Platinum Love: A BWWM Romance (Blazin' Love Book 1)

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Platinum Love: A BWWM Romance (Blazin' Love Book 1) Page 1

by Ja'Nese Dixon

  Platinum Love

  Blazin’ Love Book One

  Ja’Nese Dixon

  Also by Ja’Nese Dixon

  Read the Series

  Blazin’ Love (Contemporary Romance)

  Platinum Love (Book 1)

  Privileged Love (Book 2)

  Exclusive Love (Book 3)

  Chosen Love (Book 4)

  Special Love (Book 5) (Coming June 2019)

  Steamy Sensations Holiday Love

  PLATINUM LOVE. Copyright © 2019 by Ja’Nese Dixon

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organization and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-950405-00-8 (paperback)

  Printed in the United States of America.


  About Platinum Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Author’s Note

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  Book 2 ~ Privileged Love

  Book 3 ~ Exclusive Love

  SNEAK PEEK: Rockstar Secrets

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Also by Ja’Nese Dixon

  About the Steamy Sensations Holiday Love

  About the Author

  About the Publisher

  It’s Valentine’s Day.

  I run to my favorite bar determined to figure out how I managed to lose my man and my inheritance in one night. The man is replaceable, but my monthly stipend is not.

  I’m Hunter Preston. My friends call me Jo and I’m the only child to a media mogul. I was traveling the world, living my best life, until Daddy dropped a million-dollar bomb, annihilating my boujee world.

  Double or nothing.

  He gave me thirty days to pitch a million dollar business concept, or I can say goodbye to my trust fund.

  So, here I am with my girls, trying to get more than selfie advice, when Ben, the sexy bartender—who either abhors me or he’s immune to my flirting—offers to help write the business plan under one condition. He wants $50,000.

  $50k to get $1 mil sounds reasonable until I remember how hot he is and how off-limits he is and how he wants nothing to do with a woman like me.

  I’m screwed, pass me another drink.

  Chapter 1


  “Perfection.” I purse my cherry red lips in the mirror ensuring my face is beat to capacity, and it is. I run a hand over my sleek ponytail, dropping it over my shoulder, ready to dance off this sour mood. I add an extra coat of lipstick. Red always makes me feel strong and in control.

  “Well, pack your hottest two pieces. I plan to return looking like an Egyptian goddess.” I add my two cents to the robust conversation on our three-way call.

  I wink at myself picking up the phone while my besties Charlee and Harper gush over my recent invitation. Nobody, and I do mean nobody throws a better soiree than me. Theme, destination, transportation, no detail overlooked, because every element is significant. Every element is hand-selected to etch the experience in the minds of my guests forever.

  Charlee and Harper talk back and forth as I walk to my closet discussing what they’re packing. Who knew I’d need this trip? Not to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Lewis, who’s no longer my boyfriend but my ex-boyfriend, instead, I need this trip to take a break from Austin. I need time to scrub his lying, cheating, no good ass from my life. I need a change.

  I turn my face from the screen, not wanting them to see how much his cheating effects me. But Lewis ain’t worth a single tear. The dick pic he obviously sent me by accident marked the end of our on-again, off-again relationship. The message flashes before my eyes, B, your lollipop misses you.

  I should have blocked him a long time ago. But I got comfortable. We travel in the same social circle. We shared some of the same interests. We had something once, but apparently that was a lie too. I mean, how special can I be if he’s sending dick pics to women?

  “So, you and Lewis don’t have a hot date tonight?” Harper asks pulling me out of my unhealthy thoughts.

  “Nah, he’s doing him, and I’m doing me. Tonight’s about us helping you find a man.” I see the tears glistening in her eyes. “Harper, one day you’ll find a man who appreciates you for the amazing woman you are. Then you’ll be glad you kicked he who shall remain nameless’ no good ass to the curb.”

  “Under the curb,” Charlee snapped. Harper’s tight smile isn’t fooling me, as she brushes away a tear the moment it leaves her eye.

  “No more tears Harper. Tonight, we’re going to Brew & Boujee. Get ready to have some fun and have too many drinks!” I joke trying to cheer her up. I’m determined to sit through a million blind dates to see her smile.

  Harper is a good one, she increases our average. She’s the swan waiting to show her full potential, and that bastard will roast in hell. Guaranteed.

  So, tonight is not about me or Lewis, tonight is for Harper. Lewis is a liar. I know it. He knows it. His deception came as no surprise. And now, I’m a walking, talking billboard used by old school R&B songs as evidence of how hard it is for a good woman to find a good man. Because that dog bit me in my ass again, so now the joke’s on me for forgiving him again. Thanks to Lewis, love is not on my agenda.

  “I want the drinks and the men.” Charlee tipped a glass in our direction.

  Sounds like I’m not the only one nursing a cracked heart or a bruised ego. I think it’s more of the latter. I didn’t love Lewis, maybe it was the prospect of love I loved. Harper raises an eyebrow in my direction but neither of us asks questions about Charlee’s tipsy state, I guess we’ve learned to coexist in our own worlds. And I’m thankful. Most people would consider us shallow, or self-centered. I like that we support each other without being all up in each other’s business, besides I’m not ready to share my blues either. Not until I can explain how I keep finding myself back here, with another no good, gorgeous, rich, shallow, douche of a man.

  Charlee is entertaining us with another one of her hookups gone wrong. I climb the stairs in my closet and place my phone on the island. The first floor holds my everyday clothes, shoes, and accessories. The second floor is where I store my glam.

  The far wall holds my evening gowns, cocktail dresses, and formal attire. The island is full of jewelry and all the knick-knacks that make dressing up elegant and fun. I scan the area in front of me, trying to decide where to start my search. I need an outfit to make a statement.

  My girls are baddies, always dressed to impress. Plus there’s a chance I’ll see Lewis tonight. I push the clothes around searching for my best f’him outfit.

  “I’m down for this trip. Anything to get away from my nagging parents,” Charlee adds finally taking a breath. “That’s t
he one Hunt.”

  I stop sliding the last hanger back. “Red on Valentine’s Day is cliché and you know that’s not my style.”

  “Yeah, maybe on someone else but not on you,” Harper says.

  I pull the dress down, turning the phone towards the ceiling to floor mirror. I inspect the tag. The crimson bodycon dress fit me like a glove in the swank Austin boutique. I shrug holding it against me. The spaghetti straps compliment my brown skin. The deep v-neck neckline means I have to go braless to pull it off. The knee length is the only tame feature. It’s definitely a statement dress, leaving little to the imagination.


  “I’m in here Daddy," I call over my shoulder. “We’ll talk at S&J," I tell Charlee and Harper.

  “What time is the reservation?”

  “Now for your late tail,” Harper teases Charlee.

  “Whatever! Perfection takes time ladies.”

  “The speed dating starts at seven. We need to get there early to get the best seats,” I tell them. This argument is the center of their existence, Harper is always early, Charlee is always late.

  “Which means, Charlee, sweetheart, if you want a man, you need to get there on time.” I laugh glad to see Harper’s spunk coming back.

  “You know what Harper Anne,” Charlee adds a country twang to her voice, “you can shove it where the sun don’t—”

  “Hunter, what is this?” I jump startled by my father at the top of the stairs. He is waving a sheet of paper in the air. I roll my eyes glancing back at my phone.

  “All right later dudes. I’ll see y’all in a few. Save me a seat.”

  We say our goodbyes and hang up. I drop to the couch beside the island facing him. The frown on my Daddy’s face tells me he’s gearing up for a lecture.

  “Hey Daddy, how was your day?” My heart rate spikes at seeing his handsome face twisted in disappointment. I paste a smile on my face aiming for my best sweet-as-pie grin to cancel out the scowl on his.

  My parents joke that I’m their perfect creation. I have my mother’s alluring eyes and pouty lips. But I’m my father’s twin, from my brown skin to my taller than average height. I have his slightly wide nose and his smile. A smile I use like a Black AmEx to gain access to anywhere and anything. However, proves defective tonight.

  “Hunter we need to talk, now. Meet me in my office.”

  This is bad. I don’t mind pissing people off, but not Daddy. He holds the keys to this mansion, and quite honestly I care what he thinks even though he has a tendency to overreact.

  “Can we talk later? The girls and I have reservations,” I offer hoping to give him time to cool off, to rethink whatever is scattering around that head of his.

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Five minutes Hunt.” Then he stalks off.

  I grab my phone. What have I done to bring this on? I search my mind coming up empty-handed. Let me lay my clothes out and then go see what he wants.

  I grab a pair of stilettos and toss them on the floor. I open a drawer finding earrings, a necklace, and I push around my rings looking for my favorite chunky ring for my middle finger. I lay them out on top of the island. That should cut down the time I need to get ready. I can’t be late.

  I leave my room walking through the house towards Daddy’s office. Our house is quiet, as the staff moves around invisible. The only sound I hear is my shuffling slides. I lightly tap on his door.

  “Have a seat.” Daddy rubs the back of his neck, turning in his chair. He’s in his high back leather chair behind a desk large enough to seat at least six people. He leans forward resting his hands on top. The pose would seem harmless if I didn’t see steam rising from his ears.

  “What is it, Daddy? You’re scaring me.”

  “Hunter, I’m at my wits end with you.” He runs a hand over his face, letting out a deep sigh. My father is the soft one of my parents. He doesn’t raise his voice. He’s reasonable. He’s level headed. All I have to do is smile and apologize, and he’ll hide my dead bodies from the world, even my mother.

  “Whatever it is, I’m sorry Daddy.” Blink. Blink. I add a good batting of my lashes for good measure.

  “Baby, I don’t believe you.”

  “What?” I hold my breath until my lungs burn, screaming for relief.

  “Things have got to change around here.” His hands steeple in front of him, and my heart drops. He lifts a sheet of paper tossing it in my direction. I pick it up from the desk, and immediately I hear the sounds of crashing metal against metal in my head, like a thousand car pileup.

  “You approved the trip.” Sort of. I can’t whisper the truth that I had to top my last trip. The pressure of every event being compared to the last is real.

  “Hunter Josephine Preston, where do you get off spending six figures on a vacation?”

  Oh shit, this is serious. When Black parents use your first, middle, and last name, shit is about to hit the fan.

  “Where are you going, to the moon first class?”

  “No, I thought I’d take a little celebratory vacation with my friends.” I scan the sheet of paper. The private jet, the yacht, the private resort, and the red ink circled around the grand total. I feel sweat gathering under my armpits. “I got a good deal.”

  I say the words as I put the receipt back on his desk. But they’re a lie too. I didn’t ask for the numbers. I said what I wanted and gave Daddy’s credit card number.

  “Hunter I bust my ass to give you this life. And you don’t get it.” His finger thrusts in my direction.

  “I’ll cancel it, Daddy. I just—”

  “You just what Hunt? You have no respect for money. How do I know? Because you spend it like you earn it. Like it grows on trees. Like I don’t get up every morning, get dressed, and carry my ass to the office and work.”

  I see that little vein in the middle of his forehead, and I pray the floor opens and takes me whole. But there is no love for me today. It’s like the men in my life had a secret meeting, and I’m getting a two-for-one deal.

  All jokes aside, I can’t deny the power behind his words as they vibrate off the walls. This wasn’t my intent yet I hear the pain in his tone, and it’s shooting daggers through my heart better than cupid ever has. I glance down at my hands feeling two inches tall. I can’t stand to see the disappointment in his eyes.

  “Do you know that it takes most people years to earn this kind of money?” I glance up, and he’s shaking the receipt around again. I canvas my mind for a logical reason. And I don’t have one, except I did it because I could. Daddy always says yes. Except today.

  I can’t watch.


  I look up, maybe it’s not so bad. I’m an only child. I was their last attempt at in vitro. I am their miracle baby.

  My mother had such a hard time getting pregnant that she named me after my father because she knew they’d have no more kids. I’m it. And that’s how a woman ends up with a man’s name.

  “Daddy, I’m truly sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “I know you won’t.” The finality in his voice makes the hairs on my neck stand at attention. “Go get my card and your cellphone.”

  For the next thirty minutes, my father scrubs my phone and payment systems of his credit card information. I wish he’d yell and scream. Instead, his silence is killing me.

  “But Daddy…” is all I can say.

  “One day you’ll thank me for this.”

  I can’t see it. “Are you cutting me off?”

  “No, Hunter I’m teaching you how to grow up.”

  Chapter 2


  “Guys, expect utter chaos tonight.” I have two new waiters and a new drink menu for tonight’s event. I pull back from the bar lowering to see the shelves beneath the bar, checking the inventory one more time because things can fluctuate between boring and chaotic in a flash.

  “Ben, let me holler at you for a second.” I glance up and see Asher, my boss.

  “Sure. Set up the menu
stands on the tables, and Mario grab extra strawberry syrup and place it on the top shelf. And don’t forget to pull out the tips glasses on each end of the bar and the long stem roses.”

  I head in the direction of Asher’s office. Smith & Jameson is an international beer garden owned and managed by friends Asher and Dylan.

  Brew & Boujee is a specialty event held monthly. It’s a beer tasting geared towards Austin’s young professionals and hosted by Yuki and Jazz, their wives. It is the hottest event at S&J, and tonight they included speed dating for Valentine’s Day. My head is aching already.

  Yuki and Jazz decorated the inside and outside courtyard with red and pink decor to reflect cupid’s presence. I manage the staff in the bar and front area. But the customer experience is all an upper management task that they take seriously. Everything from the decor to the entertainment all shows why S&J is the “it” place in Austin, Texas.

  I glance over my shoulder ensuring my staff is handling the tasks.

  “They got it, man," Asher calls from inside his office, as he sits on the end of the desk.

  I enter turning to close the door behind me.

  “Leave it, the others are joining us. We want to run through the schedule for tonight.”

  I sit off to the side pulling out a little notepad from my back pocket. The two power couples run this place like a five-star restaurant. I’m always taking notes, always learning, kind of hoping to one day have a business of my own.


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