reason to me, I was upset because I was expecting something else. Who would not think of it if the guy has always been constantly running after you, doing these impossible acts just to get your attention even if you are in the middle of grieving for some other man who chose to break your heart? I was led to believe that Hunter Stone was indeed serious, that his purpose for having only me as his pretend girlfriend was more than just the contract. Maybe he was not the man I forced myself to know and believe. Deep inside, I was hoping that, finally, after my failed relationship with Damien, there’s a man who was going to take the job of making me happy again and believe in the power of love. However, ninety-nine percent of my brain is still perfectly logical, and so, I compelled myself to hate the man because I knew there was no way I was right about him.

  I was upset because I expected more.

  I was upset because I have displayed once again my feebleness.

  I don’t think that I like the man. No, I don’t. I don’t even think I fell for him because of the one percent. It’s just that the idea that someone was there ready to take you and give the world to you while you are lamenting the loss of one love was so much of a convenience, it made my heart at ease.

  But no
t anymore.

  I have grown so much in such little time, and I am tired of always being disappointed. I should have not let this tiny thought work its way through me. I can only laugh at myself.

  When we were done, we left the restaurant immediately. Mom will stay with the Thompsons till nine tonight for overtime babysitting, so I have to be home early to make dinner for Dad. Ray says he wanted me to come with him for another celebratory dinner with his work mates, but I simply cannot.

  I tease Ray for spending so much before he even receives his first pay, but Ray doesn’t care. He thinks it’s good luck, and he seems to be enjoying his new workplace. If only it is not Hunter’s company, I would have tried my luck there.

  While we are crossing the streets with paper bags of Italian bread and dressing, one black car races down the street, leaving Ray and me glued to the ground for a while. With death only an inch away from us, I feel Ray grip my hand and yank me out from the near death experience. We both plunge to the ground.

  The car stops in front of us, and Ray quickly gets up with his face all fired up. He's got scratches all over his arms, but he does not seem to care.

  “Hey!” he yells.

  “Ray?” I try to pull him away from the car when the door’s windscreen slides down. A man with dark glasses peers through the window and shows off a taunting smile.

  “Do you think you own the road?” screams the fuming Ray.

  The sloppy driver is not even an inch scared of Ray as he just shrugs his shoulders and shifts his gaze from us to the empty seat next to him. Then, while I try to calm Ray down, the guy gets back to us by flinging a medium-sized paper box towards our direction and speeds away to our dismay.

  “That jerk!” Ray mumbles while he dusts off his coat and pants.

  The parcel catches my attention. I bend down on my knees and pick it up with both my hands.

  “Don’t touch that! We don’t know what could be in there,” Ray says, visibly worried.

  “It’s for me.” The words slip out of my mouth so naturally as I read my pretend name on it—Angel Grant, written in black, bold, capital letters.

  Chapter 22: Intimidation

  Right after I found out what was inside the box, I dash back home with a heavy heart. Ray has to come with me and cancel all his plan for the night to make sure I get back home in one piece.

  “This doesn’t mean anything, Angel,” Ray calmly says as he takes the box away from my hand. The driver has been speeding the cab under Ray’s instruction because I am starting to freak out. Well, who wouldn’t when some unknown person sends you a mysterious gift with your alter ego name on it? More to that, the content is quite shocking and ominous.

  Inside the cardboard box was a single photo of my mother walking along a familiar street and a plaid t-shirt with blood stains, which I presumed instantly to be of my father’s! Who would not freak out with this stuff being sent to you anonymously? How can it not mean anything?

  “I am pretty sure Hunter has something to do with this!” Containing the growing worry inside me is not an easy job as tears start to cloud my eyes. There’s no one else to suspect but that ruthless man! This level of blackmail is beyond me. Does he think scaring me like this will earn him my consent? I will all the more loathe him for involving my family. If Hunter is indeed capable of resorting to such foul and vile measures, I should not be complacent now. He could cause havoc to my family—hurt them like what this picture of Mom and Dad’s blood-stained shirt suggest.

  “Don’t you think it’s too early to blame the man? There could be another person who knows the truth behind Angel Grant.”

  No one else aside from Hunter, Ray, and my family knew of who Angel Grant really is, so I doubt Hunter Stone is clean on this.

  The moment we arrive at my house, I quickly jump off the cab and dash toward the door. It is locked, and the lights are off. I knock more than three times, and yet nobody is opening the door. The house is empty, but where could my parents be? Mom couldn’t have brought Dad to the Thompsons. Did they go to the supermarket without even leaving the lights on?

  My trembling fingers slide the key into the keyhole and twist the knob. The door slams open, and I hear myself crying and screaming Dad and Mom’s name.

  Ray tries to calm me down, but I don’t think I can. The shady driver might have been here a little earlier and took my parents away.

  “Mrs. Mohr isn’t answering her phone,” Ray gently says.

  “Oh, God! What shall I do, Ray?”


  My phone vibrates, and my hand automatically searches for it in my bag. It feels like the world has stopped for me, and I find myself breathing in a cautious rhythm.

  Hunter Stone’s name flashes on the screen.

  “You prick!” I say firmly, not bothering to hide my contempt. “Where are my parents?”

  “They’re with me.” Stone sounds serene, but the coldness and arrogance are apparent in his voice.

  “If anything happens to them, I swear you are going to regret laying a finger on them!”

  “Believe me, they’re safe.”

  How could he stay calm when I am dying of fear and worry? Maybe he’s laughing at me now.

  “You kidnapped my parents! You sent me this box full of shit. You’re going to be sorry, Stone!”

  “What are you talking about?” The sarcasm in his voice made the hair on my arms stand on their ends. For a moment, I want to hurt Hunter physically and make him beg for his life. How can he deny when clearly, it’s only him to be suspected? I can always call the cops if he tries to hurt my parents. I still believe that the justice system in America cannot be corrupted.

  “Stop your games, Hunter! Tell me where my parents are, and I won’t call the cops.”

  Ray leads me to the living room. It is not a good idea to be shouting and crying at the doorstep where our neighbors could easily witness me cursing someone over the phone.

  I think I hear him smirk, leaving me all the more speechless.

  “You’re making me laugh, Angel,” he says. “If I were a kidnapper, taking away your parents would be a joke. I know you won’t be able to give me the financial ransom I want. On the one hand, now that you’ve mentioned it, I think I might actually go down to that. Just so you know, you’re feeding me with ideas to intimidate you.”

  What the?!

  “They’re with me because your mother called. She could not contact you because apparently, I got your phone smashed to pieces.”

  Exhaling the huge air of apprehension off my chest, I fall directly to the couch.

  “Listen, Angel, it’s not safe for you and your family to be staying there for the night. Paul will pick you up. Any time now, he will be there.”

  “Hunter, I don’t understand.” Suddenly, the memory of the mysterious box comes surging through my head. If Hunter has nothing to do with this, then who could be?

  “I don’t have to explain things to you now, or worse, argue with you. When Paul arrives there, get yourself out of that house as quickly as you can!”

  Then the doorbell rings. Ray gets up from his seat and marches towards the door.

  “Don’t open the door when it’s not Paul, okay?” Hunter adds.

  Why is he acting so strange now? If I am hearing him right, I think I detect a trace of concern in his voice. What danger could I be in now?

  The sudden thought of Ray letting in a complete stranger strikes me, and I feel my heart galloping like horses. Instantly, I stand from the couch and run to the door.

  Fortunately, it is just Paul.

  “Ms. Mohr,” he politely bows.

  “Can anyone please tell me what’s happening?” a clueless Ray steps forward with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “I am sorry, sir, but I don’t think we have time for that,” Paul answers. He then turns to me. “I believe Mr. Stone has informed you of my coming. Are you ready now, Ms. Mohr?”

  I feel my blood escaping my face and my hands turning cold as ice. I act
ually don’t know what’s happening and why Paul, specifically Hunter, is being so protective now. How grave could the threat be? Do I really have to leave my house to ensure my safety? Why does Hunter have to be involved here?

  Paul scrunches his forehead and clears his throat. “We should be hitting the road now, miss.”

  I eye Ray who is not even flapping his eyelashes.

  “Is Hunter behind all of these?” His voice is domineering and a little angry.

  “If what you mean is the sudden evacuation from this place, then it is a yes, sir.” Surprisingly, Paul remains polite. “But if you are referring to the upcoming danger we are putting ourselves into now if we don’t leave this place, I am afraid it is Mr. Stone’s responsibility to shed light on it, and not me.”

  I thought Paul was going to take us to Hunter’s place in Trenton, but to my utter surprise, he brings Ray and me to Hunter’s penthouse in town. Ray has come with me because there’s no way I’ll be leaving him alone in my house. Mom and Dad are sitting at Hunter’s dining table, drinking a cup of tea. Hunter, on the other hand, is nowhere to be seen.

  The moment Mom sees me entering the room, she springs to her feet and runs to me with tears flowing from her eyes.

  “Oh, sweetie.” she starts, sobbing. “I am just so glad you’re safe.”

  Dad approaches me and embraces me in his arms. He doesn’t have to say anything. The relief he feels can be clearly seen on his face.

  “Now, care to explain to me what’s happening?” Ray tells me after Mom and Dad have gone back to their seats. “Why are we all in Hunter Stone’s place? Are we being dumped to a concentration camp?”

  “Mr. Stone is so nice to let us in,” Mom answers while she wipes the tears off her face. Considering how she has always been a critique of Hunter, the sudden change of opinion stuns me.


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